Woodland Avenue - Hartley-Kent: The Website for Hartley

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Woodland Avenue

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Hartley-Kent: Woodland Avenue, looking towards Church Road end
Woodland Avenue is a largely straight road that links Church Road and Wellfield.  Once it was longer, extending nearly to the railway, but when the Wellfield Estate was built, that alignment was not followed.  It no doubt got its name from the fact that it skirts Gorsewood.

Woodland Avenue is made up of 66 dwellings, made up of 16 houses and 50 bungalows.  Most have 200 foot long plots of land as laid out by Payne and Trapps.

Hartley-Kent: The Sticks, Woodland Avenue
Although the road was created in 1907, the first houses were the two bungalows built by local builder Clifford Nairn of The Elms, Church Road in 1923 - Daphne (since demolished) and The Sticks.  To these two was added The Old Grange in 1937.  Two-thirds of the houses were built in the 1950s, which gives much of the road its harmonious aspect.  Since then 10 houses were built in the 1960s, 7 in the 1980s and 4 in the 21st century (two of these were rebuilds).

One notable landmark in Woodland Avenue is the recreation ground or the park as it is called by many of its users.  The Parish Council decided to buy the land in 1960 but it took until 1968 until all the negotiations and legalities were sorted out.  Its facilities are a football kickabout field, youth shelter and children's playground; occasional open days for young people are also organised here by the parish council.  In 2013 new play equipment was installed.
Hartley-Kent: The Sticks, Woodland Avenue

The road was made up and pavements added in two stages - Church Road to Larksfield in 1963 and the remainder in 1965.  A 30mph speed limit was imposed by The County Council of Kent (Restricted Roads) (Various Roads, Hartley)  Order 1973, and in 1996 a weight limit of 7.5 tonnes and width limit of 6 feet 6 inches was imposed on Woodland Avenue by The Kent County Council (Various Roads, Ash Cum Ridley, Hartley, Longfield and Meopham) (Width   and   Weight  Restrictions) Order 1996.

Historically the road would have been part of Middle Farm in Church Road.  The Church Road end was once a field called "The Stirrup", no doubt from its shape, while the Wellfield end lies over another field called Northlands.  By the beginning of the 20th century these and other fields had been consolidated into one very large 100 acre field which was sold by Thomas Morton to estate agents Payne Trapps and Co in 1905.  They specialised in buying blocks of land and selling them off as building plots, which is what they did in Hartley.  Most of their buyers were unable to build houses though, so for a long time the bulk of the land was undeveloped and roads like Woodland Avenue became little more than footpaths in part.  During both wars the War Agricultural Executive requisitioned the land to grow crops for the war effort.  In the 1950s planners designated the estate as the location for early development of Hartley, hence why most of the houses date to this period.

Hartley-Kent: Woodland Avenue in 1940
Aerial photo of Woodland Avenue in 1940 (arrows show where road is, top arrow is junction with Wellfield)

Once the road had a commercial element.  The house Bryony is built on the site of the former Kelshire Builders Yard, which used to advertise for scaffolding hire.  It does have one of Hartley's few mobile phone masts next to the substation and the allotments, and there are 7 companies with a registered address in Woodland Avenue.

Facts about the Road

Length of road
0.38 miles (619m)
KCC ClassificationU12286 - Unclassified single carriageway (adopted)
Area15.1 acres (6.1 ha)
Measured using DEFRA's Magic Map (Woodland Avenue park included in figure but not allotments)
HousesDetached house - 12
Detached bungalow - 21
Detached chalet bungalow - 13
Semi-detached house - 4
Semi-detached bungalow - 11
Semi-detached chalet bungalow - 5
Total - 66
Housing Density4.4 houses per acre (10.8 houses per hectare)
Population (2011)133
Total gas and electricity consumption (2015)
19,153 kWH (25th out of Hartley's 62 postcode areas)
Facts about the houses
Updated 1.5.23

This is information collected from various sources about the houses, divided as follows:

(1) Description - this has mostly been drawn from sale adverts and observation from the road.  Names of properties are included if the road is not numbered or the name appears as well as the number in the offical Royal Mail address.  Changes of name and the date, where known, are also included here.

(2) Building History - the date of construction is sometimes approximate as it is based on the property appearing in the electoral register or the subject of a planning permission etc.

