Newspaper Stories 1880 - 1889 - Hartley-Kent: The Website for Hartley

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Newspaper Stories 1880 - 1889

1880, February 21: Middle Farm Stock Sale Dartford Chronicle
"Hartley Kent, near Fawkham Station on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. Mr William Hodsoll is instructed by Mr George Best (who is quitting the farm) and others to sell by auction on the premises, at Hartley, on Friday Feb 27th at 11 for 12 o'clock, valuable live and dead farming stock. Comprising 4 powerful draught horses, 7 capital milch cows, 4 fat hogs, quantity of poultry and the usual farm implements. Also 5 stacks of wheat with the straw, 2 stacks of oats with ditto, 2 stacks of pea haulm, stack of meadow hay (computed at 8 loads), about 30 bushels of American early rose potatoes, a portion of the household furniture, and numerous useful miscellaneous effects. Catalogues of the Auctioneer, Farningham, Kent."

1880, March 20: Longfield Station East Kent Gazette
Timetable: Trains from Victoria with time at Longfield in brackets: Mon-Sat 8.55 (10.09), 11.55 (13.00), 13.20 (14.26), 16.30 (17.34), 17.15 (18.10), 18.26 (19.19), 21.25 (22.35), Sun 9.00 (9.57), 10.25 (11.37), 15.00 (16.12),18.25 (19.23), 21.15 (22.30).

Trains from Longfield to Victoria with time at Victoria in brackets: Mon-Sat 8.03 (9.23), 8.46 (9.55), 10.45 (11.50), 15.10 (16.19), 18.10 (19.13), 18.51 (19.50), 22.04 (23.25), Sun 8.39 (9.54), 11.25 (12.45), 18.34 (19.55), 21.38 (23.00).

Not very many changes from 1877 timetable with the exception of some afternoon trains retimed.

1880, March 27: Longfield Tip - Bad Debts South London Press
"Newington Vestry - The Depot and Bad Debts - A discussion ensued with reference to a tatement which had gone abroad that the depot committee had incurred bad debts.

Mr Whitford said he was pleased to state that the loss sustained was only 1¼% of the total sales.

Mr Hart, as chairman of the Depot Committee, was much gratified at the bad debts being so small. He had received a letter from the clerk containing all the details, and he should be happy to let Mr Side see if if he wished. He contended that the establishment of the depot was one of the best things which had happened for the parish, inasmuch as it had been the means of saving Newington an immense amount of money in the course of hte year.

The following letter from the clerk (Mr L J Dunham) was then read: Dear Sir - Some doubts having arisen upon the question of bad debts made upon the sal eof refuse from the depot. I have gone into the matter, and find that since the opening of the depot on the 28th July 1873, the committee have sent away 201,340 tons of ashes and mixture, and this quanitity has been sold at £29,585 5s 1d. Of this sum only £2,806 3s 1d was due at Christmas, since which date i have received £1,403 18s 7d, leaving only a balance therefore of £1,402 4s 6d due on all consignments made to 31st December 1879. Since the opening of the sidings, the sum of £214 2s 11d has been allowed as rebate off accounts, and from the balance of £1,402 4s 6d now owing the vestry only £120 14s 6d can be put down as bad or doubtful, aso that by taking the two items of £214 2s 11d and £120 14s 6d, only £334 17s 5d can be deducted from the sum of £29,585 5s 1d as the amount lost which is less than 1½% of the total sales."

[This report is interesting chiefly for details of the sheer volume of manure and ashes sent from Newington to Longfield.]

1880, March 27: Local News in Brief Dartford Chronicle
(1) Tenant farmers meeting at Dartford -150 present, paper notes Col Evelyn of Hartley; (2) List of Conservative supporters includes Rev W W Allen of Hartley

1880, April 10: Sale of Longfield Court Gravesend Reporter
"A charming residential property, within 5 minutes walk of Fawkham Station, on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway, and 5 miles from Dartford and Gravesend, situate in a healthy district, and within the meets of several packs of hounds, comprising a family residence in perfect order, with excellent modern stabling, pleasure grounds, gardens, small farmery, and 21 acres of first rate meadow land, offering a rare opportunity to hunting men and gentlemen engaged in the city.

Mr john Lees is instructed by the executors of the late NJ Collier esq to sell by auction at the Mart, London on Thursday, April 22nd at 12 for 1 o'clock the above desirable leasehold property, to hold for an unexpired term of 10 years at a low rent..."

1880, April 24: Hartley Roads Dartford Chronicle
T Gambrill, waywarden for Hartley; Rev W W Allen, guardian

1880, May 8: Pennis House, Fawkham Dartford Chronicle
Wll of Josiah Rolls, formerly of Pennis, Fawkham. Leaves property to 2 sons and daughters Mrs Clara Louisa Swaisland, Mrs Eliza Bremridge

1880, May 13: Gravesend Hospital Gravesend Journal
13th annual meeting of subscribers and friends. "The committee fervently acknowledge God's blessing on their past labours, which has enabled them to maintain the institution in full efficiency, and to meet the unusually heavy liabilities of the past year without resort to their invested funds. The annual subscriptions have increased from £391 in 1876 to £421 in 1880, but, inasmuch as the expense of maintaining the institution in efficiency will, for the reasons appearing in the report, be inevitably heavier in the future than in the past, the committee hope that fresh subscriptions will be forthcoming to meet such expenditure. The number of outpatients relived during the past year is greater than in any former year, with the exception of the year 1879, the expense of drugs and surgical applicances being a constantly increasing item. The number of inpatients is somewhat below the average of the past few years. the total number of outpatients during the 30 years existence of the dispensary is stated at 36,434, the inpatients of the Infirmary during 25 years, since its institution being 1,935. Of the 1,600 patients attending the dispensary during the year, 734 have been cured, 391 relieved, 9 died and 182 were discharged; 161 casualties received medical and surgical relief, 123 cases remaining under treatment.

The patients are reported as coming from various parishes or districts in the following proportions: Gravesend 498, Milton 424, Northfleet 175, Denton and East Milton 59, Perry Street 54, Rosherville 36, Swanscombe 25, Chalk 23, Meopham 18, Grays (Essex) 18, Southfleet 14, Tilbury (Essex) 14, Shorne 13, Cobham 8, Greenhithe 6, Higham 6, Orsett (Essex) 6, Besham 5, Corringham 4, Singlewell 4, Mucking (Essex) 4, Dartford 3, Galley Hill 3, Stone 3, Fobbing (Essex) 3, Chadwell 2, Horndon 2, Lee 2, Stanford-le-Hope (Essex) 2, Ash 1, Longfield 1, Nurstead 1, Barking 1, Thurrock (Essex) 1; total 1,600. Of the 97 cases admitted to the infirmary, 71 were cured, 13 relieved, 7 died, 6 remaining under treatment, Gravesend contributing 21, Milton 19, Northfleet 11, Shipping 9, Swanscombe 6, Tilbury 6, Perry Street 3, Southfleet 3, Dartford 2, Galley Hill 2, Rosherville 2, Chalk 1, Green Street Green 1, Higham 1, London 1, Meopham 1, Shorne 1, Strood 1, 6 not being recorded.... The greatest number in the wards at anyone time was 13.....

The financial statement ... showed - cash at bankers Arpil 1 1879 £81 10s; subscriptions £421 18s 6d; donations as previously acknowledged in reports £26 16s 10d; patients' pence £24 4s 6d; dividents and interest £102 9s 11d; legacies £219; indoor patients £23 12 6d; ????? £6 3s 3d; collections etc outdistricts £23 3s 2½d; Hospital Sunday £10 7s 5½d with other small items, making a total of £1,111 1s 2d. The disbursements included provisions £235 6s 6d; drugs £130 15s 5d; House Surgeions £147 17s; repairs £98 11s; drapery £14 16s 1d; Gas £14 14s; instruments £16 19s 9d; coals £21 9s 11d; upholstery £18 18s; wages £107 18s 11; purchase of Consols £224; collectors commission £21 12 8d; and numerous small items making a total of £1,109 4s 9d; leaving a balance of £1 16s 5d. The total sum invested in sock and standing to the credit of the trustees being £3,243 13s 5d."

1880, June 26: Hollands v Ludlow Cricket Match Kent Times
"Fawkham - Cricket Match. A Cricket match was played at Fawkham on Saturday, between eleven Ludlows [of Green Street Green] and eleven Hollands [of Fawkham], the former winning by 7 runs and 11 wickets." Hollands team scores 19 & 34 all out (G Hollands 4&3, J Hollands 0&2, J Hollands 0&3, G Hollands 0&0, A Hollands 8&8, W Hollands (0&2), N Hollands 0&3, C Hollands 3&0, T Hollands 0&0*, O Hollands 4&1, J Hollands 0&7, Extras 0&5. Ludlow 59.

1880, July 17: Hartley Roads Dartford Chronicle
Highways Board. Tender of J Ray accepted for surface picked flints at 2s per yard and 1 s for recarting at Hartley

1880, July 31: A Vagabond Kent Times
Dartford Magistrates: "Dennis McSweeney, late of Hartley, was sentenced to 2 months' hard labour as a rogue and vagabond, for running away and leaving his wife and 4 children chargeable to the Dartford Union."

1880, August 7: Sale of Wood at Hartley Manor Dartford Chronicle
"Mr Wm Hodsoll is instructed by Col Evelyn to sell by auction at the Railway Tavern, Fawkham Station, on Friday August 18th 1880 at 2 for 3pm. In convenient lots, 90 capital oak timber trees and 8 oak tellers, all recently felled and lying in Hartley Wood, close to a good road, also 18¾ stacks of oak cordwood, 1,500 oak top fagots and 1,124 coppice bavins. Mr Wilson, the bailiff of Hartley Court, will show the lots, of whom catalogues may be had; also at the place of sale, and of the auctioneer, Farningham, Kent."

1880, August 20: Harvest Nottinghamshire Guardian
Hop Prospects - at Ash, Hartley, Mersted, Gravesend and Meopham, the planters expect a capital lot of hops.

1880, September 18: Theft at Ash Chronicle
Albert Glover of Ash is witness in case of Joseph Watson - convicted of theft at Ash

1880, September 18: Family Announcements Whitstable Times
Death at Morning Dawn, Hollingbourne of William Hudson, late of Hartley Court, Hartley, aged 36

1880, October 23: Longfield Tip - Farmers' Dinner South London Press
"The Newington Dinner - The Depot Committee of Newington has had its annual junketing. The diners, from all that has transpired, appear to have been perfectly satisfied, and the non-diners perfectly miserable. The little bill has been presented, disputed and no doubt paid; and so, for at least 12 months, we have probably heard the last of this new phase of parochial activity. It may not be uninteresting, however, now the opportunity is afforded us, if we call the reader's attention to this new departure in matters parochial. Not that a dinner is a new parochial departure - far from it! It is notorious htt parochial accounts can no more be audited without wine than a pauper buried without beer. A Survey ommittee would be altogether unable to decide how many lamps shoudl be put up in a given street without the proverbial stimulant of a 'parochial drop'; and the registration of voters would be but imperfectly carried out without the customary winding up. All this is known to the world, and written, perhaps in letters of gold, in every parochal record. But to Newington belongs the honour of having discovered a new and irresistible claim to distinction; for if it has not actually invented a new joint, it has furnished vestrydom with another opportunity for dining. This achievement, however laudable, is not likely to remain particularly Newingtonian, and so before long we shall see Dust Depots established in every parish. They may possibly not be required, and may perhaps be worked at a loss; but these are small matters. In future every parish which hungers after feasting - and what metropolitan parish does not? - will look to the Depot for a dinner as much as Charles Lamb's Chinaman did to his house for the delectation of roast pig! And if one dust heap has been found so successful, we shall doubtless soon hear convincing arguments in favour of two, if not more, each managed by a separate committee, as in Camberwell, where Plant Committees abound in a most extraordinary manner.

But confining ourselves to Newington for the moment, it appears that about 5 years ago it occurred to certain members of the Vestry that it would not be unadvisable, on sanitary and economic, and perhaps on other grounds, to establish a dust mart in the parish, and in due course the Depot sprang into life. To the traveller on the London, Chatham and Dover, this monster muck-heap has anything but a pleasant appearance, and the casual observer is forced to the conclusion that the whole rag and bottle trade of the metropolis has made Newington its abiding home. But whilst the wretched side of the picture is thus thrust upon us, its pleasant pecularity is entirely lost to view. We marvel at the zeal with which the local Governors of Newington run after dirt and unsavouriness without so much as suspecting the reward which is in store once a year for such devotion. The recent dinner at the Bridge House explains it all. There is in Newington a parochial heaven this side the grave, where services freely and generously given are as generously rewarded; and we are rather inclined to rejoice that such is the case. It is confessed on all hands that the establishment of the Walworth Depot has been beneficial in many ways; and no-one can dispute the fact that the members who manage it on behalf of the ratepayers have many unpleasant duties to perform. It seems, therefore, a little ungracious that such exceptionally disagreeable parochial work should not have one streak of light - one moment of pleasure. It is perhaps possible to conceive the existence of a being who would find his highest reward in the work itself, though such ideal devotion is confessedly scarse in parochial matters.

But the dinner about which so much has been said was given, we take it, not to vestrymen for services rendered, but to farmers and others for favours received and to come. Douglas Jerrold once remarked that if London were dstroyed by an earthquake tomorrow, a place would be cleared among the ruins in which the citizens would dine together to celebrate the event. Now, the vestrymen and farmers have something of a tangible character to rejoice over - the only appearance of ruins being those of a well-served dinner. It may be that the farmers who purchase the 'Newington mixture' make it a condition in the bond not to settle their little accounts except over the dinner table; but let the case be as it may, it cannot be doubted that a little rational festivity makes the wheels of business travel smoothly over the ground. The farmers might perhaps be equally induced to purchase if the article were sold at a reduced cost, but there is a great staying power in a dinner, and Newington, whien it has got some good and substantial customers, has an evident desire to retain them. The means devised for carrying out such a laudable desire may not be free from objection, but so far hey have been as succesful in effect as they are parochial in character. At all events, compared with other festive gatherings in neighbouring parishes, it cannot be said that the Newington revellers have been extravagant, since the dinner cost £20 less than the estimate sanctioned by the Vestry some months previously!"

[The paper appears to usually support the ruling group on Newington Vestry, and this light hearted article supports the dinners attended by councillors and the customers of the Longfield Depot. It does not paint a pretty picture of the Walworth depot though!]

1880, November 6: Longfield Tip - Satisfied Customer South London Chronicle
"Newingon Vestry - The Newington 'Mixture' - A number of mangolds, weighing from 18 lbs to 25 lbs each; swedes 16 lbs and cabbages 8 lbs, grown on land manure, by what is known as the 'Newington Mixture' of ashes and refuse, were displayed on the table in the middle of the Vestry Hall. The Depot Committee reported receipt of the following letter from Mr J Langland of Kent House Farm, Penge SE - "I wish to send you 2 or 3 yellow mangolds, grown on land that has had no other manure than your mixture for some years. Should you require mixture (fodder) soon, I would put them in a truck. They are beauties, and will, I believe, weigh over 20lbs each. I have a splendid crop, both of them and swedes."

[Kent House station on the line from Bromley to London commemorates the former farm.]

1880, November 27: Sale of Wood at Hartley Manor Chronicle
Sale of 18 acres of underwood at Hartley Manor Estate, owned by Col Evelyn

1881, February 5: Cleared of Criminal Damage Gravesend Reporter
Dartford Magistrates: "Albert Day, a boy, was summoned for doing damage to a sack, the property of Colonel Evelyn at Hartley, on the 10th inst. Mr Gibson prosecuted. On the day in question a man in Colonel Evelyn's employ was driving a cart containing a load of oats in sacks, and on his way out, defendant, whose father had recently been discharged from the same employ, walked behind the cart for a short distance and then turned back. On reaching his destination Bennett found a large hole in one of the sacks, through which a quantity of corn had run. On inspecting the road next day he found traces of oats from the point where defendant was last seen. The bench dismissed the case as ridiculous."

1881, March 12: Theft charge at Ash Gravesend Reporter
Dartford Magistrates: "Charles William Chown and George Lawrence, were charged with stealing 2 coats belong to Thomas Penning at Ash, on the 22nd November last. The coats had been left in a stable, and it was found that one of them had been sold in Maidstone by Lawrence. There was a second charge against them for stealing 4 rabbits from the estate of Colonel Evelyn at Hartley on the same night. Prisoners had only just come out of gaol, and were now committed for trial."

1881, March 12: Gravesend Railway Bill Gravesend Reporter
"The Parliamentary Committee on this bill, after examining a number of witnesses from the town of Gravesend on Friday, called

Mr Henry Booth Hohler, of Fawkham Manor, who said he believed the proposed lines would be of great service to such villages as Fawkham, Longfield, Horton Kirby and Sutton at Hone.

Mr Walter Solomon, of Westwood Farm, Southfleet, said that the line would be a great advantage to the farmers in his district, because the fruit could be put on the train and taken right into the market.

Mr Charles Douglas Fox said the line would run from Fawkham, near Westwood, Southfleet, Springhead, Northfleet, and Rosherville, and it would terminate in the block of property lying between West Street and Church Street, immediately adjoining the Town Pier and the ferry Station of the Tilbury and Southend Railway. The cost of the works on the line would be £125,349 which, together with the cost of the land, would bring it up to a total of £164,936 for the railway. In addition to which it was proposed to expend the sum of £18,605 in widening Church Stree, adn £11,285 for making a short new street in Gravesend. He believed the powers in the bill to enable the Corporation to subscribe for street improvements had been struck out. They proposed to have one station for Southfleet and Westwood, another at Springhead, and a joint station for Rosherville and Northfleet, immediately adjoining the Rosherville Gardens. The house property that would be affected in Gravesend would be of the very worst description, some of the worst he had ever seen - many of the cottages being perfect hovels. The number of houses disturbed in Gravesend would be 113, inhabited by 686 people.

Sir Sydney Headley Waterlow, bart, MP, in answer to Mr Pope, said that he was member of Parliament for Gravesend, and deputy chairman of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. He was named in the proposed Bill as one of the first directors of the proposed line, having been induced to accept the position, both by reason of his connection with the London, Chatham and Dover Railway, and from the opinion of his constituents. When he was member for Maidstone he did all he could, and ultimately succeeded in getting a third line to the town, because he though it would be a good thing for his constituents and the inhabitants; and when he became member for Gravesend he set himself to work to see if he could not do for Gravesend what he had done with so much advantage for Maidstone. When the third line was opened to Maidstone the inhabitants obtained a much larger number of trains, running much more quickly, with better carriages and a great many other conveniences and facilities that they did not possess before, and he hoped the same would be the result if the committee should pass the Bill for a line to Gravesend. He had committed himself to serious personal responsibilities with a view of obtaining this line. He was of opinion that the people of Gravesend were practically unanimous in favour of this new line, for as far as he had been able to gather the opinion he knew of no one of influence who was not in favour of it, and naturally so because of the conveniences and facilties it would afford.

Mr Arthur Stride, general manager of the London, Tilbury and Southend Railway, spoke of the increased facilitiies for communities that would be afforded between Mid Kent and Essex if the new line were made.

Mr Robert John James, cattle salesman and drover of 55 Queen Street, Gravesend, said that if the new line came into operation it would give him better facilities and advantages in teh way of business."

1881, March 26: Gravesend Railway Bill Thanet Advertiser
"Extraordinary Evidence - The London, Chatham and Dover Extension bill from Fawkham to Gravesend was passed by the committee of the House of Commons last week, without hearing the opposing counsel in reply to the case of the promoters. Some extraordinary evidence was given against the bill, one witness said it would 'actually injure the productive character of the soil', other that, 'it would have the effect of bringing into the neighbourhood hordes of roughs from the metropolis' as if they had not by the existing railway any connection with London; but the crowning wiseacre was a Mr Wood, who stated 'that the railway would open the hop gardens to the south-west wind and so deteriorate them to the extent of £10 an acre.' ".

1881, April 9: Longfield Station East Kent Gazette
Timetable: Trains from Victoria with time at Longfield in brackets: Mon-Sat 6.30 (7.39), 8.55 (10.09), 11.55 (13.00), 13.20 (14.26), 16.30 (17.34), 17.15 (18.10), 18.25 (19.19), 21.25 (22.35), Sun 9.00 (9.57), 10.25 (11.37), 15.00 (16.12),18.25 (19.23), 21.15 (22.30).

Trains from Longfield to Victoria with time at Victoria in brackets: Mon-Sat 8.03 (9.23), 8.46 (9.55), 10.45 (11.50), 12.13 (13.15), 15.10 (16.18), 16.10 (17.15), 18.10 (19.13), 18.51 (19.53), 22.04 (23.25), Sun 8.39 (9.54), 11.25 (12.45), 18.34 (20.04), 21.28 (22.45).

Since 1880 there has been one additional down train and 2 additional up trains.

1881, April 9: Theft at Ash Gravesend Journal
West Kent Quarter Sessions: "Ash - Stealing Clothes: Charles William Chown, 19, labourer, and George Lawrence, 18, labourer, were indicted for having, on the 22nd November, stolen 2 coats, value 15 shillings, the property of Thomas Perrin. They wre also further indicted for having stolen 5 live tame rabbits, value 5s 6d, the property of George Palmer Evelyn, at Hartley, on the 22nd November. Mr Waring prosecuted. Prisoners pleaded guilty, and having been previously convicted, they were each sentenced to 6 months' hard labour."

1881, May 21: Cruelty to a Drunken Woman Kent Times
"Charles Ward, brickmaker, was charged at the Dartford Police Court on Saturday, with assaulting and beating Jane Fenwick at Longfield on the 8th inst. It appears the prisoner and woman had been together the whole of the day in question, and were the worse for liquor. In going home, about 10 o'clock at night, the prisoner had to carry her on his back, and getting angry at having so much trouble with her, he deliberately dropped her in the road twice and struck her in the face, causing her to have two severe black eyes, besides several bruises on other parts of her body. Prisoner was sentenced to one calendar month's imprisonment with hard labour."

1881, May 28: Wage Dispute Kent Times
"At the [Dartford] County Court on Wednesday, John Bowles, Longfield Hill near Dartford, waggoner, sued John Scratton of Sole Street near Cobham, farmer for 17 shillings for one week's wages. Sometime ago the plaintiff was in the employ of the defendant as waggoner, and one of his children dying the defendant advanced him £1 to assist him in burying it. A little while after Mr Scratton dismissed plaintiff from his service, and he now sued defendant for 17s a week's wages. The defendant however, filed a set off for the £1 advanced to plaintiff. The plaintiff said he should be entitled to £1 at Michaelmas next over his wages. Judgement given for plaintiff for amount claimed, but without costs."

1881, June 18: Local News in Brief Gravesend Reporter
(1) Dartford Magistrates: "James Whitehead, a youth, pleaded guilty to stealing a quantity of gooseberries, of the value of 3d, the property of Mr R Holloway, Longfield, and he was fined 2s 6d, the value 3d and 8s costs."; (2) Fatal accident to Dartford Police Superintendent Fread, thrown from his cart after dogs startled his horse on West Hill, Dartford. Many tributes paid to him.

1881, July 9: Thunder Storm Woolwich Gazette
"On Tuesday night a thunderstorm broke over Woolwich and Plumstead and continued nearly all night. The lightning was more vivid than daylight, and the rain came down in torrents, flooding and washing away the roads. At the Arsenal Railway Station the warter on the line was very deep, the trains having to splash through it. No houses or buildings were struck with lightning - the latter being sheet and not of a forked character. The heavy fall of rain has materially impeded the hay harvest in the neighbourhood. During the storm, the temperature fell from 80 to 60. A waterspout fell at Hartley near Dartford, with terrible force, tearing and washing away the ground into an immense hole. Landslips also occurred in several places."

1881, July 23: North Ash Farm for Sale Greenwich & Deptford Observer
"Ash and Hartley. In the favourite county of Kent. A very eligible freehold investment. Messrs Hards, Vaughan and Jenkinson are instructed to sell by auction at the Mart, on Friday, July 29th, the very valuable freehold property, known as North Ash Farm, situate about 2 miles from Fawkham Station, 6 from Swanley Junction, 4½ from Farningham, 8 and 6 respectively from the important market towns of Dartford and Gravesend, and only 24 miles from London, comprising a commodious farmhouse with good garden and orchard, convenient farm buildings, hop oast and storage, 5 cottages and excellent arable, meadow and hop land and thriving woodlands, the whole adjoining and intersected by good main roads, well sheltered by the woodlands, which latter afford good cover for game, surrounded by the properties of Colonel Evelyn, B Hohler esq, M Lambarde esq and J T Smith esq and comprising in all about 216 acres; let to Mr James Ray at £240 10a per annum on lease, which will expire at Michaelmas next, when possession will be given. Particulars, plans and conditions of sale of T M Harvey esq, 6 Old Jewry EC and at the auctioneer's offices, 6 Moorgate Street, EC and Greenwich, Kent."

1881, August 22: Missing Person Police Gazette
"Missing from his home in Hartley, Kent since 5th instant - THOMAS ANTRIE, 40 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, fair complexion, light brown hair and whiskers, tip of one ear burnt off, and tip of one thumb has been cut off; dressed in new slop, cord ves, cord or fustian trousers, and lace up boots. It is feared some ill has befallen him, last seen at Borough Green, and took a ticket for Swanley Junction. Information to Mr Supt Webster, Kent Constabulary, Dartford - Bow Street, August 19"

[There is no-one called Thomas Antrie living at Hartley in 1881, so I think this may be a misspelling of Thomas Outred who was aged 44.]

