Ash Road (Larksfield to Fairby Lane) - Hartley-Kent: The Website for Hartley

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Ash Road (Larksfield to Fairby Lane)

Info > Places > A-B
About the road

Ash  Road is the main thoroughfare through Hartley, which runs from the  railway bridge at Longfield to the border with New Ash Green.  At 2  miles it is really too long to be the subject of one article, so I have  split it into three:

2.  Larksfield to Fairby Lane
3.  Fairby Lane to New Ash Green

Hartley-Kent: Fairby Cottages, Ash RoadAsh  Road is an ancient road, how ancient is lost in the mists of time, but  it has probably existed for most of the time humanity has settled here.   In times past it was much narrower, and since 1555 the parishioners of  Hartley would have been responsible for its repair.  This would have  probably been by filling in potholes with flints and gravel.  In 1679  the inhabitants of Hartley were ordered to repair Ash Road for 55 yards  north of the Church Road junction.

Once  the only house in this part was Fairby Farm (Hartley Green will be the  subject of a separate article).  The 1685 house is still with us today  and is a retirement home.  Some of the farm buildings have been  converted to other purposes, including Fairby Grange Cottages, Hartley  Social Club, Fairby Stores, Hug Hair and Fairby Hill.  The next oldest  buildings were the Primary School (1841) and Fairby Cottages (1878).   Most of the other houses belong to the 20th century.  Homefield, The  Croft, Wayside and the Red House were early houses built by Small Owners  Limited shortly after they acquired the Fairby Estate in 1912.  A lot  of infilling occurred in the 1930s, particularly the shops at the Church  Road junction and the bungalows at 1-13 Ash Road.  Mr Billings added  the houses on the west side between Church Road and Hartley Green and  Round Ash Way and Fairby Lane in the 1950s.  Most recently in 2013  Ellerby Mews has been added on the site of the former United Reformed  Church.

This  section of Ash Road contains two of the service centres of the village.   As well as the shops at the Church Road junction and Fairby Stores,  this section also hosts the Church Hall, the WI (now Village) Hall, the  Library, the Social Club and the businesses at Hartley Garage.

Just  over a hundred years ago the surface was "macadamised", where graded  stones such as flints were laid for the surface and steam rollered in.  

Hartley's population growth in the 20th century led to several improvements to Ash Road:

1921  Widening
1924  Proposals to tarmacadam the road (rejected by Dartford RDC)
1925  Junction with St John's Lane widened
1925  Proposal to make Ash Road a B Class road so the council could get grant money from the government
1925  Ash Road tarmacadamised at a cost of £6,745
1926  Warning sign erected by school at Hartley Green
1931  Widening near Hartley Garage
1935  Council recommend 30mph speed limit as far as the Black Lion
1936  Warning sign put up at St John's Lane junction
1938   Widening between Church Road and Hartley Green, to include pavement 10  feet wide (but 6 feet at school).  Cost - land purchase £363, works  £846.

Statistics about the road

Length of Road
Part of Ash Road (in all 1.37 miles / 2.20 km)
KCC ReferenceC252
Acreage18.95a / 7.67ha
Number of houses95
Population (2011)262
Density5.0 houses per acre / 12.4 per hectare

Information about the houses


This is information collected from various sources about the houses, divided as follows:

(1) Description - this has mostly been drawn from sale adverts and observation from the road.  Names of properties are included if the road is not numbered or the name appears as well as the number in the offical Royal Mail address.  Changes of name and the date, where known, are also included here.
(2) Building History - the date of construction is sometimes approximate as it is based on the property appearing in the electoral register or the subject of a planning permission etc.
(3) Rates and Council Tax - the rates registers for 1956, 1963 and 1972 are held by Sevenoaks Council.  I have included the gross rateable value, that is the amount it was thought the property could be rented out for.  For some reason the 1956 valuation is actually what the rental would have been in 1939.  The rateable value was then subject to certain statutory deductions and this figure is what people paid rates upon.  Council tax was introduced in 1993, the value was (and still is) what it was believed the property would have sold for on 1 April 1991.  However significant building works means it can be increased when the property is next sold and this is shown by "improvement indicator".
(4) Sales and Rents - mostly from property adverts and Land Registry records.  Of course those based on adverts may not be the price it actually sold for.  There are some cases of property valuations for mortgages from Dartford Rural District Council.  House price data 1995 to date produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2023. To report an error, go to Change a sales record form.
(5) Site history - this contains a selection of records which demonstrate which farm and field the property stands upon.

I have tried to make sure the information is accurate, but no responsibility can be taken for any errors. If you plan to rely on the information, you should check the source data to be sure. If you spot an error, please let me know via the contact form.

East Side

Rosecroft Ash Road DA3 7EL

Detached bungalow (4 bed)

Former Name(s): Hosecroft (to 1962)

1957  Planning App Granted: Extension of 2nd bedroom (57/10242)
1965  Planning App Granted: Private garage and access (65/381)
1967  Planning App Granted: Lounge extension and entrance lobby (67/162)
1999  Planning App Granted: Loft conversion (99/2280)

Building History

1930  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £50

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £130

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £409

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £127000 (31 Oct 1996)    

2006  Sale Price: £365000 (29 Aug 2006)    Annual percentage change since 1996: +11%

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Upper Well Field 5a)

1905  Plots 305 & 306 Fawkham Park Estate

Westwood Ash Road DA3 7EL

Detached bungalow (2 bed)

Former Name(s): Jessern (to 1962)

1955  Planning App Granted: 2 bungalows adjoining  (55/289)
1977  Planning App Refused: Extension To Side Of Dwelling  (77/792)
1978  Planning App Granted: Extension To Rear Of Dwelling  (78/106)
1980  Planning App Granted: REAR EXTENSION TO DWELLING  (80/1017)

Building History

1930  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £36

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £110

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £125

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £307

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Upper Well Field 5a)

1905  Plots 307 & 308 Fawkham Park Estate

Calfont Ash Road DA3 7EL

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

Former Name(s): Le Troiseme (to 1959)

2009  Planning App Granted: Erection of a single storey rear extension, minor alterations to existing roof. (09/1879)

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £148

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £367

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2009  Sale Price: £300000 (11 Mar 2009)    

2010  Sale Price: £385000 (1 Dec 2010)    Annual percentage change since 2009: +16%

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Upper Well Field 5a)

1905  Plots 309-311 Fawkham Park Estate

Cramond Ash Road DA3 7EL

Detached bungalow

1986  Planning App Granted: Conversion of roof space to living accommodation and dormer window (86/42)
1988  Planning App Granted: Single storey rear extension  (88/421)

Building History

1956  First Built.  

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £148

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £367

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Upper Well Field 5a)

1905  Plots 311-313 Fawkham Park Estate

Windy Ridge Ash Road DA3 7EL

4 bed (previously 2 bed)

1948  Planning App Granted: Erect bungalow (48/19)
1948  Planning App Granted: Erect bungalow (48/19.1)
1963  Planning App Granted: Alterations to form staircase, 2 rooms in roof space and toilet (63/481)
1982  Planning App Granted: Extension To Dwelling  (82/678)
2009  Planning App Refused: Demolition of existing detached garage, significant alteration to existing roof, erection of two storey side / rear extension, front dormer and two replacement rear dormers. New vehicle access and crossover. (09/2975)
2010  Planning App Granted: Demolish garage, erect 2 storey side and rear extension, new vehicle access (10/2319)
2013  Planning App Withdrawn: Extend time limit of 10/2319 (13/2136)

Building History

1951  First Built.  Licence to build 2.5.1950

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £42

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £135

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £392

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2007  Sale Price: £385000 (26 Sep 2007)    

2013  Sale Price: £415000 (9 Sep 2013)    Annual percentage change since 2007: +1%

2012  Rental (per month): £1500.  

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Upper Well Field 5a)

1905  Plots 314-315 Fawkham Park Estate

1-3 The Parade, Ash Road

3 The Parade Ash Road DA3 8BG

1934  Planning App Granted: 5 shops and dwelling houses (34/Meeting 1934-03-06)
1949  Planning App Granted: Change of use to dairy and shop with living accommodation above (49/77)
1966  Planning App Granted: Alter ground floor to extend shop, form flat on 1st floor (66/481)
1974  Planning App Refused: Erection of garage and store building at rear (74/Meeting Jan 74)
1982  Planning App Granted: Retention Of Internally Illuminated Projecting Bo Sign And Hanging Window Sign  (82/776)
2003  Planning App Granted: Sun blind (03/507)
2010  Planning App Granted: Erection of a sign board with external illumination (retrospective).  (10/807)
2020  Planning App Granted: Rear extension to existing commercial (A2) unit  (20/1069)
2020  Planning App Granted: Prior notification for a change of use from Office (B1), to Dwelling house (C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion. This application is made under Class O of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.  (20/1079)

Building History

1934  First Built.  DRDC Minutes (1.1.35) Completed since last report

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £70

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £160

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £550

1995  Gross Rateable Value: £2450

2000  Gross Rateable Value: £2750

2005  Gross Rateable Value: £5650

Sales and Rents

1905  Sale Price: £249999 (30 Jun 1905)    

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

1995  Gross Rateable Value: £1875

2000  Gross Rateable Value: £1850

2 The Parade Ash Road DA3 8BG

1934  Planning App Granted: 5 shops and dwelling houses (34/Meeting 1934-03-06)
1974  Planning App Refused: Office Extension at rear (74/Meeting Jan 74)

