Planning Applications 2020-
Ash Road Amberley 2021/1032
Ash Road Bay Lodge 2020/1106
Ash Road Byfields 2022/486
Ash Road East of 5 Ellerby Mews 2020/697
Ash Road Fairby Grange 2020/1201
Ash Road Farthings 2020/201
Ash Road Grinstead 2021/2902
Ash Road Hasleholt 2020/1133
Ash Road Highlands 2021/3214
Ash Road Hill Top 2020/1759
Ash Road Kintyre 2021/1106
Ash Road Knoll Cottage 2021/3420
Ash Road Little Cedars 2021/1512
Ash Road Little Down 2020/1142
Ash Road Little Downs 2020/631
Ash Road Merryways 2021/2021
Ash Road Orchardside 2021/2483
Ash Road The Anchorage 2020/385
Ash Road The Red House 2021/1524
Ash Road Wealden House 2021/311
Ash Road Woodcote 2021/4071
Banckside 22 2020/834
Billings Hill Shaw 27 2021/1243
Billings Hill Shaw 33 2022/743
Briars Way Rosebank 2020/1517
Broomfields 15 2021/126
Carmelite Way 9 2020/1640
Castle Hill Brianne 2020/1537
Castle Hill Glenelm 2020/1298
Castle Hill Lone Oak 2021/3537
Castle Hill Sloley 2020/3180
Castle Hill South Place 2021/3661
Cavendish Square 32 2020/2874
Cavendish Square 33 2020/2874
Caxton Close 80 2020/912
Chantry Avenue 32 2020/1822
Chantry Avenue 35 2020/629
Chapelwood Road Woodview 2021/1855
Cherry Trees 14 2020/1167
Church Road Cavan 2020/474
Church Road Ferndale 2022/664
Church Road Lamorna 2020/2665
Church Road Rose Cottage Farm 2021/693
Church Road The Elms 2022/135
Church Road The Paddock 2020/1538
Copse Side 6 2020/580
Culvey Close 2 2022/174
Culvey Close 9 2021/2655
Culvey Close Country Club 2021/591
Dickens Close 31 2022/485
Downs Valley 5 2021/916
Ellerby Mews 5 2021/563
Fairby Lane 8 2020/169
Fairby Lane Innisfree 2021/1315, 2021/1405, 2021/2966, 2021/2986, 2021/3241, 2021/3521, 2021/3610, 2021/3611, 2021/4131, 2022/650
Gorse Way Cherry Trees 2020/695
Gorse Way Merrywigs 2021/2513
Gorse Way Stonelea 2020/25
Gorse Way Tay Win 2021/3981
Gorse Way The Seasons 2022/462
Gorsewood Road Brentwood 2021/286
Gorsewood Road Burberry House 2021/4185
Gorsewood Road Kilkerran 2020/1552
Gorsewood Road Robins 2021/673
Gorsewood Road San Miguel 2021/573
Gorsewood Road Thornton House 2021/1411
Green Way 2a 2021/1885
Gresham Avenue The Briars 2020/2182
Hoselands View 7 2020/730
Hottsfield Hammonds 2021/3133
Hottsfield Tadmor 2020/27
Manor Drive Tallboys 2020/1219
Manor Drive The Barn, Hartley Wood Corner 2021/3550
Merryfields Close 4 2021/3801
Merton Avenue 15 2021/2714
Old Downs 20 2020/923
Old Downs 22 2021/581
Old Downs 23 2021/252
Perran Close 6 2021/3843
Portland Place 2020/520
Quakers Close Beaumont 2020/2541
Quakers Close Cherri Lin 2020/782
Quakers Close The Pales 2021/629
Round Ash Way 11 2021/1819
Sloane Square 2 2022/676
Sloane Square 3 2022/688
Sloane Square 4 2022/688
Sloane Square 5 2022/688
Sloane Square 6 2022/688
Springcroft 37 2021/2566
Springcroft 64 2020/2
Stack Lane Lonicera 2021/2397
Stack Lane Lyndon 2021/41
Stack Lane Rose Bank 2021/641
The Warrens Melford Lodge 2021/3533
Wellfield 18 2021/174
Wellfield 44 2021/344
Wellfield 5 2021/4037
Woodland Avenue Credo 2020/95
Woodland Avenue Ludham House 2020/3134
Woodland Avenue Mardell 2020/2893
Woodland Avenue Sunnyside 2020/3401
2020/2 64 Springcroft
Demolition of existing garage, shed and greenhouse. Erection of extensions with provision of a new roof. Erection of a single storey front extension.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No objection
2020/25 Stonelea Gorse Way
Non-material amendment to 16/02898/HOUSE
Decision: Granted
2020/27 Tadmor Hottsfield
Single storey side extension incorporating garage conversion with alterations to fenestration.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No objection
2020/95 Credo Woodland Avenue
Demolition of conservatory. Loft conversion with three rooflights to front roof slope and two rooflights to rear roof slope and single storey rear extension.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No objection
2020/169 8 Fairby Lane
Single storey rear extension and alterations to fenestration.
Decision: Granted
2020/176 Tor Lodge Church Road
Details pursuant to condition 3 (details of materials) subject to 19/00803/FUL
Decision: Granted
2020/190 Woodbridge Ash Road
Proposed rear extension with flat roof.