(3) Rates and Council Tax - the rates registers for 1956, 1963 and 1972 are held by Sevenoaks Council.  I have included the gross rateable value, that is the amount it was thought the property could be rented out for.  For some reason the 1956 valuation is actually what the rental would have been in 1939.  The rateable value was then subject to certain statutory deductions and this figure is what people paid rates upon.  Council tax was introduced in 1993, the value was (and still is) what it was believed the property would have sold for on 1 April 1991.  However significant building works means it can be increased when the property is next sold and this is shown by "improvement indicator".

(4) Sales and Rents - mostly from property adverts and Land Registry records.  Of course those based on adverts may not be the price it actually sold for.  There are some cases of property valuations for mortgages from Dartford Rural District Council.  House price data 1995 to date produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2023. To report an error, go to Change a sales record form.

(5) Site history - this contains a selection of records which demonstrate which farm and field the property stands upon.

I have tried to make sure the information is accurate, but no responsibility can be taken for any errors. If you plan to rely on the information, you should check the source data to be sure. If you spot an error, please let me know via the contact form.

Woodland Avenue (South Side)

Hartley-Kent: The Croft to Midyat Cottage, Woodland Avenue
The Croft etc Woodland Avenue
Hartley-Kent: Metraro and Sidland, Woodland Avenue
Sidland, Woodland Avenue

St Joseph's School Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached house

Building History

1921  First Built

1978 Burnt down in fire July 1978

1939  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1939/2950 Larder extension

1971  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1971/589 Prefab classroom building

Rates and Council Tax

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1978  Building burnt down July 1978

The Croft Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached chalet bungalow (4 bedroom, 152 sq m + garage 14 sq m)

Building History

1980  First Built

1993  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1993/1078 Move front and side fence to new position

2010  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2010/492 1st floor side extension

2010  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2010/1510 First floor side extension

2017  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2017/3119 Erection of a two storey side extension

2018  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2018/356  Details pursuant to condition 2 (materials) of 17/03119/HOUSE.

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2001  Sale Price: £285000 (6 Dec 2001)    

2005  Sale Price: £380000 (14 Oct 2005)    Annual percentage change since 2001: +8%

2009  Sale Price: £395000 (31 Jul 2009)    Annual percentage change since 2005: +1%

2019  Sale Price: £624000 (6 Dec 2019)  Marketed at £629,995  Annual percentage change since 2009: +5%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plots 374-377 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Gemini Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached chalet bungalow (4 bed)

Building History

1981  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plots 374-377 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

The Briars Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1981  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £154000 (30 Aug 1996)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plots 374-377 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Dormer Lodge Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1980  First Built.  

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plots 374-377 and part plot 385 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Spindrift Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached chalet bungalow (4 bed)

Building History

1980  First Built.  

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plots 386-387 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Midyat Cottage Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached chalet bungalow (5 bed)

Building History

1980  First Built.  

1987  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 1987/1106 2 storey and part 1st floor extension

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

2015  Sale Price: £705000 (20 Mar 2015)  Marketed at £700,000  

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plots 388-389 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Maytime Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached chalet bungalow (4 bedroom, 153 sq m + garage 15 sq m)

Building History

1960  First Built.  

1959  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1959/87 Erect bungalow

1978  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1978/71 Construction Of Dormer Windows At Front And Rear Of Dwelling

1984  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1984/235 Extension incorporating new garage and roof

2004  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2004/1439 Single storey rear extension

2015  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2015/952 Raising of roof height and roof alterations to facilitate increase in floor space with alterations to front and rear dormers and alterations to fenestration.

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £100

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £297

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2014  Sale Price: £470000 (16 May 2014)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 390-391 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Pyrmont Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached house (3 bed)

Former Name(s): Byrmeni (to 1978)

Building History

1957  First Built

1978  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1978/1731 Extension To Rear Of Dwelling

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £299

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1957  Sale Price: £2250 (9 Aug 1957)  Advertised price (Gravesend Messenger)  

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1911  Plot 392 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Rosendene Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached house (3 bed)

Building History

1957  First Built

2015  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2015/2399 Demolition of existing garage and store. Erection of single storey front extension (porch and garage) and two storey side extension

2015  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2015/2400 Demolition of existing conservatory. Erection of a single storey rear extension