Building History

1934  First Built.  DRDC Minutes (1.1.35) Completed since last report

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £72

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £140

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £240

1995  Gross Rateable Value: £3100

2000  Gross Rateable Value: £3600

2005  Gross Rateable Value: £4850

Sales and Rents

2020  Sale Price: £185000 (26 Jun 2020)    

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

1 The Parade Ash Road DA3 8BG

1934  Planning App Granted: 5 shops and dwelling houses (34/Meeting 1934-03-06)
1970  Planning App Granted: Kitchen/dining room extension at rear (70/595)
1988  Planning App Granted: Extension of shop premises at ground floor and extension of flat above at first floor level.  (88/1759)
1990  Planning App Granted: Extension to shop premises and flat.Detached double garage.  (90/2024)
1991  Planning App Granted: Extension at ground floor to shop/garage further to approval ref.SE/90/2024  (91/302)
1992  Planning App Refused: Rear first floor extension and new shop front (92/124)
1993  Planning App Refused: Display of one non-illuminated flat fixed panelsign.One internally illuminated double sided postmounted box sign.One internally illuminated double sided projecting box sign.  (93/1099)
1993  Planning App Refused: Formation of additional bedroom in roof  (93/1219)
1994  Planning App Granted: Display of fascia sign and double sided projecting sign,as amended by letters and accompanying plans dated 19th April 1994,and 10th May 1994.  (94/262)
1994  Planning App Refused: Removal of condition 2 of previous permission SE/91/0302  (94/666)
2005  Planning App Granted: Retention of refrigeration unit (extractor fan and housing.)  (05/132)
2005  Planning App Granted: Use of garage as storage.  (05/1986)
2005  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 1 (details of enclosure) of SE/05/00132/FUL dated 7 September 2005.  (05/2477)

Building History

1934  First Built.  DRDC Minutes (1.1.35) Completed since last report

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £50

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £140

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £367

2005  Gross Rateable Value: £4650

Sales and Rents

2000  Sale Price: £165000 (25 Aug 2000)    

2004  Sale Price: £300000 (13 Sep 2004)    Annual percentage change since 2000: +16%

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

13 (The Little House) Ash Road DA3 8BQ

Former Name(s): The White House (to 1968)

1934  Planning App Granted: 2 storey brick dwelling house (34/Meeting 1934-10-02)
1935  Planning App Granted: Amended plan of brick dwelling house (tentative identification as no 13) (35/Meeting 1935-02-05)
1987  Planning App Granted: Extension and garage (87/1464)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £38

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £140

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £328

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

12 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

Semi-detached house (2 bedroom)

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)
2014  Planning App Granted: Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 5.6m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.261m and eaves height of 2.38m. (14/3678)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £25

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £101

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £232

1993  Council Tax: D (£68-88K)  Formerly band E

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £78000 (4 Jan 1996)    

2010  Sale Price: £239995 (21 Jun 2010)    Annual percentage change since 1996: +8%

2020  Sale Price: £425000 (11 Nov 2020)  Marketed Price.  Previously marketed in 2018 for £400,000  Annual percentage change since 2010: +6%

2021  Sale Price: £425000 (15 Mar 2021)  Planning permissions since previous sale  Annual percentage change since 2020: +%

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

11 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

4 bed

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)
1995  Planning App Granted: Side Extension. (95/948)
1995  Planning App Granted: Details of scheme to maintain the privacy of adjoining dwellingpursuant to condition 3 of planning permission SE/95/0948.  (95/1541)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £25

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £101

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £242

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  With improvement indicator

Sales and Rents

1995  Sale Price: £84000 (23 Mar 1995)    

2021  Sale Price: £402000 (14 Jun 2021)  Planning permissions since previous sale  Annual percentage change since 1995: +6%

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

10 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

3 bed

Former Name(s): Dawburn (to 1934)

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)
2004  Planning App Granted: Demolish garage, replace with side and rear extensions (04/3155)

Building History

1934  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £26

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £103

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £261

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1934  Sale Price: £600 (9 May 1934)    

2005  Sale Price: £222000 (18 Feb 2005)    Annual percentage change since 1934: +9%

2014  Sale Price: £380000 (13 Jun 2014)    Annual percentage change since 2005: +6%

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

9 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)
2022  Planning App Granted:  Single storey side extension (22/2792)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £25

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £101

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £222

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2005  Sale Price: £192500 (9 Sep 2005)    

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

8 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £29

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £116

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £281

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2005  Sale Price: £188500 (23 May 2005)    

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

7 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

Former Name(s): Nuley (to 1935)

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)
1993  Planning App Granted: Extension to form granny annexe (93/602)
2016  Planning App Granted: Erect front porch and rear conservatory (16/693)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £25

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £101

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £222

1993  Council Tax: D (£68-88K)  Formerly band E; with improvement indicator

Sales and Rents

1999  Sale Price: £145000 (8 Sep 1999)    

2004  Sale Price: £250000 (12 Jan 2004)    Annual percentage change since 1999: +13%

2015  Sale Price: £375000 (31 Dec 2015)  Advertised at £385000  Annual percentage change since 2004: +3%

Site History

1450  Woodins Farm (Hays Field 6a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

6 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)
1950  Planning App Granted: Enlarge dining room (50/40)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £28

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £111

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £245

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (Shaw ¼a)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

5 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £27

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £106

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £256

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2018  Sale Price: £300000 (19 Jan 2018)    

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

4 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

2 Bed

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)
1952  Planning App Granted: Private Garage (52/6510)
2017  Planning App Refused: Partial demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension, existing garage converted into habitable and conversion of roof void with dormer to rear elevation. Increase in roof height on the right flank alteration to fenestration which includes new porch.  (17/1329)
2017  Planning App Granted: Partial demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a single storey rear extension. Demolition of existing garage to facilitate the erection of a single storey side extension. Alterations to fenestration. Refurbishment, Single Storey Rear Extension and Conversion of Garage to Habitable Accommodation  (17/2403)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £25

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £101

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £242

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  With improvement indicator

Sales and Rents

2012  Sale Price: £230000 (17 May 2012)    

2013  Sale Price: £250000 (22 Nov 2013)    Annual percentage change since 2012: +6%

2015  Sale Price: £285000 (10 Apr 2015)    Annual percentage change since 2013: +10%

2017  Sale Price: £345000 (10 Mar 2017)    Annual percentage change since 2015: +10%

2021  Sale Price: £442000 (29 Jan 2021)  Planning permissions since last sale  Annual percentage change since 2017: +7%

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

3 (Bracken) Ash Road DA3 8BQ

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £25

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £101

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £222

2000  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band E (1993), then Band D (1993)

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £50000 (18 Oct 1996)    

2000  Sale Price: £163000 (28 Apr 2000)    Annual percentage change since 1996: +40%

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

2 Ash Road DA3 8BQ

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)
1934  Planning App Granted: 5 shops and dwelling houses (34/Meeting 1934-03-06)
1987  Planning App Granted: Extension (87/499)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £25

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £101

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £222

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

1 (Flamstead) Ash Road DA3 8BQ

Detached bungalow (4 bed)

1933  Planning App Granted: 14 brick bungalows in pairs (33/Meeting 1933-08-01)
1947  Planning App Granted: garage (47/4364)
2005  Planning App Granted: Retain Refrigeration unit (05/132)
2005  Planning App Granted: Use garage as storage (05/1986)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £27

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £108

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £236

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1997  Sale Price: £89995 (19 Jun 1997)    

2020  Rental (per month): £1850.  

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1912  Rochford, Church Road, smallholding

Former Primary School in about 1910

Houses built on Former Primary School

Hartley CE School Ash Road DA3 8BQ

1940  Planning App Granted: Air raid shelter (40/3166)
1940  Planning App Granted: School canteen (40/3180)
1951  Planning App Granted: Temporary Church Hall (51/153)
1957  Planning App N/A: Add classroom accm (57/55)

Building History

1841  First Built

1969  Building demolished

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £

Sales and Rents

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

School House Ash Road DA3 8BQ

Building History

1841  First Built.  Incorporated into school as a staffroom 1961

1969  Building demolished

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £12

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £27

Sales and Rents

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

Killara Ash Road DA3 8BQ

1969  Planning App Granted: Erect 3 dwellings with garages on site of CE School (69/74)
1969  Planning App Granted: Details of parking v 69/74 (application dated 27.3.69) (69/74.1)
2003  Planning App Granted: Details of footpath construction pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission SE/98/2259,as amended by letter dated 8.2.00.  (03/574)

Building History

1971  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1999  Sale Price: £135000 (8 Jun 1999)    

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1841  Site of original Hartley Primary School

Greenwood Ash Road DA3 8BQ

3 bed

1969  Planning App Granted: Erect 3 dwellings with garages on site of CE School (69/74)
1969  Planning App Granted: Details of parking v 69/74 (application dated 27.3.69) (69/74.1)

Building History

1971  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band F (1993)

Sales and Rents

2013  Sale Price: £240000 (22 Mar 2013)    

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1841  Site of original Hartley Primary School

Tanooma Ash Road DA3 8BQ

1969  Planning App Granted: Erect 3 dwellings with garages on site of CE School (69/74)
1969  Planning App Granted: Details of parking v 69/74 (application dated 27.3.69) (69/74.1)

Building History

1971  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band F (1993)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1841  Site of original Hartley Primary School