1881, August 27: Sequel to the Disappearence of a Young Man at Hartley Kent Times
"In our last issue we published an advertisement requesting information as to the whereabouts of a young man named Thomas Outred of Hartley. The poor fellow, who was 47 years of age, and of weak intellect, was last seen at Borough Green Railway Station on the 6th August, when he took a ticket to Swanley Junction. No tidings of him were obtained by his friends until Saturday last, when the body was discovered in the river Medway, near Aylesford. An inquest was held on the body on Tuesday last at the Pottery Arms, Boxley, before Mr J Rogers, Mid Kent Coroner, and there being no evidence to prove how deceased got into the water. The jury returned a verdict of 'Found Drowned'. Great sympathy is expressed by the villagers for the friends of the deceased at the sad occurrence. The deceased was buried in Hartley churchyard on Wednesday."

1881, September 3: Harvest at Longfield Gravesend Reporter
"Accident at the West Street Station - On Wednesday a man named Charles Lowe, of Aveley, Essex, who had been havesting at Longfield, was about to return home across the ferry, but as he was entering West Street Station, his foot slipped and he fell down, fracturing his left leg. He was removed to the infirmary, where he is now progressing favourably."

1881, September 5: Position Wanted Daily News
Young lady seeks reengagement as housekeeper, details, AL Hartley Court

1881, October 31: Sale of Wood at Hartley Manor South Eastern Gazette
"Fawkham Manor, near Fawkham station on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. Mr Wm Hodsoll is instructed by H B Hohler esq to sell by auction at the Rising Sun Inn, Fawkham on Wednesday, November 2nd, 1881 at 2 for 3pm.

About 22½ acres of valuable Underwood, in various woods and shaws on the above estate.

Also 16½ acres at Hartley Manor, near Fawkham Station, the property of Colonel Evelyn.

Mr Sullivan the bailiff at Fawkham Manor, will show the lots there, and Packman, the woodreve, those at Hartley Manor, of both of whom catalogues may be had, also at the point of sale, and of the auctioneer, Farningham, Kent."

[It appears only woodland at Hartley Manor was being sold, not the land itself.]

1881, November 19: Fire at Fairby Farm Kent Times
"On Tuesday evening, about 7 o'clock, a fire broke out at Fairby Farm, near Fawkham, in the occupation of Mr Thomas Coulson. The whole of the farm buildings were burnt to the ground in a very short time. The fire commenced at the upper end of the buildings, and the wind caused it to spread rapidly. 4 calves and 4 sows were destroyed."

1882, January 27: Position Wanted Sevenoaks Chronicle
"Plain Cook - where a housemaid is kept; in a small family; age 19; good character from last place - J Jessup, Old Downs, Hartley, Near Dartford."

1882, January 28: Longfield Tip - Building Works South London Press
Newington Vestry - The Depot: A report was received from the Depot Committee, stating that a length of 383 feet of concrete wall had been erected at Longfield Depot under the resolution of 29 June 1881, and that the siding had been laid in to the length of wall completed, and they recommended - "That a concrete stop block be built at end of the siding by the entrance to the depot, with a return wall of 195 feet in length, to the points fro the back shunt siding, at an estimated cost of £51 5s; that hte main wall to keep up the embankment be extended ot the boundary of the depot, a length of 300 feet, at an estimated cost of £710 12s 6d; and that the estimates for the year ending Lady Day 1883, for works under the control of the committee, amounting to £11,307 5s be adopted".

Mr Hart, in moving the adoption fo the report, expressed regreat that the financial results were different to what they had been previously. As compared with last year, they had sustained a loss of £1,369 on the depot. That was very serious, as it meant a penny rate. They wwere anxious to make the Longfield Depot as complete as possible, so that in case of any accident they might have a place to deposit the refuse etc. He did not anticipate anything of the kind, because he believed the depot would continue to be a success. It had been a success throught the piece, and would be a success in the future. Even if this balance remained against them, it would be considered cheap for he cleansing of the parish. Mr Scowcroft seconded.

Mr Whitford said they ahd sustained a loss of £1,270 by the withdrawal of St George's Vestry; but he expected to find a corresponding reduction in the working expenses of the depot. It was a matter of great concern to the parish that they shoudl not be called upon to pay a larger amount towards the maintenance of the depot, and considering the large amount they would have to pay towards the permanent works of the country depot, it was most important that the committee should try and reduce the present expenditure. He knew the great difficulties against which they had had to contend, but the loss sustained this year was a very serious matter.

Mr Snell said the committee had foreseen this difficulty. They knew that when St George's withdrew, they would have a corresponding reduction in the receipts. As St George's had gone, they must pay for it. But he hoped the time was not far distant when other parishes would come in.

Mr Side said that as there had not been so great a demand upon the exertions of the working staff at the depot, there ought to have been a corresponding reduction in the wages and expenditure.

Mr Ivison considered that this loss was only a temporary one. If the depot was worked with the same energy it had been worked hitherto - and he gave the principal credit for this energy to Mr Dunham, the clerk - better prices would be obtained in the future. He considered the loss of St George's a very good one, as they had got rid of a very great nuisance.

Mr Chester said the loss they had sustained was quite comprehensible If they withdrew from their business that which enabled them to pay a profit, they lost to the extent of that profit.

The resolution was carried, and the vestry adjourned."

1882, February 4: The Supply of Flints Surrey Comet
"Wimbledon Local Board - A letter was read from Messrs Hayward and Smith solicitors, to Mr J O Moore of Rochester, the contractor for supplying the Board with flints. The Board had complained that on measuring the flints, what should have been 600 yards was found by the Board's surveyor to be 47 yards' short. Messrs Hayward and Smith now wrote that they have had in their possession a certificate from the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company at Fawkham, and from the stationmaster at Wimbledon, showing that the quantity of flints at Wimbledon Station was all that Mr Moore, under his agreement had to perform.... Mr Paxton drew attention to the terms of the agreement, which was for 600 yards, not tons. The flints came up wet and dirty, and might weigh very differently from what they measured. Mr Chatterton moved that a letter be written to Mr Moore to the effect that the flints had been measured on delivery, and were found to be 47 yards' short. This was carried."

1882, March 11: Fatal Railway Accident East Kent Gazette
"On Monday, Mr WJ Harris, coroner, held an inquest at the Railway Inn, Meopham, on the body of David Cripps, who was killed on the railway on Saturday afternoon, under the circumstances detailed in the evidence below. It is stated that the deceased belonged to Sittingbourne, and was on the point of removing to that town for the brickmaking season; his wife had already left, with the furniture, and it was arranged that he should follow by train.

Ann Cripps stated that the deceased was her husband. He was 52 years of age, and was a labourer in the brickfield. He lived at the brickfield at Fawkham [I think Longfield is meant here].

John Ansell, foreman to Mr Hickmott, brick merchant, Fawkham, stated that the deceased worked in that field. On Sunday [sic] afternoon, between 4 and 5 o'clock, he paid him his wages. Deceased had been drinking, but was in his usual health. He was leaving his service, and his furniture had been removed.

Frank Noakes stated that he was in the service of his mother. On Saturday afternoon, he was driving a donkey and cart from hartley to Longfield, and met the deceased near the brickfield. He asked witness to give him a lift, but witness told him he could not. Deceased appeared to be 'boozy' and held onto the cart. he went along with witness about a quarter of a mile on his way to the railway. After witness got home, he saw deceased pass, and he went in the Green Man, and when he came out he could not walk straight. Witness's mother and he watched him. Deceased turned down Mr Scratton's field straight for the railway gates. He walked much worse than when witness first saw him.

Stephen Ansley, an engine driver in the employ of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company, stated that on Saturday last he was the driver of the train due at Meopham at 5.41pm. When between the two bridges on the west side of the station he saw the deceased walking in the 6ft way, and when witness was within about 100 yards of him deceased looked back and saw the train coming. He then started to run, still keeping the 6ft way. When the train got within 15 or 20 yards of him, he turned apparently to cross right in front of the engine. Witness opened both whistles, and saw no more of the deceased until he passed. He was going at 10 or 12 miles an hour at the time. On looking back he saw him lying in the 4ft way, the train having passed over him. He pulled up and informed the station master.

Robert Halls, a porter employed at the Meopham station stated that on Saturday, just before the arrival of the 5.41 train, he saw a man running down the line in the 6ft way. The train was coming, and just before it got up to him he turned out of the 6ft into the down 4ft road in front of the approaching train. The engine knocked him down. On going to the spot, he found the deceased lying in the 4ft way, the train having passed over him (his head was smashed, and one foot nearly cut off). He was quite dead.

The jury returned a verdict of 'Accidently killed', and expressed an opinion that no blame be attached to the railway company or their servants."

1882, April 15: Selling Beer at Longfield Gravesend Reporter
Dartford Magistrates "Isaac Albion was summoned for having on the 18th March at Longfield, committed a breach of the Licensing Act 1872, by selling beer, he not holding a licence. Mr Gramshaw defended. Mary Thwaites and Jane Hatch deposed to having, on that day, purchased beer from defendant's wife. Mr Gramshaw contended that under these circumstances defendant was not liable, as the act only mentioned a person or his servant. He called defendant's wife, who said that her husband rented 3 cottages, two of which were used as sleeping apartments fro 7 or 8 lodgers. The beer was got in for them and they paid for it among themselves. The bench thought there was some doubt in the matter and dismissed the case."

1882, June 2: Threatening Behaviour at Longfield Sevenoaks Chronicle
Dartford Magistrates: "James Irving was summoned for using threats toward William Robert Hatch at Longfield, on the 22nd May. The parties worked in a brick field and, in consequence of some dispute on the day named, defendant threatened to pull complainant's nose off. He was bound over to keep the peace."

Threatening to Wring a Man's Nose Out (Kent Times 3.6.1882)

[This appears to be the same case but with different defendan's name]

For threatening to perform the delicate feat of 'wringing the nose on the 22nd May, Isaac Albion, was ordered by the Dartford Magistrates, on Saturday, to find sureties to keep the peace for 3 months, himself in £10 and 2 sureties of £5 each. Defendant said he could not find the sureties, and was removed in custody. The affair had arisen from Hatch taking Albion's position of foreman over the brickfields at Longfield."

1882, June 22: Elvy Cooper Sued Commercial Gazette

Benjamin Berry, 12 Scott Street, Maidstone, papermaker, judgement in favour of Philip Hyman for £9.15.0 etc filed 17 June.

Elvy Cooper, Hartley, blacksmith, judgement in favour of Philip Hyman for £20 etc filed 17 June."

[The plaintiff, Philip Hyman, might be a watchmaker who lived at Chatham.]

1882, September 8: Marriage of John Munro St James Gazette
John Munro of Hartley Court, Dartford married Fanny Doxat of Staines at Hanwell Parish Church

1882, September 16: Robbery by a Rail Guard Thanet Advertiser
"At the Rochester County Magistrate's Office on Friday, J Hulkes esq presiding on the bench, an under goods guard on the LC and D Railway, named Stephen Holden, was charged on remand with stealing 1lb 5oz of tea, value 1s 9d, the property of the company, on the 14th instant. Prisoner was under guard of a goods train which left London at 2am and by which 3 chests of tea were consigned to a Mr Lynds, a grocer at Longfield, near Fawkham. At Longfield Siding prisoner put the chests out of his brake apparently intact. When the train reached Kearnsey Abbey station, however, prisoner's brake was casually inspected by the company's police inspector, Mr Eldridge, who found in it a calico bag contaiig about a pound and a half of tea. Prisoner said he had bought it, but he declined to say where and was given into custody. Inquireis were then made, which resulted in the discovery that one of Mr Lynd's chests had been forced open and about a pound and a half of tea taken from it. The tea in the calico bag corresponded both in quality and quantity with that which had been extracted. Prisoner pleaded guilty, but said the chest fell and burst, and the tea fell out in the brake. The magistrates inflicted the full term of 3 calendar months' hard labour, Mr Hulkes remarking that it was such men as prisoner who brought discredit upon railway companies."

1882, October 2: Sale of North Ash Farm Daily News
"Kent - An eligbile Freehold landed investment in one of hte most beautiful parts of the country, in the parishes of Ash and Hartley, 2½ miles from Fawkham Station on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway (one hour from London), 3 miles from Farningham, 4 from Wrotham, 6 miles from Gravesend, 5 miles from Cobham Hall, 8 from Sevenoaks and 24 miles from London.

Messrs Tootell and Sons are directed to offer for sale by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, EC on Tuesday Oct 17th at 2 precisely in one lot, the NORTH ASH ESTATE, comprising 430a 1r 7p of good, sound, high level and productive land, with ????? , undulating banks, interspersed with belts of thriving woodland, affording sufficient cover for a good load of game. A comfortable farm residence stands in the centre of the property, and excellent farm buildings in a great part recently erected, are placed at suitable positions. Good roads communicate with the homesteads, the cottages and gardens. About 48 acres are meadow, 54 wood, 316 arable, 6 hops, 4 acres homsteads, gardens and cottages. The whole is in hand and possession will be given on completion of he purchase...."

1882, October 7: Newington Vestry - Potatoes Gratis! South London Press
"Mr Medland wished to know if sacks of potatoes had been delivered gratis to members of the Depot Committee; and if that was the case, by whose authority.

Mr Dunham (the clerk) said it was quite true that potatoes had been grown on the surplus land at Longfield not required for immediate use, and that by his direction a sack had been sent to nearly every member of the Depot Committee. After sending a sack to those members who had not yet received any, he should have sufficient left, the sale of which would realise a sum in excess of the amount required to pay for the seed, planting, digging, and distribution, so that no part of the cost would be charged to the ratepayers. It was only right, however, the Vestry should know that before planting the ground, he offered the land to persons in the neighboourhood for cultivation, but they declined to take it except under an agreement for 3 years, with a 12 months' notice to determine the tenancy, the highest rent offered being 30 shillings. Under these circumstances ____ Mr Medland (interrupting): I simply wanted to know whether __ (cries of 'Chair, chair') __ whether it was true or not (renewed cries of 'chair, chair') I did not want a long statement from the clerk. Mr Robinson: I rise to a point of order (Cries of 'chair, chair'). Mr Tilling: I contend that Mr Robinson has the right to rise to a point of order (cries of 'chair, chair'). The Chairman: As soon as Mr Dunham has completed his answer I will hear you. The clerk (continuing) said that under the circumstances to which he had referred, it was not considered desirable to part with possession of any of hte land until the requirements o the vestry were ascertained, and the only possible loss, therefore, to the vestry, was the rental of 30 shillings, which he should be only too happy to pay if the vestry should so wish....

Mr Robinson complained that very little was ever heard of the work of this committee. They seemed to be always working in the dark.

Mr Side asserted that they went about the country looking after depots. He also hinted that they were spending money without the sanction of the Vestry (interruption). Mr Ivison rose to order. Mr Side was not discussing the committee's report (hear, hear). Mr Side said he was discussing the actions of the committee. Probably Mr Ivison had had a sack of potatoes (laughter). It was a great disgrace to accept such a present when he knew they belonged to the parish (Laughter).

Mr Scowcroft said Mr Side was a member of the Depot Committee, and also of the sub-committee and therefore ought to be aware of what was going on. (hear, hear). Mr Robinson: He refused the sack of potatoes, and was the only one that did....

Mr Hart said he utterly denied the statement that the committee went into the country looking after depots. If Mr Side had not a sack of potatoes to enjoy, he enjoyed himself very well at the depot tea the other day (laughter). Those who lived in glass houses should not throw stones. The report was adopted." [Not all councillors on Newington Vestry supported the Longfield scheme and were quick to notice any irregularities. Sending free sacks of potatoes to councillors certainly did not look good. Only one councillor (Robert Henry Side) refused to accept the gift.]

1882, October 14: Theft at Longfield Gravesend Reporter
Dartford Magistrates "Isabella Ann Oliver was charged with stealing a dessert knife and other articles, of the value of 5 shillings, the property of Captain Wilde at Longifeld, at whose house she had been cook. In consequence of some articles being missed, prisoner's boxes were searched and the things found. She was thereupon given into custody. She was sentenced to a month's hard labour."

1882, December 16: Longfield Tip - Works at South London Press
"The Depot at Longfield: Mr Hart brought forward a report of the Depot Committee, explaining the works carried out at the above depot. The amounts sanctioned by the vestry to be expended in these works were as follows: By resolution of 5 May 1880, £750; by resolution of 26 January 1881, £210; by resolution of 25 January 1882, £986 17s 6d. Total £1,946 17s 6d. The estimate for alterations had been exceeded by £369 2s 11d. The report, which was a very lengthy one, also sttd that the object to be gained by the extensive works carried out at the depot was primarily to keep the yard in town clear of accumulation, and also to form a storage for mixture, ashes and breeze, to secure a fit and proper market for the same. For instance, in the years 1880 and 1881, the committee were obliged to sell 4,208 tons of ashes at a shoot rate - i.e. at the cost of carriage, and in addition 5,000 tons at 3s 1d per ton, or 1s 5d per ton less than the ordinary rate. If the vestry ahd been in a position to have stored the ashes ad breeze at that time, as they now could at Longfield, instead of forcing it on the market when the brick trade was dull, a saving to the rates would have been effected in that year alone of about £650. Having regard to the benefits that ha already arisen from te opening up of a depot at Longfield, and to the future working of such a place, the committee felt satisfied that the amount expended would proved to be a very good investment of the ratepayers' money, and with a view therefore of enabling the workds being proceeded with in the spring, they recommended that a sufficient quantity of clay (about 400 yards) be burnt at Longfield, for mixing with broken hardcore, with the view of enabling the commitee to proceed in the spring with the concrete work still remaining to be done at this depot, and that the committee be empowered to make up the embankment behind the wall.

Mr Hart, in moving the adoption, said the money had been well spent, although they had exceeded the original estimate by £369. They wanted the depot at Longfield to be in such a condition that they could carry on a large business there. Mr High seconded.

Mr Side said this £369 had been spent without the consent of the vestry. In the course of his remarks he was several times called to order by the chairman, who told the speaker that if he came to a meeting where public business was transacted he must conform to the rules of debate.

Mr Chandler said there was no doubt that a magnificent work had been carried out by their clerk, but he should like to know by whose advice the committee expended this money.

Mr Marsland said the whole question had been previously thrashed out. The work had always been done by the committee, with the assistance of the clerk.

Mr Hart, in reply, said the work spoke for itself. Mr Side had been the cause of thousands of pounds being spent for the action taken by him in regard to the depot. The recommendations were carried."

1883, January 6: Theft at Longfield Gravesend Journal
West Kent Quarter Sessions: "George Wells, 60, builder, was indicted for stealing a night-dress, the property of Thomas Chadburn, at Longfield, on the 9th Oct. Mr Waring prosecuted, prisoner being undefended. Prosecutor's wife, on the day in question, about 8 o'clock in the morning, hung out a night-dress. It was safe at 8 o'clock in the evening, but on the following morning it was missed. Information was given to the police, and on the 23rd Oct, prisoner was apprehended by IC Hoar, when he was wearing the shirt. Prisoner then said he bought it in London, but afterwards stated that it was given to him by a niece living at Deptford. Prisoner made a long statement in his defence, althogether denying the theft, and stating that the shirt was made by his wife when he was in St George's Hospital, London. He also complained of the way in which he had been treated by the police in not allowing him an opportunity to bring witnesses forward to prove an alibi. The chairman having summed up, the jury returned a verdict of 'guilty' and prisoner was sentenced to 3 months' hard labour."

1883, January 19: Position Wanted Times
"Housemaid (Upper) where men-servants are kept. Could wait on lady. 3 years' character. Country preferred. E.G. Hill House, Hartley, Near Dartford, Kent."

[Bit of mystery. No house of this name is known, and no suitable "EG" in the 1881 census for Hartley. EG advertised again in the edition of 7.10.1886, saying this time she had to leave after 3 years 8 months due to death. Also that she was aged 33.]

1883, February 24: Caught in the Act Kent Times
"George Morgan was fined 20 shillings and costs at the Dartford Petty Sessions, Saturday, for stealing 3 pints of peas, value 1s 6d, the property of Colonel Evelyn at Hartley on the 14th inst. Defendant was caught putting the peas in a handkerchief by Mr Allen, Col Evelyn's manager."

1883, March 10: Longfield Tip - Accounts South London Press
"Newington Vestry - The Depot. The Depot Committee's report stated that, from a return submitted to the committee by the vestry clerk, it appeared that the sales of reoad sweepings and house dust from the depot since the railway sidings were opened in July 1873, down to Lady Day 1882, amounted to £46,282 18s 7½d, and that during the whole 9 years only 8 bad debts had been made, amounting altogether to £243 16s 5d, or an actual loss to the ratepayers of £208 8s 6d; also that since the closing of the accounts at Michaelmas last he had received the sum of £1,660 9s 8d of the outstanding balance of £3,021 4s 10½d leaving only a balance of £1,360 15s 2½d, as arrears. £400 of this amount would, in all probability, be paid before Lady Day, and hte balance by Michaelmas next, no portion of this balance being regarded as doubtful.

Mr Hart said the return which their clerk had prepared had taken everyone by surprise. The sale of 291,943 tons of mixture and house dust during the 9 years ending Lady Day 1882 had realised £46,282 18s 7½d and the loss upon this large return had been only to the extent of £208 8s 6d. Having regard to the bad searsons the farmers had had to contend with, this return was of a most remarkable character. It was not the wish of the committee to take any credit with regard to this return. The whole refuse had been disposed of by their clerk, the whole money had been collected by their clerk, and they thought that to him was eminently due this return (hear, hear). Mr Hart then reminded the vestry that when the depot was purchased in 1871 it was calculated that it woudl be to the interest of the parish to pay the railway carriage of 1s 8d per ton on the refuse into the country or an annual charge of £2,000. During the 9 years ending Lady Day 1882, the vestry would have paid £1,800 for the carriage of refuse into the country, and £10,610 for interest and instalments on the depot loans of £14,000, or an average £3,179 per annum; but after the first 9 months' working, the vestry found that by mixing the house dust with the road sweepings as collected, the house dust impoverished the sweepings as manure, and the sweepings on the other hand spoilt the dust for brickmaking - the result being that at Lady Day 1874, the vestry were without a single offer to take away any of the refuse even by paying the carriage into the country. It was then determined first to deposit the refuse in the depot, and screen the house dust and sell this refuse to brickmakers and the road sweepings to farmers, which enabled the vestry to dispose of the whole of the refuse arising from the parish during the year ending Lady Day, 1875, for £1,609, or at the rate of 1s 6½d per ton. It was not possible to arrive at the actual cost it would have been to the vestry to dispose of the refuse only of this parish in the manner explained for the 9 years ending Lady Day 1882, in consequence of the increased business, and thereby beneficial results arising from the receoption into the depot of the refuse arising from St George's Parish; but if it cost this vestry £1,609 in the year ending 1875, before the contract with St George's Vestry was entered into, and £1,200 during hte present year, after the termintion of this contract, having regard to the increased facilities arising out of the establishment of the country depots, it was only reasonable to suppose that the average annual cost to this parish, had St George's contract never been entertained, would have reached £1,300, or for the 9 years £11,700 which showed a saving of £6,300, as against the original estimate made in 1871. But by the vestry receiving the refuse from St George's parish, and thereby enabling the committee to enter into large contracts, the annual balances appeared on the credit instead of the debit side of the account, which for the 5 years this contract was in existence amounted to £3,635. To this amount must be aadded the former debit balance of £1,300 per annum, making together £10,135 which this parish had gained by the two parishes working together, or within £475 of the total amount paid by the vestry for interest and instalments on the loans for the establishment of the depot. The result of 9 years working showed an expenditure to the parish, therefore, of £12,175, as against £28,610 which the vestry in 1871 was prepared to expend, or an acutal saving of £16,435. This great financial benefit was entirely irrespective of the improved sanitary condition of the parish, arising from the more rapid removal of the refuse from the streets and dust-bins. Although the business, as carried on at the depot during the 9 years ended Lady Day 1882, had only resulted in a saving to the parish of £16,435 as against the expenditure sanctioned in 1871, it was very evident that but for the depot the general rates during the same period would have had to bear an increased expenditure of £34,725 - which sum, as a matter of fact, the parish had benefited by the establishment of the depot.

Mr Tilling pointed out that notwithstanding the favourable picture drawn by the report, the rates in Newington were still very high.

Mr Marsland said the depot had undoubtedly resulted in a saving. It should be remembered that in times past they had no School Board rate. The assessments had increased, but so had the expenditure.

Mr Ivison agreed that the depot was one of the finest institutions they could have; but when they came to the question of St George's parish, he totally disagreed with Mr Hart. He contended, as he had before contended, that the balance-sheet showed they were far better off with their own refuse than with that of St George's (oh, oh and hear, hear)."

[The report says 291,943 tons of mixture and house dust (ashes) had been sold since the railway siding (? at Walworth) was opened in 1873. It is not entirely clear from this report how the depot at Longfield was doing, as a lot of the "benefits" are just that they hadn't spent quite as much as they thought they would in 1871.]

1883, April 13: Child Run Over and Killed Greenwich & Deptford Observer
"On Saturday Mr Carttar held an inquest at the Black Lion, Hartley, near Dartford, on the body of Thomas Edward Jackson, aged 3 years, son of a labourer employed at Colonel Evelyn's, Hartley, who had been run over by a horse and cart. It appeared that on Wednesday morning a cart laden with potatoes in charge of a man named Hibberd, was being taken up Valley Hill, when the load suddenly shifted, can causing the belly girth to raise the horse, the animal commenced kicking and then turned round and rushed down the hill amongst a number of children and nurses with perambulators. The deceased was knocked down and run over, the thighs and both legs being crushed. Dr Tucker of Farningham was sent for, but the boy died before his arrival. The jury returned a verdict of accidental death and exonerated the driver from blame."

[The Jacksons had only recently moved to Hartley, having been living at Southfleet at the time of the 1881 census]

1883, April 21: Longfield Station Rochester Journal
Timetable: Trains from Victoria with time at Longfield in brackets: Mon-Sat 5.45 (6.40), 8.35 (9.42), 11.45 (12.50), 13.20 (14.32), 16.25 (17.29), 17.17 (18.15), 17.55 (18.55), 21.30 (22.44), Sun 8.45 (9.42), 10.25 (11.37), 15.00 (16.12),18.35 (19.33), 21.30 (22.49).

