Hartley Wills - Glover Family

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The first will is that of Richard Glover, who was born in Fawkham in 1680, who became the first licensee of the Black Lion pub, which he purchased in 1731 for £60 from the Best family of Middle Farm.

Richard Glover is the direct ancestor of the Glover family of Hartley today.

The other wills are of his grandson John (d 1814), a great-grandson John, and Thomas, one of John's sons.

Kent Archives Office

Will of Richard Glover of Hartley, victualler (1748)

In the name of God, Amen. I Richard Glover of Hartley in the county of Kent, victualler, being indisposed in bed, but of a sound and perfect mind and memory, praised be Almighty God for the same, yet duly considering the frailty of human nature and the certainty of death, do make my last will and testament in manor and form following (that is to say). First and principally I do with all humility resign up my poor and immortal soul into the hands of Almighty God, my creator hoping through the meritorious death and passion of my dear redeemer Jesus Christ to have and receive full and free pardon of all my sins and transgressions, and my body I commit to the earth to be decently interred and buried at the discretion of my executrix hereinafter named. And as for such worldly estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me withal, I dispose thereof as followeth. First I will order and direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be first satisfied and paid. Also I give and devise: All my messuage or tenement situate, standing, lying and being in Hartley in the county of Kent aforesaid, and now or late in the tenure or occupation of John Treddale, together with the smith's forge thereto belonging, together with the yard, garden and orchard thereto belonging. And also all that piece of arable land thereto adjoining containing by estimation 2 acres and a half and now or late in my own possession and occupation. And also all that messuage or tenement situate, standing, lying and being in the parish of Meopham in the county of Kent aforesaid, together with all the edifices and buildings thereto belonging. And also the yard, garden, and orchard and all that piece of arable land thereto also belonging, containing together by estimation 2 acres more or less, now or late in the tenure or occupation of Frances Townsend - unto my son Richard Glover and to his heirs and assigns forever, subject nevertheless to the payment of £20 a pieces of lawful money of Great Britain unto my two daughters following (viz.) unto my daughter Hannah, the wife of John Baker, to be paid to her within twelve months next after my decease without the intermedling of her husband and her receipt shall be a full discharge. And in case my said daughter Hannah shall happen to depart this life within twelve months next after my decease, then my will and mind is that my said son Richard Glover shall retain the said sum of £20 so given to my said daughter Hannah. And shall pay the same amongst all and every the child and children of my said daughter Hannah when they or any of them shall attain their respective age or ages of 21 years, equally to be divided between them, share and share alike. And the other sum of £20 wherewith the messuages, lands and tenements above mentioned are charged with the payment thereof unto my daughter Susan, the wife of John Loft, to be paid likewise in twelve months next after my decease. Also I give and devise unto my son Francis Glover: All that my messuage or tenement situate, standing, lying and being at a certain place called Hodsoll Street in the parish of Ash cum Ridley and now or late in the tenure or occupation of John Bratton or his undertenants. And to his heirs and assigns forever. Also I give and devise unto my loving wife Dorothy: All that my messuage or tenement wherein I now dwell, situate, standing, lying and being in the parish of Hartley aforesaid, commonly called or known by the name of the Black Lyon, together with all that piece or parcel of land thereto adjoining containing by estimation one acre and a half for and during the term of her natural life. Also I give and devise all that other messuage next adjoining the aforementioned messuage, together with all and every the yards, gardens, orchards, backsides and appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuages or tenements belonging, unto my said wife Dorothy, of and during the term of her natural life. An from and after her decease, I give and devise the two last mentioned messuage or tenements and piece or parcel, together with the yards, gardens, orchards and backsides thereto belonging unto my son Francis Glover and to his heirs and assigns forever. Subject nevertheless to the payment of £20 a piece unto my two daughters following (viz.) unto my daughter Ann Glover and unto my daughter Sarah the wife of Wilks, to be paid to them severally and respectively within twelve months next after that he shall have the possession thereof. Also I give and bequeath all my ready money and securities for money and my stock of beer and other liquors unto my loving wife Dorothy. Also my will and mind is such and I do hereby declare the same to be that my said wife shall have, hold, live, occupy, possess and enjoy all and singular the furniture" of house, brewing utensils for live, then to son Francis Glover.

Wife Dorothy to maintain Mary Peate, then Francis to do the same. If he refuses then son Richard to bring her up and Francis to pay him £10.

Wife Dorothy to be executor.

