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 Hartley Weather 2008

These are Hartley garden measurements and they are not scientific.


Met Office
Long Term Average-Greenwich
Long Term Average - Wye

Warmest day

31 July


Coldest day

17 February


Wettest day

26 May

1.61 inches

Six days of records for this month were lost because of problems with the electronic thermometer that I use.  December turned out to be the coldest month of the year, average temperatures were only 39.3
°F - three degrees below the seasonal average and 9 out of the 25 days recorded were frost ones, when the average for December is 6.9 days.  The 10th and 11th were 2 of only three days this year where the average temperature was below freezing.  But it was the 12th that saw the lowest minimum temperature of 28°F.  A spell of prolongued high pressure meant that rainfall was well below average with the 13th seeing the only significant rainfall of the month.

Temperature wise November was about a degree below average, but it was a very wet month with 3.32 inches of rain, only exceeded by May.  Highest temperature was 56.7
°F on the 16th, with a low of 28.2°F on the 23rd.

A month of contrasts saw many days with above average temperature at the beginning of the month, replaced by much colder weather at the end.  The average temperature for the last 3 days was below 40 degrees, well below the seasonal average of 52.9
°F.  The temperature fell below freezing on 29 October (30.6°F), an event that on average only happens in October once every three years.  In contrast the highest temperature was 63.3°F on the 7th.  Rainfall at 1.96 inches was below the seasonal average of 2.42 inches, the very wet evening of the 30th saw 0.64 inches fall within a few hours.

September was a cool month with the average temperature of 56.5 degrees F almost 3 degrees below the long term average.  There were 4 warm days on 8-11 September, with temperatures peaking on 9 September at 71.4°F.  Rainfall was almost exactly on seasonal average.

After recent years with scorching hot weather, an average August came as quite a surprise to many.  The historical average for August is 64.2
°F, and this year the August average was just a shade below at 63.7°F.  The hottest day was the 6th at 79°F, with the coldest being the 24th, where the temperature fell to just 51.1°F.  There was nothing average about the rainfall though with 2.51 inches falling, compared with a seasonal average of 1.86 inches.  Apart from being the hottest day, the 6th was also the wettest with 0.72 inches of rain falling.  Most rain fell in the first half of the month.

Quite a month of contrasts.  The month began fairly cool with heavy rain on the 7th (0.92 in) and the 9th (0.56 in), these two days alone accounting for the average rainfall for the month.  The evening temparatures on the 12th and 13th fell below 50 degrees which is unusual, the 48.7
°F on the 13th was the lowest of the month.  The latter half of the month was dry and and the average temperature on every day from the 19th exceeded the seasonal average.  Temperatures peaked on the 31st at 83.3°F.

Generally a very settled month, with air pressure continually between 1010 and 1022 mb.  Temperatures were just above the seasonal average of 60.2
°F with a peak of 76.1°F on the 10th.  The middle of the month saw some chilly night temperatures, falling to lows of 46.6°F on the 14th and 16th.  Overall a drier month than average with the only significant rain of 0.40 inches falling on the 12th

It looked like May was going to be a very dry month with rainfall well below average..... until the 25th.  Over the next 4 days nearly 3 inches of rain fell which is almost double the seasonal average for the whole month.  The 26th was the wettest day of the year by far with 1.61 inches of rain falling.  In spite of this, the average temperature of 57
°F was over 2 degrees higher than the May average.  The temperature exceeded 70 degrees every day between 8-13 May, with the month's high of 79.2°F occurring on the 10th.  The evening temperature only dropped below 40 degrees on the 19th and 20th, the 19th being the coldest day with a minimum of 38.3°F.  Air pressure was remarkably consistent throughout the month, only varying between 1008 and 1021 mb.

A very average month with temperatures a little above seasonal average at 49.6
°F (9.8°C).  The warmest day was the 22nd where the garden thermometer recorded 74.1°F (23.4°C), however as this was much higher than the met office figure for the day, it caused me to move the thermometer to somewhere that would definitely be in the shade all day.  However the temperature fell below freezing on 5 consecutive days from 6-10 April with a low of 27.5°F (-2.5°C), when the long term average for April is only such day.  Rainfall was a little below average with the wettest two days being the 29th and 30th at about 0.3 inches each.

March saw the first snow of the year, a few flakes on the 22nd was followed by a prolonged shower on Easter Sunday, the 23rd and some snow on the 24th.  However it did not settle for long.

Although there was an above average 6 days of below freezing temperatures, overall the month was close to the long term average.  The warmest day was the 15th (65.8°F (18.8°C)), the coldest was the 5th (26.8°F (-2.9°C))

There was above average rain.  The heaviest rain of the year occurred on March 10th, when 0.99 inch fell (1 inch of rain is equivalent to 100 tons of water per acre of land).

Feburary was quite a contrast to January, as it was much drier and colder, but only a shade below the long term average. The only significant rain fell on 5th Feburary (0.31 in).  The number of days where the temperature fell below freezing was above average at 10, with 9 of the 11 nights between 10-21 February were below freezing, coinciding with a long period of high pressure.  The 17th was the coldest day of the year so far with a minimum of 21.4°F (-5.9°C), the average temperature that day was the only one this year to be below freezing. The end of the month saw warmer weather and some rain (24,25,27&29 Feb).  The hottest day was the 24th (61°F (16°C)

A very unseasonably warm month.  The temperature only dropped below freezing on 3 days (2nd, 3rd and 28th).  The 20th was very warm for the time of year with a top temperature of 61°F (16°C).  Coldest day was the 28th with 30.4°F (-1°C).  Average temperature over the month was 44.5°F (7°C).  It was quite a rainy month with 2.68 inches (68mm) of rain.  The wettest days were the 15th (0.84 inch) and the 11th (0.53 inch).


Average temperature is the average of the maximum and minimum for that day.  The long term average is the Met Office figures for Greenwich 1971-2000.