2015  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2015/2428 Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends3.3m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.5m and eaves height of 2.4m

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £287

1993  Council Tax: D (£68-88K)  Original banding was E

Sales and Rents

1957  Sale Price: £2250 (9 Aug 1957)  Advertised price (Gravesend Messenger)  

1957  Sale Price: £125 (19 Sep 1957)  Price for land only  Annual percentage change since 1957: -100%

2000  Sale Price: £126000 (31 Aug 2000)    Annual percentage change since 1957: +17%

2009  Sale Price: £250000 (20 Feb 2009)    Annual percentage change since 2000: +8%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 393 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Credo Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached house (4 bedroom, 113 sq m)

Former Name(s): The Hawthorns (to 1957)

Building History

1957  First Built

1971  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1971/645 Rear Extension

2020  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2020/95 Demolition of conservatory. Loft conversion with three rooflights to front roof slope and two rooflights to rear roof slope and single storey rear extension.

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £287

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1999  Sale Price: £115000 (28 May 1999)    

2019  Sale Price: £376000 (18 Dec 2019)  Advertised at £395,000  Annual percentage change since 1999: +6%

2022  Sale Price: £532500 (29 Jul 2022)  Planning permissions since previous sale  Annual percentage change since 2019: +14%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1911  Plot 394 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Gritches Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached house (3 bedroom)

Building History

1957  First Built

1971  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1971/645 Rear Extension

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £308

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2004  Sale Price: £239000 (16 Feb 2004)    

2013  Sale Price: £249000 (1 Feb 2013)    Annual percentage change since 2004: +%

2022  Sale Price: £505000 (31 Aug 2022)    Annual percentage change since 2013: +8%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 395 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Dolby Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached chalet bungalow (3 bedroom)

Former Name(s): Tamarinda (to 2010)

Building History

1960  First Built

2006  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2006/2287 Demolish replace with 2 semi-detached dwellings

2007  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2007/2423 Replacement dwelling

2007  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2007/3554 Replacement dwelling

2010  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2010/3399 Extend planning permission 07/3554

2013  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2013/47 Single storey side extension, loft conversion, 3 dormers

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £116

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £317

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2007  Sale Price: £310000 (23 Feb 2007)    

2010  Sale Price: £300000 (19 Mar 2010)    Annual percentage change since 2007: -1%

2016  Sale Price: £650000 (7 Jul 2016)    Annual percentage change since 2010: +13%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 396-397 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Sidland Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached house

Building History

2008  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

2008  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

2008  Sale Price: £532500 (18 Aug 2008)    

2014  Sale Price: £599995 (31 Jan 2014)    Annual percentage change since 2008: +2%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 398 and part plot 399 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Metraro Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached house

Building History

1957  First Built

2007  Building demolished

2008  Rebuilding

1951  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1951/53 Erect bungalow on plots 399-401

1956  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 1956/289 Plot 393 - Detached bungalow

1989  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1989/647 Garage extension

2006  Planning Application: (WITHDRAWN) 2006/729 Demolish, replace with 2

2006  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2006/1696 Demolish, replace with 2 houses

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £120

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £337

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

2006  Sale Price: £300000 (31 Jan 2006)    

2010  Sale Price: £540000 (11 Mar 2010)    Annual percentage change since 2006: +15%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plot 399 and plot 400 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

La Casa Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1968  First Built

1993  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1993/1704 Single storey roof extension

1996  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1996/506 Single storey roof extension

2000  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2000/1570 Repitch roof and make rooms in loft

2007  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2007/2835 Erect conservatory

2015  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2015/1716 Garage extension to front of property.

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £354

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2006  Sale Price: £350000 (10 Feb 2006)    

2015  Sale Price: £475000 (28 Jan 2015)    Annual percentage change since 2006: +3%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1912  Plots 401-402 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Les Marecottes Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached house (5 bed)

Building History

1959  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £133

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £349

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  Formerly Band G (1993)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1910  Plots 403-404 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Mardell Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached chalet bungalow (3 bedroom)

Building History

1959  First Built

1952  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 1952/101 Site for bungalow (Map Ref 609679, approximate location of Mardell)

2020  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2020/2893 Single storey extension and extension of first floor including works to the roof, including dormers. Alterations to fenestration