1924  Planning App Granted: Cement and rough cast bungalow (24/Meeting 1924-09-10)
1949  Planning App Granted: Use of land as training ground for greyhounds (49/363)
1956  Planning App Refused: Erect bungalow on land adjoining (56/416)
1957  Planning App Granted: Caravan (57/166)
1964  Planning App Granted: Details of new bathroom (64/396.1)
2015  Planning App Granted: Provision of new roof incorporating 3 bedrooms and bathroom, with 2 dormers to the front and 1 dormer to the rear.  (15/1828)
2018  Planning App Refused: Erection of detached double garage.  (18/2352)

White Gables Ash Road DA3 8EN

Semi-detached house

1956  Planning App Refused: (site of) see Clifton (56/416)
1979  Planning App Granted: CONSERVATORY EXTENSION TO REAR OF DWELLING  (79/748)
1995  Planning App Granted: Single storey rear extension and front porch.  (95/1648)

Building History

1970  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £332

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £114000 (19 Apr 1996)    

2006  Sale Price: £287500 (27 Nov 2006)    Annual percentage change since 1996: +9%

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1912  Part of Clifton smallholding

Tamarix Ash Road DA3 8EN

Semi-detached house (3 bed)

1956  Planning App Refused: (site of) see Clifton (56/416)

Building History

1970  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £332

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2014  Sale Price: £360000 (18 Feb 2014)    

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1912  Part of Clifton smallholding

Appledore Ash Road DA3 8EN

Semi-detached house (4 bed)

1953  Planning App Granted: Use of room as tea room (53/233)
1956  Planning App Refused: (site of) see Clifton (56/416)
1970  Planning App Refused: Residential development (outline) (70/139)
1985  Planning App Refused: ADDITIONAL ACCESS TO EXISTING GARAGE  (85/1240)
1987  Planning App Refused: DETACHED DWELLING WITH DOUBLE GARAGE  (87/2127)
1988  Planning App Granted: Single storey rear extension .  (88/2589)

Building History

1970  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £322

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1912  Part of Clifton smallholding

Gavarnie Ash Road DA3 8EN

Semi-detached house

Semi-detached house (3 bed)

2022  Planning App Granted: Ground and first floor extensions to rear and side, incorporating existing garage. Roof alterations. (22/3453)

Building History

1970  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £322

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2003  Sale Price: £260000 (6 Mar 2003)    

2018  Sale Price: £485000 (30 Oct 2018)    Annual percentage change since 2003: +4%

2022  Sale Price: £570000 (26 Aug 2022)    Annual percentage change since 2018: +4%

2016  Rental (per month): £1450.  

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of 12a Lower Homefield)

1912  Part of Clifton smallholding

Homefield Ash Road DA3 8EN

1970  Planning App Granted: Alter vehicular access (70/182)

Building History

1915  First Built

1974  Building demolished

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £42

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £150

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £329

Sales and Rents

Site History

Somerville Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached house

1974  Planning App Granted: Erect 4 dwellings on site of Homefield (74/Meeting Feb 74)
1978  Planning App Granted: Continued Stationing Of A Residential Caravan (Renewal Of Limited Period Planning Permission Se/77/1150)  (78/942)
1995  Planning App Withdrawn: Two storey side extension incorporating integral garage  (95/740)
1995  Planning App Granted: Proposed garage extension.  (95/1483)
1995  Planning App Granted: Details of facing materials pursuant to condition 2 of planning permission SE/95/1483 dated 28/9/95.  (95/2212)
1997  Planning App N/A: 1st floor extension and bathroom (97/2537)

Building History

1974  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

1994  Sale Price: £175000 (9 Sep 1994)    

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of Upper Homefield, 9a)

1912  Part of Homefield, Ash Road smallholding

Marralomeda Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached house (4 bed)

1974  Planning App Granted: Erect 4 dwellings on site of Homefield (74/Meeting Feb 74)
1990  Planning App Granted: Single storey rear extension  (90/1149)

Building History

1974  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

2001  Sale Price: £235000 (9 Feb 2001)    

2015  Sale Price: £629995 (13 Nov 2015)    Annual percentage change since 2001: +7%

2017  Sale Price: £620000 (2 Oct 2017)    Annual percentage change since 2015: -1%

2020  Sale Price: £645000 (28 Sep 2020)    Annual percentage change since 2017: +1%

Site History



Pinecroft Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached house (5 bed)

1974  Planning App Granted: Erect 4 dwellings on site of Homefield (74/Meeting Feb 74)
1981  Planning App Granted: RETENTION OF EXISTING BRICK WALL, PIERS AND GATE  (81/278)
1993  Planning App Granted: Side kitchen extension  (93/439)
2002  Planning App Granted: Rear Conservatory (02/918)

Building History

1974  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  Formerly Band G (1993)

Sales and Rents

2012  Sale Price: £445000 (30 Apr 2012)    

Site History



Hartley-Kent: The Croft, Ash Road wih construction works at White Stock in 2007

The Croft Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached House (5 bed)

1966  Planning App Withdrawn: Use of front garden as Social Club car park - for 30 cars or to use whole premises as Social Club (66/425)
1975  Planning App Refused: Demolition Of Existing Timber Sheds And Erection Of Detached Bungalow And Garage  (75/993)
1975  Planning App Granted: Erection Of Replacement Single Storey Utility Room And Entrance Extension At Side  (75/1137)
1989  Planning App Refused: Demolish 4 houses; erect 13 (89/922)
1990  Planning App N/A: Demolish 4 houses, erect 11 (90/548)
1994  Planning App Granted: 2 storey side extension (94/1624)
1995  Planning App Granted: Details of roofing materials pursuant to condition 2 of planning permission SE/94/1624.  (95/952)
1998  Planning App Granted: Replacement garage and stores (98/605)
2000  Planning App Granted: Increase width of pavement crossover (00/13)
2001  Planning App Granted: Single storey rear extension (01/2552)

Building History

1917  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £28

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £110

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £263

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

1966  Sale Price: £5250 (18 Jul 1966)    

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of Upper Homefield, 9a)

1912  Part of The Croft, Ash Road smallholding

White Stock Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached House

1960  Planning App Granted: Erect dwelling adjoining The Croft (60/6)
1960  Planning App Granted: Erect semi-bungalow adjoining The Croft (60/6.1)
1976  Planning App Not known: Extension To Side And Rear Of Dwelling Incorporating A Garage  (76/670)
1985  Planning App Granted: Stationing of commercial vehicle (85/338)
1989  Planning App Refused: Demolish 4 houses; erect 13 (89/922)
1990  Planning App N/A: Demolish 4 houses, erect 11 (90/548)
2005  Planning App Granted: Demolish, replace with 5 bed house (05/393)
2005  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to Conditions 2 (samples of materials) and Condition 3 (landscaping) of SE/05/00393/FUL.  (05/1451)
2005  Planning App Granted: Details of drainage (v 2005/393) (05/1885)

Building History

1961  First Built

2005  Building demolished

2007  Rebuilding

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £153

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £390

2007  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  Formerly Band F (1993-2007)

Sales and Rents

2004  Sale Price: £450000 (20 Dec 2004)    

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of Upper Homefield, 9a)

1912  Part of The Croft, Ash Road smallholding

The Anchorage Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached house (7 bed)

Former Name(s): Half Acre (to 1963); Langdale (1963-1968)

1971  Planning App Refused: 6 feet tall boundary wall (71/226)
1986  Planning App N/A: Single storey extension (86/156)
1986  Planning App N/A: Lounge extension (86/495)
1989  Planning App Refused: Demolish 4 houses; erect 13 (89/922)
1990  Planning App N/A: Demolish 4 houses, erect 11 (90/548)
1994  Planning App Granted: Single storey rear extension (94/1284)
1994  Planning App Granted: Single storey rear extension (94/1284)
2001  Planning App Granted: 2 storey side and single storey front extension (01/1966)
2002  Planning App Granted: Revisions to 01/1966 (02/636)
2002  Planning App Granted: 2 storey side extenion; front garage (02/1875)
2003  Planning App Granted: New vehicular access, and erect wooden pool house (03/2869)
2004  Planning App Granted: Single storey garage extension (04/3021)
2006  Planning App Granted: Entrance Porch to front elevation (06/527)
2006  Planning App Granted: Details (materials) v 06/527 (06/974)
2009  Planning App Granted: 2 storey extension to front with replacement porch, single storey extension and conservatory to rear (09/1110)
2010  Planning App Granted: 2 storey front extension, extend bay window, changes to roof (10/2996)
2018  Planning App Refused: Single storey garage and car port extension.  (18/3219)
2019  Planning App Refused: Proposed single storey double garage. (19/114)
2019  Planning App Refused: Proposed detached open timber framed car port providing parking for two cars (19/3201)
2020  Planning App Granted: Existing garage extension.  (20/385)

Building History

1949  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £48

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £170

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £395

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

1953  Sale Price: £3300 (1 Dec 1953)  Surveyor's valuation for loan to Dartford RDC of £2,000 over 20 years at 4¼%  

2001  Sale Price: £449000 (13 Dec 2001)    Annual percentage change since 1953: +11%

2003  Sale Price: £740000 (8 May 2003)    Annual percentage change since 2001: +43%

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of Upper Homefield, 9a)

1912  Part of The Croft, Ash Road smallholding

Meadcot Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached House (4 bed)