Decision: Refused Planning Permission required
2020/201 Farthings Ash Road
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8 m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 4 m and eaves height of 2.7 m
Decision: Granted
2020/283 Hartley Garage Ash Road
Change of use of the rear part of the motor vehicle repair and MOT centre from B2 (general industrial) to a mixed B2 and B8 use (to allow for storage and distribution) together with the retention of two storage containers in connection with the B2 use and the siting of nine additional storage containers for B8 storage use, re-arrangement of parking and landscaping.
Decision: Refused Not enough detail on how to mitigate impact on neighbour amenity. OK from point of view of street scene and light/contamination issues can be dealt with by condition Hartley PC comments: Object Light pollution; other points are more conditions that should be added if permission granted
2020/297 The Lindans Ash Road
Demolition of existing dwelling, garage, greenhouse, sheds and store together with the erection of a new 4-Bed Chalet Bungalow, detached garage and associated landscaping
Decision: Refused Out of keeping with street scene. OK on grounds of neighbour amenity and highway Hartley PC comments: Object Out of keeping, not a chalet bungalow as claimed
2020/385 The Anchorage Ash Road
Existing garage extension.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object "unduly prominent, obtrusive and alien development which detracts from the visual amenities of the street scene."
2020/474 Cavan Church Road
Confirmation that a new log cabin can be used for ancillary accommodation lawfully
Decision: Granted
2020/500 18 Old Downs
Details persuant to conditon 2 (details of materials) subject to 19/03266/FUL
Decision: Granted
2020/520 Portland Place
Proposed infill extension to provide 2no. additional sheltered flats at Portland Place with associated parking
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Loss of light to neighbouring properties. HPC sent Sevenoaks a letter of complaint after they granted permission
2020/536 18 Old Downs
Details persuant to conditon 3 (hard and soft landscaping) subject to 19/03266/FUL
Decision: Granted
2020/538 18 Old Downs
Details persuant to conditon 5 (arboricultural survey) subject to 19/03266/FUL
Decision: Granted
2020/539 18 Old Downs
Details persuant to conditon 6 (ecological enhancements) subject to 19/03266/FUL
Decision: Granted
2020/540 18 Old Downs
Details persuant to conditon 7 (construction transport management plan) subject to 19/03266/FUL
Decision: Granted
2020/567 6 Cherry Trees
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 4m and eaves height of 3m.
Decision: Refused
2020/580 6 Copse Side
Proposed single storey side extension.
Decision: Granted
2020/629 35 Chantry Avenue
Conversion of part of the existing garage to extended living room
Decision: Granted
2020/631 Little Downs Ash Road
Demolition of existing garage. Erection of a single storey rear extension and internal alterations.
Decision: Withdrawn
2020/647 Inglenook Hottsfield
Demolition of the existing structure and landscaping works at the rear of the garden to build an outbuilding
Decision: Refused On the basis of the information provided it is not possible to establish that the proposalwould be incidentalto the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse.
2020/695 Cherry Trees Gorse Way
Part demolition of existing garage, proposed rear and side double storey extension with juliette balcony at the rear, including loft conversion with roof lights and dormer at the rear.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No comment No meeting due to Covid
2020/697 East of 5 Ellerby Mews Ash Road
Non material amendment to 19/01526/FUL
Decision: Refused Planning Permission required
2020/700 Tulip Tree Cottage Ash Road
Two storey rear and side extension incorporating existing garage and front porch
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No comment No meeting due to Covid
2020/730 7 Hoselands View
Single storey side and rear extension.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No comment No meeting due to Covid
2020/782 Cherri Lin Quakers Close
Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a new conservatory and re-shape patio area
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No comment No meeting due to Covid
2020/829 Aconite Ash Road
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8 m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.5 m and eaves height of 2.9 m.
Decision: Granted
2020/834 22 Banckside
Conversion of loft to habitable space with rear facing dormer window and 3 front facing rooflights.
Decision: Granted
2020/837 18 Old Downs
Conversion of loft to habitable space with rear facing dormer window and 3 front facing rooflights.
Decision: Withdrawn
2020/912 80 Caxton Close
Proposed loft conversion with dormer window to rear elevation & 2 No rooflights to front elevation.
Decision: Granted
2020/923 20 Old Downs
The erection of a first floor side extension
Decision: Granted
2020/925 Mark House Ash Road
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 6 m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.30 m and eaves height of 3.15 m.
Decision: Granted Prior approval not required
2020/1069 3 The Parade Ash Road
Rear extension to existing commercial (A2) unit
Decision: Granted
2020/1078 18 Old Downs
Minor material amendment to 19/03266/FUL.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Overdevelopment, not really single storey, don't want roof line raised
2020/1079 3 The Parade Ash Road
Prior notification for a change of use from Office (B1), to Dwelling house (C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversion. This application is made under Class O of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.
Decision: Granted Prior approval not required
2020/1106 Bay Lodge Ash Road
New four bedroom bungalow on land north of
Decision: Refused Green belt (OK in terms of highways, neighbour amenity) Hartley PC comments: Object Green belt
2020/1123 Woodbridge Ash Road
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 4m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.5m and eaves height of 3.5m.
Decision: Granted Prior approval not required
2020/1133 Hasleholt Ash Road
Details pursuant to condition 4 (soft and hard landscaping) of planning permission 17/01171/HOUSE.