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £133

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £349

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2018  Sale Price: £487000 (4 May 2018)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1910  Plots 405-406 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Cleveland Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached bungalow

Building History

1955  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/412 Bungalow  

1956  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1956/288 Plot 395 - Private garage

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £45

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £123

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £322

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1910  Plots 407-408 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Bryony Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached bungalow (2 bed)

Building History

1988  First Built

1955  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1955/13 Erect builders store, workshop, garages and offices, use of land as builders yard between Woodland Avenue and Gorsewood Road

Rates and Council Tax

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1910  (part belonging to Woodland Avenue) Part plots 409-410 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate bought by George Alfred Sturgess

1919  (part belonging to Gorsewood Road) Part of block of land bought by car manufacturers Adam Grimaldi & Co

Arter & Co Limited Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Former Bulder's Yard

Building History

0  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

Childshall Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached Chalet Bungalow (3 bedroom)

Building History

1957  First Built

1979  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 1979/1373 DORMER WINDOWS AT FRONT AND REAR OF DWELLING

2013  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2013/1774 Single storey rear extension, dormer extension, porch extension

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £123

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £356

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plots 409-410 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate bought by George Alfred Sturgess

Four Winds Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached bungalow

Building History

1957  First Built

1975  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1975/1059 Demolition Of Existing Conservatory And Erection Of Single Storey Extension At Rear

1976  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 1976/234 Construction Of Dormer Window In Roof At Rear Of Dwelling

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £316

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2022  Sale Price: £430000 (16 Mar 2022)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 411 and part plot 412 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Inverurie Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1957  First Built

2014  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2014/3958 Single storey rear extension, loft conversion with extension to roof and dormer windows to front & rear elevations to facilitate creation of habitable space.

2015  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2015/580 Erection of single storey rear extension. together with loft conversion incorporating dormer windows to front and rear elevation together with flank gable. Bay window to front.

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £115

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £315

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2004  Sale Price: £249995 (26 Nov 2004)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part part 412 and plot 413 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Loerne Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1956  First Built

2011  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2011/992 Single storey rear extension to enlarge existing kitchen & bathroom

2011  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2011/1954 Single storey rear extension

2017  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2017/2784 Single storey front extension

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £123

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £381

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2011  Sale Price: £339950 (24 Feb 2011)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 414-415 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Midhurst Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1959  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

1986  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1986/1741 Front porch and rear extension

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £143

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £389

Sales and Rents

2002  Sale Price: £263000 (6 Feb 2002)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1911  Plots 416-417 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Lamorna Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached chalet bungalow (4 bed)

Building History

1958  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

1959  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1959/129 Erect garage

2014  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2014/2784 Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 3.6m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3m and eaves height of 3m.

2014  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2014/3020 Outbuilding replacement (retrospective).

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £120

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £292

1993  Council Tax: D (£68-88K)  Formerly Band E (1993)

Sales and Rents

2013  Sale Price: £285000 (19 Dec 2013)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 418 and part plot 419 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Brampton Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1958  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

1973  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 1973/Meeting Jul 73 Construct rooms in roof space

1978  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1978/790 Extension To Rear Of Dwelling

1982  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1982/14 Dormer Window Extensions To Dwelling

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £109

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £309

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1998  Sale Price: £154950 (6 Apr 1998)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part part 419 and plot 420 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Culzean Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached bungalow (2 bed)

Building History

1959  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

1989  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1989/228 Garage

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

Sales and Rents

2022  Sale Price: £520000 (10 Aug 2022)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 421 and part plot 422 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Lund Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached bungalow (2 bed)

Building History

1959  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £100

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £533

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2018  Rental (per month): £1300.  

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part part 422 and plot 423 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Grenfell Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1959  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

1966  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1966/393 Front porch and conservatory

2013  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2013/2647 Demolish garage, erect rear and side extension and integral garage, loft conversion, velux windows

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £100

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £308

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2011  Sale Price: £284000 (28 Oct 2011)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 424 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Marazion Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached bungalow (3 bedroom)

Building History

1959  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

2016  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2016/1945 Demolition of existing detached garage. Erection of a single storey rear and side extension with roof-lights. Installation of velux window

2017  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2017/985 To lower the street kerb in order to widen the front driveway access from single access to double access, following a widening of the front drive.