1923  Planning App Granted: Brick cottage (23/Meeting 1923-12-04)
1924  Planning App Granted: Brick cottage (24/Meeting 1924-01-01)
1978  Planning App Granted: Demolition Of Existing And Erection Of Replacement Detached House And Garage  (78/496)
1989  Planning App Refused: Demolish 4 houses; erect 13 (89/922)
1990  Planning App N/A: Demolish 4 houses, erect 11 (90/548)

Building History

1924  First Built

1978  Rebuilding

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £31

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £110

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £261

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of Upper Homefield, 9a)

1912  Part of The Croft, Ash Road smallholding

Wayside Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached House

1960  Planning App Granted: Stationing of caravan (60/91)
1971  Planning App Refused: Erect 2 dwellings with integral garages on site of (71/504)
1987  Planning App Granted: Extension and canopy (87/1398)
1994  Planning App Refused: Detached granny annexe. (94/643)
2018  Planning App Granted:  Demolition of car port, rear extension and part of the garage, Erection of a part two storey/single storey rear extension with rooflight. Erection of a front porch, rooflight to the front and alterations to fenestration.  (18/60)

Building History

1918  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £29

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £105

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £236

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

2017  Sale Price: £807500 (5 Oct 2017)    

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of Upper Homefield, 9a)

1912  Part of Wayside, Ash Road smallholding

Knoll Cottage Ash Road DA3 8EL

Former Name(s): St Anthonys (to 1953)

1960  Planning App Refused: Erect dwelling at rear of (60/570)
1961  Planning App Refused: Erect bungalow on land at rear (61/461)
1969  Planning App Granted: 2 storey extension to provide kitchen, bathroom and bedroom (69/644)
1973  Planning App Granted: Extension to garage (73/Meeting Jun 73)
1981  Planning App Granted: Single storey side extension (81/1646)
1989  Planning App Granted: 2 storey side and 1st floor extenison (89/304)
2011  Planning App Refused: Double garage with playroom above (11/2211)
2012  Planning App Refused: Double garage (12/1751)
2012  Planning App Refused: Double garage (12/3176)
2013  Planning App Granted: Single storey rear extension (13/2706)
2013  Planning App Granted: Front boundary wall and gates (retrospective) (13/2707)
2021  Planning App Granted: Two storey front extension.  Alterations to fenestration. (21/3420)

Building History

1939  First Built.  

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £35

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £130

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £376

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

1913  Sale Price: £47.75 (15 Jan 1913)  Land only  

1953  Sale Price: £2500 (22 Oct 1953)    Annual percentage change since 1913: +10%

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of Upper Homefield, 9a)

1912  Part of The Knoll, Ash Road smallholding (Small Owners Ltd ref 25)

Library Ash Road DA3 8EL

1966  Planning App Granted: Branch Library (66/409)
1976  Planning App Withdrawn: Erection Of A Branch Library  (76/1017)
2004  Planning App Granted: Alteration to form new Parish Council Office.  (04/1634)

Building History

1968  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

2005  Gross Rateable Value: £9250

2010  Gross Rateable Value: £9100

Sales and Rents

1905  Sale Price: £ (17 May 1905)    

Site History

1589  Middle Farm (part of Upper Homefield, 9a - part of 1a hopfield in 1844

1912  Part of The Knoll, Ash Road smallholding (Small Owners Ltd ref 25)

2005  Gross Rateable Value: £1550

2009  Gross Rateable Value: £1000

2010  Gross Rateable Value: £2150

Hartley Garage Ash Road DA3 8EL

1927  Planning App Granted: Shop and store (27/Meeting 1927-01-04)
1927  Planning App Granted: Petrol pump (27/Meeting 1927-10-04)
1930  Planning App Granted: Petrol pump and tank (30/Meeting 1930-07-01)
1948  Planning App Granted: Erect agricultural store at rear (Hartley Agricultural Coop) (48/72)
1948  Planning App Granted: Erect agricultural store at rear (48/72)
1958  Planning App Granted: Timber framed asbestos clad storage and packing building at rear (58/353)
1961  Planning App Refused: Erect workshop and stores for sheet metal work and welding at rear of  Cornford General Supplies Store formerly Hartley Agricultural Co-operative Society (61/218)
1961  Planning App Granted: Convert attic into self contained flat (Cronford General Supplies) (61/331)
1970  Planning App Withdrawn: New pump island and canopy (Ultramar) (70/300)
1970  Planning App Granted: Erect "Atcost" building for repair of vehicles (70/678)
1974  Planning App Refused: Erect storage building (OS 60586746) (74/Meeting Feb 74)
1974  Planning App Refused: Erect car wash (74/Meeting Feb 74)
1975  Planning App Refused: Erection Of Car Wash And Formation Of A Hard Standing  (75/513)
1982  Planning App Granted: Erection Of Canopy To Premises  (82/1236)
1985  Planning App Granted: Demolish temporary building, erect single storey reception and storage building (85/1307)
1986  Planning App Refused: Erect 3 workshops (86/1465)
1987  Planning App Granted: DETACHED GARAGE (87/489)
1996  Planning App Granted: Construction of single storey office extension.  (96/1843)
1999  Planning App Object: Prior notification for the installation of a 15m high flagpole supporting 3 sectioned antennae together with ground based equipment.  (99/2731)
2020  Planning App Refused: Change of use of the rear part of the motor vehicle repair and MOT centre from B2 (general industrial) to a mixed B2 and B8 use (to allow for storage and distribution) together with the retention of two storage containers in connection with the B2 use and the siting of nine additional storage containers for B8 storage use, re-arrangement of parking and landscaping. (20/283)
2020  Planning App Granted: Change of use of the rear part of the motor vehicle repair and MOT centre from B2 (general industrial) to a mixed B2 and B8 use (to allow for storage and distribution) together with the retention of two storage containers in connection with the B2 use and the siting of nine additional storage containers for B8 storage use.  (20/2296)

Building History

1927  First Built.  Based on move of address of company to here

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £163

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £450

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £825

2005  Gross Rateable Value: £30140

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

WI Hall Ash Road DA3 8EL

1925  Planning App Granted: Hartley WI timber framed lined asbestos (25/Meeting 1925-08-04)
1928  Planning App Granted: New kitchen and cloakroom (28/Meeting 1928-07-31)
1979  Planning App Granted: Erect detached store room at rear (79/1113)
2003  Planning App Granted: Disabled toilet (03/191)

Building History

0  First Built

1971  Building demolished

1975  Rebuilding

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £19

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £

2005  Gross Rateable Value: £2500

2010  Gross Rateable Value: £2650

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

URC Church Ash Road DA3 8EL

1934  Planning App Granted: Brick Congregational Church (34/Meeting 1934-05-01)
1934  Planning App Granted: Brick Congregational Church (34/Meeting 1934-05-01)
1938  Planning App Granted: Brick Church Hall (38/2808)
2008  Planning App Withdrawn: Demolish replace with 8 flats (08/1308)
2009  Planning App Refused: Demolish, build 6 x 2 bed flats (09/1679)
2012  Planning App Granted: Demolish replace with 2 flats and 3 bungalows (12/1509)
2012  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 2 (samples of materials) v 12/01509 (12/3032)
2012  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 6 (refuse/cycle store) v 12/01509 (12/3034)
2012  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 8 (visibility splays) v 12/01509 (12/3035)
2012  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 9 (PART) (code for sustainable homes)v 12/01509 (12/3036)
2012  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 12 (construction method statement) v 12/01509 (12/3037)
2012  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 10 (biodiversity enhancement)v 12/01509 (12/3130)
2014  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 3 (hard & soft landscaping) of planning permission SE/12/01509/FUL  (14/168)
2014  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 7 (external lighting) of planning permission SE/12/01509/FUL  (14/207)

Building History

1934  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £Exempt

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

1 Ellerby Mews Ash Road DA3 8ER

Flat (2 bed)

Building History

2013  First Built.  Completed 29/11/2013

Rates and Council Tax

2013  Council Tax: C (£52-68K)  

Sales and Rents

2013  Sale Price: £230000 (29 Nov 2013)    

2016  Sale Price: £295000 (21 Dec 2016)    Annual percentage change since 2013: +8%

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

2 Ellerby Mews Ash Road DA3 8ER

Flat (2 bed)

Building History

2013  First Built.  Completed 6/12/2013

Rates and Council Tax

2013  Council Tax: C (£52-68K)  

Sales and Rents

2013  Sale Price: £215000 (6 Dec 2013)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

3 Ellerby Mews Ash Road DA3 8ER

Terraced house

Building History

2014  First Built.  Completed 20/1/2014

Rates and Council Tax

2013  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2014  Sale Price: £295000 (22 May 2014)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

4 Ellerby Mews Ash Road DA3 8ER

Terraced house

Building History

2014  First Built.  Completed 13/1/2014

Rates and Council Tax

2013  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2014  Sale Price: £295000 (13 Jan 2014)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

