Parish Council Notes 2018
Info > Local Government
Allotments Feb 18 Apr 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18
Amenities: Grass Cutting Feb 18
Amenities: Routine Maintenance Contract Jun 18
Amenities: Trees Dec 18
Ash Road: Mar 18 Apr 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Oct 18 Dec 18
Banking facilities Nov 18
Beechlands Close: Sep 18
Billings Hill Shaw Feb 18 Apr 18 Jun 18
Burial Grounds: Closed churchyard Jun 18
Burial Grounds: Fees Oct 18
Burial Grounds: Grass Cutting Feb 18
Burial Grounds: Hartley Burial Ground Feb 18 Jun 18 Oct 18
Burial Grounds: Layby Jul 18
Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground Feb 18 Apr 18 Jun 18 Oct 18
Burial Grounds: Old Garden of Remembrance Feb 18 Jun 18 Oct 18
Buses Dec 18
Castle Hill Oct 18
Community Infrastructure Levy Nov 18
Community Wardens: Dec 18
Corinthian Development: Dec 18
Cricket Feb 18 Apr 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18
Data Protection Mar 18 Apr 18 Jun 18 Jul 18 Oct 18 Dec 18
Dog Bins Feb 18
Emergency Plan Mar 18
Finance: Mar 18
Finance: Donations Jul 18
Finance: Payments Mar 18 Mar 18 Apr 18 May 18 Jul 18 Sep 18 Nov 18 Dec 18
Finance: Policies Mar 18
Finance: Precept Nov 18
Football Feb 18 Sep 18 Dec 18
Gorsewood Feb 18 Apr 18 Jun 18
Hartley Green Feb 18
Hartley Wood: Oct 18
Larkwell Lane Apr 18
Libraries: Dec 18
Longfield Hill Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18
Manor Field Feb 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18
Manor Field Car Park Nov 18
Manor Field Pavilion Feb 18 Apr 18 Sep 18 Dec 18
Northfield: Apr 18 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 18
Notice Boards Feb 18 Jun 18 Sep 18 Dec 18
Parish Council: Attendance Feb 18 Mar 18 Apr 18 May 18 Jun 18 Jul 18 Sep 18 Oct 18 Nov 18
Parish Council: Committees May 18
Parish Council: Standing Orders Jul 18
Planning: New District Plan Jul 18
Pond Apr 18 Sep 18 Dec 18
Proposed 755 houses at New Ash Green Nov 18
Quakers Close Mar 18
Rectory Meadow Feb 18 Jun 18 Sep 18
Remembrance Sunday Oct 18
Roads: Maintenance Mar 18
Rubbish collection: Dec 18
Sevenoaks Council: Update Sep 18
St Johns Lane Mar 18
Stack Lane Apr 18
Staff Apr 18
Village Hall Nov 18
Wellfield Mar 18
Woodland Avenue Apr 18 Jun 18 Sep 18
WW1 Commemoration Apr 18 May 18 Jul 18 Sep 18 Dec 18
Youth Services: Mar 18 Jun 18 Dec 18
08 January 2018 - Parish Council: Attendance
The meeting ran from 7.30 to 7.53 pm. All councillors were present with the exception of Cllrs Alford and Beaman. Also present was Cllr Brazier (Kent County Council) and 3 members of the public)
The meeting ran from 7.30 to 7.53 pm. All councillors were present with the exception of Cllrs Alford and Beaman. Also present was Cllr Brazier (Kent County Council) and 3 members of the public)
08 January 2018 - Parish Council: New Parish Councillor
They have now received an application for the vacancy from Matt Mohr which they accepted. He said he lived at the New Ash Green end of Ash Road who works in the medical device industry. He said he didn't know much about the council but was interested in politics and would like to give it a try. He was appointed to the Amenities committee.
They have now received an application for the vacancy from Matt Mohr which they accepted. He said he lived at the New Ash Green end of Ash Road who works in the medical device industry. He said he didn't know much about the council but was interested in politics and would like to give it a try. He was appointed to the Amenities committee.
08 January 2018 - Parish Council: Data Protection
The Finance Committee had discussed the new data protection law which is due to come into force soon. They decided to encrypt information and consider appointing Satswana Limited to act as their Data Protection Officer, claiming that the officer has to be independent of the council. Cllr Cole raised some concern that the company might be "jumping on the bandwagon", Cllr Abraham said they were an established company. They agreed to outsource the Data Protection Officer job but get more quotes.