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £100

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £262

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2016  Sale Price: £350000 (26 Jul 2016)    

2021  Sale Price: £520000 (28 Jan 2021)  Planning permissions since previous sale  Annual percentage change since 2016: +9%

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1914  Plot 425 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Rocquaine Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1959  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £143

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £416

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £130000 (27 Aug 1996)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 426-427 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Pen-ty Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached bungalow

Building History

1958  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £145

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £389

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1995  Sale Price: £130000 (31 Jul 1995)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1914  Plots 428-429 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Waverley Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached bungalow

Building History

1959  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

2009  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2009/1448 (land W of) Reconductor existing low voltage overhead lines with aerial bundled conductor

2012  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2012/1209 Single storey rear and side extensions

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £107

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £329

1993  Council Tax: D (£68-88K)  Formerly Band E (1993)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 430 and part plot 431 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Grassondale Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached bungalow (4 bedroom, 154 sq m + garage 19 sq m - previously 2 bedroom)

Building History

1959  First Built

1987  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1987/1921 Carport

2015  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2015/1550 Demolition of existing garage and the erection of a single storey rear extension and attached garage.

2016  Planning Application: (WITHDRAWN) 2016/1550 Non-material amendment to SE/15/01550/HOUSE.

2016  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2016/1646 Demolition of existing garage. Erection of a single storey rear extension and attached garage

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £114

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £304

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2007  Sale Price: £280000 (13 Apr 2007)    

2021  Sale Price: £590000 (8 Sep 2021)  Plannning Permissions since previous sale  Annual percentage change since 2007: +5%

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plot 431 and plot 432 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

The Haven Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached bungalow (2 bedroom, 92 sq m + garage 11 sq m)

Building History

1959  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages


Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £114

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £295

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band F (1993)

Sales and Rents

2011  Sale Price: £270000 (28 Feb 2011)    

2018  Sale Price: £475000 (17 Oct 2018)    Annual percentage change since 2011: +8%

2019  Sale Price: £472500 (28 Jan 2019)    Annual percentage change since 2018: -2%

2021  Sale Price: £515000 (21 Jan 2021)    Annual percentage change since 2019: +4%

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 433 and part plot 434 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Antar Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Semi-detached bungalow (2 bed)

Building History

1958  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages

2015  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2015/112 Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 5.98m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 4.00m and eaves height of 2.63m

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £123

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £321

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2014  Sale Price: £310000 (26 Aug 2014)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plot 434 and plot 435 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Point Garry Woodland Avenue DA3 7BY

Detached bungalow (4 bedroom, 143.5 sq m + garage 22.4 sq m)

Building History

1959  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/57 Erect dwellings

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289 Erect 14 dwellings on 550' frontage from Recreation ground to existing dwelling.  5 pairs (3 type A - 3 beds; 2 type B - 2 beds); 4 detached

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/289.1 Erect 14 detached garages


1977  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1977/1405 Extensions To Rear And Side Incorporating A Garage And Lobby Extension At Front Of Dwelling

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £145

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £389

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

2023  Sale Price: £625000 (6 Apr 2023)  Advertised price.  

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "Pane Field" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 436-437 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Woodland Avenue (North Side)

Hartley-Kent: Looking north from Fairfield, Woodland Avenue
Fairfield, Woodland Avenue
Hartley-Kent: The Old Grange, Woodland Avenue
Old Grange, Woodland Avenue
Hartley-Kent: Substation and Phone Mast, Woodland Avenue
Junction with Larksfield and Woodland Avenue

Pascali Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow

Building History

1968  First Built.  Built by Brooklands Park Investment Company of Dartford

1966  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1966/126 Outline, house & garage to rear of The Elms, Church Road

1978  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1978/1447 Extension To Rear Of Dwelling

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £312

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1968  Sale Price: £6750 (5 Aug 1968)    

2001  Sale Price: £229000 (22 Jan 2001)    Annual percentage change since 1968: +11%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part of plots 369-373 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Gramerci Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow (2 bed)

Building History

1955  First Built

1954  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1954/144.1 Amended plans for bungalow at rear of The Elms


Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £39

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £105

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £275

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2018  Sale Price: £480000 (22 Nov 2018)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part of plots 369-373 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

The Laurels Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow

Former Name(s): Daphne (to about 1984)

Building History

1923  First Built

2010  Rebuilding

1923  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1923/Meeting 1923-07-17 2 brick bungalows

1987  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1987/250 Dormer window extension

2005  Planning Application: (WITHDRAWN) 2005/788 Demolish, replace with 3 houses

2005  Planning Application: (WITHDRAWN) 2005/2435 Demolish, replace with 2

2006  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2006/2054 Demolish, replace with bungalow and house

2007  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2007/2910 Demolish, replace with 2 x 2 bed bungalows

2007  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2007/3854 Details pursuant to a partial discharge of condition 2 (drainage) of ref SE/07/02910.