5 Ellerby Mews Ash Road DA3 8ER

Terraced house

2015  Planning App N/A: Proposed construction of a one bedroom detached bungalow, garden shed and associated works on land east of (15/2004)
2015  Planning App Refused: Construction of a one-bedroom detached bungalow and associated works (land east of) (15/3987)
2016  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 2 (details of the materials) of SE/15/03987 (16/1602)
2016  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 3 (details of sedum roof) of SE/15/03987 (16/1673)
2016  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 6 (biodiversity) of SE/15/03987 (16/1674)
2016  Planning App Refused: Details pursuant to condition 7 (Construction Method Statement) of SE/15/03987 (16/1675)
2016  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 11 (external lighting) of SE/15/03987 (16/1677)
2016  Planning App Refused: Details pursuant to condition 7 (construction method statement) of SE/15/03987/FUL. (16/3183)
2019  Planning App Refused: Details pursuant to condition 7 (construction method statement) of 15/03987/FUL  (19/104)
2021  Planning App Refused: Details pursuant to condition 7 (construction method statement) of planning permission 19/01526/FUL. (21/563)
2022  Planning App Refused: (land east of) Details pursuant to condition 7 (construction method statement) subject to 19/02584/FUL.  (22/1057)

Building History

2013  First Built.  Completed 20/11/2013

Rates and Council Tax

2013  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2013  Sale Price: £315000 (11 Dec 2013)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

2019  Planning App Granted: Construction of a 1 bedroom detached bungalow and associated works.  (19/1526)
2019  Planning App Granted: Minor material amendment to 19/01526/FUL.  (19/2531)
2019  Planning App Granted: Revised plans submitted. (19/2584)

Plympton Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached bungalow

1949  Planning App Granted: Addition of bay window (49/176)
1968  Planning App Granted: Rear extension to provide bedroom and dining room with bay window (68/170)
1973  Planning App Granted: Lounge extension (73/Meeting Jul 73)
1976  Planning App Granted: Rear Extension To Existing Domestic Garage  (76/1213)
1977  Planning App Granted: Extension To Front Of Dwelling  (77/168)
1980  Planning App Granted: REAR EXTENSION TO DWELLING (80/771)
1981  Planning App Granted: EXTENSION TO DWELLING (81/1026)

Building History

1933  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £45

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £125

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £299

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

Keverley Ash Road DA3 8EL

Semi-detached bungalow (2 bed)

Building History

1975  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: D (£68-88K)  Formerly Band E (1993)

Sales and Rents

1975  Sale Price: £13950 (8 Jul 1975)    

2022  Sale Price: £400000 (14 May 2022)  Advertised price £400,000  Annual percentage change since 1975: +7%

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

Fairmile Ash Road DA3 8EL

Semi-detached bungalow

1925  Planning App Granted: Timber framed bungalow (25/Meeting 1925-11-03)

Building History

1925  First Built

1975  Rebuilding

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £36

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £100

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

2001  Sale Price: £155000 (12 Nov 2001)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

Cruachan Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached bungalow (2 bed)

1960  Planning App Granted: Erect 14 dwelling houses, garages, drainage to communal cesspool (60/245)
1978  Planning App Granted: Detached Double Length Garage At Rear Of Dwelling  (78/422)
2012  Planning App Refused: Single storey rear extension (12/2317)
2012  Planning App Granted: Demolish conservatory replace with single storey extension (12/2959)
2015  Planning App Granted: Dropped kerb to front access of property.  (15/241)

Building History

1961  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £135

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £332

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2012  Sale Price: £255000 (16 Jul 2012)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (unnamed 2a hopfield in 1844)

1912  Hartley Garage Smallholding

The Red House Ash Road DA3 8EL

Detached House (4 bed)

1937  Planning App Granted: Timber Framed Garage (37/Meeting 1937-02-02)
1953  Planning App Granted: Additions (53/7124)
1969  Planning App Granted: Extension to form conservatory (69/602)
2014  Planning App Refused: Increase height of boundary wall, install electric gates over 1m high (14/968)
2014  Planning App Granted: Installation of electric gates, raised brick piers and wrought iron panels (14/2319)
2014  Planning App Refused: Two storey infill front and rear extensions. Porch canopy to front and demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey side extension with roof terrace. Alterations to fenestration. (14/3243)
2015  Planning App Granted: Two storey infill front and rear extensions. Porch canopy to front and demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey side extension with roof terrace. Alterations to fenestration. (15/663)
2021  Planning App Granted: Proposed First Floor Extension. (21/1524)

Building History

1918  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £50

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £51

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £120

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £327

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2014  Sale Price: £410000 (21 Mar 2014)    

2009  Rental (per month): £1500.  

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (4 acre field Harrys Haw)

1912  Part of Red House, Ash Road smallholding

All Saints' Hall Ash Road DA3 8EL

1953  Planning App Granted: Erect parish hall adjoining rectory (53/368)
1960  Planning App Granted: New Church Hall (60/226)
1973  Planning App Granted: Erection of storage shed (73/Meeting Sep 73 (2))
1995  Planning App Refused: Temporary building,to provide additional Sunday Schoolaccommodation.  (95/1389)
1996  Planning App Refused:  Extension & alterations to provide refurbished toilets & disabled persons facilities, together with a part first floor extension & alterations to site access & increased car parking. As amended plan received with letter dated 02.08.96.  (96/780)
1997  Planning App Granted: Alterations and extension to upgrade toilets and provide disabled persons facilities; extension to form chair store; new door way to present covered north entrance.  (97/61)
2019  Planning App Granted: Proposed widened cross-over to allow vehicles to pass  (19/2203)

Building History

1960  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £Exempt

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (4 acre field Harrys Haw)

1912  Part of Red House, Ash Road smallholding

The Chestnuts Ash Road DA3 8EL

Semi-detached house

1969  Planning App Granted: Erect pair of semi-detached dwellings with garages and car spaces (69/682)
1969  Planning App Granted: Details v 1969/682 (app dated 9/12/69) (69/682.1)
1982  Planning App Granted: Extension To Dwelling  (82/234)
2016  Planning App Granted: Widen the vehicle access from road to drive by three dropped kerb stones and cross over (16/1567)

Building History

1973  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (4 acre field Harrys Haw)

1912  Part of Red House, Ash Road smallholding

Stoneleigh Ash Road DA3 8EL

Semi-detached house (4 bed)

1969  Planning App Granted: Erect pair of semi-detached dwellings with garages and car spaces (69/682)
1969  Planning App Granted: Details v 1969/682 (app dated 9/12/69) (69/682.1)
2005  Planning App Granted: Rear Extension (05/1656)

Building History

1973  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2018  Sale Price: £500000 (31 Aug 2018)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (4 acre field Harrys Haw)

1912  Part of Red House, Ash Road smallholding

West Side

Parkfield House Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached house (5 bed)

1980 Planning App Granted: Construction of vehicular access (80/748)
1987 Planning App Granted: Double garage and altered access (87/1080)
2005 Planning App Refused: Extension (05/1376)
2011 Planning App Granted: 2 storey side extension (11/953)
2012 Planning App Granted: Vary condition of 11/953 (12/147)
2012 Planning App N/A: Details (landscaping) v 11/953 (12/660)
2012 Planning App N/A: Details (tree protection) v 11/953 (12/661)

Building History

1980 First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993 Council Tax: G (£160-320K) With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

Site History

Monksilver, Ash Road before 2015 extension

Monksilver Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached House (5 bed in 2007)

1974  Planning App Granted: ERECTION OF A DETACHED HOUSE WITH GARAGE (Fyne) (74/105)
1997  Planning App Granted: Rear conservatory (97/2333)
2004  Planning App Withdrawn: Single storey side and rear extensions (04/2063)
2008  Planning App Granted: Vehicular Access to Ash Road (08/2186)
2010  Planning App Granted: Details (soft landscaping) v 08/2186 (10/1132)
2010  Planning App Granted: Details (hardstanding/gates) v 08/2186 (10/1133)
2010  Planning App Refused: Details (visibility splays) re 08/2186 (10/1134)
2010  Planning App Granted: Details (visibility splays) v 08/2186 (10/1943)
2010  Planning App Withdrawn: Detached garage (10/3031)
2011  Planning App Granted: Details (hardstanding and gates) v 08/02186 (11/1137)
2013  Planning App Granted: 2 x 2 storey side extensions, raise roof height, dormers (13/2019)
2014  Planning App Granted: Details (Arboricultural method statement) v 13/2019 (14/770)
2015  Planning App Refused: Non-material amendment to SE/13/02019 (15/2453)
2015  Planning App Granted: Minor material amendment to application SE/13/02019/HOUSE (The erection of 2 x two storey side extensions,alterations of fenestration to include raising of the roof height to incorporate the master bedroom, installation of 1 dormer to east elevation and 2 feature pitched windows to east elevation and 3 dormers to west elevation, 2 bay windows to north elevation, alterations to front projection/porch and replacement conservatory, installation of new chimney) to remove windows on side elevation, add windows to front and rear elevations, add smaller second dormer to front elevation, alter appearance of front entrance, add one door to side elevation and keep existing windows to side elevation from the lounge and use on new elevation to lounge (15/2930)
2016  Planning App Granted: Demolition of existing dwelling and replace with new dwelling (16/545)
2016  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 3 (materials) of 16/00545/FUL.  (16/1339)

Building History

1924  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £60

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £215

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £527

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

1924  Sale Price: £1550 (2 Oct 1924)  Marketed Price.  Believed to be property in ad  

1995  Sale Price: £207000 (16 Jun 1995)    Annual percentage change since 1924: +7%

2007  Sale Price: £595000 (5 Jan 2007)    Annual percentage change since 1995: +10%

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Fyne Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached House

1974  Planning App Granted: ERECTION OF A DETACHED HOUSE WITH GARAGE adjoining Monksilver (74/105)
1974  Planning App Refused: Erection of detached house adjoining Monksilver (OS Ref 60426814) (74/Meeting Feb 74)