Trains from Longfield to Victoria with time at Victoria in brackets: Mon-Sat 8.00 (9.20), 8.31 (9.29), 9.25 (10.29), 11.00 (12.15), 12.47 (13.50), 14.15 (15.40), 15.51 (16.55), 19.07 (20.10), 20.16 (21.30), 22.09 (23.30), Sun 8.39 (9.54), 11.25 (12.45), 17.50 (19.18), 21.33 (22.50).

Since 1881 there were few changes to the down trains but Victoria bound services saw a lot of changes including an additional morning train which did not call at Sole Street or Meopham. Note: poor quality photocopy so some of the timings may be out.

1883, June 16: Charge of Thefl Gravesend Reporter
Dartford Magistrates: "james Wallace, William Swan, Edwin Albion and Thomas Baker, lads, were charged with breaking into and entering the house of Amos Hatfield, at Longfield, and stealing a quantity of coppers, sweets and nuts, to the value of 2s 10d, on Sunday evening, the 3rd inst. Mr Gramshaw solicitor, of Gravesend, appeared for the accused, and asked the bench to allow the case to be withdrawn as the parties were neighbours, but the bench declined to accede to the request. The case rested on admissions by the boy Swann, and in the end the bench committed them for trial at Maidstone. Mr Gramshaw applied for bail, which was granted."

[The trial at the quarter sessions was mentioned in the Kent and Sussex Courier 13.7.1883. Wallis got 3 months with hard labour and others 1 month with hard labour, all to get 12 strokes with the birch rod]

1883, July 7: The New Gravesend Railway - Cutting of the first sod by Lady Waterlow Gravesend Reporter
"The ceremony of cutting the first sod of the new railway from Fawkham to Gravesend was performed on Saturday afternoon by Lady Waterlow. The preparations for the ceremony had been going on in a field, near Stuart's Road, for some days, and two large marquees, connected with each other by a covered passage, had been erected. Both were decorated by an enormous quantity of choice flowers and shrubs, arranged in excellent style, and supplied by Mr Guy, of hte Subscription Grounds. From the road to the first marquee a crimson cloth was ladi down through an avenue of the Gravesend detachment of the 1st Kent Artillery Volunteers, whose band discoursed sweet music during the day. Sir Sydney and Lady Waterlow, accompanied by the Earl of Darnley, arrived shortly before 3 o'clock, and were received by Mr Barclay Bruce, and others connected with the line, while there were also present the Mayor of Gravesend (G H Edmonds esq), Mrs Edmonds, C Lewis esq (MP for Londonderry), Sir William Hart Dyke MP, Sir Willilam and Lady Ogg, the Mayor of Rochester, Charles Douglas Fox (the engineer to the company), Messrs Higginson and Vigers (the solicitors), Mr G B Bruce, vice president of the institution of civil engineers (the father of the contractor), Mr Morgan and Mr Miller (secretary and engineer respectively to the London, Chatham and Dover Company), Aldermen J Russell, T Troughton, and C Startup, Messrs H Huggins, H Berkowitz, J T Cooper, M Martin, I C Johnson, T Smith, W J King, W G Penman, Badman, J Gould, W Russell, J A Silk, W Boorman, C Palmer, W Limbert, A Tolhurst, W Newman, E Knibbs, T H Rose, J Rose, J Willoughby, J Blin, J Stirton, J M Newman, F B Nettleingham, W Box, G B Archer, Mr and Mrs Fletcher, Mr and Mrs Rosher, Mr and Mrs Bryant, Capt and Mrs Sankey, Capt Simpson, Lieut Walker, Dr and Mrs Nisbett, Dr and Miss Pinching, Dr and Mrs Richmond, Dr Armstrong, Rev F Southgate (Northfleet), Rev Gilling (Rosherville), Rev Jackson (Perry Street), Rev Balgarnie and Mrs Balgarnie etc etc. An avenue was formed in the first tent, along the centre of the which a number of planks, covered with a red cloth, had been placed, and upon which was a very handsome, silver mounted wheelbarrow, containing a spade with a silver blade, with which Lady Waterlow proceeded to cut the sod. Her ladyship, amid the loud applause of the assembly, thrice inserted her spade into the earth, which she took up and turned into her wheelbarrow, wheeled it ot hte end of the tent, and tippled the earth out, and then returned drawing the conveyance behind her, stopping twice to allow Mr R Hider of Parrock Street, to take a photograph of the scene. At the conclusion of the ceremony her ladyship was warmly congratulated upon the manner in which she had taken her part in it, after which the party adjourned to the inner tent, where an excellent cold collation was served. Ample justice was done to the good things so hospitably provided by Mr Barclay Bruce, when the cloth was cleared, and the usual loyal toasts having been honoured.

Mr G Barclay Bruce proposed the health of Lady Waterlow. The health of the Queen had been drunk, and they would go from monarchy in general to the queen of the occasion (hear, hear). It was exceedingly kind of Lady Waterlow to have honoured them by turning the first sod, and the best way he could thank her for doing so was by publcly expressing the gratitude the railway owed to her and her husband. To speak broadly, but for Sir Sydney Waterlow the railway would never have been an accomplished fact. He had fought for it against its enemies, and what was a far harder task he had protected it for its friends (hear, hear).

Sir Sydney Waterlow, in reply, said Lady Waterlow was proud of the privilege that had been accorded to her, of being hte first navvy in the employ of hte company. The sight of so many people to witness the cutting of the first sod had, he was quite sure, gladdened Lady Waterlow's heart. They could only hope that that day would be a good beginning, and that success might attend the Gravesend railway. He was sorry that it was the practice of the present age and the custome of society not to permit ladies to reply for themselves, as he was sure Lady Waterlow could have done so much better than he could do for her. She had not told him what to say, and he hoped they would allow him a little latitude (hear, hear). Lady Waterlow came from a country where making railways was a very different matter to what it was in England, where the ofrmation of a railway was, as a rule, afairly remunerative undertaking, if only Parliament once consented to the scheme. In her country, however railways were developed under very different circumstances, in fact a relation of heres had one had to carry a line through a tract of country where for 300 iles there was not a drop of water to assist him in his work The new Gravesend Railway would be formed under very different circumstances, and he hoped htat the work of the contractor would bring success to all concerned in it.

The Mayor of Gravesend gave 'Success to the Gravesend Railway'. Gravesend was daily increasing in size and growing into a large and important town. They could already boast of two railways connecting the town with the Great City, and they had that day seen the first sod of a new railway turned. Gravesend was, in fact, progressing very rapidly (hear, hear). They had tram cars running between the town and Northfleet, and if anyone doubted that statement, they could experience the effects of riding in one for the sum of twopence (applause and laughter). The docks on the other side would and did conduce to the trade, and, therefore, prosperity of the borough. They had a Thames tunnel looming in the distance, and he hoped they would all live to see it. They had a new Town Hall, and he hoped they would all live to see that finished as well as the Thames Tunnel (hear, hear and laughter). The fact that Gravesend was progressing so rapidly assured him that the toast he had given would be well received (applause).

Sir Sydney Waterlow said he felt the Mayor of Gravesend had placed a great responsibility upon him in calling upon him to respond to the toast. He was not, however, surprised that he had done so, remembering that he had been chairman ofthe company for some years. When he was firstelected the Parliamentary representative of Gravesend, he found that htis project had been almost destroyed in its conception, and he came to the conclusion that it would be to the benefit of the borough if it could be revived. By a deviation from the original plan and by adding a pier in the Thames for colleting the river traffic, they were enabled to induce Parliament to sanction the scheme, but evn then they had not conquered all their difficulties. They had to find those who would be resonsible for the cost of constructing the line, and he thought the alliance with the London, Chatham and Dover Company constituted one of the best means of securing the success they were all anxious for (cheers). The Chatham company had taken the smaller one in hand, and had promised to see them through their difficulties - an arrangement which was possibly facilitated by his dual position of vice-chairman of one and chairman of the other company. He thought the inhabitants of Gravesend might rest satisfied that the railway would be completed. They could not, he was sure, have placed it in the hands ofa stronger, more earnest, more satisfactory, and more energetic contractor, than Mr Bruce, and in a very short time he hoped that, through the kindness of the landowners, Mr Bruce would be in possession of the land necessary for the work, so that those residing near would witness the immediate and rapid progress of the undertaking. 'Success to the Gravesend Railway' meant two things - remuneration to those who had found the capital, and increased prosperity to Gravesend; therefore they would reaslise that he heartily concurred in the toast. It meant increased prosperity because it would give additional facilities of communication between the town and the great metropolis. The new line would afford directe communication with Bromley, Beckenham, Penge, Sydenham, Dulwich, Herne Hill, Camberwell, the Elephant and Castle, and Blackfriars, and to all the southern parts of London. It would open up the district around Gravesend to all the new stations in London - to Victoria, Holborn Viaduct and Ludgate Hill, and to Moorgate Street for those who wished to go to the other end of the city, while communication with the norther and eastern couties would be made more easy. Again the deep water peir to be constructed in connection with the Gravesend terminus would give facilities to passengers by the large steamers - especially those of the P and O line - to land from the steamer's teder by the side of their train, and be carried to any part of the south-west of London without a change of carriage. To enter the train at Victoria for Gravesend would form an easier and more rapid method of transit than proceeding from either the Fenchurch Street or Liverpool Street Stations (applause). He was very pleased indeed to hear the kind expressions which fell from the lips of the Mayor of Gravesend, because he believed that the words to which his worship gave utterance were spoken not merely in his individual, but also in his corporate capacity, and represented the feelings of their inhabitants of the town (hear). If they were kindly disposed towards the undertaking, and if they favoured it as a route to London in consequence of the increased facilities it afforded them, then the success of the line was assured (hear). There wre now a large number of pleasure-seekers who visited the borough, and he ventured to think that as the new railway would give additional facilities to the daily incresing number of holiday-keepers, the business of the town would be augmented. He had known the town ever since he could walk; he remembered it wen it was much more used by visitors than now, for the town was ieft in the cold because people migrated further for their holidays. But brighter days were now were now coming, and he believed that the increased traffic which they had reason to expect would prove even more beneficial than that they formerly enjoyed, as it would be more of a commercial character. The Mayor had reminded them that in all probability they would have a new Thames Tunnel in the course of a few years, and that it would connect Tilbury and Gravesend. He himself blieved that the project would be carried out, for about 10 days ago he had a long discussion with one of the promoters, and was assured that funds would be forthcoming to make the tunnel. Well, its construction would give more rapid communication to the eastern parts of England. It would enable butchers from Gravesend to go to Romford market for their cattle, and bring them home direct, instead of taking them first to London, and he hoped the inhabitants would give as much encouragement to that scheme as they had been kind enough to offer to the Gravesend Railway (applause).

Mr C Douglas Fox also replied. He felt that they had got over all their worst difficulties, for, though they had had a very stong opposition from the railway companywho were already in possession of the field, they had proved successful. The scheme originated, he believed, among a number of gentlemen in Northfleet and Gravesend, among them being Mr Nettleingham, who was then Mayor of the borough. In November 1879, plans were deposited and in 1880 they had their first fight before a Parliamentary Committee. The London, Chatham and Dover Company gave them a friendly pat on the back, but did not render them any material assistance, and as they were strongly opposed by the South Eastern Railway Company, and several landowners, among whom was Mr Bevan, their bill was rejected. But in 1890 they recommenced ther work under new auspices, and he was thnkful to remember how much they were indebted to Sir Sydney Waterlow for the great assistance he gave them in Parliament, and for what he did in securing them practical support from the London, Chatham and Dover Company. The result was than in 1881 they obtained the first Act for the line. A deviation being, however, rendered necessary, an amended Act was obtained int he follwoing year, and now they were assembled under very happy auspices to witness the comencement of the work. The line would commence with a junction with the main line of the London, Chatham and Dover Company at Fawkham, and would proceed almost in a straight line to the field (near Stuart Road) in which they were assembled. When finished there would be a station close to Southfleet, another near Rosherville, and another closed to where they were then sitting. He felt sure that Mr Bruce, although his work was cut out for him would, with the advantage of fine weather and the cooperation of the landowners, be able to complete the line within the year and half stated by the contract. When the railway was completed it would be connected at Gravesend with a deep water pier on the Thames. The pier would be so situated that the largest steamers would be able to go alongside at any state of the tide. He did not think that when those plans had been carried out, the railway would fail to be a great benefit to Gravesend and neighbourhood (hear, hear).

In submitting 'The health of the directors of the company', the Earl of Darnley said they believed the railway would give increased prosperity to the borough and additional facilities to the locality. Railways, his lordship continued, had no politics, and he thought that as son the directorate were to be found Sir Sydney Waterlow and Sir W Hart Dyke, they might trust to two such distinguished gentlemen to make the management of the undertaking both Liberal and Conservative in the best sense of the word. He would ask them to give a hearty welcome to the gentlemen who had undertaken and conducted the enterprise, the inauguration of which they were celebrating that day.

Sir William Hart Dyke, in responding, remarked that, though the existence of the directorate of his colleagues and hiself might be but ephemeral, yet he should be proud of having been connected with an undertaking, which could not but conduce to the prosperity of Gravesend, for he was sure that his colleagues all joined with him in the sincere desire to conduct the scheme to a successful issue.

Mr Nettleingham gave 'The health of the contractor' of whom he spoke in eulogistic terms.

Mr Bruce suitably responded, and introduced the toast of 'The Visitors', which was answered by Mr Lewis MP.

During the day the bells of St George's Church were ringing merrily."

[A lengthy report of the celebrations of the beginning of construction works for the line between Longfield and Gravesend. Lady Waterlow, the wife of the Liberal MP for Gravesend Sir Sydney Waterlow, dug the first sod. Sydney Waterlow (1822-1906) was from the famous stationer company of the same name and led a varied political career, he built Trosley Towers in 1887, the house is no longer there but the land is now Trosley Country Park. He was also noted for his philanthropy, he gave Waterlow Park in Highgate, London as a 'garden for the gardenless'. He apologised to his wife for the fact that under the custom of the day, she was not allowed to speak at the occasion.]

1883, July 21: Mistaken Identity Gravesend Journal
"Dartford Petty Sessions: Esther O'Neil was charged with damaging 5lb of butter, the property of Mr Willilam Frederick Allen, agent to Colonel Evelyn, at Dartford, on the 10th of July Prosecutor said he was driving along the road to Longfield, when he heard some stones falling on the road as though thrown at him. He pulled up and saw prisoner, who asserted that he (prosecutor) was Mr Bartholemew, who had locked her son up. He replied that he was not Mr Bartholemew and drove on, bu the prisoner clung to the back of the carriage. On his stopping again she repeated that she was sure he was Mr Bartholemew, and she then picked up a basket of butter and threw it at him, hitting him on the back of the head. She next picked up the butter and threw it into the river. Prisoner said that she was drunk, and did not know what she was doing. She was fined 10 shillings and costs, or in default 21 days' hard labour."

1883, July 21: Alleged Cowardly Assualt Gravesend Journal
Dartford Magistrates: "Sarah Ann Hatfield was summoned for assaulting John Baker at Longfield, on the 10th of July. The defendant, hearing screams of murder had gone in the direction from which the sound proceeded, and found complainant threatening a woman The defendant told complainant to cease striking the woman, and on his taking no notice she struck him over the face with a whip she had in her hand. The summons was dismissed."

[This would appear to be a sequel to the magistrates court case reported above on 16.6.1883, as Thomas Baker was one of the children accused of burglary at the Hatfields' house]

1883, July 30: Local News in Brief Daily Telegraph
"Shortly after 10 o'clock this morning a porter employed on the London Chatham and Dover Railway at Fawkham Station deliberately placed his head on the metals in front of a down train, and was decapitated."

1883, August 4: Shocking Suicide East Kent Gazette
"On Sunday morning, a porter on the railway, named Hazelden (sic), committed suicide at Fawkham station by placing his head on the metals in front of the down train just as it was pulling up. He was decapitated. The poor fellow had been of intemperate habits, and had been drifting downwards for several years. He was formerly clerk in charge of Messrs W H Smith and Son's bookstall at Faversham Station."

[This is the sad case of a porter called Hasleden. The 1881 Census has a Thomas Hasleden, railway porter, living with his wife and 3 year old daughter (born at Faversham) at one of the cottages around Hartley Green.]

1883, August 25: Rail Timetable Kent Times
Weekday Trains from London Victoria to Fawkham (Longfield) 05:45 (arr 06:40), 08:15 (arr 9:22), 13:20 (arr 14:32), 17:17 (arr 18:15), 17:32 (arr 18:55), 21:30 (arr 22:44)

Weekday Trains from Fawkham (Longfield) to London Victoria 08:03 (arr 08:58), 11:00 (arr 12:15), 12:47 (arr 13:53), 14:28 (arr 15:45), 15:51 (arr 16:55), 19:07 (arr 20:10), 20:26 (arr 21:40), 22:09 (arr 23:30).

1883, August 27: North Ash Farm to Let South Eastern Gazette
"North Ash, Turner's and West Yoke Farms, 426a 1r 7p, of good sound high level and productive land, a comfortable farm residence, excellent farm buildings, 9 cottages and gardens.

For particulars and to view apply to Messrs Tootell and Sons, Land Surveyors and Valuers, 13 King Street, Maidstone."

1883, August 29: Hop Harvest Times
Hop pickers train to depart daily at 4.50am from Holborn Viaduct to Faversham, will stop at Farningham Road, Longfield, Meopham and Sole Street. Reduced fares if hop pickers take this train. "

1883, September 1: Longfield Flower Show and Home Encouragement Society Gravesend Journal
""This society's exhibition was held on Thursday, August 23rd, in the schoolroom, which was admirably decorated and arranged. From early in the morning till the time the judges arrived, there was a continual flow of exhibitors, of whom the foremost were ladies who came to arrange their table decorations. The prizes were kindly distributed by Countess Darnley (patroness). Tea and Coffee were provided at the rectory for the visitors, who came in large numbers directly the doors were opened at 3.30 till they were closed at 7 pm. Amongst them my be mentioned - Countess Darnley and Lady Alice Bligh, the Rev T P and Mrs Phelps and the Rev L Phelps, Ridley Rectory, the Rev I and Mrs Hills, Ash Rectory, Mrs and Miss Hartley of Hartley, Mrs Barnett and Miss Kinder, Meopham Court, Mrs and Misses Hohler, Fawkham, Miss Lukis and Colonel Fletcher, Mrs Scratton and Mrs Miller, Cobham, Miss Davies and Miss Cawston and G P Brown esq, Rochester. The prizes were awarded as follows:

Plants - Richard Porter, Mrs Longhurst, Mrs Gilham, Mrs Smith, Mrs Scott, Mr Levi Bean

Bouquets - Mr Brown, V Bennett, Alice Parker, J Chadburn, and Mr Vincent

Vegetables & Fruit - Mr Longhurst, Mr Brown, Mr Geere, Mr H West and Mr Lynds Needlework etc - Mrs Elkin, Mrs Hopgood, Mrs Ingram, Alice Stevens, E & F Lynds, Mary Driscoll and George Lee

Cookery - Mrs Elkin (cake), Mrs Bean (cake), Mrs Porter (bread)

Gardeners - Table decoration, Mr L Bean; collection of vegetables, Mr L Bean and Mr Rye

Honey - Mr J Lynds

Cards of merit, most tastefully decorated by Miss Lukis were given to - Mrs Evenden for a specimen of point lace, the work of many years; Miss K Hassell for a beautifully arranged centrepiece of cultivated flowers, and also one of wild flowers; Mr J Evenden for centrepiece of cultivated flowers; Mrs Jennings for illuminated Christmas Cards; the Rev P H Jennings for dried flowers and ferns; Mrs Dunn for painting; Miss Trowel for work; and Miss H Haines for work.

A few words of thanks to her ladyship and the exhibitors were next offered by the Rector (the Rev P H Jennings); and the proceedings closed wiht a vote of thanks to the Rector and Mrs Jennings for the immense labour and pains they had bestowed. Two bouquets of wild flowers were given to Countess Darnley and Lady Alice Bligh. Mr Sims, gardener to Mrs Bennett, Meopham, and Mr Phillips, gardener to Dr Baber, kindly acted as judges."""

1883, September 10: Nowhere to Stay at Longfield Morning Post
"Sir - In the Morning Post of March 24, 1883, there was a letter signed, I think 'London Physician', speaking in the highest terms and most strongly recommending Fawkham in Kent, on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway, as a most excellent health resort, especially for consumption patients. In consequence of this letter I visited the place the other day with the view of getting lodgings there for a time, and was much disappointed to find upon enquiry that there were no lodgings in the place to be had - in fact, that the few house there did not let appartments. The porter at the station seemed quite astonished at my inquiry. Before 'London Physician' and others strongly recommend places, they should ascertain whether any accommodation is to be found there. The wording of the 'London Physician's' letter certainly implied that it was a health resort not unfrequented. Yours faithfully RH, Lewisham, Sept 6"

1883, September 15: The Gravesend Railway Kentish Independent
"The construction of this line is now being rapidly with the Chatham and Dover line at Fawkham considerable progress has been made, whilst at Gravesend a large number of men are employed, the first work engaged upon being the bridges in Dover Road, and over the South-Eastern Railway. The line, which is about 5½ miles long, is to be completed in 18 months."

1883, October 6: Longfield Tip - Expansion South London Press
"Newington Vestry - The Longfield Depot: The Depot Committee recommended that on economical and sanitary grounds, and with the view of completing the Longfield Depot as a place for the storage and sale of mixture, and, in case of need, house dust, the roadway and docks and lower portion of the depot be paved with such old stone lying in the yard at Manor Place as was not suitable for outside work, and that the comittee be empowered to expend £200 in labour, during the financial year ending Lady Day next, in paving this depot. That the sidings at Longfield be completed, and the engineer of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company requested to prepare and submit a plan and estimate of the cost of this work.

Mr Hart, in moving hte adoptio of the report, said the completion of these works was recommended on the score of economy, as well as efficiency.

Mr Side was of opinion that if they were going to make as large a depot at Longfield as they had at Newington, they were making a great mistake.

Mr Poulton said no better work had ever been done by the Vestry than this. As the parish increased, so it would be advisable to increase the depot at Longfield.

Mr Hart said if Mr Side, who objected to this proposal, had begun to build a house and got towards the roof, he would not be wise man if he went no further, and left the roof off That was his suggestion in the present case.

The resolution was carried."

1883, October 27: Proposed Road Improvements Kent Times
"At a meeting of the Dartford District Highway Board, a letter was read from Mr George Roots of Longfield Court, calling attention to narrowness of the road leading from Dartford to Meopham and to the Fawkham Railway Station and to the convenience thereby occasioned to foot passengers, and offering to give certain land for the purpose of widening the latter road free of cost to the Board and to construct a footpath for the sum of £17 10s; also offering to construct a footpath from the corner of the road leading from Fawkham Railway Station in the direction of Longfield Church to join the footpath already constructed near the church for the sum of £23 10s. Mr Roots further stated his willingness to contribute the sum of 5 guineas towards the cost of the work and it was ordered that the matter stand over for further consideration at the next meeting, and that the surveyor in the meantime inspect the road referred to and be prepared to report on the same. The surveyor to the District Highway Board reported at the last meeting that Mr Hickmott was willing to give a strip of land for the purpose of providing a footpath beside teh road from Longfield Rectory to the Church and would also provide sufficient brick rubbish for the foundation of such path and he was ordered to carry out the work at a cost of £20 to £25."

1883, November 17: Rabies Controls unknown
Dartford Magistrates on learning there may be mad dogs in district, order all animals to be kept under control for 3 months

1883, December 1: West Kent Hunt Report unknown
Report of fox hunt which began at Eynsford and ended near Ash Church after 2hr 45min "with no check long enough to eat a sandwich, or get a pull at a flask, and many wanted it"

1883, December 22: Road Widening Kent Times
"At the meeting of the Dartford District Highway Board, a letter was read from Mr George Roots, referring to his letter of the 2nd of October last, in reference to the construction of certain footpaths in the neighbourhood of Longfield Court, and requested to be informed whehte rthe Board was prepared to accept his offer of a slip of land for the widening of the road leading to the Fawkham Railway Station, and to allow him to construct a path beside the road, and also beside the road leading towards Longfield church upon the terms mentioned in the letter. It was proposed by Mr Goodyear, and seconded by Mr Allen, that Mr Roots' offer to give up the strip of land for the purpose of widening the road leading to the Fawkham Railway Station, and to construct a path over the same for teh sum of £17 10s be accepted; but that the question of continuing the footpath from the corner of Longfield Court towards the Church be stood over for the present. This proposition was carried."

1884, January 26: New Path Kent Times
"The surveyor to the Dartford District Highway Board reported at the last meeting that he had completed the path from Longfield Church to Mr French's gate, as ordered by the Board."

1884, February 2: Bulding Plots for Sale at Longfield Gravesend Reporter
"45 plots of freehold building land, situate close to the Fawkham Station of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway, and the junction with the new Gravesend Railway.

Messrs Willoughby & Son are instructed by the Kent and Essex House Land and General Investment Company Limited to offer for sale by auction, at the Railway Tavern, Fawkham (sic) on Thursday February 21st 1884 at 3 o'clock precisely, in 45 lots, the above eligible building estate, containing 21 plots suitable for the erection of shops and villas, with important frontages to Station Road; and 24 plots in the Main Road leading to Gravesend, for the erection of cottages, which are in great demand in the neighbourhood.

Nine tenths of the purchase money may remain at 5 per cent interest, payable in equal quarterly installment, but the whole or any part of the balance may be paid off at any time without notice. Free conveyance." [An important milestone in the development of Longfield, before the railway there was little more than the Church, Court and Railway Tavern at this end of the parish.]

1884, March 1: Longfield Church Whitstable Times
"Archdeacon Harrison presided on Thursday at the monthly meeting of the Incorporated Society for Promoting the Enlargement, Building and Repairing of Churches and Chapels. Among the grants voted was £30 towards the Church of Longfield St Mary, near Gravesend."