2007  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2007/3855 Details pursuant to condition 3 (external materials) of ref SE/07/02910.

2007  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2007/3856 Details pursuant to condition 5 (vehicular access) of ref SE/07/02910.

2009  Planning Application: (WITHDRAWN) 2009/2301 Demolition of existing detached house and double garage. Replacing with a two bedroom detached bungalow and a three bedroomed detached chalet bungalow both with integral garages. Creation of a new shared vehicle access.

2010  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2010/662 Amendment to SE/0702910/FUL to install pedestrian access doors to the side elevations of the integral garages.

2016  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2016/565 Single storey rear extension

2019  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2019/1951 Erection of single-storey side extension with skylight.

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £39

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £108

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £253

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

2010  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2005  Sale Price: £400000 (22 Dec 2005)    

2010  Sale Price: £355000 (7 Dec 2010)    Annual percentage change since 2005: -2%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part of plot 588 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

West View Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow

Building History

2011  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

2011.1  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  Formerly Band F (2011)

Sales and Rents

2011  Sale Price: £331000 (24 Oct 2011)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part of plot 587 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

The Sticks Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow

Building History

1923  First Built.  Former Name - Daphne; Maly-dom

1923  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1923/Meeting 1923-07-17 2 brick bungalows

1978  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1978/285 Extensions To Rear Of Dwelling

1985  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 1985/532 Whether extension needed planning permission

1985  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1985/990 Extension to kitchen

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £40

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £110

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £307

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 584-586 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Willow lodge Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached house (4 bed)

Former Name(s): Mingarry (to 2007)

Building History

1951  First Built

1987  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1987/494 2 storey extension

1999  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1999/351 Conservatory

2004  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2004/3121 Extension for study, snooker room & utility room (minor alteration)

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £50

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £138

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £340

2009  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  Formerly Band F (1993-2009)

Sales and Rents

1950  Sale Price: £1908 (6 Jun 1950)  Mortgage valuation  

2005  Sale Price: £499999 (28 Feb 2005)    Annual percentage change since 1950: +11%

2009  Sale Price: £602500 (3 Apr 2009)    Annual percentage change since 2005: +5%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 581-583 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

The Kaben Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached house (4 bed)

Building History

1960  First Built

1959  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1959/66 bungalow adjoining Mingarry

1990  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1990/162 Single storey side and rear extension

1998  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1998/59 Extensions and garage

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £95

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £337

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2006  Sale Price: £450000 (1 Jun 2006)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 579-580 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Benvenuto Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached chalet bungalow (5 bed)

Building History

1960  First Built

1958  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1958/388 2 pairs semi-detached bungalows and one detached bungalow

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £160

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £425

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

2018  Sale Price: £595000 (27 Jan 2018)    

2018  Sale Price: £575000 (28 Jun 2018)    Annual percentage change since 2018: -8%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 578-579 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Fairfield Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached house

Building History

1954  First Built

1969  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1969/411 Kitchen extension

1978  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1978/103 Extension To Rear Of Dwelling

1990  Planning Application: (N/A) 1990/935 Single storey rear extension

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £55

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £148

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £457

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 575-576 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Three Gables Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached house

Building History

1954  First Built

1975  Planning Application: (NOT KNOWN) 1975/514 1st floor bedroom and lumber room over existing sun lounge at rear

1978  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 1978/153 First Floor Extension To Rear Of Dwelling

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £55

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £148

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £457

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

1951  Sale Price: £300 (2 Aug 1951)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 573-574 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Old Grange Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow (4 bed)

Former Name(s): Glenholme (to 1963)

Building History

1937  First Built

1937  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1937/2419 Detached bungalow

1978  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1978/1695 Extensions To Rear And Side Of Dwelling