The Finance Committee had discussed the new data protection law which is due to come into force soon. They decided to encrypt information and consider appointing Satswana Limited to act as their Data Protection Officer, claiming that the officer has to be independent of the council. Cllr Cole raised some concern that the company might be "jumping on the bandwagon", Cllr Abraham said they were an established company. They agreed to outsource the Data Protection Officer job but get more quotes.
08 January 2018 - Finance: Precept
They decided to freeze the council tax precept but this means their income will rise by £600, due to changes in the council tax base.
They decided to freeze the council tax precept but this means their income will rise by £600, due to changes in the council tax base.
08 January 2018 - Finance: Community Infrastructure Levy
They have received £6,510 so far from Sevenoaks Council, but are still trying to claim they can use it on a lych gate for the new burial ground. Dr Roberts suggested that cycle paths were possible and desirable at Rectory Meadow and the wide pavement at the top end of Ash Road and that the council could spend the Community Infrastructure Money on them. Cllr Oxtoby said they would think about it, Cllr Abraham was not in favour
They have received £6,510 so far from Sevenoaks Council, but are still trying to claim they can use it on a lych gate for the new burial ground. Dr Roberts suggested that cycle paths were possible and desirable at Rectory Meadow and the wide pavement at the top end of Ash Road and that the council could spend the Community Infrastructure Money on them. Cllr Oxtoby said they would think about it, Cllr Abraham was not in favour
08 January 2018 - Northfield:
The meeting of 13 December discussed the following: (1) The Anti-Social Behaviour Officer reported problems of young people riding on the roads in Hartley and New Ash Green because there was nowehere else to go, she suggested a site be found on Northfield. The committee thought the entrance by Milestone School might be possible but thought the EMCO triangle better. (2) They authorised bills of £1,645 including tree risk assessment (£795), 3 tractor grass cuts (£480), visual inspection 2 months (£160). (3) Bumble Bees - they have been advised on which wild flowers to plant but was told spraying for ragwort would probably kill all wild flowers. (4) New pedestrian access in Ash Road - quote of £1,190 from NPC Tree Surgery accepted. (5) Tree works of £450 following tree risk assessment authorised by council and Sevenoaks Council. (6) Two new dog waste bins at Ash Road and Milestone School entrances approved. (7) Quotations will be obtained to identify different areas of the field.
The meeting of 13 December discussed the following: (1) The Anti-Social Behaviour Officer reported problems of young people riding on the roads in Hartley and New Ash Green because there was nowehere else to go, she suggested a site be found on Northfield. The committee thought the entrance by Milestone School might be possible but thought the EMCO triangle better. (2) They authorised bills of £1,645 including tree risk assessment (£795), 3 tractor grass cuts (£480), visual inspection 2 months (£160). (3) Bumble Bees - they have been advised on which wild flowers to plant but was told spraying for ragwort would probably kill all wild flowers. (4) New pedestrian access in Ash Road - quote of £1,190 from NPC Tree Surgery accepted. (5) Tree works of £450 following tree risk assessment authorised by council and Sevenoaks Council. (6) Two new dog waste bins at Ash Road and Milestone School entrances approved. (7) Quotations will be obtained to identify different areas of the field.
12 February 2018 - Parish Council: Attendance
9 councillors were present (Abraham, Bennett, Cole, Graeme, Mohr, Oxtoby, Sewell, Tremain, Vesey), Cllr Oxtoby declared an interest in the item relating the new burial ground path. Also present was Cllr Brazier (KCC) and 4 members of the public.
9 councillors were present (Abraham, Bennett, Cole, Graeme, Mohr, Oxtoby, Sewell, Tremain, Vesey), Cllr Oxtoby declared an interest in the item relating the new burial ground path. Also present was Cllr Brazier (KCC) and 4 members of the public.
12 February 2018 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
They discussed a planting scheme and decided to get quotes for lavender and roses, and also for a metal plaque to say "Erected in 2017 by Hartley Parish Council on the opening of Manor Field Burial Ground”. They accepted bid from Sixpence Ltd of £830 to make a concrete path with wildlife tunnels between fence leading to burial ground.
They discussed a planting scheme and decided to get quotes for lavender and roses, and also for a metal plaque to say "Erected in 2017 by Hartley Parish Council on the opening of Manor Field Burial Ground”. They accepted bid from Sixpence Ltd of £830 to make a concrete path with wildlife tunnels between fence leading to burial ground.
12 February 2018 - Burial Grounds: Hartley Burial Ground
3 memorials failed safety test and had to be laid down, family of one is arranging to have it secured. They accepted quote of £1,770 from Down to Earth Ltd to reduce height of 17 cypress trees bordering the car park. They have written to the gravedigger following concerns raised by the public about mud on the paths.