1884, April 26: To the New Railway - The Longfield Tramway Kent Times
"At the last meeting of the [Dartford] Highway Board a letter was read from Mr J Howard Russel, solicitor to Mr Bruce, the contractor for the Gravesend Railway, asking the permission of the Board to construct a temporary tramway over the road in the parish of Longfield, leading from Longfield Court to Green Street Green, for the purpose of carrying ballast from land there to the line of railway, and undertaking on the part of Mr Bruce, that no interruption should be caused to the highway, or the traffic over it, and also undertaking to pay any costs and expenses which the Board might incur in the matter, and it was resolved, that permission be given to Mr Bruce to construct the tramway, in accordance with the plan submitted by Mr Russel, and to continue its use for the space of 3 months, Mr Bruce undertaking to restore the road at the expiration of that period to its original condition, and depositing with the Board a sum of £200 to meet any claim for damage which the Board migh have through the non-restoration of the road or otherwise, and Mr Bruce also undertaking to exercise every precaution at the crossing, to prevent injury arising to persons using the highway, and to place a man in charge of each crossing."

1884, June 7: Defrauding the London Chatham and Dover Railway Kent Times
Fawkham. "On Saturday, at the Dartford Petty Sessions, Mr Gregory, solicitor of Bromley, appeared on behalf of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company, to prosecute Caleb Sergeant, formerly a signalman at Fawkham, but now at Hulse Hill [sic - presume Tulse Hill is meant], in service of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, for travelling from Dulwich to Fawkham without a ticket, and with intent to defraud the railway company. It appeared that when the defendant was asked for his ticket he said 'All right - company'; and when told he must pay his fare, said that he had not got any money. On the arrival of the train at Fawkham defendant got out of the carriage before it stopped and got out of the station without delivering any ticket, but on his return to Dulwich he paid the station master at that place his fare; but this did not in Mr Gregory's opinion relieve him from the charge of contriving to commit a fraud. The defendant was fined 40 shillings and costs £2 16s 2d in all."

1884, June 14: Mischievous Boys Kent Times
"At the Dartford Petty Sessions, Clarence Kettle, 10 and Thomas Cuthbert Kettle, 8 years of age, of Longfield, were charged with damaging a window from to the extent of 6d, the property of Mr Pankhurst, Longfield on June 1st. Mr Pankhurst deposed that he left his house securely fastened on Saturday last, when he left home; he returned on Monday evening and found his house had been entered and the drawers upstairs had been opened; no property had been stolen; but the window frame had been broken, and this the boys admitted doing. Defendants were fined 2s 3d and 3d damage, and 7ss costs each."

1884, June 26: Longfield Tip South London Press
"Sir, Having perused the pamphlet of Mr L J Dunham from beginning to end, and although the wisdom of its issue may be somewhat questionable, as a native of the parish of St Mary, Newington, I must say, when opposition to the policy of a majority of the members of our Vestry, lapses into individual persecution, it would be unjust and un-English to deprive that individual of every means of defence, or to condemn him unheard. Therefore it is to be hoped the ratepayers will give the document in question their thoughtful and impartial consideration, and though they may be opposed to Mr Dunham's course of action in the Vestry, and the line of defence he has adopted, they would do well to remember that hs is an old and efficient srant of the parishioners, and in addition to the many good services he has rendered, it is mainly due to his exertions that the Longfield depot has become, not only a great success, but also a model worthy of imitation by other metropolitan parishes. I am, Sir, yours faithfully. 'An Englishman' "

[As mentioned elsewhere, the Longfield depot was a highly controversial issue in Newington Vestry. The clerk Levi Dunham published a leaflet to justify his (and the majority party's) policy, which this anonymous letter writer supported, although he thought Mr Dunham was unwise to break the neutrality expected of officers.]

1884, August 7: Hop Prospects Croydon Observer
"….North Kent is said to be the worst district in the kingdom, and its grounds certainly look most mournfully miserable, deficient in bine, with most of the plants black or shrivelled up by the continual drain of their sap. The grounds in Hartley, Ash, Ridley, Dartford, Meopham, Gravesend, Chalk, Higham and its adjacent parishes were hardly ever worse."

1884, August 11: Gravesend West Railway Line Times
"On Saturday afternoone Mr J S Forbes, the chairman and Sir S Waterlow, the deputy chairman, of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company, made an inspection of a new line which will bring Gravesend into communication with the metropolis by the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. They were accompanied by Captain Godbold, the continental manager; Mr Morgan, the secretary of the company; Mr Harris; Mr G B Bruce jun, the contractor; Mr C Fox, the engineer; and Mr Vigers, the surveyor of the new line; Mr Edmonds, Mayor of Gravesend, and other gentlemen connected with the district and with the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. Proceeding by special train from Victoria, the company were taken over the new extension, of which only one line of rails is at present laid down, in a train consisting of trucks fitted up for the occasion. the works, which are in a satisfactory state of progress, were commenced in June last year and are expected to be completed early in 1885. This new extension, which is to be a double line of about 5 miles in length, branches off from the main line of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway about 20 miles from Victoria between Farningham Road and Fawkham Stations. In addition to affording a new means of communication between London and Gravesend, the line passes through an important hop growing and market gardening district. It will also bring Gravesend into connexion with the Midland Railway, the trains of which company run over the London, Chatham and Dover main line. There will be stations at Southfleet and Rosherville. The Gravesend Station will be at the corner of West Street and Stuart Road, after which the line will continue about 200 yards, to the end of a pier which is now in the course of construction, and which will extend about 220 feet from the foreshore into the river, almost extactly opposite to the entrance of the new East and West India Docks at Tilbury, and just above the spot off which the ships of the Peninsular and Oriental, the Oriental and other large steamship companies lie. As there will be 20 feet of water at low tide off this pier, the tenders of the large steamers will be able to take off aor land passengers and goods there at all states of the tide. It is also expected that there will be a considerable fish traffic to the Central Market in Farringdon Street. After a completion inspection had been made of the railway and pier works the company were entertained at dinner at the new Falcon Hotel, Gravesend, returning over the new line and by special train to Victoria, which was reached shortly after 11 o'clock."

1884, September 6: Sale on Completion of Railway Gravesend Reporter
"To contractors and others - Kent, Gravesend (within 1 mile of Northfleet or Gravesend Station)

Messrs Cronk have received instructions from Mr G Barclay Bruce jun (the contract for the Fawkham and Gravesend Railway beingt nearly completed), to sell by auction at the contractor's yard, Old Dover Road, Gravesend, on Wednesday September 10th 1884 at 10 o'clock, 20 excellent cart horses, very powerful, fit for London contractors or brewer's work, and the usual contractor's plant, comprising 10 collar and 14 chain harnesses, 2 carts, capital dog cart, erection of smith's shop and tools, quantity of picks, shovels, crowbars etc."

1884, September 20: Danger on the Highway Kent Times
Fawkham: "Mr Hohler, Fawkham Manor, has written to the Dartford District Highway Board calling attention to the alleged public danger by the rails being laid across the public highway, near Fawkham railway Station, in connection with the Gravesend Railway, and the working of an engine over the same. The road was much used and the present arrangement ought not to be continued. The Clerk said he had informed Mr Hohler that the Board had fully considered the matter before giving permission to lay the rails referred to; but that if a nuisance was created the public were not bound by the action of the board. The Surveyor siad he had occasion to frequently pass over the rails, and he was of opinion that no danger or inconvenience was caused by the crossing; and the clerk was requested to write to Mr Hohler to that effect."

1884, October 25: Sale of Hartley Manor Bristol Mercury
"Kent - Hartley, one mile of station and 6 miles of Gravesend and Dartford; only 24 miles of town. An important freehold residential and sporting estate, known as HARTLEY MANOR, charmingly situate on high ground commanding extensive views, comprising an excellent residence, with good stabling and attractive grounds, and 652 acres of very fertile arable, pasture and woodland in a high state of cultivation; 15 cottages and capital farm buildings, with farmhouse, also the manorial rights of the parish. The woods and covers are especially adapted for shooting and afford perfect sport. Railway siding on estate. Possession on completion of purchase.

Messrs Cronk will sell the above by auction, at the Mart, on November 11th 1884 at 2pm in 6 lots. Particulars of Messrs Farrer & Co, 66 Lincoln's Inn Fields WC; and of Messrs Cronk, 12 Pall Mall SW, and Sevenoaks, Kent."

1884, October 25: Theft of Potatoes Kent Times
"On Saturday at the Dartford Petty Sessions, Esther Couchman, an elderly woman, was charged with having stolen a gallon of growing potatoes, at Longfield, belonging to Mr Dixon Treadwell, farmer. A constable deposed to seeing her pulling up roots. On the other hand, the woman, who had been previously convicted, asserted that she had bought the potatoes (which were very clean) and dropped them from her bundle in the field, and picked them up, but another constable having deposed that he also had seen the theft, prisoner was sentenced to 21 days' imprisonment with hard labour."

1884, November 14: Accident Averted Kent & Sussex Courier
Extract from report of West Kent Hunt - "…from Court Wood [Longfield] a wary old fox broke at the far end as soon as hounds were in, and went away for West Court Wood, took a ring round, and then led them at a great pace to Hartley Wood, to reach which he had to cross the LC&DR and the pack would have been run into by a train had not the worthy driver pulled up in time."

1884, November 15: Longfield Tip - Expansion South London Press
"Newington Vestry - The Longfield Depot

The Depot Committee recommended that they be empowered to expend a further sum of £350 in labour and material in completing the lowering works, the erection of concrete walls, and other works, such as paving etc, necessry to prepare the lower portion of Longfield Depot as a place for the storage, screening, and sale of ashes and breeze.

Mr Nobes, in moving the adoption of the report, said the Longfield Depot was rapidly approaching to a condition of perfection. All the 7 docks were thoroughly paved, and all the arrangements made for the purpose of receiving the mixture from Newington. There were other works, however, to be completed before they could obtain complete efficiency, and the committee made these recommendations in accordance with that object. The oney spend over the Longfield Depot had been wisely and judiciously spent, and he was sure that ther successors on that vestry would be grateful to those who had done so much to meet the requirements of the day. Mr Harvey seconded.

Mr Robinson was opposed to this expenditure altogether. He thought the ratepayers of the future would regret that there had been gentlemen on that vestry to promote such a scheme.

Mr Smith moved, as an amendment, that the report lie on the table. The chairman said he could not accept that amendment, as the report had been received. Mr Smith said that being so, he would move 'that it be referred back' and in the course of his remarks, the chairman had to remind him that he was wandering from the subject, and that time was an object to the vestry.

Mr Clark said to build a cart and only to put one wheel on was idiculous. It would be equally so not to complete the necessary works ommenced at this depot. In the future they might have to get rid of the depot at Manor Place. Then they would find the utility of the depot at Longfield.

Mr Side jun said he would never allow an opportunity to pass without protesting against the expenditure of money at Longfield. He charged the committee with deliberately misleading the vestry by leaving their present proposals out of the estimates.

The chairman said that was accusing the committee of fraud. He must ask Mr Side to withdraw (cries of 'withdraw').

Mr Side ultimately withdrew, but said the committee acknowledged this in their report by stating 'that when the £530 was inserted in the estiates, it was understood that this amount would only last till Michaelmas'.

On Mr Side sen rising, Mr Josland wished to know on a point of order whether Mr Side was qualified to sit there as a vestryman. At Plumstead they had instituted actions against vestrymen who had compounded for their rates. Mr Side said counsel's opinion had been given in his favour. The chairman said that was not the time to raise such a question as this. Mr Side then spoke in condemnation of the committee's proposal.

After some further discussion, and a division on an amendment moved by Mr Snell 'That the report be referred back', the committee's recommendation was approved, and the vestry adjourned."

1884, November 22: Assault on Bailiff at Longfield Gravesend Reporter
Dartford Magistrates: "George Roots and Joseph Parsons of Longfield, Fawkham, were summoned for assaulting Henry Overy, a county court bailiff, and further with rescuing from him certain goods. Mr C C Ridley, Dartford, appeared on behalf of the prosecutor, and Mr Louis Lewis, solicitor, Bromley, represented the defendants. George Edward Pearce, a sub-bailiff at the Dartford County Court, stated that he held a warrant in the name of Wallis v Roots, and about the 4th inst, he left Overy in possession at Root's premises. Henry Overy, an elderly man, said when in possession Mrs Roots asked him to go into another room which was usually set apart for men who acted as he was then doing (laughter). When there Mr Roots came in and sadi the matter was settled and that he had better go downstairs. Witness then proceeded into the hall and saw Parsons standing at the door. Parsons thereupon said 'Come on, old man; Mr Pearce is waiting outside for you.' He (Overy) replied, 'Let Mr Pearce come in and fetch me' (laughter). The defendants then pushed him out the door and threw him down on the steps, and he rolled to the ground. The following day he returned to Roots' house, and the defendants then pushed him into a barrow and wheeled him from the house into the road, and then threw him out. The magistates fined the defendants £3 each and costs for the assault and 6d each and costs for the second offence. The total sum, £9 16s was at once paid."

1884, November 24: Rescue at Fawkham Aberdeen Journal
"A plucky action has been performed by Robert Pilbeam, one of the Sittingbourne Rifle Volunteers. He happened to be at Fawkham, where some men were engaged in sinking a well; they had got to a depth of 80 feet when the rope broke, and let down one of them, injuring his spine and disabling him entirely. Although none of the poor fellow's comrades woudl go down to his rescue, Pilbeam descended the well and found the injured man in two or three feet of water. Pilbeam lashed him to the rope, and sent him up to the top, and then waited for the men to haul him up."

[also mentioned briefly in Gravesend Reporter 15.11.1884, who names the injured man as Henry Offer]

1884, November 28: Poaching Charge Kent & Sussex Courier
Dartford Magistrates: "William Bignell and William Young were committed for trial on a charge of poaching at Fawkham. Mr Pook defended and applied for bail, which the bench fixed at £150. Mr Pook: That is prohibitive and absurd. The Chairman: Perhaps it is; we don't thank you to tell us that."

1884, December 20: A Complaint Kent Times
Ash and Hartley. "A memorial, signed by Colonel Evelyn, and other inhabitants and ratepayers of the parishes of Ash and Hartley, has been presented to the Dartford Highway Board to the effect that Mr Moore, of South Ash, had entered into a contract with a certain highway authority outside the district of the Dartford Highway Board for the supply of some 3,000 tons of flints, which he was delivering from his farm at South Ash by means of a traction engine and trucks, to the railway station at Fawkham, passing over a considerable length of road in the parishes represented by the memorialists. The memorial further pointed out that the constant use of such engine and trucks on the very narrow road referred to was a souce of danger and great inconvenience to the public traffic, in addition to the great expense which would be occasioned in repairing the road, and requested the Board to seriously consider the matter, and to take such action as might afford relief and redress. It appearing to the Board the the use of such engine and trucks on the road referred to was an obstruction and a source of danger to the public, the clerk was directed to write to Mr Moore and request him to discontinue the use of the engine and trucks, and also to state that the Board would hold him responsible for the damage which had already been caused to the highway."

1884, December 27: Bricks for Sale Gravesend Reporter
Advert: "Bricks! Bricks! Bricks!

Reds, Dark or Pale and moulded bricks to any pattery. Sound stocks, grissells and place at JJ Hickmott's, Fawkham Brickfields, Fawkham (near Dartford), close to the station.

[so really in Longfield]

1885, January 6: Boundary Commission Daily News
"Redistribution of Seats Bill - Kent - Amended Scheme: The Boundary Commissioners hereby give notice, that the Divisions of the County of Kent, described in the subjoined schedule have been substituted in their provisional scheme for the division bearing the same names which have been previously advertised.

The Sevenoaks Division (population 58,862): The parish of Mottingham; The Petty Sessional Divisions of Sevenoaks, Bormley (except the parishes of Chislehurst, St Paul's Cray, Foot's Cray, St Mary Cray), such parts of the proposed Parliamentary boroughs of Lewisham and Deptford as are in the county of Kent.

The Dartford Division (population 61,798): The Parishes of Chislehurst, St Paul's Cray, Foot's Cray, St Mary Cray, North Cray; The Petty Sessional Division of Dartford (except the parishes of Southfleet, Longfield, Hartley, Ash, Ridley); The proposed Parliamentary Boroughs of Greenwich and Woolwich.

The Malling Division (population 63,624): The parishes of Southfleet, Longfield, Hartley, Ash, Ridley, Grange, The City of Rochester; The Petty Sessional Divisions of Rochester, Bearsted, Malling (except the Parishes of Nettlested, Hunton, East Peckham, Yalding); The Municipal Boroughs of Gravesend, Maidstone."

[This was not the final scheme as they quickly realised they had made a mistake in the Dartford Constituency as they'd counted Bexley twice.]

1885, January 9: Boundary Commission Kentish Gazette
"Sitting of the Commission: The Hon T H W Pelham attended at the Sessions House, Maidstone, on Wednesday, to hear objections and suggestions as to the constitution of the several divisions of the county of Kent, as proposed by the Boundary Commissioners. There was a large attendance.

The Commissioner, in opening hte proceedings, said there 3 matters to be taken into consideration in defining the boundaries of the divisions of the county. First of all, they had as far as possible to equalise the population of the several divisions; in the second place, they had to make the divisions as compact as they could; and thirdly, they must have some regard to the pursuits and occupations of the people. The question of county voters in the boroughs in the case of Kent was an important one. There were not only county voters in the boroughs of Maidstone, Chatham, Rochester, Gravesend, Canterbury, Dover and Hythe to be considered, but there were also the county voters in those parts of the metropolitan boroughs which were in Kent. It was proposed to include some of the latter in the Dartford Division and some in the Sevenoaks Division. Therefore it might be advisable to have the population in those two divisions somewhat less than that of others. To a certain extent consideration would be given to the fact that those divisions which adjoined the metropolis would have a large number of county voters having qualifications within the boroughs. Those voters, however, could not be accounted for as population. In some divisions there were more county voters in the boroughs than in others, but it was not known what the number was in each division. The original scheme which was issued by the Commissioners was, unfortunately, incorrect, and an amended scheme had been published. When the first scheme was being drawn it was not known that the parish of Bexley was in the petty sessional division of Dartford, and that being so, the population of Bexley was added to the division, although the parish was already included in it. In order to equalise the Dartford Division, therefore, some parishes had to be added to it, making a change in three of the divisions. The population of the county, exclusive of the parliamentary boroughs, was 501,010 and it was proposed by the redistribution bill to divide the area into 8 divisions. The average population for each division would be a little over 60,000.

The first division, which had been named Sevenoaks, would include the parish of Mottingham (779) and the petty sessional divisions of Sevenoaks (19,675) and Bromley, except the parishes of Chislehurst and the 4 Crays (38,408). The population of that division would be 58,832. In the next division - Dartford - it was proposed to include the parishes of Chislehurst and the 4 Crays (10,564) and the petty sessional division of Dartford, except certain parishes. The total population for this division would be 61,798.

A long discussion took place on the question as to whether Chislehurst should be included in the Dartford Division, in which it had been placed by the commissioners, or in the Sevenoaks division. The Commissioner read a telegram which he had eceived from Mr P Tidman and 50 electors of Chislehurst, protesting against that place being torn away from Bromley, with which it had always been associated, and included in the Dartford Division.

Mr Latter of Bromley, submitted a plan for the alteration of the Dartford Division. He proposed that the division should consist of Mottingham, Foots Cray, North Cray and the Petty Sessional Division of Dartford, with the exception of certain parishes. The total population would be 54,556. Chislehurst, he said, was really a part of Bromley and the Crays were also associated with Bromley. It seemed to be the entire feeling of the district that these parishes should not be separated and taken into the Dartford Division. The Commissioner said he quite agreed that it would be desirable to keep Chislehurst and the Crays in Sevenoaks Division, but Mr Latter had not equalised the population. Sir John Lennard, as representing the district of Sevenoaks, said he very much preferred the Commissioners' scheme. Several speakers strongly protested against Chislehurst being placed in Dartford, and asked for an adjournment of the enquiry in order that time might be given to prepare a plan by which Chislehurst would be included in Sevenoaks with Bromley and the population of the two divisions equalised. It was stated that by taking Chislehurst from Dartford and by transferring the 4 Crays and another neighbouring parish from Sevenoaks into the Dartford District the population would be made more equal. This suggestion was supported by several Liberals from Dartford and by Sir Charles Mills MP, but it was opposed by Mr Solomons, who spoke on behalf of the Radicals of the Dartford District.

The Commissioner was inclined to think that the instructions given by the Government would be carried out if the 4 Crays were associated with Dartford. With regard to the wish that there should be an adjournment he did not think that another sitting was necessary if those gentlemen who had come from Chislehurst would forward any scheme upon which they might fix to the office of the Commissioners within the next 10 days......."

1885, January 31: The Indictment against Messrs Chittenden and Knight Kent Times
"At the last monthly meeting of the Dartford District Highway Board, the clerk reported that in pursuance of the Board's instructions he was prepared to prefer at the next Quarter Sessions fo rthe county of Kent an indictment against Messrs Chittenden, Knight & Co and Mr Moore for the nuisance caused by the traction engine and trucks on the road from South Ash Farm, Ash to the Railway Station at Fawkham. A memorial, signed by certain inhabitants of the district of the Board, was presented, requesting that the Board would reconsider their decision to take action in the matter. Mr Chittenden jun and Mr Knight both attended the meeting of the Board, and were heard in support of the memorial, and also an exposition in explanation of the various circumstances in connection with the use of locomotives on highways. It appeared to the Board that the use of the road referred to by the engines and trucks of Messrs Chittenden and Knight was os entirely different in character from teh use of engines and trucks ordinarily engaged in agricultural pursuits that the action taken by the board was requisite in the interests of the public, and it was resolved that the proceedings be instituted as proposed unless an undertaking was given for the discontinuance of the use of the engine, and for payment by Messrs Chittenden and Co, of all costs incurred by the Board in the matter."

1885, February 7: Robbery from the New Railway Gravesend Reporter
Dartford Magistrates: "At the Dartford Petty Sessions, on Saturday last, before T Bevan esq (in the chair), Lieut-Col Beamish and W Anderson esq, George Frederick Swatteridge was charged with stealing a quantity of timber, two iron rails and 4 lime bags, value 15 shilling, the property of Mr J Barclay Bruce, at Longfield. Mr CR Gramshaw was for the prosecution, and said Mr Bruce was a contractor for constructing the Gravesend and Hartley [sic] railway. During the construction of the line, a very large quantity of wood amounting to several hundred pounds in value had been stolen at different times. One of Mr Bruce's foremen, in consequence of information he received, went to the prisoner's house and there found a quantity of timber, iron and sacks, which he identified as belonging to Mr Bruce. On being questioned as to how he came in possession of the wood, the prisoner, who worked on the line unitl the 8th January last, said he bought it of a man named Hatfield, who had bought it at a sale and had since gone away. No one of that name could be discovered. Prisoner had no right to the wood and no authority had been given to sell it. Some portion of the wood had been used in constructing a pigsty, aound which the sacks were nailed. There had been no sale of wood used in constructing the railway. The magistrates considered the case too serious a one to be dealt with by them, and committed the prisoner for trial at the Quarter Sessions, but admitted him to bail." "

1885, February 28: Boundary Commission Thanet Advertiser
""County of Kent Representation: The only alteration made by the Boundary Commissioners in their report, as affecting kent, is the substitution of the 'Medway Division' for that of 'Malling Division'. It will be remembered that on the occasion of the Boundary Commissioner visiting Maidstone some time ago, Mr Charles Whitehead suggested this alteration. The various divisions in the county are thus arranged:

No 1 - The Sevenoaks Division: The Sessional Divisions of Bormley (except so much as is comprised in division no 2 as herein described) and Sevenoaks, the parish of Mottingham and so much of the area of the Parliamentary boroughs of Lewisham and Deptford as is included in the county of Kent.

No 2 - The Dartford Division: The Sessional Division of Dartford The Parishes in the sessional division of Bromley of Foot's Cray, North Cray, Orpington, St Mary Cray, and St Paul's Cray, and the area of the Parliamentary Boroughs of Greenwich and Woolwich.

No 4 - The Medway Division The Sessional Division of Bearsted, Malling (except so much as is comprised in division no 3 as herein described) and Rochester, including the parish of Grange (non-corporate member of Hastings), and the Municipal Boroughs of Gravesend, Maidstone and Rochester.

[The final proposals for constituencies in Kent saw some changes from the initial proposals. Hartley and the neighbouring parishes and Orpington had been added to Dartford, while Chislehurst had been moved from Dartford to Sevenoaks after representations at the public enquiry.

While the county seats were similar in size of population, there were also borough seats in Kent all of which had smaller populations. The average population per seat was 52,067 (most wouldn't have had the vote). Dartford had 64,321, Sevenoaks 60,633 and Medway 65,377 - all well over the quota. But Gravesend had just 31,283, so a vote in Gravesend carried twice the weight over one in neighbouring Dartford. (Nottinghamshire Guardian 27.2.1885)

1885, April 25: Telegraph Poles Kent Times
"Rochester District Highway Board. On Tuesday this Board met at the Bull Hotel, Rochester… Permission was given to erect telegraph posts from Cobham to the Meopham and Longfield Post Offices….."

1885, April 27: Heavy Failure of Kentish Agriculturalists - Liabilities £21,000 South Eastern Gazette
On Friday, at the Canterbury Bankruptcy Court, the learned Registrar (Walter Furley esq) was engaged for several hours in enquiring into the case of Austin Gambrill and Thomas Gambrill, farmers and hop growers, carrying on business at Tranworth, Crundale and at Hartley, Sevenoaks.

Mr Worsfold Mowll, Dover, appeared on behalf of the trustee, and Mr R M Mercer, Canterbury, represented creditors.