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £42

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £115

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £421

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 570-572 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Highfield Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1954  First Built

1953  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1953/375 Erect bungalow & garage

1969  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1969/487 Erect garage

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £48

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £135

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £375

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "The Stirrup" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 568-569 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Sideways Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow

Building History

1955  First Built.  Conveyance 17/5/55

1955  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1955/56 Bungalow

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £50

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £145

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £362

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2005  Sale Price: £297000 (17 Jun 2005)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 566-567 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Quinta Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached chalet bungalow (4 bedroom)

Former Name(s): America (to 1957)

Building History

1955  First Built.  Conveyance 19/8/55

1953  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1953/380 Residential development Foxcover to Quinta

1955  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1955/153 Bungalow on plot 564-5

2010  Planning Application: (WITHDRAWN) 2010/2189 Erection of single storey rear extension and porch, change of fenestration.

2010  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2010/2822 Single storey rear extension, front extension, porch, change of windows

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £52

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £145

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £374

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2000  Sale Price: £227000 (20 Jun 2000)    

2002  Sale Price: £279500 (26 Jul 2002)    Annual percentage change since 2000: +10%

2010  Sale Price: £400000 (22 Oct 2010)    Annual percentage change since 2002: +4%

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 564-565 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Bracondale Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

Former Name(s): Dunedin (to 1963)

Building History

1955  First Built.  Conveyance 23/5/55

1953  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1953/380 Residential development Foxcover to Quinta

2001  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2001/2505 Ground floor rear extension

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £41

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £123

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £322

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1961  Sale Price: £3950 (21 Apr 1961)  Advertised price  

2001  Sale Price: £232000 (24 Aug 2001)    Annual percentage change since 1961: +11%

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 562-563 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Rodale Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Semi-detached bungalow (3 bedroom)

Building History

1955  First Built.  Conveyance 9/8/55

1953  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1953/380 Residential development Foxcover to Quinta

1966  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 1966/363 Extension to dining room

1967  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1967/285 Extension to living room and kitchen

1990  Planning Application: (N/A) 1990/473 Loft conversion

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £35

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £39

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £350

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2004  Sale Price: £238000 (21 Jul 2004)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plot 560 and plot 561 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Reviens Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Semi-detached bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1955  First Built.  Former Name - Ricara; Conveyance 20/10/55

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £39

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £287

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1998  Sale Price: £80000 (23 Nov 1998)    

2001  Sale Price: £195000 (18 Sep 2001)    Annual percentage change since 1998: +37%

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 559 and part plot 560 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Greenways Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow

Building History

1955  First Built.  Conveyance 24/8/55

1998  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1998/1718 Single storey rear extension

2011  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2011/2390 Loft conversion with existing side hips (roof) converted to gable end with barn hips, cut & pitch dormer to front elevation & hipped roof to rear converted to gable end with picture window (velux windows)

2012  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2012/361 Loft conversion to include alterations to shape of roof. Installation of no 3 velux windows to front elevation and pitched dormer to rear elevation.

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £41

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £110

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £287

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1997  Sale Price: £117500 (22 Aug 1997)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plot 557 and plot 558 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Ballarat Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1955  First Built.  Conveyance 13/9/55

1953  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1953/380 Residential development Foxcover to Quinta

1979  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1979/730 EXTENSION TO REAR OF DWELLING

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £125

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £340

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2003  Sale Price: £290000 (27 May 2003)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 556 and part plot 557 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Srinagar Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow (3 bedroom, 74 sq m + garage 13 sq m)

Building History

1955  First Built.  Conveyance 7/9/55

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £41

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £123

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £335

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1998  Sale Price: £94250 (16 Dec 1998)    

2011  Sale Price: £309950 (18 Feb 2011)    Annual percentage change since 1998: +10%

2014  Sale Price: £399995 (12 Mar 2014)    Annual percentage change since 2011: +9%

2020  Sale Price: £580000 (17 Sep 2020)    Annual percentage change since 2014: +6%

2022  Sale Price: £585000 (26 Aug 2022)    Annual percentage change since 2020: +%

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 554-555 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

The Grenadines Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1955  First Built.  Former Names: Plot 7; Carreg Wen; Shiralee; Conveyance 16/9/55

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £45

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £123

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £376

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £118000 (22 Nov 1996)    

1999  Sale Price: £214000 (26 Nov 1999)    Annual percentage change since 1996: +22%

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plot 552 and plot 553 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Sunnyside Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Semi-detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1955  First Built.  Conveyance 21/12/55

1953  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1953/380 Residential development Foxcover to Quinta

2015  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2015/178 Loft conversion

2015  Planning Application: (WITHDRAWN) 2015/179 Loft conversion

2015  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2015/1246 Loft conversion.

