News 2016 - Hartley-Kent: The Website for Hartley

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News 2016

December 2016 News
Parish Council:
The meeting ran from 7.30pm to 8pm. All councillors but Cllr Mrs Cole were in attendance. They voted to coopt Carol Beaman to the council vacancy, who had previously applied in 2013 when Cllr Vesey was appointed. She volunteered to join the Burial Grounds Committee
Parish Council Meeting
Roads: Hartley Bottom Road
Cllr Brazier of KCC said he had been asked about the closure of bridge over the railway. It is due to be closed until December 2017, but he thinks it will be reopened sooner.
Parish Council Meeting
Roads: Manor Road
Cllr Brazier of KCC said flooding outside Manor Farm had been sorted out.
Parish Council Meeting
Manor Field: Football
Hartley de Sales requested a cut in rent of the pitches from £1,800 to £1,500 because the number of teams has fallen from 6 to 4. The Committee had originally agreed subject to the football clubs marking out the pitches themselves, However at the full council meeting Cllr Vesey said they had run into problems with insurance. Other councillors raised concerns about use of supplies and the fact it is part of Mr Munday's existing contract. Therefore the motion was lost 10-0.
Parish Council Meeting
Manor Field: Bench
Council decided to spend a bequest on a new bench here
Parish Council Meeting
Manor Field: Entrance
Council agreed to request from Cricket Club for a sign at the entrance
Parish Council Meeting
Manor Field: Pavilion
They agreed to accept the following quotation (1) Caches Limited to service annually the 2 boilers and 1 water heater (£470), (2) Hartley Electricians for electrical installation report (£250), (3) Sixpence Company to repair door of Gents (£99)
Parish Council Meeting
Open Spaces: Hoselands Green
Council turned down request for dog bin. Resident said existing bin which was emptied on Tuesday and Thursday is overflowing. Council also decided the current 17 litter bins in Hartley were sufficient.
Parish Council Meeting
Open Spaces: Woodland Avenue
Council accepted quote from Sixpence Company to repair eroded concrete at top entrance gate.
Parish Council Meeting
Open Spaces: Chantry Avenue
Cllr Vesey gave a report on the improvements to the play equipment there. She said they had got views of local residents and users, and that the representative of the Mothers and Toddlers group had been particularly helpful. They will be increasing the mix of equipment so whole families can go there. It will cost £17,400 and their preferred contractor chosen is Park Leisure. Council agreed 12-0 to proceed.
Parish Council Meeting
Council agreed not to object to the removal of the last 2 phone boxes in Hartley
Parish Council Meeting

November 2016 news
Crime: Hartley
"Drink-driver said burglar stole car and crashed it" Manor Drive man convicted of perverting the course of justice after a collision with a land rover in Church Road
(News: Dartford Messenger 11 November 2016)
Social Events: Hartley Players
"Have fun in the wild wood" Picture feature of Hartley Player's Wind in the Willows
(News: Dartford Messenger 17 November 2016)
"Unemployment Statistics since 2013" The Nomis website ( reports a slight rise in unemployment in Hartley and Hodsoll Street ward since its low point last March. Overall 30 people are claiming job seeker's allowance, with the level of unemployment higher in the Wellfield area.
(Nomis 27 November 2016)
Transport: Trains
"Only 38% of trains run on time at Longfield" The Real Time Trains website publishes historic train running data from Network Rail - useful if you can't remember which day the train ran late to claim delay repay refunds. They found that in the last 12 weeks only 38% of trains arrived at Longfield arrived at the timetable time. The worst performing trains were the 19:37 Longfield to Victoria which was never on time and the 18:22 Victoria to Longfield and 17:51 Longfield to Victoria which were only on time 2% of the time. Of course for the rail industry a train is not late unless it is 5 minutes late; by that criterion 83% of trains were up to 5 minutes late at Longfield.
(Real Time Trains 27 November 2016)

October 2016 news
Longfield: Station Road
"Fire at Indian takeaway" in Station Road at 6.20pm on the 4th, when cooking oil caught fire
(News: Dartford Messenger 06 October 2016)
People: Hartley
"Dancing, weaving and cycling to support Jack" Picture feature on faundraising efforts to help pay for Jack Howard's treatment. £187,000 has now been raised
(News: Dartford Messenger 06 October 2016)
Ash Road: Fairby Grange
"Craft skills help to bring home a handy sum" Picture feature on Fairby Grange autumn fair, which raised £300 to pay for residents' entertainments.
(News: Dartford Messenger 06 October 2016)
People: Hartley
"Footballers pitch in to help Jack hit his £250,000 goal" Picture feature of football day at Manor Field for Jack Howard
(News: Dartford Messenger 13 October 2016)
Fawkham: Hospital
"Coffee Cash" Fawkham Manor Hospital raise £251 for MacMillan Cancer Support
(News: Dartford Messenger 20 October 2016)
Schools: Statistics
"Below average results for Kent schools in GCSE League tables" Government has replaced the 5 GCSE measure with 'Progress 8' score. The national average is 0.03, Kent is below average at -0.04. Longfield School is -0.09.
(News: Dartford Messenger 20 October 2016)
Social Events: New Ash Green
"£10K grant for village's anniversary" Lottery grant to help New Ash Green celebrate its 50th anniversary
(News: Dartford Messenger 27 October 2016)
People: New Ash Green
"The Earth Is Flat and Nasa Lies?" Young reporter writes about mystery grafiti artist in New Ash Green
(News: News Shopper 31 October 2016)