Decision: Granted
2020/1142 Little Down Ash Road
Demolition of existing garage. Erection of single storey rear extension and internal alterations
Decision: Granted
2020/1167 14 Cherry Trees
Single storey rear and side extension with garage conversion.
Decision: Granted
2020/1172 Inglenook Hottsfield
Demolition of the existing structure and landscaping works at the rear of the garden to build an outbuilding.
Decision: Granted
2020/1201 Fairby Grange Ash Road
Re-roofing of building(s) including selection of existing clay tiles for reuse, removal of modern tiles and replacement with handmade clay tiles.
Decision: Refused Insufficient information has been submitted to showthat the proposed works would not have an adverse impact upon the fabric and setting of the listed building failing to meet the requirements of national and local planning policy
2020/1206 6 Cherry Trees
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8 m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 4 m and eaves height of 3 m
Decision: Granted Prior approval not required
2020/1219 Tallboys Manor Drive
Demolition of existing garage and erection of new house.
Decision: Refused The proposal by virtue of its location, scale, design, plot and garden size, and the impact on established landscaping and trees would result in an incongruous building with an uncomfortable relationship with its surroundings, and a development of insufficient quality out of keeping with the urban form and character of the area. Applicant has decided to appeal (HPC Planning 30.9.20) Hartley PC comments: Object Overdevelopment, out of keeping, too close to boundary
2020/1234 Aconite Ash Road
Single storey rear extension.
Decision: Refused Planning Permission required
2020/1261 Pear Tree House Gorsewood Road
Replacement of the front boundary hedge with a wall with railings over, brick piers and electronic gates, formation of additional vehicular access, new timber fence and landscaping
Decision: Granted
2020/1298 Glenelm Castle Hill
Erection of a detached outbuilding.
Decision: Granted
2020/1370 Mark House Ash Road
Proposed residential rear extension with rooflights, landscaping with new steps and alterations to fenestration.
Decision: Granted
2020/1394 Land East of 5 Ellerby Mews Ellerby Mews
Details pursuant to condition 2 (details of materials) subject to 19/01526/FUL
Decision: Granted
2020/1420 Land East of 5 Ellerby Mews Ellerby Mews
Details pursuant to condition 7 (construction management) subject to 19/01526/FUL
Decision: Refused Given the constraints of the site, the proposed Construction Environmental Management Plan raises concerns for both safety and potential disruption of neighbouring amenity. There is also insufficient information regarding wheel washing and the frequency of deliveries and contractor parking.
2020/1426 3 Downs Valley
Demolition of existing garage with store and erection of new double garage with store and hobby room.
Decision: Withdrawn
2020/1502 The Lindans Ash Road
Demolition of the existing dwelling together with the erection of a new 4-Bed Chalet Bungalow, detached garage and associated landscaping.
Decision: Refused large bulky dwelling located within a line of modest bungalows. In consequence the proposal would represent an incongruous feature out of keeping with the street scene Hartley PC comments: Object The proposed development, due to its scale and bulk, fails to respond and respect the local character of the area. Also, the siting of a large double garage in front of the new house presents a dominant and intrusive feature to the street scene which would have an impact on the amenity of the street scene and the adjoining properties.
2020/1517 Rosebank Briars Way
Single storey side extension to replace existing garage and garden room. Existing timber pagoda to be removed.
Decision: Granted
2020/1537 Brianne Castle Hill
Demolition of existing outbuilding and green house, erection of one-storey, one bedroom habitable outbuilding at the end of the garden.
Decision: Refused The proposal would detrimentally harm the openness of the Green Belt Hartley PC comments: Object Green belt
2020/1538 The Paddock Church Road
Erection of single storey extensions and erection of a detached ancillary outbuilding
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Green belt, exceed 50% allowance, permitted development rights removed, no special circumstances
2020/1552 Kilkerran Gorsewood Road
Proposed conversion of the garage and fenestration changes to front and rear elevations.
Decision: Granted
2020/1570 3 Downs Valley
Garage extension to existing outbuilding
Decision: Granted
2020/1640 9 Carmelite Way
First floor extension over existing garage with raised roof and dormers. Single storey rear extension
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: object Not 1m gap between side wall and boundary
2020/1730 The Owenabue Manor Lane
Erection of single storey extension to rear of existing detached garage
Decision: Refused Inappropriate development in green belt; incongrous design Hartley PC comments: object Green belt
2020/1759 Hill Top Ash Road
Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of a detached granny annex
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object More than 5m from main house
2020/1810 Oaklea Gorsewood Road
New entrance gates and fencing to front boundary, formation of vehicular access, new hard standing and landscaping
Decision: Refused The proposal would have a detrimental impact on the character of the area Hartley PC comments: Object unduly prominent andobtrusive form of development which would detract from thestreet scene
2020/1822 32 Chantry Avenue
First floor single storey rear extension and first floor front and side extension.
Decision: Granted
2020/2089 Aconite Ash Road
Demolition of existing conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension with roof lights and alterations to fenestration
Decision: Granted
2020/2099 Tulip Tree Cottage Ash Road
Variation of Condition 2 of 20/00700/HOUSE to two storeyread and side extension incorporating existing garage and front porch with amendment to the materials to be used.