Building History

1975  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  Formerly Band G (1993)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Wealden House Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached House (5 bed)

1988  Planning App Refused: 4 houses (resubmission 87/2120) (88/1003)
2006  Planning App Granted: Construction of 2m high wall, railings and gate  (06/1926)
2014  Planning App Granted: Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 4.7m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.4m and eaves height of 2.7m.  (14/2344)
2014  Planning App Granted: Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of replacement single storey rear/part side extension  (14/2348)
2021  Planning App Granted: Single storey front and rear extension, alterations to existing dormers to create Juliet balcony. (21/311)

Building History

1999  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1999  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

2000  Sale Price: £350000 (31 Jan 2000)    

2006  Sale Price: £680000 (3 Feb 2006)    Annual percentage change since 2000: +12%

2010  Sale Price: £725000 (26 Jul 2010)    Annual percentage change since 2006: +1%

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Westfield Lodge Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached House (4 bed)

Former Name(s): Treveor (to 1994)

1960  Planning App Granted: New vehicular access (60/276)
1987  Planning App N/A: 5 detached houses (87/2302)
1996  Planning App Granted: 4 detached houses on land at rear of Treveor (96/1002)
1997  Planning App Refused: 5 houses at rear (97/1100)
1997  Planning App Refused: 4 houses at rear (97/1102)
1997  Planning App Granted: House on land adjoining (97/2564)
1998  Planning App Refused: Erect 4 dwelling houses at rear (98/181)
1998  Planning App Granted: 2 dormers on approved dwelling on land adjoining (97/2564) (98/2259)
1999  Planning App Granted: Details of landscaping, boundary treatment and foundations pursuant to conditions 2,3 and 4 of permission SE/96/1002 (granted on appeal).  (99/1968)
1999  Planning App Granted: Details of footpath construction pursuant to condition 5 of planning permission SE/98/2259,as amended by letter dated 8.2.00.  (99/2628)

Building History

1922  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £55

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £158

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £384

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Electricity Substation Ash Road DA3 7EF

Building History

1955  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Kericho Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached House (2 bed)

1949  Planning App Granted: Erect detached bungalow (49/95)
1969  Planning App Granted: Erect bungalow and garage by Grinstead (69/240)
1969  Planning App Granted: Details of 2 bedroom bungalow with integral garage (app dated 9/6/69) (69/240.1)
2004  Planning App Granted: Single storey side extension (04/464)

Building History

1973  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

2003  Sale Price: £250000 (31 Oct 2003)    

Site History

1953  Part of garden of Grinstead, Ash Road

1973  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Grinstead Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached House (2 bed)

1949  Planning App Granted: Erect detached bungalow (49/95)
1969  Planning App Granted: Erect Garage (69/647)
2016  Planning App Granted: Formation within loftspace (together with the proposed rear dormer extension).  (16/1202)
2021  Planning App Granted: Demolition of existing garage, front side, rear and first floor extensions with rooflights. (21/2902)

Building History

1953  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £47

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £133

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £340

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2012  Sale Price: £250000 (28 Sep 2012)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Boham Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached House (3 bed)

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £175

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £430

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2021  Sale Price: £630000 (8 Sep 2021)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Beresford Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached House (4 bed)

2021  Planning App Granted: Proposed new garden house to be located to the western side of the garden.  (21/806)
2021  Planning App Granted: Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 6 m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3 m and eaves height of 3 m. (21/808)

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £195

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £494

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

2020  Sale Price: £665000 (3 Jul 2020)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Merryways Ash Road DA3 7EF

Semi-detached House (3 bed)

2021  Planning App Granted: Conversion of side loft to a habitable space and loft conversion with rear flat roof dormer, juliet balcony and alterations to fenestration.  (21/2021)

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £163

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £416

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band F (1993).  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

2009  Sale Price: £280000 (22 May 2009)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Crosskeys Ash Road DA3 7EF

Semi-detached House

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £165

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £416

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band F (1993)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Jarrick Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached house (3 bed)

Former Name(s): Glaslyn (to 1995)

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £195

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £494

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2009  Sale Price: £358500 (29 Oct 2009)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (Westlands field, 10 acres)

Ringwood Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached house

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £195

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £500

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1451  Part of Woodins Farm, Church Road (Platt Field, 5 acres)

Green Garth Ash Road DA3 7EF

Detached house

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £210

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £533

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1451  Part of Woodins Farm, Church Road (Platt Field & Chalk Pit  5 acres)

Farleys Ash Road DA3 8BH

Detached house (3 bed)

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £175

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £443

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2022  Sale Price: £660000 (14 May 2022)  Advertised price £660,000  

Site History

1451  Part of Woodins Farm, Church Road (Platt Field, 5 acres)

Alba Ash Road DA3 8BH

Semi-detached house (3 bed)

Former Name(s): Dawn (to 1971)

2022  Planning App Granted: Side and rear extension, partial 2 storey (22/1635)
2022  Planning App Granted: First floor side extension, loft conversion with dormer roof, Juliet balcony and roof lights. Ground floor single storey extension at the rear, conversion of the garage to a habitable living area and a new build porch. Alterations to fenestration. (22/3411)

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £55

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £165

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £443

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2022  Sale Price: £600000 (23 May 2022)    

Site History

1451  Part of Woodins Farm, Church Road (Platt Field, 5 acres)

The Bench Ash Road DA3 8BH

Semi-detached house (3 bed)

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £55

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £165

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £443

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2004  Sale Price: £305000 (4 Jun 2004)    

2006  Sale Price: £297000 (21 Jul 2006)    Annual percentage change since 2004: -1%

Site History

1451  Part of Woodins Farm, Church Road (Platt Field, 5 acres)

Dene Bank Ash Road DA3 8BH

Detached House (3 bed)

Building History

1956  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £170

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £443

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1956  Sale Price: £3250 (28 May 1956)    

1995  Sale Price: £129500 (2 Oct 1995)    Annual percentage change since 1956: +10%

1999  Sale Price: £207000 (12 Nov 1999)    Annual percentage change since 1995: +12%

2012  Sale Price: £389000 (28 Aug 2012)    Annual percentage change since 1999: +5%

Site History

1451  Part of Woodins Farm, Church Road (Platt Field, 5 acres)

Drymen House Ash Road DA3 8BH

Detached House

1969  Planning App Granted: Rear extension (69/560)

Building History

1957  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £160

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £456

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1451  Part of Woodins Farm, Church Road (Platt Field, 5 acres)

Little Cedars Ash Road DA3 8EH

Detached chalet bungalow (3 beds)

1962  Planning App Granted: Erect detached bungalow on land adjoining Owaissa (62/601)
1990  Planning App Granted: Gymasium (90/1183)
2021  Planning App Refused: Demolition of existing dwelling, formation of new access and erection of replacement dwelling to rear with associated garage, parking and landscaping. (21/1512)

Building History

1963  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £467

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

1912  Part of Owaissa Smallholding

Owaissa Ash Road DA3 8EH

1923  Planning App Granted: Addition of 2 rooms (23/Meeting 1923-10-09)
1962  Planning App Granted: Erect detached bungalow on land adjoining (62/601)

Building History

1918  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £49

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £145

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £323

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band F (1993)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

Withens Ash Road DA3 8EH

Semi-detached house

Former Name(s): Dunster (to 1959)

1923  Planning App Granted: Alteration and addition to house (23/Meeting 1923-02-27)
1973  Planning App Refused: Lounge extension and car port, double garage (73/Meeting Jun 73)
1975  Planning App Granted: Front porch (75/388)
1976  Planning App Granted: Extension To Rear Of Dwelling  (76/368)

Building History

1921  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £45

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £139

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £315

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £134500 (29 Mar 1996)    

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

1912  Part of Owaissa Smallholding

Hillcrest Ash Road DA3 8EH

Detached chalet bungalow

1973  Planning App Refused: Double garage extension (73/Meeting Jun 73)
1981  Planning App Granted: DORMER WINDOW EXTENSION TO DWELLING  (81/166)
2005  Planning App Refused: Erect 2 houses at rear (05/967)
2006  Planning App Refused: 2 bungalows at rear (06/1830)

Building History

1922  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £28

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £78

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £307

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

Bramberley Hedge Ash Road DA3 8EH

Semi-detached house

Former Name(s): Lynstead (to 1995)

2011  Planning App Granted: Replace conservatory with single/two storey extension (11/2954)

Building History

1930  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £41

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £112

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £278

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band F (1993).  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

1995  Sale Price: £107000 (9 Jan 1995)    

2003  Sale Price: £250000 (31 Jan 2003)    Annual percentage change since 1995: +11%

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

Maclean Ash Road DA3 8EH

Semi-detached house (4 bed)

1971  Planning App Refused: Erect double garage, 2 storey rear lounge, kitchen, bedroom extension (71/511)
2010  Planning App Granted: 2 storey side extension; replace porch roof (10/1517)

Building History

1935  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £42

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £115

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £295

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1971  Sale Price: £4500 (17 May 1971)    

2007  Sale Price: £399945 (15 Nov 2007)    Annual percentage change since 1971: +13%

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

Little Mead Ash Road DA3 8EH

Detached bungalow

1953  Planning App Granted: Erect single storey dwelling house (53/156)
1964  Planning App Refused: Residential development (64/297)
1982  Planning App Granted: Extension (82/429)
1982  Planning App Refused: Extension to side and rear (82/549)
1993  Planning App Granted: Formation of bedroom & bathroom in roof space and construction of four dormer windows involving highlevel windows on the northern and southern flank dormersas amended plan received with letter dated 16.1.94  (93/1593)