The Official Receiver presented the following accounts: Family claimes amounting to £15,209 5s 1d, trade creditors £891 1s 11d, money borrowed besides the family creditors, £5,252 7s 8d, making the total debts £21,352 14s 7d. The assets consist of the farming stock, implements, and effects upon the farms at Tranworth and Hartley. Deducting preferential claims, such as rent, rates and so on, a balance is left of £181 1s 6d to pay the debts. The bankrupts commenced business as farmers on the 4th October 1869, and on the 11th October 1875 they took a lease from Sir Edmund Filmer of 321 acres at Tranworth (Crundale, near Canterbury) for 21 years, at a rental of £425. On the 23rd February 1878, they took New House Farm, Hartley, Sevenoaks, for 15 years, the acreage of which was about 201, and the rental being £420. In October 1881, they also hired 33 acres from Miss Styan, at Crundale, at a rental of £30. Therefore they had in their occupation 770 acres at a rental of £989 a year. Austin Gambrill lived at and carried on the business at Tranworth, and Thomas Gambrill, the brother, at Hartley. The Official Receiver added - they were in partnership, and I understand that they had another farm which they gave up about 2 years ago. They held that under the Rev Mr Vaughan, at a rental of £34. They had however, continued to carry on business at Tranworth and Hartley up to the time when these proceedings were commenced.

Austin Gambrill was first examined, and said he went into partnership with his brother in 1869. They had about £3,000 captial. That was all borrowed capital. They started without anything. The money was borrowed from a gentleman of the name of Arthur Gurney in London. He lent about £1,200. He was a wine merchant in Chancery Lane £600 was found by witness' brother's wife. The remainder came from his father in the following year. In November 1867, he obtained £259 from a widow lady named Pepper, a relative. That money was put into the Crundale business. The £3,000 went into the business at Hartley and also at Crundale, where he now was. the valuation at Hartley amounted to £800. That only left £400 of the loan from Mr Gurney, and witness had kept the money from his father as he wanted it. He never kept any books, notwithstanding that he had a partner. His brother was quite satisfied with what he did. The money went in the management of the business. Very little money went through the bank. In 1870 he probably borrowed about £300. In June 1871 he borrowed nearly £200 from his father on notes of hand. They had nearly all been altered, being out of date. There was another sum of £410, and a third of £255 in that year. He could give no particulars about them, but might possibly be able to obtain further information.

The Registrar - Do you mean to say that you have notes of hand to the amount of £21,000 odd? The Debtor - About that.

The Debtor said in 1869 he had about £600 from Mrs Monylaws, Willesborough, Ashford, which was not included in the £3,000. Her debts amounted to £1,100. He had borrowed £1,500 from Mrs Bourne, a lady residing at Ramsgate, £900 of that was in 1872, when he took the Tranworth farm.

The Registrar suggested that it was useless at present to go on with the examination regarding the accounts. He could hardly understand anyone going into a business and incurring such indebtedness as this without keeping books He hoped no memoranda the bankrupt might have had had been destroyed.

the Debtor accounted for his insolvency by the depression in agriculture of the last 7 or 8 years, and the general lowness of prices. The income varied very considerably. £3,500 a year would be a fair average. The average expenditure had been £4,000 a year, and he had consequently lost about £500 a year all the time. Things had not been going on satisfactorily all the time.

The Registrar - Why did you not pull yourself up before? The debtor said they hoped to get on better. He estimated the stock and effects at £6,500 although through the bankruptcy proceedings they were only worth £1,368.

Mr Hobbs (trustee) said that looking at the acreage it would require a capital of £13 per acre to properly farm the land. That would, therefore, require £10,000. The Registrar - The interest on that would be about £500 a year, I suppose.

The Official Receiver said that taking the debtor's own figures there was about £10,000 unaccounted for in any way.

The debtor said that would be money lost in 9 or 10 years. He was a married man, with one child. His household expenses averaged about £150 a year. He kept only one servant. Certain articles of furniture had been removed from his house. They belonged to his wife, and were about sufficient to furnish one room He was married 2 years ago, and his wife brought the furniture from her home then. It was moved about the 18th March, two days before the petition was filed. He (debtor) had it moved at his wife's request to the rectory at Crundale. Nothing else was moved away.

After further examination, The Debtor said he also borrowed £300 from Mr Troutbeck (land agent and surveyor of Maidstone), the landlord's agent. That was 2 or 3 years ago, and probably was obtained on the proise that the money should be repaid when he sold his hops. He did not do so. He remembered the meeting of creidtors at Faversham. He sent a horse away that day. That was not the one belonging to his wife. He had not previously mentioned that, because he did not think of it The animal was sent to his brothers at Folkestone. The meeting was held on the 19th, and on the following morning the horse was sent away. He knew that the petition was to be filed. He sold his 1884 hops at about Christmas time. He realised between £500 and £600, which was all gone for labour and other expenses. Mr Harrison, solicitor at Folkestone, was a creditor for £1,027. He lent that money without any security. A loan of £2,200 was made through Mr Harrison from a Mr Arnell, a gentleman who lived somewhere in MIddlesex. Mr Arnell held the debtor's uncle's note of hand, and interest was paid at the rate of 7%. Three years after the loan was obtained, Mr Arnell died, the money was called in, and Mr Harrison found a part of the money required for payment. He (the debtor) borrowed the £2,200 of Mr Arnell in 1880.

By the Official Receiver - My brother knew about the money transactions, but I arranged them. I did no keep any books, and he did not remonstrate with me. He did not tell me whether he was winning or losing at Hartley. I could tell whether crops were paying or not. I could not tell what he was doing with regard to borrowing money or getting into debt.

By the Registrar - I have never kept any books. I have used small memorandum books, but I do not keep them. I may have one in my pocket at home.

By the Official Receiver I sold my corn crops through agents, Messra Hart and Tatnell, and Mr Young. Some little time before I filed the petition Messra Hart and Tatnell sold some corn for me. During the first 3 years I made a profit of £100 or £200. I only had a few acres. The first 2 years we lost money on Hartley Farm, and I do not suppose we have made any since. I have not made any money at Tranworth Farm.

Did not you know very soon afte ryou began that you ould not pay your creditors? I was in hopes times would get better. If my hops had sold for £1,600 instead of £600 it would have put a different face on things. it would not have made me solvent, but would have enabled me to carry on the business.

Did you know in 1884, when you traded with trade creditor, that you had debts to the amount of over £20,000. I knew I might be called upon for the money.

The same thing would apply to 1883? Well, so far as I know. Of course I could not tell what the business would come to if realised.

Is it not a fact that you have proposed to the landlord's agent to let you carry the farm still? Of course I have. What prospect is there of your carrying on that farm if you are in debt to the amount we have been enquiring into. Have you any capital at all of your own? No. How do you expect to carry it on? I could not tell you whether I might have a friend to give me the opportunity.

Thomas Gambrill deposed. I am younger than my brother. I am married and live at Hartley. I only kept a book rcording goods sold. I did not borrow any money in my neighbourhood. My brother has had the management of the money. I made myself responsible by signing my name without any enquiry. I know the business was a losing one. We have had bad seasons and bad prices, but were obliged to go on, as we were under a lease. We did not go into the bankruptcy court long ago because we hoped to recover ourselves. I hve moved some things which belonged to my wife's mother (Mrs Monylaws), who is a creditor for £1,000 money lent to me. Mrs Monylaws was living at Lord Harris' house when she lent the money. The furniture was taken to a warehouse at Rochester. I had a cheque book, but had nothing to do with the banking account at Messrs Hammond and Co's Canterbury Bank. I did not know we had money from family creditors to the amount of £15,000. I always believed the 170 sheep were Mr Clements'. When Mr Young first came to my farm I told him of the removal of Mrs Monylaws' furniture.

By Mr Mowll - My sister in law did not tell me what had been removed from Tranworth. Mr Mowll - I have told the other debtor (Mr A Gambrill) that if, on reflection, he can recollect other things, he shoudl get into the box and say so. If Mr Sampson is examined here, as I am instructed he will be, and he says things have been removed, the debtor puts himself in great peril. This Mr Gambrill ought to remember the serious position he is in.

In answer to Mr Mercer, Thomas Gambrill said - I know nothing about my indebtedness to Mr Burdok He is a man very well off, and lives at Gravesend. I do not know that Mr Clements gave Mr Burdock the money to lend.

The Registrar (to the debtors) - I must warn you that you are both in a serious position. You do not know the law as well as the gentlemen conducting the case. They are not threatening you without reason. You must make a clean breast of your dealings, both as to money any other matters. Unless you do you will find yourselves seriously involved. It is the most serious case we have yet had in this Court by far.

The court was adjourned until May 15th.

[Thomas Gambrill, who leased New House Farm, and his brother Austin Gambrill, who leased a farm at Crundale, near Canterbury, ran a farming partnership. This crashed in 1885 with staggering debts of £21,000 - about £1.6 million today. The Official Receiver (Mr L Creery) said "I do not think I am exceeding my duty when I say that this is a case of the most heartlesss and cruel description, and I think you will be satisfied that the bankrupts have been carrying on their business in a most reckless way for the last 16 years." (Whitstable Times 2.5.1885). The Whitstable Times also reported the case, and went into more detail about Austin's cross examination as Crundale was in their area. In particular they suspected that he had removed assets when he knew this was coming. This included the 170 sheep referred to by his brother.

The case continued for many weeks, but most of the fire of the officials was directed at the elder brother Austin. In the end they were declared bankrupt with creditors getting only 1 shilling in the pound (5%) of their debts.]

1885, May 2: Cattle Sale at Hartley Court Gravesend Reporter
"Hartley Court - about a mile and a half from Fawkham Station on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. Mr Hodsoll is instructed by Colonel Evelyn to sell by auction, on the premises as above, on Friday, May 8th 1885, at 2 for 3pm, 39 head of horned stock, including 16 shorthorn heiffers, 3 capital milch cows, 10 young cows with their calves, 10 yearlings, a grand pedigree shorthorn bull, Fourth Duke of Wrotham, 2 two year old cart colts, 3 yearling colts, 3 two year old nag colts, brood mare in foal, 12 sows in pig, a few implements and 4,000 bavins....."

1885, May 2: Hartley Court for Sale The Field
"In Kent (the garden of England) 24 miles from London. An old manorial estate of 646 acres for sale, by public tender, on the 22nd of June 1885, unless previously disposed of by private treaty, upset price £26,000. Half the purchase money may remain on mortgage at 3½ per cent for 5 years. HARTLEY MANOR with about 246 acres of parks and beautiful woods, gardens, stabling and HARTLEY COURT, with excellent farm buildings, labourers' cottages, railway siding, and about 400 acres of superior farm and garden land. The minerals are gravel, chalk, and brick earth of superior quality. The property is in the occupation of the owner, who has paid but little attention to the development of its mineral resources, but which are estimated to be capable of producing, together with the surface rental, an income of over £6,000 a year. The timber on the estate and the fixtures in both houses are included in the purchase. This affords a most favourable opportunity to parties inclined to take advantage of the present depression in the value of land to obtain a property of great prospective value, within a short distance of London, at a very low price.

Particulars with conditions of sale, may be obtained of Messrs Farrer and Co of 66 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, who will issue cards to view, and to whom tenders must be sent on or before Monday, June 22 at 12 o'clock, at which time and place they will be opened in the presence of those tendering, when the highest tenderer will be declared the purchaser.

Hartley Manor is about 1 mile from the Fawkham station on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway."

[Since Colonel Evelyn continued to be the owner until his death in 1889, we can assume no bids were received]

1885, May 2: Hartley Court, sale of Stock Gravesend Reporter
"Mr Hodsoll is instructed by Colonel Evelyn to sell by auction on the premises as above, on Friday May 8th, 1885 at 2 for 3 pm, 39 head of horned stock, including 16 shorthorn heiffers, 3 capital milch cows, 10 young cows with their calves, 10 yearlings, a grand pedigree shorthorn bull, Fourth Duke of Wrotham, 2 two year old nag colts, brood mare in foal, 12 sows in pig, a few implements and 1,000 bavins. Catalogues of the auctioneer, Farningham, Kent."

1885, May 16: Gambrill Bankruptcy Whitstable Times
".....Thomas Gambrill of Hartley, Sevenoaks, was briefly examined by Mr Mowll, and said tht the day before the meeting at Faversham, furniture belonging to his mother in law (Mrs Monylaws, Willesborough, Ashford), was removed to a warehouse at Ashford. The furniture was not a gift. He had it in 1869, and it was then lying in a warehouse. It was not use there, and she allowed him the use of it. He should not think the value of the property was more than about £20. He saw Mrs Moylaws at Willesborough, and she instructed him to remove the furniture. She had heard that he was in difficulties. The furniture at Rochester would, he supposed, be in his name.

Mr Mowll - It is only right to say that according to the report of Mr Young, people around express the greatest sympathy for this debtor....."

[This is a lengthy report of the 2nd day of bankruptcy proceedings against Austin and Thomas Gambrill. Most relates to Austin's farm at Crundale near Canterbury, so is not included here. He is criticised for not keeping accounts and destroying his notebooks, especially when Thomas kept a ledger at Hartley. Thomas was briefly questioned about some furniture he sent away from Hartley just before the proceedings commenced (this would look like hiding assets). He said it belonged to his mother in law.]

1885, May 23: Fawkham - Defeat of a Money Lender Kent Times
"On Friday, at the Dartford County Court, the case of Attwood v Thwaite came on for hearing. It was an interpleader case in which Mr Thomas Attwood, auctioneer and money lender, 14 High Holborn, was the plaintiff. Mr Carnegie represented the plaintiff, and Mr C C Ridley, the executing creditor.

It appeared that an execution had been put in upon the goods of Mr Roots, brickmaker, of Fawkham for £17, and the plaintiff held a bill of sale on the goods. In December of last year an execution was put in upon Mr Roots's good, whereupon Mrs Roots borrowed some money upon the security of her reversionary interest in some property, for the purpose of paying out the sheriff. It was contended that the goods became the absolute property of Mrs Roots, as she had bought them from the sheriff. On February 12th, Mr Roots again got into trouble, and there was another distress for rent. Mrs Roots went to the plaintiff and asked him to lend her £80 on a bill of sale, and that she might pay the landlord. He consented to do so, and the bill of sale was duly executed and registered. An action was now being brough against Mr Roots - the execution creditor seizing the goods. When the goods were seized under the execution they were, it was contended, the property of Mr Attwood under the bill of sale.

Mrs Eliza Susan Roots said she borrowed £150 on her reversionary interest, and the document given her at the time was that now produced in court. His honour: What interest were you to pay? Witness: 80 per cent per annum. His honour: Well, we all live and learn. Mrs Roots said that the distress was for £60 for half a year's rent. She had £60 from Mr Attwood. At this point in the proceedings Mrs Roots was taken ill. Dr McEvoy was called, and explained that Mrs Roots was suffering from disease of the heart.

Mr Attwood was called, and said Mrs Roots was told what it would cost her to borrow the money; he told her the interest would be 80 per cent. She thold her husband, and Mr Roots said it was heavy, but he must have the money. Witness detailed the full particulars of the case, and said the money was to be paid back in August of this year in one sum.

Mr Ridley examined the bill of sale, and said that it appeared an alteration had been made in the date. Mr Attwood said the alteration was made when the wrror was noticed, and after Mrs Roots had signed it. His Honour said the case need not proceed further. Mr Carnegie contended that it was a clerical error, and he must ask his honour to make a note of it. The following note was then made by his honour: 'Objection taken for plaintiff that the alteration is a clerical error, and does not invalidate the bill of sale. I am of opinion that the bill of sale is void.' His Honour entered judgment for the execution creditor. In reply to Mr Ridley's application for costs on the higher scale, he said he always exercised his discretion, so as to make County Court business as cheap as possible. Mr Carnegie: And you are going to exercise it by making us pay costs? His Honour: Certainly! If a man comes her and has the insolence to present a bill of sale with the date altered, he must expect it. One gratifying circumstance is that he will lose his 80 percent. Mr Carnegie: Mr Attwood assures me that the alteration was no fault of his; he disclaims all knowledge of the alteration. He knew nothing of it until it was done; he therefore wishes to leave the court with clean hands. His Honour: someone made the alteration. Who was it?"

1885, May 30: Longfield Red Stars Cricket Club Kent Times
"Red Star v Galley Hill. This match was played at Longfield on Saturday, May 23rd, the Red Stars winning by an innings and 20 runs." Full Cards follow. Red Stars 76 all out (F Driscoll 2, F Lynds 2, F Bennett 27, G Blackman 8, G Lynds 11, A Aldridge 3, R Waterman 1, J Blackman 0, W Rye 7, S Hodgskins 9, E Driscoll 0*). Galley Hill 32 (F Driscoll took 5 wickets, G Blackman 3, F Bennett 2) and 24 (F Driscoll and W Rye both took 5 wickets each)

1885, July 18: Property for Sale at Station Road Gravesend Reporter
"Fawkham, Kent. In a very pleasant and healthy situation, close to railway station, about 1 hour from town, and within easy reach of Dartford, Gravesend etc. Freeholds and desirable villas for occupation.

Messrs Masterman, Evans & Co will sell by auction at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard EC on Wednesday July 22, 1885, at 2 o'clock in lots: 2 freehold shops in Station Road, in a commanding corner position, with stabling in rear, let at a yearly rental of £80. A pair of semi-detached freehold dwelliing houses, let to good weekly tenants at rentals amounting to £62 8s per annum. And 8 very attractive semi-detached freehold villas, pleasantly situate close to the railway station, with large gardens in front and rear, each containing 3 bedrooms, a dressing room, drawing and dining rooms, kitchen, scullery etc. 5 are let and produce £111 per annum. The remainder will be sold with possession."

1885, July 25: Gambrill Bankruptcy Canterbury Journal
"Re Austen Gambrill - The Trustee's Report - A Further Enquiry resolved upon

Austen Gambrill late of Trimworth Farm, Crundale, again came up for his public examination, Mr Worsfold Mowll represented the trustee (Mr Bedo Hobbs). - Mr Mowll read the report presented by the trustee to the Official Receiver and the committee for inspection. The reporter was a very long one and the preparation of it had evidently involved an immense amount of work. It contained the following - The bankrupts commenced business at Michaelmas 1867, without capital. They obtained from Mrs Pepper an advance of £250, and with this sum they took Crundale Street Farm, Crundale, near Canterbury, comprising about 33 acres, the rent of which was £66 10s. In 1869 the bankrupts took Hartley Farm [=New House Farm] near Sevenoaks from Messrs Forrest, which comprised 200 acres at a rental of £240, and they were in possession of this farm at the time of the bankrutcy. At Michaelmas 1873 they took Marriage Farm, Wye, comprising 165 acres, at a rental of £120, and surrendered the farm at Michaelmas 1882. At Michaelmas 1875, the bankrupts took Trimworth Farm, comprising 320 acres at a rental of £430, which has since been increased, and they were in possession of this farm at the time of bankruptcy. At Michaelmas 1884, the took some land at Westyoke near Rochester, comprising 15 acres at a rental of £25 per annum, and they were in possession of this land at the time of the bankrputcy. The bankrupts seem to have borrowed in case during the time they have been in business from 1867 to the spring of this year £14,276 as follows:-

1867 - £310 (Charlotte Maria Gambrill £60, Mrs Pepper £250)
1869 - £2,100 (Gurney Loan £1,200, Mrs Moneylaws £900)
1870 - £200 (Valentine Gambrill)
1871 - £665 (Austen Gambrill sen)
1873 - £831 (Valentine Gambrill £452, A Gambrill sen £377.8.9)
1874 - £200 (Mrs Bourne £100, V Gambrill £100)
1875 - £1,430 (Mr Bourne £900, V Cambrill £30, Bank £500)
1876 - £1,450 (Dr Bellamy £500, Clements £700, V Gambrill £250)
1877 - £1,700 (Bank £800, Bank £900)
1879 - £1,400 (Dr Bellamy £300, V Gambrill £300, Bank £800)
1880 - £990 (V Gambrill £340.10.0, Clements £300, Bank £350)
1881 - £650 (Clements £150, Bank £500)
1882 £1,100 (Clements £600, V Gambrill £500, Gregory £500)
1883 - £550 (Clements £250, R Troutbeck £300)
1884 - £200 (Mrs Bourne)
Total - £14,276

Besides this they have had advanced to them in live and dead stock £1,607.0.8. The following are particulars:-

1871 - £200 (T Gambrill sen)
1873 - £811.14.0 (A Gambrill sen)
1876 - £595.6.8 (Clements)
Total £1,607.0.8

A large portion of the advances have been traced into the bank book and were dealt with by the bankrupts in the course of their business. It appears, however, to have been the practice of the bankrupts not to pay in the whole amount of a cheque they received. Sometimes they only paid part of the amount into the bank and took the remainder away in cash, and at other times they appear to have cashed the cheque, and to have used the cash. As the bankrupts kept no books whatsoever, or rather whatever books were kept were destroyed, it has been an extremely difficult task to analyse the accounts, but, from the investigation which has been made, and from the examination of the majority of the creditors for money lent before the Registrar, the trustee is satisfied that, with certain exceptions mentioned in the detailed reports as to the proofs, the money has been advanced and honestly used in the business. The bank book has been carefully gone through and the whole of the cheques made out in the name of Gambrill have been extracted. There were some large amounts payable in 1872-73-74 in the name of Gambrill. Upon investigation it appears that a brother of the bankrupts was in business as a draper at Chelmsford; that he got into difficulties; that the bankrupts endorsed bills for him which they had to meet; that they took over his business from him, and were eventually the losers of about £400 or £500. To summarise the investigation it appears as follows:

Cash Advanced to Bankrupts - £14,276
Stock - £1,607
Trade Debts - £800
Total £16,683

Amount repaid by bankrupts - £1,310
Interests and discounts from 1877 to 1884 - £2,256.0.7
Interests and discounts from 1867 to 1878 - £1,183.2.6
Total - £5,019.3.1.

The deficiency, less loss on the bankrupt brother's failure (say £450), was £11,213 16s 11d, and against this amount must be placed £4,500 the valuation and assets at Hartley and Trimworth Farms, showing a deficiency of £6,713 16s 11d.

The proofs annexed to the report showed that among the creditors were:

Maria Bourse - £1,500
Dr Bellamy - £800
Mr F Burdock - £950
Mr T G Clements - £664.10.7
Mr V Gambrill - £3,177.7.0
Mr A Gambrill sen - £2,027.18.0
Mr J Gregory - £1,064.15.11
Mr T Gambrill sen - £865
Charlotte Maria Gambrill - £91.10.0
Messrs Hammond & Co - £1,100
Mr WGS Harrison - £1,037.7.8
Mrs Moneylaws - £1,237
Mrs Pepper - £275
Mr R Troutbeck - £322
Mr Walker - [blank]
London and County Bank, Dover - £400

Messrs Hammond & Co's loan is secured. The proof of Mr A Gambrill sen is barred by statute, and is, therefore, rejected - The Official Receiver: I do not consider it any part of my duty to criticise or express any opinion on the report of the trustee's solicitor, but I must at the same time be permitted to say that in my opinion very great assistance has been afforded by the exhaustive way in which these complicated accounts have been investigated, and te result as stated in the report, I consider may be relied upon. After all, teh report only goes to show that the proofs are correct without throwing any light upon the important question as to how the bankrupts spent the money. There is in the report one remark which I am obliged to take exceptionto as I find nothing to justify it, and that is where it is stated that the trustee is satisfied that the money has been used honestly in the business. I do not see how the trustee can come to such a conclusion when he stateshimself that as the bankrupt has kept no books, or rather has destroyed them, it has been an extremely difficult task to analyse the accounts. My own impression from the investigation which I have made is - I say it candidly and openly - that the money has not been used honestly in any sense of the word, and I believe the books have been destroyed for the purposes of preventing enquiry. It is quite clear from the statement which Mr Mowll has filed thate there is not sufficient light thrown upon the question as to how these bankrupts got rid of the enormous sums which they did; and I still ask for an adjournment for the purpose of further enquiry. The labour account at Crundale has been put down at £6,979; but I understand from Mr Mowll's assistant (Mr Bracher, of Ashford), who has used every care he could in investigating the matter, that the only way they have been able to arrive at that has been picking the cheques out of the bank book and the debtor's saying they are for labour. These are large sums and require more searching investgation that they have received. I have no doubt, however, that Mr Mowll has done the best he could, - Mr Hobbs in answer to the Registrar, said: The bankrupts held 700 acres. I should think the loss has been more than £500 a year for the last 7 years - The Registrar went carefully into the figures and said that it appeared the debtors had for the last 7 years received annually at least £3,600. They had in fact got through £36,000, adn they only accounted for £22,848 16s 7d - Mr Mowll said the debtors commenced business in 1867 - The Registrar: That makes it worse. I have taken the debts back to 1867, but I have only taken the receipts for the last 7 years - The Official Receiver: I had all these facts in my mind when I asked for an adjournment - Mr Hobbs stated that a person taking a farm of 700 acres would require a capital of £9,100 or £13 an acre - Mr Mowll: When you deal with figures they can be put either for or against very strongly. I have had myself to investigate a case referring to a farm of 500 acres which a friend of mine had in Norfolk. He carried it on for 8 years, and during that time he sunk in solid sovereigns £10,000 - The Registrar: It may be sunk, bu the sinking should be shown. You cannot get over the fact that these gentlemen have been playing the fool with no end of money, and tehy have not given proper accounts. There is expenditure of £18,000 not explained. I do not mean to say that some of that £18,000 was not spent in labour, but even if it were it should be shown. A man has no business to go into heavy farming matters without keeping book. It is most improper - Mr Mowll: There has been no cash book, and therefore the labour account was of the roughtest possible description. There were meetings of the family at Trimworth, and the debtor said he could not pay the money he owed - The Registrar: he denied that there had been such meetings. I am inclined to think there were books, and that form some good reason they have been destroyed. - Mr Mowll said that Miss Gambrill (daughter of Mr Gambrill of Alkham) stated there were no books - The Official Receiver stated that he should ask the Board of Trade to appoint an expert in farming and grazing to investigate the case. The Registrar granted an adjournment till August 7th, but said he had no doubt whatever that Mr Hobbs and Mr Mowll had done their very best with the materials at their disposal.