Decision: Granted
2020/2182 The Briars Gresham Avenue
Erection of orangery with roof lantern on the footprint of the existing patio.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Overdevelopment, permitted development rights already removed
2020/2207 Chapelwood Stables Ash Road
Confirmation that the ancillary storage of caravans and containers within existing car park area is lawful.
Decision: Withdrawn Hartley PC comments: Object Green belt
2020/2229 Pear Tree House Gorsewood Road
Detached garage to front of dwelling and front boundary wall (part brick, part brick with railings over), brick piers, electronic gates and landscaping.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object "incongruous addition which would detract from the character of the area. Specifically, due to the fact that the proposed garage would be located in frontof the building line"
2020/2296 Hartley Garage Ash Road
Change of use of the rear part of the motor vehicle repair and MOT centre from B2 (general industrial) to a mixed B2 and B8 use (to allow for storage and distribution) together with the retention of two storage containers in connection with the B2 use and the siting of nine additional storage containers for B8 storage use.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Neighbour amenity, 2 units there don't have planning permission. Listed conditions they would want if planning granted
2020/2379 11 Hoselands View
Construction of two storey rear extension and new front porch.
Decision: Withdrawn Hartley PC comments: Object Extends more than 3m from back, overbearing, neighbour amenity
2020/2541 Beaumont Quakers Close
Removal of existing extension and replacement with single storey rear extension.
Decision: Granted
2020/2665 Lamorna Church Road
To change the exterior walls of the extension from the approved render to white cladding
Decision: Granted
2020/2806 Manor Field Church Road
Change of use from amenity land to provide a new burial ground and ancillary works to include the lych gate and paths
Decision: Granted
2020/2826 Flora Church Road
Erection of a first floor rear extension, roof alterations to form gable ends to sides & front, insertion of rooflights
Decision: Withdrawn Hartley PC comments: Object Green belt - over 50% increase
2020/2867 11 Hoselands View
Extension of flats 32 & 33 enabling the expansion of two 1-bedroom apartments to 2-bedrooms and the creation of an additional 2-bedroom apartment. Erection of cladding.
Decision: Granted
2020/2874 32 Cavendish Square
Extension of flats 32 & 33 enabling the expansion of two 1-bedroom apartments to 2-bedrooms and the creation of an additional 2-bedroom apartment. Erection of cladding.
Decision: Granted
2020/2874 33 Cavendish Square
Extension of flats 32 & 33 enabling the expansion of two 1-bedroom apartments to 2-bedrooms and the creation of an additional 2-bedroom apartment. Erection of cladding.
Decision: Granted
2020/2893 Mardell Woodland Avenue
Single storey extension and extension of first floor including works to the roof, including dormers. Alterations to fenestration
Decision: Granted
2020/3024 36 Springcroft
Erection of a rear extension infill.
Decision: Granted
2020/3030 Briar Cottage Gorsewood Road
Proposed loft conversion, single storey rear extension, part single storey front extension, part conversion of garage, new porch, internal alterations and alterations to fenestration.
Decision: Granted
2020/3134 Ludham House Woodland Avenue
Creation of a new plot in a back garden and erection of a new dwellinghouse in it.
Decision: Refused OK on parking, biodiversity and not overdevelopment of site, but adverse impact on outlook from Ludham and overlook private amenity space of 70 Wellfield. KCC say no traffic problems. Only objection was Hartley PC. Appeal PP/G2245/W/21/3275324 dismissed Hartley PC comments: Object Overdevelopment, vehicular access problems, visual amenity of street scene
2020/3180 Sloley Castle Hill
Two storey rear extension.
Decision: Granted
2020/3308 16 Copse Side
Erection of loft conversion.
Decision: Granted
2020/3334 16 Copse Side
Erection of small ground floor rear extension with glazed roof and steps and enlargement of rear door to kitchen
Decision: Granted
2020/3369 Mark House Ash Road
Non material amendment to 20/01370/HOUSE.
Decision: Refused Planning Permission required
2020/3376 Oaklea Gorsewood Road
New entrance gates and fencing to front boundary, formation of vehicle access, new hardstanding and landscaping.
Decision: Granted
2020/3381 The Owenabue Manor Lane
Erection of single storey outbuilding to facilitate a pool room and gym.
Decision: Granted
2020/3401 Sunnyside Woodland Avenue
Erection of a dormer to front roof slope.
Decision: Granted
2020/3450 Porthcarno Gorse Way
Rear extension consisting of orangery, utility room and shower room.
Decision: Granted
2020/3479 Bramblings Bramblefield Close
Change of use from C2 (ancillary carers' accommodation) to C3 and extension of existing bungalow to provide 5 no. residential units.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No objection Worried about increased traffic though
2020/3507 The Lindans Ash Road
Single storey rear and side extensions. Loft conversion with a dormer along with internal alterations.
Decision: Granted
2020/3685 Chapelwood Stables Ash Road
Storage of caravans and containers within car park area.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Green belt
2020/3805 Mark House Ash Road
Single storey rear extension.
Decision: Granted
2021/41 Lyndon Stack Lane
Demolition of single storey timber side extension and erection of single storey rear and single storey flank extension incorporating roof lights and sliding doors.
Decision: Granted
2021/86 36 Springcroft
Dormer: Enlarge rear dormer to increase bedroom and family bathroom. Alterations to fenestration.
Decision: Granted
2021/119 6 Wellfield
Demolition of rear conservatory and storage space. Erection of a side extensions and alterations to rear extension and storage space.