September 2016 News
Seeking a miracle in America
(Dartford Messenger 22.9.16, p3) Jack Howard and his family have flown to America after £108,000 raised which is enough for a deposit at the hospital. His aunt wrote "a huge thank you to everyone who has pledged and shown so much kindness."
To give to Jack please go to his Crowd Funder Page Update 25.9.16, so far £120,000 of the £250,000 needed has been raised

No medals just golden memories
(Dartford Messenger 22.9.16, p15) Longfield paralympian comes 6th in T51 100m final and 5th in T51 400m final.

Nearly £50,000 raised for young cancer-stricken West Ham fan from Hartley
(News Shopper, 12.9.16) £250,000 fund raising drive for 12 year old from Hartley to get pioneering cancer treatment in America. So far £50,000 raised including £5,000 from West Ham United. To give to Jack please go to his Crowd Funder Page
See also "Family's desperate bid to fund cancer treatment for young son" (Dartford Messenger 15.9.16, p3)
Update - as of 15.9.16 the fund is now at £90,000.

Poo what a scorcher
(Dartford Messenger 15.9.16, p3) Record September temperature of 34.4 C recorded at Gravesend on the 13th. Muggy conditions meant the smell of muckspreading in some areas was not dispersed.

Car Parking Charges face shopkeepers' Opposition
(Dartford Messenger 8.9.16, p6) Waitrose in Longfield criticised after it limits parking to just 90 minutes. Other traders say it is not enough time to visit other shops there. Waitrose claimed it was to stop commuters parking there.

Man exposes himself while children play
(Dartford Messenger 8.9.16, p5) Flasher reported near Lambardes, New Ash Green.

Free help on mobile boost
(Dartford Messenger 8.9.16, p10) Longfield is to get 4G mobile phone signal, but it may interfere with freeview locally. If it does people told to phone helpline.
August 2016 News
Five people arrested over 'car key burglaries' in Dartford and Sevenoaks
(News Shopper, 15.8.16) Arrests following burglaries to get car keys. One case was in Hartley where 2 Mercedes cars were stolen on 13/14 August.

Fun Days will help keep the family entertained
(Dartford Messenger 11.8.16, p20) Picture feature on Sevenoaks Council fun day for youngsters at the Woodland Avenue park.

Crime Report
(West Kent Watch) The following crimes are recorded in August on the West Kent Watch site, but it omits the case reported in the News Shopper above: Criminal Damage - 2 (Ash Road, Porchester Close)

June 2016 News
Woman rescued from car after getting stuck in floods in Hartley
(News Shopper) Woman rescued from car at Manor Road, Hartley after flooding on Saturday June 25th.

Referendum result
(24 June) Sevenoaks district voted 32,091 to remain and 38,258 to leave the EU with 44 spoiled ballots, on a turnout of 80.6%
For Dartford Borough which contains Longfield, the result was 19,985 to remain, 35,870 to leave and 29 rejected ballots, on a turnout of 75.5%
Kent Messenger (30 June, p24-26) reported on people's fears for the future including many local councillors who supported remain. It also quoted older people in favour of leaving, one 84 year old who claimed it will be "like it used to be in the old days."
Meanwhile nearly 12,000 people in Dartford and Sevenoaks have signed a petition for another referendum.

July 2016 News
(21 July) School eveacuated after bomb threat email hoax
(Dartford Messenger, p7) New Ash Green Primary School evacutated on Friday 15th July after email.

(7 July) Blaze Cut Out
(News Shopper) Fire in log store and diesel tank at Church Road on Wednesday 6th.

Crime Report
(West Kent Watch) The following crimes were reported in July: Burglary - 5 (Church Road, Manor Drive, Stack Lane, The Warrens, Wellfield); Burglary other than dwelling - 2 (Church Road, Green Way); Theft of Motor Vehicle - 1 (Manor Drive); Theft from Motor Vehicle - 1 (Manor Drive); Interference with Motor Vehicle - 1 (Manor Drive); Criminal Damage - 2 (Manor Road, Porchester Close)
May 2016 news
Police Commissioner election result
(6 May) Matthew Scott for the Conservatives wins after the second round. The 1st preference results are set out below with the results for Sevenoaks District and change over 2012 shown in brackets.