(X) Richard Glover

Witnesses: (S) John Selby; (X) Edward Thorpe; James Trumball

Dated 26 September 1748

Proved at Rochester 14 November 1748

PRO PROB 11/560

Will of John Glover of Eynsford (1814) - summary

To wife Mary Glover: £50 and as much of his furniture that she wants; and annuity of £20 for life or until she remarries. By this he intends to bar dower.

To daughter Mary the wife of John Maddock: £150.10.0

To George Goulding of Otford, farmer, and Thomas Street of Southwark, gent: all his lands and household goods upon the following trusts: they to sell and, after debts and funeral expenses have been paid, invest the money in Government Stocks on trust for all his children except Mary Maddock. The money to be paid to them on their 21st birthday, or if daughters, on their marriage if earlier. He has already advanced money to some of his children, viz. to son James Glover - £600; to son Samuel Glover - £450; to son Thomas Glover - £350; to son Mark William Glover - £350; to daughter Charlotte Iggulden - £250. These sums are to be deducted from their respective shares. Lengthy details of the trust.

Deleted clauses mention children Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Kemp, Ann Peirce?, John*, Sophia.

(S) John Glover

Witnesses: William Kemp, William Bran, Robert Simmons

Dated 7 December 1813

Proved at London 28 September 1814

* NB: this John is the John of the following will (1864)

Probate Registry

Will of John Glover of Romney Street Farm, Shoreham, farmer (1864)

This is the last will and testament of me John Glover of Romney Street Farm in the parish of Shoreham in the county of Kent, farmer. I bequeath all my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto my trustees hereinafter named, upon trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease, to covert into money, get in and receive so much thereof as shall not consist of money and to stand possessed thereof and of the money which I shall be possessed of at my decease upon trust to divide though not produce thereof after payment of my debts and funeral and testamentary expenses and the legacies hereinafter bequeathed unto and equally between my nine children, namely: Jane Glover, Sophia Glover, John Glover, William Glover, Mary Glover, James Glover, Caroline the wife of Robert Young, Henry Glover and Thomas Glover; subject nevertheless as to the share of my said son John Glover, to a deduction therefrom of the sum of £50 which I have already paid and of all sums which I shall hereafter pay not exceeding the further sum of £10 in respect of the interest upon a sum of £200, part of a larger sum of £400 advanced to my said son John Glover by the late Mr Edward Crowhurst of Cockerhurst Farm in the said parish of Shoreham, and for the interest in respect of which said sum of £200 I have until October next made myself personally liable. And I declare that the share of my said daughter Caroline Young shall be for her sole separate and exclusive use, free from the debts, control or managements of the said Robert Young and shall be applied and disposed of from time to time as she shall, notwithstanding her marriage, by any writing under her hand or by her will, direct or appoint. And I further declare that the receipt or receipts in writing of my said daughter Caroline alone and notwithstanding marriage shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors for her said share, or for any part thereof which in such receipt or receipts hall be expressed to be received. I appoint my said sons James Glover and Thomas Glover executors of this my will, and bequeath to each of them the sum of £10 as an acknowledgement for the trouble of executing my will and authorise the acting executors or executor for the time being of this my will to satisfy any debts claimed to be owing by me or my estate, and any liabilities to which I or my estate my be alleged to be subject, upon any evidence they or he may think proper, and to accept any composition or security for any debt and to allow such time for payment (either with or without taking security) as to the said acting executors or executor shall seem fit; and also to compromise or submit to arbitration and settle all accounts and matters belonging or relating to my estate and generally to act in regard thereto as they or he shall deem expedient, without being responsible for any loss thereby occasioned. Lastly I revoke all former wills...............

Dated 17 March 1863

(S) John Glover

Witnesses: Charles Crispe of Shoreham, miller; John Baxter of Shoreham, farmer

Codicil dated 17.3.1863 - since he has advanced money to others of his children, their shares of the estate should be adjusted accordingly.

Proved at London by James and Thomas Glover, 17 December 1864

Probate Registry

Will of Thomas Glover of Lower Austin Lodge, Eynsford, farmer (1886)

Leaves all his real and personal estate to wife, Rosina, who is appointed executrix.

(S) Thomas Glover

Witnesses: William Greig of Eynsford, schoolmaster; Thomas Glover of Bowen Farm, Eynsford, carpenter

Dated: 2 April 1884

Proved at London by Rosina Glover, 14 July 1886