Decision: Refused Planning Permission required
2021/126 15 Broomfields
Construction of a pitched roof extension and alteration to fenestration.
Decision: Granted
2021/174 18 Wellfield
Demolition of single storey rear conservatory and erection of single storey hipped roofed extension.
Decision: Granted
2021/210 Copthorne Ash Road
Construction of a new stand-alone double garage with garden room to the rear plus extension and alteration to existing garage to provide gym and home office
Decision: Granted
2021/252 23 Old Downs
Erection of detached garage in front garden.
Decision: Granted
2021/286 Brentwood Gorsewood Road
Proposed erection of an attached single garage to the side elevation of the existing dwelling.
Decision: Granted
2021/311 Wealden House Ash Road
Single storey front and rear extension, alterations to existing dormers to create Juliet balcony.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Neighbour Amenity
2021/344 44 Wellfield
Part Single, Part Two Storey, Rear and Side Extensions
Decision: Refused The cumulative impact of the proposal would be an incongruousaddition to the dwelling and application site and would detrimentally harm the spacing and character of the properties within the street scene. The proposal would therefore not comply with Policy EN1 of the ADMP. Appeal PP/G2245/D/21/3277332 to Planning Inspectorate dismissed
2021/408 Manor Field Church Road
Details pursuant to condition 3 (hard and soft landscaping) of planning permission 20/02806/FUL.
Decision: Granted
2021/531 Tor Lodge Church Road
Details pursuant to condition 5 (method statement of protection of hedges) of 19/00803/FUL
Decision: Granted
2021/563 5 Ellerby Mews
Details pursuant to condition 7 (construction method statement) of planning permission 19/01526/FUL.
Decision: Refused The proposed Construction Management Statement would not address the concerns regarding the adverse impact on the residents of Ellerby Mews in respect to their safety or amenities.
2021/573 San Miguel Gorsewood Road
Demolition of existing conservatory. Erection of a 2 storey detached dwelling. New access with dropped kerb.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Overdevelopment
2021/581 22 Old Downs
Erection of detached single storey games room and summerhouse building in rear garden
Decision: Granted
2021/591 Country Club Culvey Close
Installation of children's play equipment together with fencing, netting and timber screening wall .
Decision: Granted
2021/629 The Pales Quakers Close
Demolition of existing workshop, garage and utility room. Erection of external living/garage block with extensive sound proofing, new utility room cutting a new pitched roof into the existing roof, solar panels, new porch, fence and alterations to landscaping.
Decision: Granted
2021/641 Rose Bank Stack Lane
Proposed removal of garage flat roof. Replaced with pitched roof. Convert garage into a family room.
Decision: Granted
2021/662 Barncroft Church Road
New single storey extension to rear with green
roof. New pitched roof to rear. Alterations to fenestration. Replacement of the clay roof tiles with slate tiles. New patio area. Re-alignment of the middle window on the main elevation first floor
Decision: Refused Hartley PC comments: No objection If OK by green belt.
2021/673 Robins Gorsewood Road
Removal of conservatory and utility room and erection of a single storey rear extension and alterations to fenestration
Decision: Granted
2021/693 Rose Cottage Farm Church Road
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 2 storey chalet dwelling, formation of new driveway and new vehicle access to Bellmouth entrance to Church Road and associated landscaping.
Decision: Refused Hartley PC comments: No objection If OK by green belt. Also queried apparent mobile home on site
2021/806 Beresford Ash Road
Proposed new garden house to be located to the western side of the garden.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Overdevelopment
2021/808 Beresford Ash Road
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 6 m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3 m and eaves height of 3 m.
Decision: Granted Prior approval not required
2021/840 42 Springcroft
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 6 m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3 m and eaves height of 2.8 m.
Decision: Granted Prior approval not required
2021/916 5 Downs Valley
Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and construction of a new sun room.
Decision: Granted
2021/998 6 Wellfield
Demolishing existing conservatory space and re-designing, ground floor rear extension with additional space.
Decision: Granted
2021/1032 Amberley Ash Road
To remove landscaping (condition 4)
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No objection Originally objected because they weren't clear what was being proposed
2021/1052 Braemar Ash Road
Garden wall and gates
Decision: Granted
2021/1106 Kintyre Ash Road
Removal of two existing chimneys and the erection of a single storey rear extension
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No objection If OK by green belt.
2021/1108 Porthcarno Gorse Way
Rear extension consisting of orangery, utility room and shower room
Decision: Granted
2021/1141 The Lindans Ash Road
Proposed rear, side and room in the roof extensions,
including replacement enlarged pitched roof with associated Dorma Windows. Demolition of garage, existing side and rear extension and replacement of bay windows
Decision: Granted
2021/1142 The Lindans Ash Road
Details pursuant to condition 3 (biodiversity) of 20/03507/HOUSE.
Decision: Refused Insufficent Information submitted
2021/1243 27 Billings Hill Shaw
Single storey front extension. Garage conversion. New pitched roof to front.
Decision: Granted
2021/1246 Ashdown Gorsewood Road
Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and conversion of existing garage into habitable with construction of new side, rear and front single storey extensions.
Decision: Granted
2021/1315 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Proposed detached garage and workshop outbuilding.