[Some of the people mentioned were Thomas G sen (b 1802) - Austen and Thomas's father; Valentine (b 1854) and Emma (b 1858) G - their brother and sister; Mrs Moneylaws - Thomas's mother in law, he gave one of his children the middle name Moneylaws; J Gregory - presumably Austen's father in law]

1885, July 25: Traction Engine Traffic Gravesend Reporter
"The Queen v Chittenden and another - this was an action brought against Messrs Chittenden, Knight & Co, traction engine proprietors of Sittingbourne, for an alleged obstruction and nuisance caused by the traffice of an engine and 3 trucks on the road leading from Fawkham Railway Station to South Ash. The road in question is in the district of the Dartford Highway Board, and prossecuting counsel, who were Mr Murphy QC and Mr HF Dickens, were instructed by Mr JC Hayward, clerk to that Board. the defendant was represented by Mr Willis QC, Mr Winch and Mr M Smith. Mr Murphy, in opening the case, denied that it was a test case. The point rested upon the dimensions of the road, which in some places being only 10ft wide a traction engine was a very improper conveyance to use there. Several witnesses were called to give evidence as tot eh inconvenience they had experiences from the traffic of the traction engine and 3 trucks on this road. Mr Willis, in addressing the jury for the defence, said it seemed to him rather remarkable that the highway board should have raised this question, especially after, in the year 1881, Mr Moore, farmer (from whose farm flints were being carried), had the very same service rendered to him by the traction engine and trucks being employed in the same way, and no question was then raised as to the impropriety of using this road for the traffic of traction engines and trucks. A considerable number of witnesses were called to speak for the defence. Their general testimony was to the effect that no more delay was caused by the engine and trucks than by the ordinary traffic. The jury retired to consider their verdict. After an absence of about 10 minutes the returned and announced that they had found for the defendants."

[A shorter report in the East Kent Gazette of 18.7.1885 said "it seems that there was some little prejudice in the locality against road locomotives, and a round robin was sent about by one or two persons for signature, and it was afterwards submitted to the Dartford Highway Board."]

1885, August 1: Gambrill Bankruptcy Folkestone Express
"It is understood tthat there will be no further investigation in the matter of the bankruptcy of the Messrs Gambrill, formerly farmers and hop-growers at Crundale near Canterbury, and Hartley, near Sevenoaks. The Board of Trade, it is stated, do not consider it necessary to further prolong the proceedings. The amount in hand, after the payment of legal and other expenses, will provide for a dividend of about one shilling in the £."

1885, August 8: Gambrill Bankruptcy Gravesend Reporter
New House Farm, near Farningham and Dartford: Mr William Hodsoll is instructed by Messrs Forrest (the farm being let) to sell by auction on the premises, as above, on Wednesday August 12th 1885 at 11 for 12 o'clock, the whole of the valuable live and dead farming stock, comprising 8 powerful and active draught horses, grey nag horse, capital Alderney cow, quantity of valuable poultry, and all the agricultural implements.

Catalogues may be had of Mr Crowhurst on the premises, and of the auctioneer, Farningham, Kent."

[This is the next stage in the bankruptcy of the tenant, Thomas Gambrill. Click here for a transcript of the auctioneer's copy of the catalogue with the names of the buyers and the winning bid.]

1885, August 15: Accident at Fawkham Gravesend Reporter
"William Potter, 43, of 12 Edwin Street, Gravesend, while driving at Fawkham his horse bolted, and the wheel passing over his chest, he was seriously injured, and now lies in a very critical state at the Gravesend Hospital."

1885, August 29: Property for Sale at Station Road Gravesend Reporter
"To be sold, a pair of freehold houses, known as Myrtle Villas, Station Road, Fawkham [Longfield], close to the railway station; gross rentals £41 12; each house contains 8 rooms with good garden in the rear and forecourt in the front. Apply to Mr Edward Hilder, solicitor, 20 Harmer Street, Gravesend."

1885, September 19: No Red Flag Gravesend Reporter
Dartford Magistrates: "Mr Thomas Wood, farmer of Crockenhill, was summonsed for neglecting to have a man before a traction engine while proceeding through the village of Hartley. Colonel Hartley said he saw two traction engines drawing trucks of agricultural machines along the road, but could see no one in front of the engines to warn people of their approach. The defendant called a boy, who swore that he walked along the road 20 yards or more in front of the traction engine on the day mentioned. The chairman said it was shameful to employ a boy for such work, and fined the defendant £5 and costs. The decision will be appealed against"

1885, September 26: Pulling a Fence Down Kent Times
On Saturday the Dartford magistrates fined Alfred Smith, who pleaded guilty, 2s 6d and costs, for damaging a fence at Longfield, on the 17th September, to the extent of 6d."

1885, November 5: General Election at Ash Daily News
"Kent (Dartford Division): Mr J E Saunders, the Liberal candidate, in opposition to Sir W Hart-Dyke MP for the North Western (Dartford) Division of Kent, addressed the electors at Ash last night. Mr Albert Bath, of Sevenoaks, presided, and a resolution in favour of Mr Saunders's candidature was carried."

[It is probably no coincidence that the Liberals went to the one local parish with a non-conformist chapel, as Anglicans were much more likely to vote Conservative.]

1885, December 7: General Election at Ash Daily News
"The Ballot Act: At the Dartford Petty Sessions on Saturday, Mr Edward Pink, a manufacturer, was charged with an offence under the Ballot Act. On the 3rd instant the accused voted at the Ash polling station in the Dartford Division, and refused to show to the presiding officer the official mark of his ballot paper when application was made to him to do so. The accused was therefore given into custody, and left the polling station with a police constable, having his ballot paper still with him - Mr Ridley solicitor, Dartford, who appeared to prosecute, said he did not think he should be able to prove the charge that had been made against the accused, and after some arguments the magistrates dismissed the case. Mr Ridley the proceeded to make another charge against the accused - that of taking a ballot paper out of the polling station. A long argument took place between Mr Ridley and the magsistrates, and ultimately the chairman (Mr Umbreville) said the magistrates thought as the offence was a misdemeanour, Mr Ridley could prosecute by indictment, and then the intricate question involved could be properly discussed."

1886, February 23: Philip Binckes of Hartley House London Gazette
"In the High Court of Justice - Chancery Division - In the matter of the Companies Acts 1862 and 1867, and in the matter of the Finsbury Loan Company

By an order made by the Honourable Mr Justice Chitty, in the above matter, dated the 13th day of February 1886, on the petition of Philip Binckes of Hartley, near Dartford, in the county of Kent, gilder, a creditor of the above-named company, it was ordered that the said company be wound up by this court under the provisions of the Companies Acts 1862 and 1867, and that the costs of the petition and the said company, to be taxed by the Taxing Master, to be paid out of the assets of the said company. Dated this 19th day of February 1886.

John Cotton, 62 St Martins-le-Grand, London EC, solicitor for the petitioner"

1886, February 27: Servant, Want Position The Field
"As working farm bailiff or manager of a Dairy Farm, understands all kinds of cattle, buying and selling, light and heavy soils, wife a good dairy and poultry woman, and can be highly recommended. RS, Hartley, Dartford, Kent."

1886, April 24: The Gravesend Railway Gravesend Reporter
"The formal opening of the new branch of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway from Fawkham to Gravesend, took place on Saturday last. A special train left Victoria at 11.10, and amongst the company were Mr G Cavendish Taylor, Mr Mills (Chief Engineer), Mr and Mrs Brookhouse, Mr and Mrs R White, Messrs F Rudall, J White, J Moore, WH Cross, J Hancock, Wharton, Barrow, J Morgan, Woodham and others. Upon arriving at Fawkham Junction, the party were met by Sir Sydney and Lady Waterlow, Mrs W Fletcher, Mr F B Nettleingham, Dr and Mrs Firth, Mr and Mrs Chas Waterlow, Mrs Rosher, Mr and Mrs G Wood (Southfleet), and Mr and Mrs GB Bruce. From this point Lady Waterlow piloted the train over the new line to Gravesend, where the party embarked from the new pier on board the steamtug Victoria and took a trip to the new docks. After spending about an hour at this place they returned to the West Street Station, and, upon the invitation of Mr G B Bruce (contractor for the new railway), the company sat down to a dejeuner, provided in excellent style by Mr S Hubbard of the New Falcon Hotel. After the toast of 'the Queen' had been given, Mr G Barclay Bruce, on rising, said he had great pleasure in callin gupon them to drink the health of Lady Waterlow, who nearly three years ago turned the first sod of that railway, and now that day she had driven the first passenger train over the new line. He knew they were all delighted to see Lady Waterlow present with them on this occasion. Sir Sydney H Waterlow said if his wife was capable of driving a locomotive she should also be capable of responding to that toast, for on one occasion, a few months since, she addressed a much larger assembly in support of his (the speaker's) candidature. However, he believed Lady Waterlow desired to express her thanks for the kind manner in which her name had been received, and also at the gratification she felt at driving the first passenger train over the new line. There were no unusual bumps on tehline, and no one could tell that a novice had had the locomotive in hand. Sir Sydney Waterlow then proposed 'Prosperity to the new Gravesend Railway', coupled with the name of Mr G Barclay Bruce. He believed the line was well constructed and well consolidated. Now the work was finished they would in all probability lose their friend Mr Bruce, who, by his kind and generous disposition, had won his way into the hearts of the Gravesend people, and it would be the regret of many tha Mr Bruce would have to leave for other engagements, but wherever he might go, he would carry with him the good wishes of not a few of the residents of this town. If any company was desirous of having a good and at the same time an economical railway they could not do better than place the construction of it in the hands of Mr Bruce. They had a capital railway now to their main line, and he trusted it would, by the king cooperation of the people, be conducive of prosperity to the town. He (the speaker) looked upon railways as the greated help to civilization, and upon railway contractors as the civilizers of the world. Mr Bruce who thanked them for their kind expressions towards him, said the directors of the company were to be congratulated upon opening line while the land was cheap. He (the speaker) would be glad to take the line at 4 per cent. They had had their eyes open, and knew what they were doing, Mr Bruce remarked that a good deal of praise had been bestowed upon him, but before he resumed his seat he would propose the health of the engineer (Mr Mills) who had pointed out the defects in the course of construction of the line, and who had shown him every kindness. Mr Mills thought the line was in very good order, and hoped it would be very advantageious to the people of Gravesend, as well as prove a success to the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company. The company afterwards left for London at 4.15."

1886, May 8: A Scrap over a Footpath Gravesend Reporter
"Mr Edward Longhurst, overseer for the parish of Longfield, was summoned for assualting James Hyde at Longfield, on the 26th ult. There was also a cross summons - Mr Ridley, solicitor, prosecuted, and Mr Bailey defended. In opening the case, Mr Ridley said that a dispute had arisen between Mr Longhurst and the parishioners of Longfield with reference to the right of way of the latter over some land in the occupation of Mr Longhurst. The latter stopped the footpath (which Longfield with the Fawkham Railway Station) with a fence, but after a public meeting of the inhabitants of the parish had been held, a number of the latter proceeded to the field through which the footpath ran and pulled up the fence. A good deal of bad feeling had been occasioned by this summary proceeding, but the fact that Mr Longhurst had not attempted to re-erect the fence showed that he had no private rights over the path, in fact it had existed in its present state from time immemorial. On Easter Monday his client was walking along the footpath when Mr Longhurst met him and commenced to abuse him. High words ensued and Mr Longhurst struck complainant over the eye with a 4 pronged fork which he had in his hand. Mr Bailey for the defence urged, that on Easter Monday, whilst his client was digging up his garden, Hyde came on his land and challenged him to fight, and used most abusive language. When his client declined to fight he commenced annoyig him by throwing stones. The latter then rushed at Mr Longhurst and he held up his fork in self-defence only, and one prong unfortunately, did touch Hyde's cheek. The chairman said the cases would be dismissed, as there was evidently 'six of one and half a dozen of the other'. A third summons against James Hyde jun, for threatening Longhurst, was withdrawn upon the recommendation of the magistrates."

[It appears the footpath between Hartley Road and Station Road round the back of the shops is meant as Edward Longhurst definitely owned land in the area. At this time Station Road ended at the station and there was no eastern junction to Ash Road.]

1886, May 14: Gambrill Bankruptcy Kent & Sussex Courier
"The dividend in the bankruptcy of Messrs A & J Gambrill of Sevenoaks and Canterbury, and Ash (sic) near Wrotham, amounts to 8¾d in the £1."

[Thomas Gambrill rented New House Farm in Church Road. Given there were 240 old pence to the pound, this meant creditors got only about 3½ per cent of the debts owned them.]

1886, July 10: Sales Drive by Gravesend Traders Gravesend Reporter
Advert by leaflet deliverer: "The New Gravesend Railway - Tradesman's Circulars etc, carefully delivered, 20 adjacent villages completed in 2 days; disengaged - C J Clark, Alma Cottage, Perry Street."

1886, August 21: No man with Red Flag Gravesend Journal
Dartford Magistrates: "John Hickmott, brickmaker of Longfield, was summoned for not having a person walking in advance of a locomotive engine he was the proprietor of at Longfield on the 3rd inst - PC Henry Bennett, stationed at Longfield, said on the day named between 2.30 and 2.45 he saw a locomotive engine standing on the highway, outside the Railway Tavern with 2 men in charge. In a few moments witness saw the driver start the engine and he watched it proceed 500 yards and as there was noone in front of the engine witness stopped the driver and asked him how it was he had no on in front of the engine. The driver replied that the man was on ahead. - The Rev James Hills, of Ash, said on the 3rd August he passed the engine in question at Longfield but saw no one in front. One of the men in charge of the trucks got down and led his horse by the engine - Mr Gramshaw, solicitor, who defended, contented that there was a man in front of the engine, and that 4 men were engaged in accordance with the Act of Parliament. - Yates the driver, said that when the engine stopped at the Railway Tavern, Longfield, Welfare, who was in front acting as flagman, walked on, and when it started again he was only 75 yards distant - By the Bench: he was beside the pond - Mr Gramshaw was proceeding to point out that the man was at his proper post, when the Chairman (Mr SC Umfreville) shouted in a loud voice: Don't talk nonsense, Mr Gramshaw - Mr Gramshaw (warmly): 'I have respect for the magistrates, but I must say that I am not used to standing up in any court and submitting to being told that I talk nonsense'. - The Chairman: You shouldn't try to bring forth evidence as true what the magistrates know to be wrong - Mr Gramshaw: I shall bring forward what evidence I like if it be according to the law as it is in this case - The Chairman: Then we shall please ourselves whether we hear it or not. - Mr Gramshaw: If you will not hear it it will be heard in another Court. - At this stage the discussion dropped, and it then cam out that the witness had misunderstood the question put to him - William E Stewart, manager to Mr Hickmott, said he employed Welfare as flagman, and he was sent with the engine on the day in question to Hextable and back - In rpely to the Bench, witness said Welfare was a weekly servant and was paid 19 shillings per week - John Sexton said on the day named he was on the trucks and led the Rev Mr Hills' horse past. Welfare was then ahead, but Mr Hills would not pass him, and therefore might not have seen the man. - George Hull said he acted as steerer on the engtine on the day named. When the locomotive stopped at the Railway Tavern, Welfare was ahead and was near the pond - Alfred Welfare said he acted as advance man on the 3rd of August. he went to Hextable with the last witness and came back with them. When the engine stopped he walked on gently, and when Mr Hills came down the Hartley road, witness was standing just beyond opposite the pond. Witness never lost sight of the engine - By the bench: I sat down on a heap of stones close by while the engine was still - The magistrates decided to convict, adn imposed a penalty of £10 and costs."

1886, September 4: Longfield Tip South London Press
Longfield Tip - 2 acres adjoining recently acquired [from Colonel Evelyn of Hartley Manor]

1886, September 25: Drunkenness at Gravesend Gravesend Reporter
Gravesend magistrates: "John and Nora Collins, husband and wife, were charged with being drunk and disorderly in Milton Road on Saturday night. PC Edwards saw prisoners surrounded by a crowd of people. They were using most disgusting language. The male prisoner several times put a basket he was carrying on the pavement and struck out at the bystanders indiscriminately. On being cautioned, the prisoners moved away to Parrock Street, where they resumed their disorderly conduct. Witness took the male prisoner into custody, giving the female in charge of several civilians. On his return from the police station, he found the female had broken away from custody, and it was found necessary to carry her to the police station. Prisoners said they had been hopping at Longfield, and had come into Gravesend to make a few purchases. Fined, the male prisoner 5s and the female 2s 6d."

1886, October 9: Longfield Tip South London Press
"Mr R Roberts Willson of 116 Walworth Road, a member of the Newington Vestry, has produced an excellent photographic group of the company representing the vestry that visited Longfield Depot a few weeks back. The photograph, while personally interesting to the members of the vestry, acquires additional interest from the fact that the visit was made upon what was practically the completion of important works at Longfield."

1886, October 23: Caught in the Act Gravesend Reporter
Dartford Magistrates: "Robert Monk sen, Robert Monk jun, labourers, Southfleet and Jeremiah Cotter of 10 John Street. Gravesnd, were charged on remand with being found on certain closed land by night, belonging to Col George Palmer Evelyn JP of Hartley Manor, for the purpose of taking and destroying game. Edward Shea Evelyn esq, stated that he resided at Hartley Manor, and acted as his father's agent. On Sunday evening he was going home from the direction of Fawkham. Upon approaching his residence he heard a whistle. he heard the whistle repeated on going up the drive; he overlooked the meadow just outside Foxborough Wood. Having seen a dog he thought that probably he might see some men there too. He crawled under the shadow of the hedge. As he went along by the hedge, he saw a man, but, taking no notice, he kept going along under the hedge, until he cam suddenly upon Cotter. The man seemed to be taken aback, for he fancied he rather startled him. Whilst speaking to him another man came up from the side of the wood. Monk jun came through a field with a handful of mushrooms, and said: 'Do you want the mushrooms, you ____?' He replied, 'Yes, and I want you too.' Monk senior, had a kind of bludgeon in his hands; the bludgeon was thicker at one end than the other. He told the man he would have to come to his keep. Monk senior, struck at him with the bludgeon, at least he had the stick up and held back as if to aim a blow at his head. He then hit him with his fist and knocked him down; after a scuffle they went away whilst he went for his bailiff. After a long consultation the Magistrates committed the three prisoners for trial at the Assizes, bail being accepted in £20."

[The Gravesend Reporter of 6.11.1886 reported their acquittal at the Kent Assizes. The judge pointed out to the jury that no snares or game were found on the accused, they said they were picking mushrooms.]

1886, November 6: Poaching Charge Gravesend Reporter
"Robert Monk the elder, Robert Monk the younger, and Jeremiah Cotter were indictd for being on land at night time, at Hartley Manor, the property of Colonel George Palmer Evelyn JP, for the purpose of unlawfully taking game. Mr Dickens prosecuted. Mr Edward Steer Evelyn said that on the night of the 12th September, shortly after 11 o'clock, he was going to his father's house, when he heard a whistle coming from near Bexley (sic) Wood on his father's estate. On looking over a gate into a stubble field he saw a dog working the field. Witness went into the field, and on looking over the hedge he saw a man stooping down, and not far off another man. Witness spoke to them, and they became very abusive, and Monk the elder, struck him with a stick. Monk the younger also struck him. The younger Monk took his (witness's) stick from him. IC Randall proved arresting the prisoners, and said that when told the charge they said "We were on the land that night to get mushrooms". His lordship, in summing up, pointed out that neither snares nor game were found upon them. The jury, without turning in the box, returned a verdict of not guilty."

1886, November 11: Position Wanted Times
Upper Housemaid job wanted, 3 years character, age 33, left due to death.   EG

1886, November 13: The Dust and Ashes Difficulty Kentish Independent
"Having made enquires relative to the disposal of its dust and ashes by the Vetry of Newington, Mr Dunham, the vestry clerk, has obligingly furnished us with the following particulars:

The parish of Newington is a thickly populated district south of the Thames of 108,000 inhabitants contained in 632 statute acres, with 37 miles of roadways adn 15,500 houses, including several large blocks of dwellings of the artisan class. The Vestry undertook its own scavenging work in the year 1868, from which period to the year 1873 they contracted with the barge owners for the removal of house dust by barge by means of the Surrey Canal in the parish of Camberwell, and carted teir road sweepings to gravel pits in the same parish. The collection of house dust at this period, including its disposal, cost the Vestry 3s 5d per load, and the road sweepings 3s per load, only from 3 to 4 loads daily being accomplished by each horse and cart. The number of loads of both house dust and road sweepings was observed to increase rapidly each year with the population and traffic, and this fact, attending with the increased cost of procuring barges and consequent difficulty of preventing accumulation on their wharf, besides the great cost of cartage to more outlying shoots, compeeled the vestry to consider the expediency of sending the refuse into the country by rail, the result being that the Vestry's depot at Manor Place, Walworth, in connection with the London, Chatham and Dover Railway, was established and opened in July 1873. The railway runs through this depot upon arches, and the premises contain about 4 acres of land which are freehold, with the use of 17 large arches on lease for 999 years, at rental of £340 per annum. The Vestry expended in railway sidings, boundary walls, offices, machinery, plant and paving £23,794; the mortgage debt being £14,000; the balance being borne in annual instalments during construction out of the rates. In this depot the house dust is deposited, then screened, and the ashes and breeze sent to the brickfields in Kent, realising large sums, which have in some years not only recouped the cost of screening and railway carriage, but also the cost of collection. The hardcore and old tins are broken and sold for road making, and the softcore mixed with the road slop, thus dealing with and utilising everything collected with house dust, with the exception of old mattresses, baskets, mats, and such like rubbish, which are sent into the country to be burned. The road slop and drift is made into a manure mixture by admixture with stable dung, which the Vestry also collects, and the softcore from the house dust, the process of which is shown from the reports of the medical officer of health of the parish to cause no nuisance to the surrounding district. This manure is sold to farmers in Kent, realising from 3s to 6s 8d per ton, the vestry paying the railway rates for carriage of the whole bulk of refuse sent away. During the 10 years ending Lady Day 1883, the Vestry thus sent away to farmers and brickmakers 325,432 tons of manure and ashes, which realised £51,433 6s 10d, the vestry in addition receiving during the same period £6,147 10s from an adjoining parish for the privilege of using this depot as a shoot for refuse, so that the receipts of the vestry of Newington reached £57,580 16s 10d. The cost attending the disposal of this 325,432 tons, including £31,162 paid for railway carriage, wages of sifters and other workmen, rent and all other establishment and incidental charges amounted to £59,560 10s 8d, leaving only a small balance of £1,979 13s 10d, or upon an average £197 19s 4d per annum, as the cost attending the disposal of the refuse when collectd. There had been in addition of course, the interest and instalments of the loan of £14,000 to pay, which is now reduced to a mortgage debt of only £5,983 6s 8d, the average payment for the 10 years named being £884 10s 4d. During the 10 years mentioned 224,023 loads of road sweepings and 158,110 loads of house dust were collected and taken to this depot. Now for the practical result of sending away the refuse by rail into the country. Before the establishment of this depot the road sweepings cost the vestry 3s per load for cartage to a shoot, and the house dust 3s 5d per load, including collection and th cost of sending it away by barge; whereas for the 10 years named the cost of carting the road sweepings from the roads to the depot only amounted to 2s per load, and house dust, including collection, 2s 10d per load, which included in both cases a 10th part of the interest and instalments on the mortgage debt and the balance of establishment charges in the management of the depot in excess of the receipts. In other words the Vestry of Newington now collect and dispose of their house dust at £430 per annum less than it cost the parish 18 years ago, and they had also effected a saving of £1,230 per annum in the removal of road sweepings. Of course the actual saving must be considerably more than the sums above shown because in 1870 under 7,500 loads of dust were collected, whereas in 1885 the number exceeded 14,000 loads; so that if it cost 3s per load to dispose of the smaller quantity 18 years ago, it would evidently cost considerably more per load to dispose of the larger quantity at the present period, and the same remark applies equally to road slop. Whilst, therefore, other Metropolitan Vestries are obliged to pay an increased charge per annum for the removal of their refuse, the Vestry of Newington, by grappling with and solving the question of disposal of town refuse years since, are now in a position to dispose of their refuse at a less cost than in former years, besides benefitting the country by the method of disposal adopted. The result could ntk however, have been accomplished by the Vestry without country depots, as it was found in practice impossible to prevent accumulations to an unneccessary large extent taking place in the town depot during certain periods of the year, such as haying and harvest, when farmers were too busy to draw manure from the railway trucks. This induced the Vestry, in 1874, to take on lease 3 acres of land at Meopham, and purchase 2 acres of land at Longfield, both adjoining the railway, as a shoot for the refuse to meet contingencies such as we have referred to. The depot at Meopham was afterwards (1878) formed into a place for deposit of manure at a cost of £245, from which farmers could afterwards draw from at their own convenience. At this depot 17,813 tons have been deposited and sold, realising £2,652 13s 6d. These deposits enabled the Vestry to keep the town yard clear of large accumulations, and obtain a higher price from other stations on the line than otherwise would have been the case. The cost of this depot, from teh increased price obtained for the manure as explained, was more than recouped during the first two years after it was established, and this induced the Vestry to form and establish the more important depot at Longfield, which adjoins the railway embankment midway between the stations of Meopham and Fawkham. This depot has railway frontage of 900 feet, with a fall from the sidings of 5 ft at the entrance to 45 ft at the extreme end. The retaining wall the carry the embankment and railway sidings, and the bays for storage of manure and dust, have been constructed in a very substantial manner in concrete, composed of Portland Cement and broken hardcore picked from the house dust in the process of screening. The first portion of the depot contains 7 bays for the storage of 5,000 tons of manure, into which have been deposited and sold 23,489 tons during the past 5 years, realising £3,661 3s 7d, the cost of this portion of work being only £2,350. The lower portion of this depot, which has cost £4,000, contains 4 large bays, which will provide storage space for 4,000 tons of forked dust, togtehr with 5 other bays for the reception and storage of an equal quantity of screened ashes and breeze, the object being to do away with a dust yard at the town depot at Walworth. When Longfield is opened as a place of business it is proposed to fork the dust daily as collected at Walworth for the removal of hard core for roadmaking and sort core to put into the slop, and then send the rough dust to Longfield, where by storage it is found to improved in value and facilitate the screening process, all vegetable and other matter being destroyed by its own heat, making the ashes much sharper and the breeze clean and free frm dirt. In connection with the works a furnace has been constructed for the destruction of old mats, etc. The sidings at the lower end of the depot have been carried over arches, which have been turned into cottages for the workmen. The roadway between the upper and lower bays has been covered with a concrete arch to protect the workpeople employed in screening, which we gather is intended to be done by machinery. The screened ashes and breeze will be loaded up into skips and taken under the roadway, and lifted by a steam crane into the railway trucks for sale to the brickmakers. Then in addition to the 2 acres upon which this depot has been formed the vestry have recently secured another 2 acres of land, which provides a shoot for 200,000 tons, thus placing the parish of Newington in a perfectly independent position for several years to come, even if there be no demand for ashes. The great advantage by the formation of this depot arises from teh fact of the vestry being in a position to store to such a large extent, and thus being enabled to retain that which has proved so valuable in former years until it may prove advantageous to have it screened and sold, and thus recoup themselves a large percentage on the outlay. The whole expense of this depot has been borne by yearly and easy instalments out of the rates, which has not been felt by the parishioners; and the parish in years to come will, there can be no doubt, derive much benefit both on sanitary and economical groundsby the establishment of this depot, without which it would be impossible to work the town depot economically, and - during the summer months - without great risk of the accumulations causing a nuisance. If other vestries would grapple with the question as Newington has, and send tehir refuse into the country by rail instead of by water, they would not only benefit their owner parishioners, but also Newington, as this vestry can only sell their mixture between Beckenham and Meopham and stations between Faversham and Margate and Dover and Deal, the district between Rochester and Faversham being glutted with the refuse of other parishes."