3 memorials failed safety test and had to be laid down, family of one is arranging to have it secured. They accepted quote of £1,770 from Down to Earth Ltd to reduce height of 17 cypress trees bordering the car park. They have written to the gravedigger following concerns raised by the public about mud on the paths.
12 February 2018 - Burial Grounds: Old Garden of Remembrance
They realised the specifications they'd given to bidders for replacing paving with pea gravel and tarmacking paths were wrong so they need to ask them to retender. They accepted bid of £1,475 from Down to Earth Ltd to remove the 10 cypress trees bordering the car park.
They realised the specifications they'd given to bidders for replacing paving with pea gravel and tarmacking paths were wrong so they need to ask them to retender. They accepted bid of £1,475 from Down to Earth Ltd to remove the 10 cypress trees bordering the car park.
12 February 2018 - Burial Grounds: Closed churchyard
Mr Munday to be asked to remove self seeded saplings
Mr Munday to be asked to remove self seeded saplings
12 February 2018 - Burial Grounds: Grass Cutting
Tender from Mr Munday of £4,625 accepted to cut grass in all grounds for 2018-2020 accepted. Other bids were £13,040, £10,660 and £4,813.
Tender from Mr Munday of £4,625 accepted to cut grass in all grounds for 2018-2020 accepted. Other bids were £13,040, £10,660 and £4,813.
12 February 2018 - Roads: Hartley Green
Burial grounds grass cutting contract awarded to Mr Munday above also includes grass cutting at Hartley Green
Burial grounds grass cutting contract awarded to Mr Munday above also includes grass cutting at Hartley Green
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Football
Hartley de Sales have requested for one pitch to be lengthened because players are older, Landscape services say it can't be done because although length is OK the pitch would have to be widened too which isn't possible. Council tell club to talk to Landscape Services first.
Hartley de Sales have requested for one pitch to be lengthened because players are older, Landscape services say it can't be done because although length is OK the pitch would have to be widened too which isn't possible. Council tell club to talk to Landscape Services first.
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Cricket
Council agree to increase annual fee to use Manor Field and Pavilion by £50 to £1,170. They agreed to allow club to hold family fun day on 27th May provided they get permission to sell alcohol from the covenant owner and proof of public liability insurance in general and for any bouncy castles.
Council agree to increase annual fee to use Manor Field and Pavilion by £50 to £1,170. They agreed to allow club to hold family fun day on 27th May provided they get permission to sell alcohol from the covenant owner and proof of public liability insurance in general and for any bouncy castles.
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Grass Cutting
They had 2 contracts for 2018-20 (1) Manor Field and Longfield Hill awared to Landscape Services for £3,377 (there was another lower quote but the council's minutes do not explain why they chose not to accept this); (2) other open spaces and amenity land awarded to Landscape Services for £4,133.
They had 2 contracts for 2018-20 (1) Manor Field and Longfield Hill awared to Landscape Services for £3,377 (there was another lower quote but the council's minutes do not explain why they chose not to accept this); (2) other open spaces and amenity land awarded to Landscape Services for £4,133.
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Manor Field
Quote of £1,024 from Weed Management Ltd accepted for fertiliser and moss control (March & September) and fertiliser and weed control (June)
Quote of £1,024 from Weed Management Ltd accepted for fertiliser and moss control (March & September) and fertiliser and weed control (June)
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
They will pay Brodex Trident £460 to carry out annual water hygiene work. They also accepted quote of £470 from Caches Limited to plumbing service contract
They will pay Brodex Trident £460 to carry out annual water hygiene work. They also accepted quote of £470 from Caches Limited to plumbing service contract
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Allotments
Issues raised at allotment holders meeting: (1) Concerns over maintenance of paths and borders (PC says it is allotment holders' responsibility); (2) Broken chain link fence and post (they will get quotes to repair); (3) Tyres left on plot 9 (left by former owner, no action); (4) Vacant plot overgrown (Mr Munday to deal and cover with tarpaulin). Pre-school children visits to plot 1 was also raised, so council to send tenants letter explaining what this is all about - it is a local pre-school project funded by KCC to introduce children to the environment and understand where food comes from. Feedback has been very positive.