2020  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2020/3401 Erection of a dormer to front roof slope.

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £39

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £113

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £287

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2014  Sale Price: £317000 (23 Jul 2014)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plot 551 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate, bought by John James Mackett; and part plot 552

Foxcover Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Semi-detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1955  First Built.  Conveyance 20/9/55

1953  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1953/380 Residential development Foxcover to Quinta

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £35

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £115

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £308

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plot 550 and part plot 551 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate, bought by John James Mackett

Mayholm Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached bungalow (3 bedroom)

Building History

1969  First Built.  Transfer 1/4/69

1968  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1968/389 Application by Land Commission for dwelling house and garage next to Foxcover

1968  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1968/389.1 (8.8.1969) Detached "Windsor" type house

1968  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1968/389.2 (14.11.1969) Amend to "Richmond" type house

2007  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2007/1102 Extensions, double garage.

2007  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2007/2240 Side and rear extensions

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £376

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2006  Sale Price: £364000 (14 Dec 2006)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 548-549 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

St Fiacre Woodland Avenue DA3 7BZ

Detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1959  First Built

1957  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1957/49 Erect detached bungalow

1978  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1978/483 Extension To Side And Rear Of Dwelling And Resiting Of Existing Garage

1984  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1984/774 Replacement garage

2006  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2006/2241 Single storey rear extension, extension to garage

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £95

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £250

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 9 acre field called "Northlands" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 546-547, Silverdale Avenue, Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Electricity Substation Woodland Avenue DA3 7DB

Utility infrastructure

Building History

1993  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "Pane Field" part of Middle Farm

1907  Part plot 449 Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Woodlands Woodland Avenue DA3 7DB

Detached house (4 bedroom)

Building History

1962  First Built

1997  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1997/1454 Single storey extension and garage

2004  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2004/862 First floor side extension and extension to garage

2018  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2018/1349  The erection of a rear extension, with pitched (tiled) roof.

2018  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2018/1350  Removal of existing dormer to rear and proposed alteration to rear roof of garage to bring in line with existing house and the proposed conversion of garage to ancillary residential use. New storm porch to front.

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £10

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £25

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £388

1993  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

1997  Sale Price: £178000 (30 Jun 1997)    

2000  Sale Price: £240000 (7 Apr 2000)    Annual percentage change since 1997: +11%

2007  Sale Price: £447500 (15 Jun 2007)    Annual percentage change since 2000: +9%

2014  Sale Price: £465000 (28 Mar 2014)    Annual percentage change since 2007: +1%

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "Pane Field" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 81-82 Havestock Drive (Wellfield) Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

New Blossom Woodland Avenue DA3 7DB

Detached house

Building History

1961  First Built

1960  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1960/211 Erect detached bungalow and garage adjoining Woodlands

2001  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2001/845 Loft conversion, extension and new garage

2002  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2002/928 Details (materials) to 01/845

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £125

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £325

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "Pane Field" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 83-84 Havestock Drive (Wellfield) Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

Ludham House Woodland Avenue DA3 7DB

Detached house (4 bed)

Building History

1969  First Built.  Conveyance 1/4/69

1968  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1968/388 Application by Land Commission for dwelling house and garage next to New Blossom

1968  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 1968/388.1 (8.8.1969) Erect house

2000  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2000/1767 2 storey side extenison

2001  Planning Application: (GRANTED) 2001/1404 Side extension and extension to porch

2020  Planning Application: (REFUSED) 2020/3134 Creation of a new plot in a back garden and erection of a new dwellinghouse in it.

Rates and Council Tax

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £376

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2000  Sale Price: £200000 (28 Feb 2000)    

Site History

1624  Part of a 12 acre field called "Pane Field" part of Middle Farm

1907  Plots 85-86 Havestock Drive (Wellfield) Payne and Trapps Fawkham Park Estate

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