Cons 33.1% (41.4%, +6.7%)
UKIP 27.5% (26.6%, +19.2%)
Lab 19.1% (14.5%, +6.1%)
Ind 9.8% (8.6%, -35.7%)
Libdem 7.3% (6.6%, n/a)
Engdem 3.1% (2.4%, -2.7%)

Turnout in Sevenoaks was only 20.1% (21.5% for the whole county, helped by higher turnouts in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells because they elect their councils by thirds and so had other elections). Turnout was not helped by an almost total lack of campaigning. Just 1 poster (for Labour) seen in Hartley.

See Police Commissioner website for full details.

Crime Report
(West Kent Watch Crimes reported in May were: Criminal damage 7 (Gorsewood Road 4, Ash Road, Caxton Close, St Johns Lane),
April 2016 News
Crime Report
(West Kent Watch Crimes reported since 11 April were: burglary other than dwelling 4 (Church Road 3, Old Downs), theft of motor vehicle 1 (Gorsewood Road), theft from motor vehicle / interference with motor vehicle 3 (Pitfield, Gorsewood Road, Springcroft), theft of garden furniture 1 (Hartley Hill).
March 2016 News
Parish Council
(14 March) Council welcomed Helen Gilder as the new clerk. They agreed to build a lychgate for the new burial ground at Manor Field, and decided not to run a lunch club. Click on link for further details.
February 2016 news
Area's MPs will both vote for UK to leave the EU
(Dartford Messenger 25.2.16, pp10, 12). Dartford and Gravesham MPs say they will vote to leave the EU. However 3 of the county's senior MPs have said they support staying in, including the Secretaries of State for Defence and Communities. Paper appears to be neutral at present.
Hartley skiing sensation
(News Shopper, 24.2.16) 8 year old from Hartley wins 2 bronze medals at English Alpine Championships.
Virgin Group wins price war for health service contract
(Dartford Messenger 11.2.16, p31) Clinical commissioning group admit price was main reason for awarding the contract to run Livingstone and Gravesend hospitals to private operators Virgin Care, after NHS providers scored higher on quality of service questions.
Gilbert and Sullivan
(Dartford Messenger 11.2.16, p36) 20th anniversary of Hartley Gilbert and Sullivan Society after it was spun off from the WI in 1996.
Crime Report
(West Kent Watch) Crimes reported in February were burglary of dwelling 2 (Gorsewood Road, Gresham Avenue), burglary other than dwelling 3 (Gorse Way, Springcroft, Woodland Avenue)

January 2016 news
What is wassailing?
News Shopper, 31.1.15. Article about the tradition of wassailing at New Ash Green.
Borough's schools falling short of county average
(Dartford Messenger 28.1.16, p23) At 52% Longfield Academy just short of Government target of 53.8% of pupils getting 5 GCSEs. County average is 57.3% with Dartford Boys Grammar scoring 100%. Longfield Academy had 61% of pupils getting 3 A levels, where the national average 78.7%, however they were in line with the national average for pupils getting 1 or 2 A levels.
Early riser saves family after loft goes up in flames
(Dartford Messenger 28.1.16, p8) Fire at Bazes Shaw, New Ash Green. Early detection saved family from worse damage.
Gravesham's Hartley De Sales U9s football team on a two-year winning streak
(News Shopper (25.1.16) Picture feature on Hartley De Sales under 9 team which in the last 50 games in the Maidstone League have won 48 and drawn 2.
Virgin secures hospital contract
(Dartford Messenger 21.1.16, p15) Services at Gravesend Hospital, Livingstone Hospital and elsewhere to be given to private company, as Virgin Healthcare wins £126 million contract instead of the local NHS trust. Current NHS provider said it had higher quality scores but the Clinical Commissioning Group went with the cheaper bid.
Crash motorist lost control after choking with laughter
(Dartford Messenger 21.1.16, p17) Gravesend inquest records death by road traffic collision, on popular 58 year old man who crashed into a wall on Main Road, Longfield in October.
Animal charity on the hoof in move to a larger home
(Dartford Messenger 21.1.16, p23) Anim-Mates animal charity to move from St Mary Hoo to Oliver's Farm, Ash. They have 100 animals including ponies, goats, sheep, cats and dogs.
Thieves leave a trail of destruction in their wake
(Dartford Messenger 14.1.16, p15) Considerable damage caused by thieves who took £2,500 Brian James Tilt Bed at Speedgate Hill, Fawkham.
'Inspirational' Longfield mum dies following second cancer battle
News Shopper (11.1.16) Tributes paid to 40 year old Longfield mother, including "you showed us what courage is, you are an inspiration and I feel blessed to have been able to witness your dignity, strength and courage." Fund started to help her 5 year old son.
Crime Report
(West Kent Watch) Crimes reported in January were Burglary of dwelling 2 (Carmelite Way, Caxton Close), burglary of outbuilding 6 (Ash Road 2, Gresham Avenue, Larksfield 2, Woodland Avenue), criminal damage 2 (Church Road, Quakers Close), theft of motor vehicle 1 (Church Road), theft from motor vehicle 1 (Church Road)

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