Decision: Granted
2021/1342 The Old Paddock Gorsewood Road
Demolition of existing garage and storage room and erection of side /rear /front extension to create double garage/utility /living space incorporating exterior walls update ,interior design alteration and Velux roof lights installation.
Decision: Granted
2021/1405 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Proposed ground floor extensions, conversion of garage, new roof and loft conversion with dormers and balcony to the rear, raised patio terrace, landscaping and alterations to fenestration.
Decision: Refused Harmful to green belt due to bulk and scale Hartley PC comments: Object Green belt
2021/1411 Thornton House Gorsewood Road
Erection of single-storey rear porch extension.
Decision: Granted
2021/1471 Glebe House Ash Road
Partial replacement/enlargement of existing ground floor rear extension including a clear gap between new and existing extensions. Replacement and enlargement of existing ground floor side extension. Enlargement of existing terrace. Addition of glazed doors to existing rear extension affected by works and internal alterations.
Decision: Granted
2021/1512 Little Cedars Ash Road
Demolition of existing dwelling, formation of new access and erection of replacement dwelling to rear with associated garage, parking and landscaping.
Decision: Refused The scale, bulk, footprint and mass of the proposed dwelling would detrimentally
harm the setting of the heritage asset and would not comply with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy EN4 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. Hartley PC comments: Object harmful to the character of the adjacent Green Belt and also to the character of the street scene
" "
2021/1512 Greenacre Hartley Green
Demolition of existing dwelling, formation of new access and erection of replacement dwelling to rear with associated garage, parking and landscaping.
Decision: Refused The scale, bulk, footprint and mass of the proposed dwelling would detrimentally
harm the setting of the heritage asset and would not comply with the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy EN4 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan.
2021/1524 The Red House Ash Road
Proposed First Floor Extension.
Decision: Granted
2021/1585 19 Fairby Lane
Single Storey rear extension with change to 1st floor window placement. Replacement of conservatory with part side single storey extension. New front porch.
Decision: Granted
2021/1819 11 Round Ash Way
Part single storey and two storey extension, alterations to fenestration and addition of pitched roof to existing porch.
Decision: Granted
2021/1855 Woodview Chapelwood Road
Demolition of existing garage and erection of a single storey side extension.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Believe they have had 50% allowance already
2021/1885 2a Green Way
Demolition of existing garage and erection of replacement garage. New crossover, reconfiguration of hard standing, hedge, fence and gate.
Decision: Granted
2021/1896 42 Springcroft
Part first floor/part two storey extension to front and rear. Erection of garage to the rear
Decision: Granted
2021/1946 Greenways Larksfield
Single storey rear extension
Decision: Granted
2021/2019 Braemar Ash Road
Conversion of existing garage into a habitable room and an existing entrance door to the flank elevation will be bricked up
Decision: Granted
2021/2021 Merryways Ash Road
Conversion of side loft to a habitable space and loft conversion with rear flat roof dormer, juliet balcony and alterations to fenestration.
Decision: Granted
2021/2036 Barncroft Church Road
Proposed single storey rear extension, new pitched roof to existing first floor rear extension with gable glazing to rear elevation. Re-alignment of the centre window to the main elevation at first floor.
Decision: Refused Green belt Hartley PC comments: No objection If OK by green belt
2021/2039 Manor Farm Manor Road
Confirmation of the change of use for the stationing of 7 static caravans for residential occupancy
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Don't believe the caravans have been there 10 years
2021/2087 Flora Church Road
Proposed demolition of side conservatory and alterations to ground floor. Proposed raising of wall plate, roof alterations and attic conversion.
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: No objection If OK by green belt
2021/2089 Fairfields Manor Lane
Conversion of existing garage/workshop to a single dwelling house including garden amenity space, access and associated landscaping
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Green Belt
2021/2335 The Lindans Ash Road
Details pursuant to condition 3 (ecological enhancement) subject to 20/03507/HOUSE
Decision: Granted
2021/2336 The Lindans Ash Road
Details pursuant to condition 3 (ecological enhancement) subject to 20/03507/HOUSE
Decision: Granted
2021/2397 Lonicera Stack Lane
Erection of part single and part two storey extensions at front and rear to existing detached dwelling
Decision: Granted
2021/2444 Chapelwood Stables Ash Road
Prior notification of demolition of existing building and replacement with a single building comprising of a purpose-built detached dwellinghouse.
Decision: Granted
2021/2461 Glebe House Ash Road
Part single/part double storey rear extension, demolition of existing shed, fenestration alterations, demolition of existing porch and porch extension, replacement of side extension flat roof with pitched roof and addition of rooflights, landscape alterations including raised patio, erection of a detached garage with driveway alterations
Decision: Granted Hartley PC comments: Object Green belt, believe 50% quota exceeded and would harm neighbouring nature reserve.