Building History

1954  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £45

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £128

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £322

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

Kinnerton Ash Road DA3 8EH

Detached bungalow

Detached house (4 bed)

1987  Planning App Refused: Erect dwelling with cesspool (87/534)
2005  Planning App Withdrawn: Replacement house (05/332)
2005  Planning App Granted: Replacement house (05/1984)
2005  Planning App Granted: Retain garden shed (05/3228)
2006  Planning App Granted: Details of drainage and ground levels (v 05/1984) (06/708)
2006  Planning App Granted: Details of materials and landscaping (v 05/1984) (06/1301)
2006  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant of condition 3 ( materials ) and condition 4 (landscaping ) of application SE/05/01984/FUL  (06/1301)
2017  Planning App Granted: Demolition of the single storey extension. Erection of rear single storey and two storey extensions  (17/2174)

Building History

1939  First Built

1996  Building demolished

1996  Rebuilding

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £33

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £90

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £203

1996  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  Formerly Band F (1993), then Band E (1993-1996).  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

2001  Sale Price: £195000 (10 Jan 2001)  Advertised price, no sale recorded  

2011  Sale Price: £520000 (15 Sep 2011)    Annual percentage change since 2001: +10%

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

Aconite Ash Road DA3 8EH

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

1987  Planning App Refused: Single storey dwelling and garage (87/1735)
1989  Planning App Granted: Details re previous permission (89/1302)
1989  Planning App Granted: Details re previous permission (89/2328)
1989  Planning App Refused: Single storey dwelling (89/2378)
2020  Planning App Granted: Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8 m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.5 m and eaves height of 2.9 m. (20/829)
2020  Planning App Refused: Single storey rear extension.  (20/1234)
2020  Planning App Granted: Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension with roof lights and alterations to fenestration (20/2089)

Building History

1994  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1994  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2011  Sale Price: £390000 (12 May 2011)    

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

Aconite Caravan Ash Road DA3 8EH

Building History

1993  First Built

1994  Removed

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: A (£0-40K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

Little Down Ash Road DA3 8EH

Semi-detached house (4 bed)

1975  Planning App Granted: Erection Of Single Storey Kitchen Extension At Rear  (75/733)
1975  Planning App N/A: Kitchen extension at rear (75/7.10)
1980  Planning App Granted:  DETACHED GARAGE AT REAR OF DWELLING  (80/963)
1987  Planning App Granted: Extension to rear (87/2159)
2013  Planning App Granted: Replacement porch (13/3419)
2020  Planning App Withdrawn: Demolition of existing garage. Erection of a single storey rear extension and internal alterations.  (20/631)
2020  Planning App Granted: Demolition of existing garage. Erection of single storey rear extension and internal alterations  (20/1142)

Building History

1924  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £50

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £135

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £336

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

The Knoll Ash Road DA3 8EH

Semi-detached house (4 bed)

Building History

1927  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £40

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £110

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £270

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

Hothfield House Ash Road DA3 8EH

Detached house

1927  Planning App Granted: Addition of bathroom (27/Meeting 1927-09-06)
1954  Planning App Granted: Erect dwelling house on land adjoining (MR604676) (54/96)
1964  Planning App Granted: Erect double garage (64/249)
1980  Planning App Granted: Extension to dwelling (80/995)
1994  Planning App Granted: Two storey rear extension and detached triple amended plan received with letter dated 15.8.94  (94/922)
1997  Planning App Granted: Details of roofing materials pursuant to condition 2 of planningpermission SE/94/0922 dated 30/08/94.  (97/422)
1999  Planning App Refused: 2 detached dormer bungalows (99/286)
1999  Planning App Granted: 4 bed detached house on land to rear (99/1672)

Building History

1918  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £40

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £470

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  Formerly Band G (1993)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

Rutland Grange Ash Road DA3 8EH

4 bed

Detached house

1999  Planning App Granted: See Hothfield House (99/1672)

Building History

2006  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

2006  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1604  Part of Hartley Cottage holding (Hartley Green Field, 9 acres)

1912  Part of back garden of Hothfield House

2 Fairby Cottages Ash Road DA3 8EW

Semi-detached house (3 bed)

1985  Planning App Granted: Rebuilding (85/1241)
1989  Planning App N/A: Detached double garage, storage, access (89/588)
2003  Planning App N/A: Single storey rear conservatory (03/1371)

Building History

1878  First Built

1985  Rebuilding

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £23

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £57

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £154

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1913  Sale Price: £100 (1 Jan 1913)    

2014  Sale Price: £450000 (29 Oct 2014)  Marketed £460,000  Annual percentage change since 1913: +9%

Site History

1 Fairby Cottages Ash Road DA3 8EW

Semi-detached house (3 bed)

1985  Planning App Granted: Stationing caravan during building work (85/340)
1985  Planning App Granted: Rebuilding (85/1241)
1989  Planning App N/A: Detached double garage, storage, access (89/587)
2003  Planning App Granted: Single storey rear conservatory (03/2876)

Building History

1878  First Built

1985  Rebuilding

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £23

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £57

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £134

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1913  Sale Price: £100 (1 Jan 1913)    

2015  Sale Price: £500000 (30 May 2015)    Annual percentage change since 1913: +9%

2016  Sale Price: £470000 (26 Feb 2016)    Annual percentage change since 2015: -8%

Site History

Minchen Ash Road DA3 8EH

Detached house (6 rooms and garage)

Detached house (5 bed)

1987  Planning App Granted: Ground floor with 1st floor addition and detached garage (87/1572)

Building History

1927  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £49

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £145

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £356

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

1912  Minchen, Ash Road smallholding

Broomfield Ash Road DA3 8EH

1978  Planning App Granted: Use Of Existing Building For Offices  (78/1721)
1982  Planning App Granted: Continued Use Of Building For Office Purposes Previously Approved For A Limited Period Under Reference Se/78/1721  (82/1087)

Building History

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £45

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £125

Sales and Rents

Site History

2 Fairby Hill Ash Road DA3 8EW

1945  Planning App Granted: Shed for agricultural machinery (45/3499)
1947  Planning App Granted: 2 Agricultural implement storage sheds (47/4250)
1950  Planning App Granted: Office and kitchen (50/292)
1957  Planning App Granted: Implement shed (57/389)
1969  Planning App Granted: 1st floor extension (69/427)
1973  Planning App Granted: Construction of hardstanding for vehicles (73/Meeting Sep 73)
1975  Planning App Refused: Erect single storey workshop for vehicle and plant maintenance, rear of Fairby Hill (75/382)

Building History

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £23

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £88

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £237

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

1 Fairby Hill Ash Road DA3 8EW

Building History

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £90

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £202

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1942  Sale Price: £1100 (7 Aug 1942)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Ellerby's Yard Ash Road DA3 8EW

Building History

n/a  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £200

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £360

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £1050

Sales and Rents

Site History

1 Bank Buildings Ash Road DA3 8EH

Building History

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £50

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £80

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £250

Sales and Rents

1999  Sale Price: £22500 (31 Mar 1999)    

1999  Sale Price: £35000 (11 Jun 1999)    Annual percentage change since 1999: +839%

2002  Sale Price: £45000 (5 Jun 2002)    Annual percentage change since 1999: +9%

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Fairby Stores Ash Road DA3 8EH

Fairby Stores Ash Road DA3 8EH

1921  Planning App Granted: Alterations to existing shed to convert same into cinema theatre (21/Meeting 1921-10-11)
1928  Planning App Granted: Additions (28/Meeting 1928-01-03)
1936  Planning App Granted: addition of scullery (36/Meeting 1936-03-03)
1963  Planning App Granted: Alterations to shop front and entrance (63/478)
1965  Planning App Granted: Erect new toilets (65/101)
1970  Planning App Refused: Erect dwellings at rear (70/77)
1970  Planning App Refused: (1972 application) 5 detached houses (70/77.1)
1977  Planning App Granted: Erection Of Single Storey Store Building At Rear  (77/632)
1982  Planning App Refused: Erection Of First Floor Extension To Premises To Form Additional Living Accommodation  (82/603)
1988  Planning App Granted: Existing shop to dwelling and rooms in roof space  (88/2219)
1990  Planning App Refused: Projecting sign (90/637)
1991  Planning App Not Known: As to whether permission os required for dividing house & postoffice into lock up store and separate living accommodation(Sect 64)  (91/1973)
1995  Planning App Granted: Extension (95/419)
2003  Planning App Refused: Building of one new residential dwelling house.  (03/615)
2003  Planning App Granted: 1st floor rear extension (03/1316)
2004  Planning App Granted: Details of materials pursuant to condition 2 of SE/03/01316/FUL  (04/150)
2004  Planning App Granted: Replace outbuilding barn with domestic annexe (04/964)
2004  Planning App Granted: Details of materials pursuant to condition 2 of SE/04/00964/FUL  (04/1528)
2004  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 2 (roof materials) of SE/03/01316 and SE/04/00964.  (04/1937)
2004  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 4 (electric gate for rear drive) of Planning Permission SE/04/00964/FUL  (04/2249)
2005  Planning App Granted: Demolish bungalow, build house (05/2101)
2006  Planning App Granted: Removal of condition 2 of SE/05/02101/FUL  (06/380)
2006  Planning App Granted: Amend condition to make annex ancilliary to bungalow not post office (06/417)
2006  Planning App Granted: Details of drainage (v 05/2101) (06/697)
2006  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 4 ( materials) of application SE/05/02101/FUL  (06/1111)
2006  Planning App Granted: Demolish bungalow replace with 2 storey house (revised from 05/2101) (06/1868)