[A very useful description of the Longfield tip at the time. It must be remembered though that Mr Dunham was very invested in the scheme and as we will find out later was very good at manipulating statistics! We have to ask if the scheme were really so successful, then why was it not emulated by any other London borough?]

1886, November 22: Proposed Cemetery at Hartley South Eastern Gazette
In Parliament Session 1887 - Fawkham Cemetery.....

Notice is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing session for leave to bring in a bill for effecting the purposes, or some of the purposes following, that is to say:-

To incorporate a company, and to enable the company to be incorporated (hereinafter called the Company) to make and maitain a General Cemetery or Burial Ground for he interment of the dead in the parishes of Hartley and Longfield, in the county of Kent, upon all or some portion of the lands, and within the limits following, that is to say -

Lands bounded on the north by the London, Chatham and Dover Railway, on the south by the lands of Colonel George Palmer Evelyn, from a point about 10 chains north of All Saints' Church to Red Cow Farm; on the west by the lands of John T Smith esq and the public highway leading from All Saints' Church, in the parish of Hartley to Fawkham Station; on on the east by lands belonging to John Doherty esq, Captain Thomas Andrus, Trustees of the late H Cox, and the public highway leading from Red Cow Farm to Longfield Hill Siding, on the London Chatham and Dover Railway; which lands so proposed to be taken belong to and are now in the possession of Colonel George Palmer Evelyn.

To empower the company to stop up and discontinue as public highways:

(1) So much of the footpath as lies between the hop kiln and the further highway leading from Red Cow Farm to Longfield Hill Siding, in the parishes of Hartley and Longfield and county of Kent;
(2) So much of the footpath as lies between the hop kiln and the London, Chatham and Dover Railway;
(3) So much of the footpath as lies between a point about 10 chains north of Middle Farm and the London, Chatham and Dover Railway;
(4) So much of the footpath as lies between the hop kiln and the public highway leading from All Saints' Church to Fawkham Station;
(5) So much of the footpath as lies between the hop kiln and a point about 6 chains west of Red Cow Farm;
(6) So mcuh of the footpath as lies between Stocks Farm and the said hop kiln;

which said portions of footpaths (2,3,4,5, and 6) are wholly situate in the parish of Hartley and county of Kent.

All the said portions of footpaths are situate on the lands hereinbefore described as belonging to and now in the possession of Colonel George Palmer Evelyn.

To extinguish all public and private rights of way over and to vest in the company the sites and soil of the said portions of highways or footpaths so proposed to be stopped up under the powers of the bill.

To empower the company to purchase and acquire by compulsion or agreement, for the purposes of the intended Act, lands and buildings in the parishes or places of Hartley and Longfield in the county of Kent, and to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of lands and buildings acquired by them or on their behalf, and not required for the purposes of their cemetery or burial ground, and to vary and extinguish all existing rights and privileges connected with any lands and buildings so to be purchased or acquired which would or might impede or interfere with any of the objects or purposes of the intended act.

to enable the company to divert, alter, widen or stop up, either temporarily or permanently, all such roads, lanes, ways, footpaths, streams, lets, mains, pipes, drains and watercourses, within or adjacent to the lands intended to be acquired, as aforesaid, as it may be necessary or expedient to diver, alter, widen or stop up, for the purpose of the intended cemetery or burial ground, and to extinguish all rights of way, in or over, and all rights connected with such roads, lanes, ways, footpaths, streams, leats, mains, pipes, drains and watercourses, and to appropriate the soil and site thereof to the purpose of the intended cemetery or burial ground, and to make all necessary approaches and communications to and from the same, and futher to make and carry out any arrangements or agreements with public bodies or with private persons which ay be necessary or desirable in relation to the works hereinbefore mentioned, and the other peruposes of the intended Act.

To enable the company to demand and receive fees, charges, and other payments for or in respect of the intended cemetry or burial ground, and of interments therein, and to confer on the company all othe rpowers, rights and privileges necessary for carrying into effect the objects and purposes hereinbefore set forth, including he powers contained in the Cemeteries Clauses Act 1847, which Act will, or may be incorporated in the Bill.

And notice is hereby further given, that plans of the lands intended to be acquired as aforesaid, with a book of reference to such plans, and and a copy of this notice as published in the London Gazette, will be deposited for public inspection with the Clerk of the Peace for the County of Kent, at his office at Maidstone, in that county; and on or befroee the said 30th day of November, a copy of so much of the said plans and book of reference respectively as relates to each parish within which any of the lands intended to be taken are situate, will be deposited for public inspection with the parish clerk of each such parish, at his residence.......

Dated the 19th day of November 1886 C J Hanly & Co ..... Parliamentary Agents."

1886, November 27: Longfield Tip - Clerk's Pay Rise South London Press
"The Newington Vestry Clerk and his Salary

On Wednesday night, in consequence of it being made known that the question of the proposed increase in the clerk's salary would come before the vestry, a large crowd of ratepayers gathered outside the Vestry Hall and sought admission to the gallery, which was crowded half an hour before the time for commencing the proceedings During the whole time the vestry sat, the door of the Vestry Hall was literally besieged by ratepayers, who ore than once seemed as if they woudl force the door and take up a position in the body of the hall......

The Rev Chairman said Mr T J Hester, one of the auditors had written a letter to him, in which the writer said: "On examination of the vestry accounts for the parish of Newington, I came across a voucher for a large amount which did not appear to be required as an item of expenditure connected with the accounts, and on inquiry of the clerk, for whose business acquirements and honourable career I entertain feelings of the very highest respect, I found that the bill related to a dinner paid for by the clerk, given to certain farmers and dealers who purchase the far-famed Newington Mixture, out of the commission of 3d per ton allowed by the vestryfor every ton of mixture sent from the Newington Depot by rail to the mixture depot in Kent. The clerk informed me that such expenditure was absolutely necessary, and I further understand from him that the commission was fully absorbed in such charges. I venture to say that the system of subsidising purchasers in an underhand way is a vicious one, and especially as the money is used as 'secret service' money; and although the clerk repudiates, and doubtless justly so, the making of any profit on the transactions, I consider that, as Caesar's wife, the clerk should be above suspicion. The sooner some means can be adopted to place the matter on a thoroughly business footing, the better t would be for all concerned." he letter was received with cheers from the gallery.

The Chairman said he had written to Mr Hester, asking if this letter should be placed before the vestry. Mr Hester replied as follows: '57 Lorrimore Road, Nov 24th 1886. Rev Sir - Please read my letter to the vestry. I think that the sooner the commission business is abolished the better for the parish (Cheers from the gallery). It is little else than a scandal that £360 per annum should be scattered about no-one really knows where. I shall without doubt bring the whole subject before the ratepayers on the first opportunity.' On the motion of Mr Kent, the letter was referred to the Depot Committee.

A member asked that the letters from the vestry clerk, applying for an increase in salary, might be read. The chairman said they had them in print before them. They were very lengthy, and there was no need to read them.

The letters, which were loudly called for from the gallery were as follows: ...... Letter no 2. Vestry Hall, Walworth Nov 19th, 1886 Gentlemen - I have expressed to your Depot Committee a very strong desire to be relieved of the management of the town and country depots, on the following grounds: (1) That by the establishment of Longfield Depot, the vestry are now placed in a position to overcome all future difficulties attending the disposal of rough house dust. (2) That the opening of the lower portion of this depot for screening the house dust, and afterwards sale of ashes and breeze, would entail much study, anxiety, and detail work, which, judging from past labours, will never be understood, and therefore not appreciated by the ratepayers. (3) That having regard to the services rendered to the parish in the development of the large business arising from the disposal of refuse by rail from the town depot during the 10 years ending Lady Day 1883, to a very large extent owing to the formation of country depots at Meopham and Longfield, the salary of £100 per annum awarded on November 21, 1883 is totally inadequate for these labours, and entirely out of proportion as a payment, for the very large benefits which have accrued to the parish from the establishent of these depots. In conequence of the strong objection always raised to the payment of large salaries to officials, however competent, I urged the committee to make the necessary appointments to relieve me of the depot management in preference to applying to you for an increase of salary. Your Depot Committee, however, on the 2nd inst unanimously passed a resolution to the effect that nothing short of an absolute refusal on my part to continue the work would induce them to advise the vestry to place the depot business under different management. Before agreeing in any manner to continue the work, I inquired the views of your committee as to past and future remuneration for these services, upon which the committee at a subsequent meeting, resolved to submit to your consideration the recommendation appearing on the agenda paper for the meeting on the 24th inst. As the committee's report concerns myself, the recommendation will be submitted without any explanatory remarks. Allow me, therefor, to remind the vestry that previous to the establishment of the town depot, the collection and disposal of house dust cost the parishioners 3s 5d per load, and the carriage of road sweepings to a shoot 3 shillings per load. During the 10 years ending Lady Day, 1883, the quantity of road sweepings and house dust sent away by rail form the town depot reached 325,432 tons, which realised by sale ot farmers and brickmakers the sum of £51,433 6s 10d, te vestry during the same period receiving £6,147 10s from the vestry of St George the Martyr for the privilege of using hte depot as a shoot for the refuse from that parish, making a total receipt of £57,580 16s 10d. The cost attending the disposal of this 325,432 tons of refuse, including £31,162 paid to the railway company for carriage, wages of sifters, cost of loading , and other labour, rent of depot and all other establishment and incidental charges, amounted to £59,560 10s 8d, whih leaves only a small balance of £1,979 13s 10d, or an average cost of £197 19s 4d per annum as the cost attending the disposal of the refuse when collected. There has been of course in addition to this charge the interest and instalments of the loan of £14,000 to bear, the average payents for the 10 years being £894 10s 4d, which, added to the before mentioned sum of £197 19s 4d makes together £1,092 9s 8d per annum, as the average annual cost for the 10 years. During the same period 224,023 loads of road sweepings, and 158,110 loads of house dust have been collected and deposited in the town depot. After taking into account, therefore, the cost of purchase and keep of the vestry's stud of horses, stables, wages of workmen employed in collection, new plant and repairs, and the before mentioned sum of £1,092 9s 8d per annum, the cost of collection and disposal of house dust has been reduced from 3s 5d to 2s 10d per load, and the cartage of road sweepings to the depot as against cartage to a shoot has been reduced from 3s to 2s per load. Without taking into account the increased cost that would have been incurred in cartage to a shoot, canal or river of the total quantity of refuse collected at the present time, as against the cost of cartage and disposal of one half the quantity 10 years' since, the actual and undisputed saving of 1 shilling per load on the 224,023 loads of sweepings collected and taken to the depot amounted to £11,201 3s and the saving of 7d per load on the 158,110 loads of dust collected and likewise taken to the depot amounts to £4,611 10s 10d - making together a saving, or reduced taxation, to the ratepayers of £15,812 13s 10d during the 10 years. My own salary as clerk to the vestry, together with those paid to my staff, only amounted during the same period to £7,345 2s 6d. I think, therefore, there can be no question that the £100 per annum voted in November 1883, was altogether inadequate to the value of the services rendered. Since that date I have completed the structural portion of Longfield Depot, and from May 1885, the vestry have saved the salary of £150 per annum paid to the depot superintendent. The work in the yard is also being carried on more smoothly and economically than during any period since the depot was established. Your Depot Committee propose, therefore, to increase my salary of £100 for depot supervision to £300, which, after taking into account the saving effected by the appointment of another superintendent, would appear to represent an increased expenditure, as an establishment charge of £50 per annum, but which in reality is no increased expenditure, as the present economical supervision of hte town depot shows a saving of more than £100 per annum over the charges of previous years. It will be seen, therefore, from the recommendation which your Depot Committee submits to you, that although to me personally it means an increased income of £200 per annum, to the parish it means retaining the services of an experienced and competent officer without any extra charge to the parishioners, or reward for past services. The terms proposed are very hard. I feel quite certain that if I give up the depot work the loss to the parish would exceed £1,000 per annum, and under these circumstance, therefore, I respectfully but firmly assure the vestry that I will not accept anything less than the amount recommended by your committee, and then only on condition that the resolution is passed by such number as will prevent it being rescinded at any subsequent meeting by a less number than two-thirds of the numbers constituting the vestry. I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant, L J Dunham, Vestry Clerk. To the Vestry of St Mary, Newington............"

1886, December 4: Fawkham - Game Trespass Kent Times
"At the Dartford Petty Sessions on Saturday, John Gear was summoned for trespassing in search of game on land in the occupation of Henry Booth Hohler, at Fawkham Manor, on Nov 18. William Sullivan, prosecutor's gardener, deposed of seeing defendant in Churchdown Woods. Witness told him to get out as quickly as possible, and defendant picked up a basked and went away. On examination, some nets and ferrets were found close to the place where he saw defendant. There were some more men besides defendant in the wood, but they got away. Defendant said the wood was only about 20 rods from the path, and he went into it for a necessary purpose. Whilst he was there, he heard voices and saw some men. He wnet to see who they were, when Sullivan came to him. Defendant (to Sullivan): Why didn't you seaerch me, if you were suspicious? Sullivan said he was not aware he had the power to search him. Mr Bevan said that was an important omission, and there was no evidence to show that defendant had gone into the wood for anything but the purpose he had named. Sullivan said he saw defendant and two other men enter the wood, upon which Mr Bevan said that altered the case, and after some consultation, defendant was fined 20 shillings and costs, in default 21 days' hard labour."

1886, December 28: The Great Snowstorm Pall Mall Gazette
"Reports show that the snowstorm of Sunday night was widespread and disastrous..... Railway and vehicular traffic was greatly interrupted.... The Secretary of the General Post Office yesterday issued the following circular: 'Telegraphic communication is totally interrupted from London to the east, south east, and south west of England......'

Early int he evening of Sunday most of the London buses had to cease running, but by the energy of Major Hill, the cars fo the London Street Tramways Company were enabled to run until 11.30 at night......

The Dover express from London, when between Fawkham and Meopham, ran into a snowdrift and had to be dug out, an operation that occupied nearly half an hour...."

1887, January 1: The Great Snowstorm Canterbury Journal
"The snowstorm and gale which raged on Sunday night and Monday morning did enormous destruction…The Dover express from London, which ought to have reached Chatham at 9.23am did not arrive until nearly noon. When between Fawkham and Meopham the engine ran into a snowdrift and had to be dug out - an operation that occupied nearly an hour and a half. The express was further delayed 40 minutes near Sole Street..."

1887, April 9: Obstructing a Footway at Longfield Kent Times
West Kent Quarter Sessions. "Thomas Longhurst, Nathaniel Goodwin, Richard Gilham, Richard Upton and Edwin Fraser pleaded guilty to indictments charging them with obstructing a footpath in the parish of Longfield. Mr H F Dickens (with Mr C Fooks) prosecuted on behalf of a number of inhabitants of Longfield, and stated that these proceedings were taken to open up a footpath of considerable importance, which path had been obstructed by the defendants erecting fences across it and digging up part of it, leaving it in a dangerous condition for foot passengers. He (Mr Dickens) asked that the usual course taken in such cases should be adopted, viz. that the case should be adjourned and judgement deferred, so that certain steps might be taken in the meanwhile. Mr H B Deane, who appeared for all the defendants, reserved what he had to say in extenuation. The case was adjourned till the next Quarter Sessions, defendants being bound in their own recognizances to come up for judgement."

1887, May 21: Upper Norwood Athenaeum Summer Excursions Norwood News
"Mr John Bowyer had all in favour on last Saturday, the occasion of the 3rd excursion of the year, but the attendance might have been larger. The reason that 15 only came is perhaps accounted for by the early hour in starting from London, but n other train to Fawkham than the 12.40 was available. To those absent a great treat was lost, for Mr Bowyer's lecture was highly descriptive, and hs route embraced two churches - Hartley and Ridley. In fact a third was inspected, but it has been fully described on a former visit. We append a few extracts from the paper that was read at the Bull Inn, Wrotham:-

'Having on a former occasion done Fawkham, I now take the same starting point, but in another direction. We begin very close to the small village of Longfield, a place of very meagre interest.

The uphill road or rather lane, of 2 miles long, leading to the first village, Hartley, is rather bare, but to us lovers of Kent, we can dispense with any authentic history of this open space around us, and imagine for once that here Julius Caesar had led his armies [- land on which many a fierce battle was fought, upon which the grass now grows green and the corn golden, where all the land is a garden, and hop-poles and nature bravely and proudly contend for the mastery in the midst of man's decay.

Hartley stands on the crest of a hill, and the road winds round the church, forming a wild but impressive picture from its exposed position. It is scarsely a village; it has hardly a shop. An out of the way place, surrounded by hop gardens on every side, about 3 very snug and comfortable looking farmhouses, a smith's forge, and just a sprinkling of scattered cottages. The population is 252. The Church of All Saints' is the only feature of interest. It was restored in 1862. It is small, and built of black flint and stone, the western end propped up by thick buttresses, with a wooden bellcote surmounted by a shingled spire. The nave and north windows are of late Norman date, but the other windows are insertions of the early decorated period. The east window was inserted in 1862, replacing an old one. Tehre are no monuments. The octagonal font has quatrefoils on the sides, and is supported by 8 thin shafts of Weald marble.

In Domesday Book the manor is called Erclei and belonged to Bishop Odo, alluded to many times before. Having amassed great wealth here, and being invested with great powers by his half-brother, William I, he formed the utopian desire of buying the Papal See, which project coming to the knowledge of the king, he was arrested and sent prisoner to Normandy, but released on his undertaking a journey to Rome in order to make atonement for his presumption. He never reached his destination, but died at Palermo in Sicily in 1096, at an advanced age. He had been 30 years Earl of Kent and more than 50 years Bishop of Bayeux. (Peace to his ashes)

Being deprived of Hartley, the estate reverted to the Crown. In Henry III's reign it was the property of the Earls of Montchensey, was conveyed by marriage to William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, and on the death of Aylmer de Valence passed to the Hastings and others named in my account last year of Luddesdown, which manor shared the same changes as Hartley. I think it is Philpott in his works Ville Cantiarum who moralises, in treating of this manor, as follows - 'No eminence of birth or dignity can chain the possession of a place to a family when the title leans upon the wheel of an inconstant and ebbing estate'.

Mr Bowyer's journey continued by fields and woods to Ridley. This part of the walk contained all that is beautiful at this time of year, and his description of it was the best part of his excellent paper. We extract further:- // 'Ridley, anciently Redlegh, and in Domesday Redlege, is situated on the chalk hills. The church of St Peter, overgrown with ivy, has no tower. It contains a tomb for John Lambe, who died 1740. The slab is engraved with a chevron between 3 lambs with flags.

The next mile was a different scene, the ground park like and undulating, and in due time was reached a house of entertainment, which is rather scarse in these parts, and found most welcome in affording some half-hour's rest.

Fairseat is so called from its commanding views. A certain Sir Roger Twisdon baronet, sold the estate on teh summit of the hill to Mr John Cox, who built there a mansion for his residence. This appears to have been lately occupied by Sir Sydney Waterlow, a City magnate, who is now building a much more commodious mansion near the spot [presumably Trosley Towers].

The walk was thoroughly enjoyed, so was the feast provided at the Bull....."

1887, June 4: Fight at Gravesend Gravesend Reporter
"Mary Ann Robinson (who had a baby in her arms) of Longfield Hill, was charged with assaulting Margaret Stafford (12) by kicking her in the stomach, and she was further charged with assaulting the mother of the girl, Margaret Stafford, the mother whose right eye was blackened, said she lived at Longfield Hill. She did not wish to press the charge against prisoner on account of her two children. She was quite willing to put up with what she had got, and her little girl was not seriously injured, as was at first supposed - Prisoner: I beg your worship's pardon; if you will allow me to speak - The Mayor (to complainant): Did prisoner give you that black eye? - Complainant: Yes sir - Prisoner: It is hardly likely that a woman with a baby on one arm could have given her that black eye. She gave me the first blow. - Complainant: I don't think I am very hard on her after receiving an eye like this (removing the bandage). I have been under Dr Richmond for 7 months suffering from heart disease. - The Clerk (Mr Bewley): Who began the quarrel? - Prisoner: She did sir - Complainant: No she did sir. My little girl who was assaulted has been for some time undergoing an operation at the Hospital. I dare say the child took her mother's part - Prisoner: You knew that you struck the first blow in the pubilc house - Complainant: Don't speak falsely - Margaret Stafford, the younger, who commenced to cry, said she tried to part her mother and prisoner, when the latter kicked her in the stomach. She suffered much pain at first but not afterwards - The Mayor: Who began it? - Witness: Mary Ann, sir - The Mayor (to prisoner): Have you anything to say? - Prisoner: They have taken wicked oaths before a lot of gentlemen, adn I have nothing to say. - J Knowles said on Monday evening, shortly before 8 o'clock, he was in the vicinity of the South Eastern Railway Bridge, when he saw 2 women fighting. He saw a woman, with a child in her arms, kick the last witness in the stomach very violently. It was a brutal kick and he should not have been surprised if the child had died - Prisoner said the child threw a glass bottle at her, but she denied having kicked her - The Mayor siad it was fortunate for the prisoner that the charge was not pressed against her, or the sentence would have been a heavy one. She would be let off this time with a fine of 5 shillings, or 7 days' imprisonment."

1887, July 2: The Longfield Footpath Kent Times
"The Queen v Gilham, Longhurst, Goodwin, Upton, Frazer. In this case the defendants pleaded guilty at the last sessions to the several indictments charging them with having caused a nuisance by the illegal diversion and obstruction of the 'Church Path' at Longfield, near Dartford. Judgement was respited until these sessions the defendants being allowed bail on the express understanding that meanwhile proper steps wold be taken to restore of otherwise legally divert the path. Mr H F Dickens and Mr Courtenay Fooks appeared for the prosecution. It was stated that no steps had been taken by the defendants to restore th path. Mr Dickens aid in order that the defendantss might have ample opportunity for compling with the order of the court the prosecution were willing that judgement should be again respited until next sessions on same terms. Mr Laxton (with him Mr R F Gibson) assented to the course suggested. Mr J G Talbot, addressing the defendants said that the court felt they were not being treated with respect and that the prosecution were behaving with unusual clemency in the matter. However if the defendants did not obey the order of the court before the next sessions serious consequences would follow. The defendants were allowed bail in £10 with the excepton of Frazer who did not surrender, his bail being accordingly entreated."

1887, July 23: Kent Churches - Longfield Kentish Express
"Longfield (St Mary) No 103. This small church is built of flint, which, in some places is covered with rough plaster. The nave has a north aisle, and there is a chancel and north porch. The aisle is divided from the nave by two arches rising from elegant octagonal piers with octagonal capitals and bases. At the east end of the aisle is a two light perpendicular window, and in the north wall a trefoiled headed lancet. The west window of the nave is perpendicular of two lights. Teh tie beams which cross the nave roof are of immense size. The east window is a modern one of three lights with decorated tracery. In the north wall of the chancel is a decorated window of two lights, and a similar one opposite; near this, is an arched recess. In the angle is a very handsome piscina, having three orders of mouldings, and close by an aumbry with ornamentation of the same character. Brackets resting on corbel heads are seen on each side of the east window. The pulpit and lectern are of old oak, and parts of the screen still remain. The font has an octagonal bowl on an octagonal stem. The nave window contains some old stained glass. A low doorway now stopped is seen on the outside of the nave wall. The north doorway is quite plain. Some of the windows are labelled on teh exterior. At the west end is a square wooden turret containing one bell. The register dates from 1558. The living is a Rectory in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester."