2021/2483 Orchardside Ash Road
Alterations to the front boundary wall, extension of the existing vehicular crossover and proposed planting
Decision: Granted
2021/2513 Merrywigs Gorse Way
Amendment to 18/01634
Decision: Granted
2021/2566 37 Springcroft
Hip to gable and rear dormer and a single storey rear extension
Decision: Granted
2021/2655 9 Culvey Close
Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of new two storey rear extension
Decision: Granted
2021/2714 15 Merton Avenue
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 5.32 meters beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.58 meters and eaves height of 2.28 meters
Decision: Granted Prior approval not required
2021/2760 Vrindhaven Ash Road
Removal of front porch and bay windows, removal of side chimney and removal of front dormer. New front porch, two storey side extension and part single part two storey rear extension
Decision: Refused The proposal would have a detrimental impact on
the character of the surrounding area. As a result, the proposal would fail to comply with policy SP1 of the Core Strategy and policy EN1 of the Sevenoaks Allocations and Development Management Plan. Hartley PC comments: Object Too large an extension for green belt
2021/2849 Pear Tree House Gorsewood Road
Replacement of the front boundary hedge with a wall with railings over, brick piers and electronic gates, formation of additional vehicular access, new timber fence and landscaping. Resubmission of 20/01261/HOUSE with amendments Open for comment icon
Decision: Granted
2021/2902 Grinstead Ash Road
Demolition of existing garage, front side, rear and first floor extensions with rooflights.
Decision: Granted
2021/2946 Bramblings Bramblefield Close
Details pursuant to condition 4 (Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Potection Plan) of 20/03479/FUL
Decision: Granted
2021/2966 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Demolition of shed. Proposed ground floor side and rear extension. Proposed porch and hip to gable loft conversion.
Decision: Granted
2021/2986 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.81m and eaves height of 2.93m.
Decision: Withdrawn
2021/3039 Manor Farm Manor Road
Confirmation of the change of use for the stationing of 7 static caravans for residential occupancy.
Decision: Granted
2021/3060 Bramblings Bramblefield Close
Details pursuant to condition 5 (hard and soft landscaping) of 20/03479/FUL.
Decision: Granted
2021/3133 Hammonds Hottsfield
Replacement conservatory and new rear dormer.
Decision: Granted
2021/3184 Fairfields Manor Lane
Minor material amendment to 21/02089/FUL.
Decision: Granted
2021/3214 Highlands Ash Road
Erection of a single storey dwelling on land adjoining
Decision: Granted Allowed because it will be on a similar scale to existing outbuildings, therefore openness of Green Belt unaffected.
2021/3241 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Proposed ground floor rear extension.
Decision: Withdrawn
2021/3370 Chapelwood Stables Ash Road
Prior notification of demolition of existing building and replacement with a single building comprising of a purpose-built detached dwellinghouse.
Decision: Granted
2021/3405 Braemar Ash Road
Non-material amendment to 21/01052/HOUSE.
Decision: Granted Non-material amendment
2021/3420 Knoll Cottage Ash Road
Two storey front extension. Alterations to fenestration.
Decision: Granted
2021/3451 Greenways Larksfield
Non material amendment to 21/01946/HOUSE.
Decision: Granted Non-material amendment
2021/3471 All Sloane Square
Remodelling of Sloane Square and St Georges Square to include the creation of 1 no. additional 2-bed apartment and two storey extensions to remodel existing one bedroom apartments into two bedroom apartments (net increase 1 unit).
Decision: Refused
2021/3471 All St George's Square
Remodelling of Sloane Square and St Georges Square to include the creation of 1 no. additional 2-bed apartment and two storey extensions to remodel existing one bedroom apartments into two bedroom apartments (net increase 1 unit).
Decision: Refused
2021/3487 Ash End Ash Road
Relocation of the front driveway, demolition of an existing summer house and garage. Proposed rear conservatory and detached garage.
Decision: Granted
2021/3496 Vrindhaven Ash Road
Removal of front porch and bay windows, removal of side chimney and removal of front dormer. New front porch, two storey side extension and part single part two storey rear extension.
Decision: Granted
2021/3521 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.65 m and eaves height of 2.93 m.
Decision: Withdrawn
2021/3533 Melford Lodge The Warrens
Demolition of existing conservatory with single storey side and rear extension
Decision: Granted
2021/3537 Lone Oak Castle Hill
Proposed single storey ground floor wrap around extension, internal alterations and garden landscaping.
Decision: Granted
2021/3550 The Barn, Hartley Wood Corner Manor Drive
Change of use and conversion of existing barn to provide 1no. dwelling with associated amenity space, parking and landscaping. Amended Consultation - Additional information as requested from comments by KCC Ecology
Decision: Withdrawn
2021/3610 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.81m and eaves height of 2.93m.
Decision: Granted Prior approval not required
2021/3611 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Prior notification of a single storey rear extension which extends 8m beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling house with a maximum height of 3.19m and eaves height of 2.47m.
Decision: Granted Prior approval not required
2021/3661 South Place Castle Hill
Garden Building for use as a home gym and art studio for our children.
Decision: Refused
2021/3801 4 Merryfields Close
Demolition of a conservatory and construction of a single storey rear extension.
Decision: Granted
2021/3807 The Chase Gorsewood Road
Proposed two storey front and rear extensions, new garage, internal alterations and front boundary wall and gate alterations, alterations to fenestration. Removal of hedge.
2021/3807 The Chase Gorsewood Road
Proposed two storey front and rear extensions, new garage, internal alterations and front boundary wall and gate alterations, alterations to fenestration. Removal of a hedge
Decision: N/A
2021/3843 6 Perran Close
Proposed garage conversion.
Decision: Granted
2021/3847 Ash End Ash Road
Relocation of the front driveway, demolition of existing summer house and garage. Proposed rear conservatory and detached garage. Amended consultation - Amended plans have been submitted following consultee comments showing amendments to the proposed boundary treatments and visibility splays
Decision: N/A
2021/3868 The Old Paddock Gorsewood Road
Conversion of existing garage into habitable space and erection of side /rear /front extension to create double garage/utility /living space incorporating new garage space, exterior walls update ,interior design alteration and Velux roof lights installation.