Building History

Building History

2007  First Built

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £115

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £265

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £850

2005  Gross Rateable Value: £9900

2010  Gross Rateable Value: £9500

1993  Council Tax: C (£52-68K)  

Sales and Rents

Sales and Rents

Site History

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Post Office Annexe Ash Road DA3 8EH

Building History

0  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

Social Club Ash Road DA3 8EH

1925  Planning App Granted: Additions and alterations to existing building, Club Room (25/Meeting 1925-10-06)
1929  Planning App Granted: Addition of committee room and lavatory (29/Meeting 1929-11-05)
1945  Planning App Granted: Ladies lavatory (45/3545)
1958  Planning App Granted: Additional toilet accommodation (58/404)
1974  Planning App Not known: ERECTION OF A FIRST FLOOR TOILET EXTENSION  (74/331)
1974  Planning App Not known: CHANGE OF USE FROM WORKSHOP TO WAREHOUSE  (74/540)
1982  Planning App Granted: Alterations To Existing Vehicular Access And Provision Of Ten Parking Spaces And Erection Of Single Storey Extension To Premises  (82/236)
1988  Planning App Granted: Extension of the existing club premises by building a1st floor above the single storey wing  (88/2221)
1996  Planning App Granted: Advertisement consent for a non-illuminated fascia sign.  (96/2037)
2002  Planning App Granted: Retention of illuminated sign (02/1101)
2007  Planning App Refused: To erect a smoking shelter over existing area of fixed bench tables and bench seating  (07/1931)

Building History

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £100

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £150

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £420

2005  Gross Rateable Value: £9900

2006  Gross Rateable Value: £8400

2010  Gross Rateable Value: £8200

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

BT Phone Box Ash Road DA3 8EH

2016  Planning App No objection: Removal of BT Public Payphone (16/3425)

Building History

1987  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

Sales and Rents

Site History

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £145

The Nutshell Ash Road DA3 8EH

Building History

1918  First Built

1967  Building demolished

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £32

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £95

Sales and Rents

1922  Sale Price: £825 (13 Sep 1922)  Advertised price  

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Heathhurst Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house

Building History

1970  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

1912  Part of The Nutshell, Ash Road smallholding

Oast Cottage Ash Road DA3 8ER

Terraced house

Former Name(s): 1 Fairby Grange Cottages (to 1963)

1981  Planning App Granted: EXTENSION TO DWELLING AND DETACHED GARAGE  (81/732)

Building History

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £36

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £100

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £330

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

1905  Sale Price: £ (5 Jun 1905)    

1957  Sale Price: £275 (29 Oct 1957)  £725 for 1-3 Fairby Grange Cottages (advertised at £660 for the three)  

1968  Sale Price: £8450 (27 Sep 1968)  Marketed Price.  Reporter 27.9.68  Annual percentage change since 1957: +37%

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

2 Fairby Grange Cottages Ash Road DA3 8ER

Terrraced house

2015  Planning App Granted: Erection of a single-storey garden office/sun room. Internal Alterations (15/330)

Building History

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £34

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £94

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £211

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1957  Sale Price: £275 (29 Oct 1957)  £725 for 1-3 Fairby Grange Cottages  

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

3 Fairby Grange Cottages Ash Road DA3 8EP

Terraced house (5 bed)

2010  Planning App Granted: Single storey extension (10/475)

Building History

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £30

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £83

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £187

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1957  Sale Price: £275 (29 Oct 1957)  £725 for 1-3 Fairby Grange Cottages  

2003  Sale Price: £125000 (17 Oct 2003)    Annual percentage change since 1957: +14%

2013  Sale Price: £430000 (6 Dec 2013)    Annual percentage change since 2003: +13%

2016  Sale Price: £725000 (26 Feb 2016)    Annual percentage change since 2013: +26%

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Laurel Lodge Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house (4 bed)

Former Name(s): Al Sarifah (to 2001)

1961  Planning App Granted: (1962) Amended plans (61/535.1)
2000  Planning App Granted: Single storey side extension and convert garage to lounge (00/174)
2000  Planning App Granted: Details (parking) v 00/174 (00/1262)
2001  Planning App Granted: Detached garage and 2 storey side extension (01/2445)
2002  Planning App Granted: Details (landscaping) to 01/2445 (02/314)

Building History

1963  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £486

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £130000 (5 Aug 1996)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Fairby Grange Ash Road DA3 8ER

Retirement home

1954  Planning App N/A: Conversion into 2 dwellings and erect further dwellings along Ash Road and Fairby Lane   (54/339)
1955  Planning App N/A: Erect houses (55/174)
1955  Planning App Granted: dwellings on 3 acres of site (55/457)
1965  Planning App Granted: Extension to summerhouse (65/268)
1971  Planning App N/A: New vehicular access (71/770)
1984  Planning App Refused: New house adjoining (84/628)
1984  Planning App Granted: (1986 application) details (84/628.1)
1984  Planning App Granted: Realign drive (84/629)
1992  Planning App Granted: Single storey extension,to provide 8 bedrooms,sitting room and replacement detached double garage,as amended by letter and plans received 15th April 1992.  (92/257)
1992  Planning App Granted: Demolition of outbuildings and erection of single storeyextension to form 8 bedrooms and sitting room andreplacement detached garage,as amended by letters and plansreceived 15th April 1992.(LBC).  (92/375)
1994  Planning App Granted: Details of landscaping pursuant to condition 3 of planning permission SE/92/0257,and materials and 1:20 details pursuant toconditions 2 and 3 of SE/92/375.  (94/1437)
2020  Planning App Refused: Re-roofing of building(s) including selection of existing clay tiles for reuse, removal of modern tiles and replacement with handmade clay tiles.  (20/1201)

Building History

1421  First Built

1688  Rebuilding

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £450

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £540

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £1080

1993  Council Tax: H (£over 320K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Fairby Lodge Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house

2006  Planning App Granted: 2 storey front extension, single storey lobby, new crossover (06/1413)
2006  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 3 (car parking layout, construction and access) of planning application SE/06/01413/FUL  (06/2401)
2015  Planning App Granted: Construction of single story extension to rear of house (Lawful Development Certificate) (15/3903)

Building History

Not known  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Woodbridge Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house

2001  Planning App Granted: Side and rear extension (01/2457)
2020  Planning App Refused: Proposed rear extension with flat roof. (20/190)
2020  Planning App Granted: Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 4m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.5m and eaves height of 3.5m.  (20/1123)

Building History

1958  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £165

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £416

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band F (1993).  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

2019  Sale Price: £520000 (19 Dec 2019)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Braemar Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house (4 bed)

2021  Planning App Granted: Garden wall and gates (21/1052)
2021  Planning App Granted: Conversion of existing garage into a habitable room and an existing entrance door to the flank elevation will be bricked up (21/2019)
2021  Planning App Granted: Non-material amendment to 21/01052/HOUSE. (21/3405)

Building History

1958  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £165

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £416

2002  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  Formerly Band E (1993-2002)

Sales and Rents

2002  Sale Price: £295000 (16 Dec 2002)    

2016  Sale Price: £509000 (19 Jul 2016)    Annual percentage change since 2002: +4%

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Tulip Tree Cottage Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house (3 bed)

2018  Planning App Withdrawn:  Additional drop kerb and construct a front garden wall.  (18/954)
2018  Planning App Granted:  Add an additional drop kerb and erect a garden/driveway wall.  (18/1205)
2020  Planning App Granted: Two storey rear and side extension incorporating existing garage and front porch (20/700)
2020  Planning App Granted: Variation  of Condition  2  of  20/00700/HOUSE  to  two  storeyread  and  side  extension incorporating  existing  garage  and  front  porch  with  amendment  to  the materials to be used. (20/2099)

Building History

1958  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £190

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £482

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  Formerly Band G (1993)

Sales and Rents

2017  Sale Price: £580000 (7 Mar 2017)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Pedwar Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house (4 bed)

Building History

1958  First Built.  Pedwar is Welsh for four, and this is plot 4

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £190

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £482

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  Formerly Band G (1993)

Sales and Rents

1998  Sale Price: £180000 (23 Jul 1998)    

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Blossoms Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house (3 bed)

2018  Planning App Granted:  Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 4.5m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.462m and eaves height of 2.688m.  (18/1777)

Building History

1958  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £195

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £507

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm

Treetops Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house (3 bed)

1980  Planning App Granted: EXTENSION TO FRONT OF DWELLING  (80/1435)

Building History

1958  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £175

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £443

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1959  Sale Price: £1000 (21 Sep 1959)  Land only  

1995  Sale Price: £116000 (22 May 1995)    Annual percentage change since 1959: +14%

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (2½ acre Cherry Orchard in 1844)

Windrush Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house

Building History

1958  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £175

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £443

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1959  Sale Price: £3850 (29 May 1959)  Advertised price  

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (2½ acre Cherry Orchard in 1844)

Casa Mia Ash Road DA3 8ER

Detached house

1986  Planning App Granted: 2m high boundary wall (86/1893)

Building History

1958  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £240

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £612

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1421  Part of Fairby Farm (2½ acre Cherry Orchard in 1844)

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