Hartley Wills - Welch Family

Kent Archives Office

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According to the will of John Underhill (1718) Edward Welch was the tenant of Hartley Court Lodge Farm.

Inventory of Edward Welch of Hartley, husbandman (1718/19)

A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and chattels and credits of Edward Welch, late of Hartley in the county of Kent, husbandman, lately deceased, taken and appraised this 18th day of December 1718 by Richard Wood and William Hawley and are as followeth, viz:

First his wearing apparel and money in purse £1.10.0

Item: goods and chattels of the intestate sold in his house by his brother

John Welch the now administrator, amounting to the sum of £230.16.11

Item: some other goods then valued and appraised and since sold by

the administrator, amounting to the sum of £13.3.9

Item: the lease of his farm, sold by the administrator for the sum of £61.1.0

Item: goods left in pawn by the intestate and since redeemed by the

administrator and valued at £6.16.6


This inventory was exhibited 12 March in the year of the Lord (in the English manner) 1718 by John Welch administrator.....

Henry Pooler, deputy registrar