Decision: Granted
2021/3981 Tay Win Gorse Way
Remove existing conservatory
and construct a new single storey rear extension. Amended consultation to lengthen the rear extension by a further 1
Decision: Granted
2021/3996 Ashdown Gorsewood Road
Non-material amendment to 21/01246/HOUSE.
Decision: Refused Is material amendment
2021/4037 5 Wellfield
Non-material amendment to 19/00180/FUL.
Decision: Refused Is material amendment
2021/4062 Briggstowe Larksfield
Demolition of existing garage. Hip gable roof alternations in connection with conversion of roof space into habitable rooms incorporating dormer extensions to front and rear roof slopes, erection of two storey front extension to form entrance porch and single storey rear extension. Extension park hardstanding.
Decision: Refused
2021/4071 Woodcote Ash Road
Two single storey outbuildings with ancillary use for the main residential dwelling.
2021/4128 19 Fairby Lane
Single storey rear extension, demolition and replacement of conservatory to side
Decision: Granted
2021/4131 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Proposed ground floor extensions and hip to gable loft conversion with dormers. Consolidating applications 21/02966/LDCPR, 21/03610/PAE & 21/03611/PAE into one certificate of lawful development.
Decision: Granted
2021/4185 Burberry House Gorsewood Road
conversion of integral garage into ancillary living space and the construction of a detached single garage
Decision: N/A
2021/4219 All Sloane Square
Remodelling of Sloane Square and St George's Square to include the creation of 1No.additional 2-bed apartment and two storey extensions to remodel existing one bedroom apartments into two bedroom apartments (net increase 1 unit)
Decision: Granted
2021/4219 All St George's Square
Remodelling of Sloane Square and St George's Square to include the creation of 1No.additional 2-bed apartment and two storey extensions to remodel existing one bedroom apartments into two bedroom apartments (net increase 1 unit)
Decision: Granted
2022/62 Briar Cottage Gorsewood Road
Demolish existing bungalow and replace with two storey detached dwellings with integral garages, creation of a new access for each dwelling and associated landscaping
Decision: Granted
2022/98 Ashdown Gorsewood Road
Proposed demolition of existing conservatory and construction of new side, rear and front single storey extensions.
Decision: Granted
2022/128 Copthorne Ash Road
Demolition of existing garden room, garage and shed. New garage with garden room to the existing house that is smaller than previously consented proposal. Erection of a single storey two bedroom dwelling replacing equivalent existing and previously consented outbuildings to the rear garden of Copthorne, Ash Road.
Decision: Withdrawn
2022/135 The Elms Church Road
Demolition of existing attached garage and building of enlarged single storey side extension with roof lights and alterations to fenestration
Decision: Granted
2022/152 Greenacre Hartley Green
Proposed part two storey, part single storey rear extension with roof light. Alterations to fenestration
2022/174 2 Culvey Close
Erection of first flank extension over existing ground floor extension together ground floor flank/rear extension. New roof on existing rear conservatory and internal alterations.
Decision: Granted
2022/313 Briggstowe Larksfield
Demolition of existing garage. Hip gable roof alterations in connection with conversion of roof space into habitable rooms incorporating dormer extensions to front and rear roof slopes, erection of single storey front extension to form entrance porch and single storey rear extension. Extension to car park
2022/462 The Seasons Gorse Way
Partial demolition of garage, demolition of existing conservatory and construction of new two storey front/side extension and new side garage.
2022/485 31 Dickens Close
Erection of new porch to principal elevation
2022/486 Byfields Ash Road
Removal of condition 7 (no extension or internal or external alterations) of 01/01688/FUL for a replacement dwelling.
2022/650 Innisfree Fairby Lane
Proposed ground floor extensions, new roof and loft conversion with dormers to the rear and raised patio terrace.
2022/652 Glebe House Ash Road
New build outbuilding for a gym with monopitched roof and associated landscape work.
2022/664 Ferndale Church Road
Proposed ground floor rear extension and alterations to fenestration.
2022/676 2 Sloane Square
Remodelling and extension of 2 Sloane square to include the creation of 1No. additional 2-bed apartment and a two storey and to convert the existing apartment into two bedroom unit (net increase 1 unit)
2022/688 3 Sloane Square
Remodelling of 3-6 Sloane square to include two storey extensions to remodel existing one bedroom apartments into two bedroom apartments (no net increase in units)
2022/688 4 Sloane Square
Remodelling of 3-6 Sloane square to include two storey extensions to remodel existing one bedroom apartments into two bedroom apartments (no net increase in units)
2022/688 5 Sloane Square
Remodelling of 3-6 Sloane square to include two storey extensions to remodel existing one bedroom apartments into two bedroom apartments (no net increase in units)
2022/688 6 Sloane Square
Remodelling of 3-6 Sloane square to include two storey extensions to remodel existing one bedroom apartments into two bedroom apartments (no net increase in units)
2022/743 33 Billings Hill Shaw
Demolition of conservatory and existing garage. Proposed single storey side and rear extension, bay window extension, relocation of entrance to front of property, replacement cladding and expansion of parking area.