1887, August 6: Kent Churches - Hartley Kentish Express
"Hartley (All Saints) No 105. This small church stands on high ground in a thinly-populated district, and is built of flint and rubble. It consists only of nave, chancel, south porch and a small north vestry. There ae good ring posts and tie beams to the have roof. In the north wall is a decorated window of 2 lights, and a small Norman one with very wide splay; those in the opposite wall are of similar character. The font is modern, having an octagonal bowl with quatrefoils in the panels; it stands on 8 small shafts with larger centre one. The west window is perpendicular, of two lights. At the east end of the south nave wall is a small, low square window. The chancel arch is early English, and quite plain. The east window is decorated of three lights, and is modern. In the north chancel wall is a low window under a wide arch (this is now stopped), and on the south side a decorated one of two lights, below which, twoards the east, is a small lychnoscopic one under a pointed arch; this is now also stopped. Close by is an elegant trefoil-headed single light window. There is a good modern carved oak reredos. The pulpit is partly made of old oak taken from other parts of the church. the south doorway is plain; on the door is some quaint old iron work. The small shingled spire contains two bells. The church has been nicely restored internally, but the outside is spoiled by hideous brick buttresses, one of which stops the west doorway. The Register dates from 1712. The living is a Rectory, in the gift of Rev W W Allen, MA."

1887, November 26: Sale of Hay at Old Downs Gravesend Reporter
"The Old Downs, Hartley, Kent. Mr William Hodsoll is instructed to sell by auction, at the Railway Tavern, Fawkham Station, on Thursday Dec 1st at 2 for 3p, 30 loads of prime upland grass hay, in 3 stacks."

1888, February 25: Surrey Artists and their Homes: Mr Edward Locke FGS Croydon Advertiser
"Closely identified with Sutton and its institutions - educational and otherwise - is Mr Edward Locke, a well known architect, who has done some good work locally, but more and better in his native city, London….....................................................................Returning to his city work, we find Locke out of his articles, and starting an office of his own. Gradually a connexion was found and from about 1872 up to the present time, Mr Locke has had his hands well filled. Many of the buildings erected under his supervision I have carefully noted, and to record a few will enable others to appreciate the better his life's work thus far. Either alone or associated with his present partner Mr A E Taylor, he has designed, among other buildings in London, the Saracen's Head Hotel, Holborn Viaduct; the shops and showrooms of Messrs Green, Cannon Street, china and lamp merchants; the King's Arms in Bishopsgate Churchyard (it was here that Mr Locke found, in digging for the foundations, upwards of 3,000 bodies, all skeletons); Pierce's Hotel, Farringdon Street; Mr Walter Smith's Warehouse, Paternoster Row; building on the site of the old townhouse of the Earl of Shaftesbury, in Aldersgate Street, and on the site of Thanet House, closely adjoining; the Chapter Coffee House, Paternoster Row (a noted inn frequented by Johnson and Garrick); block of buildings opposite the Mansion House Station; the mansion of the Duchess of Newcastle in Hill Street, Berkeley Square, and many others. Then in conjunction with the late Sir Horace Jones, the City Architect, Mr Locke constructed the front of Leadenhall Market, Gracechurch Street, while in the suburbs or country he has done much wowrk at Tottenham, Finchley, Hornsey, Hackney, Cheam, Brighton and in Wales.

He also restored Fawkham Manor House and Church, and in the latter disclosed several Norman windows hidden under plaster, and opened them out. And in the same church he found a 15th century porch of beautiful construction, covered up with matchboarding, which is now a chief adornment of the building. Situated in this remote Kentish village are many old half timbered farmhouses, which Mr Locke carefully renovated..............................................."

1888, March 10: Stocks Hill Roadside Pond Kent Times
"Colonel Evelyn had been called upon by the Dartford District Highway Board to provide proper protection for the public in the matter of his pond by the roadside at Stocks Hill, Hartley."

Chief Constable Ruxton has caused a complaint to be placed with respect to an accident which recently occurred at Ash, by the overturning of a horse and cart, by which a man named John Young, and 2 others, named Robert Bird and John Walter were seriously injured. It is alleged that the accident arose in consequence of the horse taking fright at a water barrel and travelling hut belonging to one of the Board's contractors, and the police recommend a prosecution by the Board. No action, however, is to be taken."

1888, April 7: Sale of Hay at New House Farm Gravesend Reporter
"To Hay Dealers and others. New House Farm, Hartley, Kent. Mr William Hodsoll will sell by auction at the Railway Tavern, Fawkham Station, on April 13th at 3pm, 110 loads of capital saintfoin hay in 5 stacks."

1888, April 21: Drinking at Illegal Hours Gravesend Journal
"Charles Phillips, landlord of the Railway Tavern, Fawkham [sic - really Longfield] was summoned for keeping his house open at illegal hours on te evening of the 30th ult; and Alfred Thompson and Alfred Couchman were summoned for being on the premises at the same time - PC 245 proved the case - The defence was that Thompson and Couchman were at the house at the request of the landlord to hear some music and songs by his wife, and that they were bona fide lodgers, having paid for their bedsk - Phillips was fined 40 shillings and costs, and Thompson and Couchman 5 shillings each, and costs - Mr C R Gramshaw of Gravesend appeared for the defendants."

1888, May 26: Fatal Accident at Longfield Tip Gravesend Reporter
"An inquest was held at the Town Hall, on Friday afternoon last, before Mr W G Penman, borough coroner, on the body of James Cook, a labourer, aged 63 years, who died in the hospital on the previous day from the effects of injuries sustained on the 2nd inst, while employed in moving a heap of ashes, belonging to the Newington Vestry authorities, which had become fired at a siding at Longfield, on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. From the evidence of a number of witnesses, it appeared that deceased, who resided at Meopham, had been in the employ of the vestry for several years, and well understood the work On the morning in question, about a ton and a half of the heap, which was some 20 feet high, fell suddenly close upon where he was at work. Besides being badly scorched and burnt about the body and limbs, he appeared to have inhaled the fire dust, which, burning his mouth and throat, penetrated the lungs. Verdict - accidental death."

[The newpaper reported the accident the previous week. They mentioned a man named Letchford was injured too but recovered (might be Philip Letchford of Hartley)]

1888, July 28: Engine for Sale Gravesend Reporter
"For sale, a single cylinder, 8 horse, portable engine, in excellent condition, by Hempstead & Co, Grantham. Apply to manager of Fawkham Brickfields, near Dartford."

1888, September 10: Hartley Court to Let Times
"To be let, on long or short lease, Hartley Court House, 200 acres of good land for corn or fruit, good roomy farmhouse and excellent buildings, in good repair. More land can be had if required. Possession at Michaelmas. One mile from Fawkham Station.... Address, Manager, Hartley Manor, Dartford"

1888, October 20: Theft of Boots at Hartley Gravesend Journal
West Kent Quarter Sessions: "Thomas Browning pleaded guilty to stealing 3 boots, the property of George Charles Wansbury at Hartley on the 17th September - James Regan pleaded not guilty to receiving the boots, knowing them to have been stolen - Mr Waring prosecuted adn Fooks defended - The jury found Regan guilty and teh court sent him to prison for 6 months with hard labour, sentencing Browning to 4 months - Regan had previously undergone a sentence of 5 years' penal servitude."

1888, October 25: Hartley Manor and Court for Sale Times
"To land speculators, capitalists, land companies, and others seeking a profitable investment in land - Kent 24 miles from London.

Messrs Beal, Son and Chartres are instructed to offer for sale by auction at the Mart, London EC on Wednesday the 14th Nov 1888 at 2 o'clock precisely, unless previously disposed of by private contract, in one or more lots, the important and valuable freehold manorial estate, known as Hartley Manor, situate within 1 mile of Fawkham Station on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. The estate comprises nearly 600 acres of excellent land in good condition. There are two residences of moderate size, one known as Hartley Manor and the other as Hartley Court. there are 30 acres of brick clay adjoining the celebrated Fawkham Brick Yards; close to the railway siding known as Longfield. On other parts of the estate are to be found valuable pottery clay as well as layers of flint stones. The whole of these various soils rests on a subsoil of chal, from which the chalk lime is made. Most of the land is at present in the owner's occupation. Capital shooting can be had in the woods on the estate. the whole forms a very enjoyable residential estate coupled with the great advantages it offers to an enterprising man to develop its undoubted valuable resources. If not sold as a whole, it will be offered in 6 lots as follows - House and 100 acres; cottage and 12 acres; small farm, 38 acres; cottages and 30 acres; brick earth land, 12 acres; and residence and 392 acres..."

1889, January 8: County Council Election Maidstone Journal
Candidates' Addresses (adverts)

(1) William Chambers: "To the Electors of the 1st District of the Dartford Division, comprising the parishes of Ash, Darenth, Fawkham, Hartley, Horton Kirby, Kingsdown, Longfield, Ridley and Southfleet.

Ladies and Gentlemen, at the request of several influential electors of the district, I have the honour to announce myself a candidate as your representative on the county council. My residence among you for the last 14 years and my connectino with the existing local government bodies of the neighbourhood make me fully acquainted with the requirements of the District, and I venture to think that my close connection with the agricultural interest is a further qualification for the representative of a constituency mainly comprised of those engaged in that industry. My great endeavour, if elected, will be to restrict expenditure beyond necessary limits and to advocate economy. I have the honour to remain, your obedient servant, W Chambers, Manor House, Southfleet, 10th November 1888"

(2) Lt-Col Joseph Hartley: To the County Electors of Ash, Darenth, Fawkham, Hartley, Horton Kirby, Kingsdown, Longfield, Ridley and Southfleet forming the 1st Dartford Electoral Division

Ladies and Gentlemen, In response to a request from many influential electors, I beg to say that I am a candidate for the County Council, created by the Local Government Act, and I need not add that I shoudl appreciate highly the honour of being elected. For more than 20 years I have i this county or in Yorkshire, been regular in my attendance at General and Quarter Sessions, and, as a County Justice and Deputy Lieutenant, been actively concerned in county business, working on several county committees, involving among many other important subjects, County Lunatic Asylum, Rates Basis, and Contagious Diseases of Animals, of which committee I am still a working member. let me add that I am convinced that by strict economy in the expenditure of the ratepayers' money, the new Local Government Act may be made a real benefit to the country, and a means of relieving the agricultural and trading interests of a material part ofthe heavy burthen of local rates; but to do this, efficient and careful management is of the highest importance, and a main object with me would be to take care that the contribution from the Imperial taxes shoudl be so utilised that the local taxation may be relieved fully to that extent. There may be, and are, many men in your electoral distrit of larger capacity and more ability than myself, but there is no one more honestly desirous of seeing the affairs of the county efficiently and economically administered, the ratepayers' money saved, and the new Local Government Act made the success which it ought to be, and will prove to be, if only the electors send as their representatives the right men, and take care that it is not perverted into a mere engine for political and party purposes. With these remarks I place myself in your hands, and remain, ladies and gentlemen, your faithful servant. Joseph Hartley LLD. The Old Downs, Hartley,near Dartford. November 5th 1888"[Mr Chambers's appeal to the farming interest may have been key to his victory, without saying it he has contrasted himself against his barrister opponent. Lt-Col Hartley's candidature was an all Hartley effort, as his nomination papers were signed by G P Evelyn of Hartley Manor and J T Smith of Fairby, Mr Chambers was nominated by T A Andrews (Andrus?) and T B Marchant - South Eastern Gazette 15.1.1889]

1889, January 12: Kent General Sessions Maidstone Journal
Lt-Col Hartley attends the last working meeting of the Kent Court of General Sessions before it is replaced by Kent County Council. Although the final formal meeting is to be held on 30 March 1889 to hand over the seals of office.The meeting heard among other things that the number of admissions of tramps to the casual wards of workhouses was little changed from the previous year at 10,324 nights. Convictions for begging rose from 256 in 1887 to 337 in 1888. A report from the Chief Constable said the police had prosecuted 1,317 people in the last quarter with 1,115 summarily convicted, 27 committed for trial and 175 acquitted. He said the clear up rate for felonies in the period 1882-1888 was 97.7% compared with 98% in 1875-1881.

1889, January 12: County Council Election Maidstone Journal
"Biographical Sketches of the Candidates - Dartford No. 1 (Darenth) - Lieut Colonel Hartley.

Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Hartley, who has been for 20 years (in Yorkshire and in this county) a hard working county justice, is a candidate for the first Dartford division, in the midst of which he resides at the rural village of Hartley. He was educated at St John's College Cambridge, and is now a doctor of laws of that university. He is a barrister of the Inner Temple, and, besides his magisterial work at Quarter, Petty and General Sessions, he occasionally sits at Sheerness and Chatham as Deputy Stipendiary Magistrate. He retired from active service in the Prince of Wales's Own West Yorkshire (late 14th Infantry) Regiment in 1882, and is now on the retired list of the regiment, and so he had leisure to devote his energies to the work of the County Council; which will be by no means new to him, as he is at present a member of several county committees. He is also a deputy Lieutenant, and Fellow and Member of the Council of the Royal Society of Literature."

[The paper didn't mention the other candidate Mr Chambers of Southfleet, either he didn't supply any copy or perhaps the paper favoured Col Hartley. The Bexleyheath Observer of 12.1.1889 provides brief biographical sketches of both candidates: "For the Darenth and Horton Kirby district, Mr W Chambers and Liut Col J Hartley are before the electors, and no doubt the fight will be a close one. Mr Chambers is vice-chairman of the Dartford Board of Guardians, is a large ratepayer and employer of labour, and is in every way qualified to represent the district. His opponent Lieut Col J Hartley is a barrister of the Inner Temple, and his magisterial work in th Quarter and General Sessions makes him a fit candidate for the post he seeks." It is difficult to know party allegiances because most claimed to run as independents then, but it would appear that both candidates for Hartley were Conservatives. Mr Chambers won, probably because he was better known.]

1889, January 12: Charge of Stealing Coal Kent Times
Dartford Magistrates. "Walter Burnett, labourer, was charged with having, on Boxing Day, stolen at Ash about 70 pound sof steam coal, the property of Mr Chittenden, steam roller proprietor - Mr Gramshaw, solicitor of Gravesend, prosecuted. Prisoner denied the charge, surrendering to his bail. It appeared from the evidence and Mr Gramshaw;s statement, that the prosecutor is engaged by the Dartford Highway Board in repairing and rolling the roads in the parishes of Ash, Fawkham, Ridley and Hartley, and that he has lost a quantity of steam coal recently. During the Christmas holidays he stored the coal in 2 bags in a shed, upon the farm at Ash where the prisoner worked, and upon his men returning to work on the 27th ult and going to the shed the bags were found empty. Suspicion fell upon prisoner who had helped to store the bags, and information was given to Sergeant Walters, of Hartley, who, after questioning prisoner whether he had taken any of the steam coal, which he denied, searched his cottage and found therein about 3 quarters of a hundredweight of what was alleged to be a similar kind of coal to that missing - in explanation, prisoner, who was then arrested upon suspicion but subsequently bailed out, said that he had bought the coal found in his cottage of Mr Fraser, coal merchant of Fawkham Station, and that it was house coal. The only question for consideration of the Bench was the indentity of this coal with the steam coal stolen, and conflicting evidence was given upon this point. The sergeant produced a sample of the coal found in the prisoner's possession, but the Bench confessed their inability to decide as to whether or not it was steam coal. Neither could any of the prosecutor's men swear to its being the same coal, although they said it looked like some of it. On their other hand, George Tomlin (prisoner's surety) deposted that he had fetched the coal from Fraser's depot at Fawkham for prisoner. It was seconds house coal, and he believed the sample produced was some of it, and not steam coal. After some deliberation the Bench decided upon remanding the case for a week, for the attendance of Mr Fraser, who was not present, the same bail being accepted."

The Charge of Stealing Coal (Kent Times 19.1.1889)

"Walter Bennett was charged upon remand with having stolen some steam coal at Ash, the property of Mr Chittenden, steam roller proprietor of Sittingbourne, on Boxing Day - It will be remembered that prisoner was remanded to allow the prosecutor an opportunity of calling additional evidence to show that the coal found in the prisoner's house was of the same description as that missing from the barn of his employer's farm, where it had been stored. The only witness now called was the coal merchant's foreman, named Sartin, who proved that he had sold some similar steam coal to prisoner from Fawkham Station about a week before the holidays; and who, in fact, corroborated the statement made by prisoner as to the coal found in his possession when arrested. Under these circumstances the Bench discharged him."

1889, January 12: Land for Sale at Fawkham Kent Times
"Fawkham, Kent. By order of the trustees of the late E Lambert esq, deceased. Three enclosures of sound and productive meadow, fruit and arable lands, together containing about 11 acres, advantageously situated near to the village of Fawkham, close to the Billet Farm, possessing about 1,200 feet frontage to the highway leading from Fawkham to Kingsdown, and in the occupation of Mr H Glover, on the terms of an expired lease.

Mr Frank Hards will include the above in his sale at the Mart, City, on Thursday, January 31st at 2......"

1889, January 22: County Council Election Maidstone Journal
"Dartford (No 1) - in this division Mr Chambers, a tenant farmer was successful against Lieut-Colonel Hartley, a well known county magistrate of the Rochester Division, and a regular attendant member of the Court of General Sessions. The figures were: Chambers 390, Hartley 264. Majority for Chambers 126." elsewhere in the paper they say "... Mr W Chambers, in Dartford no 1, though he had the odds against him - his opponent being a well known and highly eligible county magistrate - won the seat against Col J Hartley by a considerable majority."

[Not all county councillors then were elected, the council could appoint aldermen councillors too, and the paper calls for Col Hartley to be made an alderman.]

1889, January 26: "Stock" Exchange Advert Gravesend Reporter
"Two Alderney Heiffers and a young mare donkey, to be exchanged for a good cow, in full milk. Address - Ford, Longfield, Fawkham, Kent."

1889, February 9: Poultry for Sale Gravesend Reporter
"Magnificent light Brahma Cock for sale, price 6s; worth 15s. Also 2 cockerels 5s 6d each. Also cross-bred pullets, 5s the pair. Also Christie's 100 egg incubator; latest improvement; almost new, price only 50s. Apply, Anderson, Pescot, Longfield."

1889, March 26: Death of Colonel Evelyn Maidstone Journal
"We much regret to have to record the death of Colonel George Palmer Evelyn JP, which took place in London on Monday last. Deceased was a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, at one time belonged to the Rifle Brigade, and was hon colonel of the East Surrey Regiment. He was in his 67th year."

[The Times 21.3.1889 also had obituary]

1889, May 18: Marriage of son of William Allen Kentish Independent
Marriage at Lewisham of Herbert Allen, son of William Allen of Gravesend, formerly of Hartley Court.

1889, June 14: The Liberal Van Bromley Times
"The Liberal Van tour, under the auspices of the Sevenoaks Division Liberal Council will commence of Monday at Mottingham… The Dartford Tour commences on Friday the 21st inst. at Eynsford and Farningham; on Saturday, Kingsdown, Fawkham, Longfield and Hartley...."

1889, July 6: Shop for Sale at Fawkham Green Gravesend Reporter
"Fawkham Green (2½ miles from Fawkham Station). Re Webster

Mr Edward Allen of Rochester will, under instructions received from the Official Receiver, sell by auction at the Bull Hotel, Dartford, on Tuesday the 16th day of July 1889, at 6 or 7 o'clock precisely, the very valuable freehold house and shop with stable, small warehouse, earthenware house, coal lodge, well lodge, wood lodge, paraffin shed, small shed, and useful garden.

The property contains on the east side, bounded by the property of Mr Young, about 224 feet; on the south side, about 75 feet by the property of Mr Whiting; on the west the high road, leading from Fawkham Green to Fawkham Church and, having a frontage of 223 feet; and on the north side about 4 feet situate at or near Fawkham Green in the parish of Fawkham, near Dartford, in the occupation of Mrs Webster, postmistress; together with the goodwill of the business of a grocer, draper, provision dealer and general shop keeper, carried on the said premises, with the fixtures of the house, shop and premises. The average turnover has been over £6,000 per annum. The house contains parlour, kitchen, scullery, large and small cellar, 4 bedrooms, shop 16 feet by 20 feet,and 2 store rooms 20 feet by 12 feet. There is a good well on the premises Purchasers will have the option of taking stock and trade utensils at a price or by valuation. Estimated rental value, £50....."

[This advert is interesting for the details it gives of the business of a village shop at the time (like the Black Lion). Also of interest is the fact the shop sold paraffin, a fairly new innovation for lighting lamps.]

1889, July 13: Cricket at Hartley Wood Bexleyheath Observer
"Dartford Licensing Sessions: A third application was for an extra hour at Mr Wansbury's the "Black Lion", Hartley, on the occasion of the Oddfellow's annual dinner, on the 13th inst. Mr Baily said these licences had been granted for the last 4 or 5 years - granted.

An application was next made by Mr Baily for occasional licence at a cricket match to be held at Hartley Wood, between the officers of Woolwich Garrison, and an eleven chosen by Mr Evelyn - granted."

1889, August 3: Longfield Church Enlargement Rochester Journal
"Since the Rev WH Duke has undertaken the duties of Rector of Longfield, he has worked very earnestly and energetically in the church and parish and his ministerings have been so far successful that the old church has proved inadequate for the accommodateion of the increased number of worshippers in the parish, and for some time past a project has been on foot to enlarge the old building. The Church was built in the 13th century and was restored in the 15th, and an interesting fact is that the bell of the church is 500 years old, there being only one ofther of its age in Kent. The church now only seats 84 people and it is proposed to enlarge the west end to make accomodation for double the number. The roof is built of trussed rafters and this will be continued in the new portion. A tower is also to be built and the total cost is to be about £1,000, which sum has been subscribed by Christian friends. Mr J Drake the architect, and Messrs Multon and Wallis, builders of Gravesend, have undertaken the work and they had so proceeded that on Thursday afternoon last the memorial stone was laid by the Ven the Archdeacon of Rochester (Dr Cheetham), in the presence of a very large and interested assembly amongst whom were the Rector, the Rev WH Duke, the Revs PH Jennings, late Rector of Longfield, HG Jennings, TP Phelps RD, WS Hill, CH Day, WH Jackson, H Witherby, E Body, Laport Payne, WH Bullock, WH Drew, FW Warland, WW Allen, EJ Doherty, T Blackall, Col Cooper, Col Hartley, Miss Cheetham, Mrs Jackson, the Misses Duke, Mrs Hills, Mrs Body, Mrs Smith, the Misses Golding, Mrs Bell, Miss Drew, J Winch esq and Mrs Winch, Mrs Rosher, Mrs Witherby, Mrs Weekes, Mrs Bullock, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Morris, Mrs Weekes, Miss Hohler, Miss Drake, Mis Wildish etc. A short service was held in the church previous to the ceremony, when a portion of the evening service of the Prayer Book with special psalms was used, the officiating clergymen being the Rev WH Duke, Canon Phelps and the Rev WW Allen. The lesson was read by the Rev WH Bullock. At the conclusion of the service, during the singing of a hymn, the Archdeacon with the other clergy and congregation repaired to the west end of the chruch were, the ceremony of laying the memorial stone was performed by the Archdeacon, who gave an appropriate and eloquent address on the text 'My House shall be called the House of Prayer for all people' taken from the lesson Isaiah 56.7. After the blessing had been pronounced by the Archdeacon the hymn 'The Church's One Foundation' was sung. Owing to the kindness of A Napier Ford esq of The Court, Longfield, a great number of guests partook of tea and coffee in the beautiful ground. The residence itself created much interest on it being known that it was the Archdeacon of Rochester's residence from the building of the church in the 13th century unitl it was sold by the Bishop's permission in the 15th. The success of the whole proceedings in connection with the laying of the memorial stone was due to the untiring energies of the Rector and the Misses Duke, Churchwarden A Napier Ford and Mrs Ford, and Churchwarden Hickmott."

1889, August 3: Pitch and Toss on Sunday Gravesend Journal
Dartford Magistrates: "James Humphrey of Fawkham and Joseph Spooner of Longfield, who pleaded guilty to playing pitch and toss, at Longfield on Sunday, the 7th July, were fined 2s 6d easch and costs or 7 days' imprisonment."

[Pitch and Toss was a gambling game of tossing coins closest to a post or wall.]

1889, August 10: Longfield Church Enlargement Kent Times
"On Thursday the Archdeacon of Rochester laid the memorial stone of the enlargement of Longfield Church, which it is hoped will be completed in October. In the course of repairs the old oak beams of the chancel roof will be brought to view. The roofing of the nave appears to be comparatively modern, and was in an extremely unsafe state, so that the repairs were even more urgent than was supposed. The only curiosity yet found is a farthing of Charles II in good preservation, beside the very ancient bell."

1889, September 14: Sale at Ash Place Farm Kentish Gazette
Michaelmas Stock Sales by Messrs Cobb: "Monday, September 30th at Ash Place Farm, about 4 miles from Wrotham, and 3 miles from the Fawkham Station, the live and dead farming stock, comprising 7 cart horses, cob, 2 cows, 166 half bred lambs, 74 Kent Ewes, 2 sows, 7 pigs, about 100 head of poultry, and the usual assortment of implements etc, by order of Mr E M Hohler, the lease of the farm expiring at Michaelmas."

1889, September 21: Houses to let at Station Road Maidstone Journal
"Fawkham (sic), Kent - Nos 1 and 2 Hope Villas, Station Road, each containing 3 sitting rooms, 5 bedrooms and excellent kitchen, to be let on yearly tenancy, at £19 19s rent each. Have just been put in perfect repair both inside and out. Garden back and front. Capital water supply. Apply to Mr Toms, Fawkham Railway Station."

1889, October 19: Cook Wanted Maidstone Journal
"Wanted immediately, in a gentleman's house, a good plain cook; good character. Address Mrs Bradley, Hartley House, Hartley, near Dartford."

1889, November 23: Wandsworth Rubbish to go to Longfield South London Press
"Newington Vestry - Wandsworth House Dust: It was resolved, upon the recommendation of the Depot Committee - 'That the contrat with the Board of Works for the Wandsworth District, for the reception of rough house dust at Longfield Depot, be renewed for 12 months from Lady Day next, on the present terms and conditions.'"

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