Issues raised at allotment holders meeting: (1) Concerns over maintenance of paths and borders (PC says it is allotment holders' responsibility); (2) Broken chain link fence and post (they will get quotes to repair); (3) Tyres left on plot 9 (left by former owner, no action); (4) Vacant plot overgrown (Mr Munday to deal and cover with tarpaulin). Pre-school children visits to plot 1 was also raised, so council to send tenants letter explaining what this is all about - it is a local pre-school project funded by KCC to introduce children to the environment and understand where food comes from. Feedback has been very positive.
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Trees
Following two recent high court cases relating to a parish council's responsibilities, their contractor Duramen has assured them Hartley PC is compliant.
Following two recent high court cases relating to a parish council's responsibilities, their contractor Duramen has assured them Hartley PC is compliant.
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Billings Hill Shaw
Owner of Hartley Grange Cottage had reported council's hornbeam trees were overhanging their property, told by council they can cut back the branches at their own expense. However while investigating this a potentially hazardous ash tree was noted. Down to Earth to check this for £140 fee.
Owner of Hartley Grange Cottage had reported council's hornbeam trees were overhanging their property, told by council they can cut back the branches at their own expense. However while investigating this a potentially hazardous ash tree was noted. Down to Earth to check this for £140 fee.
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Dog bins
Two dog bins for Woodland Avenue and Manor Drive / Church Road junction have been ordered.
Two dog bins for Woodland Avenue and Manor Drive / Church Road junction have been ordered.
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Rectory Meadow
Entrance gate in Ash Road reported missing, it was later found but irreparable. New gate leaf ordered for £100.
Entrance gate in Ash Road reported missing, it was later found but irreparable. New gate leaf ordered for £100.
12 February 2018 - Roads: Ash Road
A resident has suggested they spend some of their Community Infrastructure levy money on cycle paths between the Black Lion and Milestone School and across Rectory Meadow. Council reject it for now but would do some investigations as to feasibility
A resident has suggested they spend some of their Community Infrastructure levy money on cycle paths between the Black Lion and Milestone School and across Rectory Meadow. Council reject it for now but would do some investigations as to feasibility
12 February 2018 - Amenities: Notice Boards
Footpaths board at Library damaged and leaning precariously, PROW officer to be asked to investigate.
Footpaths board at Library damaged and leaning precariously, PROW officer to be asked to investigate.
12 March 2018 - Parish Council: Attendance
9 councillors attended the meeting (Cllrs Abraham, Alford, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Cole, Mrs Ewing, Graeme, Mohr, Mrs Oxtoby, Mrs Vesey), along with Cllr Brazier (KCC) and 3 members of the public. There were no declarations of interest by councillors.
9 councillors attended the meeting (Cllrs Abraham, Alford, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Cole, Mrs Ewing, Graeme, Mohr, Mrs Oxtoby, Mrs Vesey), along with Cllr Brazier (KCC) and 3 members of the public. There were no declarations of interest by councillors.
12 March 2018 - Roads: Maintenance
Cllr Brazier said there was a £640m backlog of maintenance to Kent roads with no government funding. They have spent £7m on a 'pothole blitz'
Cllr Brazier said there was a £640m backlog of maintenance to Kent roads with no government funding. They have spent £7m on a 'pothole blitz'
12 March 2018 - Finance: Policies
Various policies were reviewed and agreed. They agreed to add the Woodland Avenue and Chantry Avenue gates worth £2,253 to the asset register, which means an increase in annual insurance of £17.
Various policies were reviewed and agreed. They agreed to add the Woodland Avenue and Chantry Avenue gates worth £2,253 to the asset register, which means an increase in annual insurance of £17.
12 March 2018 - Finance: Community Infrastructure Levy
They have received advice from Sevenoaks that the money can't be used for a lych gate at the new burial ground, but could be used for the fence at Chantry Avenue
They have received advice from Sevenoaks that the money can't be used for a lych gate at the new burial ground, but could be used for the fence at Chantry Avenue
12 March 2018 - Roads: Ash Road
General Purposes committee very upset that for a second time KCC have rejected a request for a pedestrian crossing at Parkfield, they proposed a strongly worded letter of complaint to all and suhdry, but full council withdrew this when Cllr Brazier offered to set up a face to face meeting between the Parish Council and KCC. The Committee also alleged that KCC had run the traffic and pedestrian survey in the school holidays, and their own figures were significantly higher. No expression of interest in community speed watch scheme following ad in PC's newsletter. Council has received feedback that the Speed Indicator Device has slowed traffic, currently back with makers for repair.
General Purposes committee very upset that for a second time KCC have rejected a request for a pedestrian crossing at Parkfield, they proposed a strongly worded letter of complaint to all and suhdry, but full council withdrew this when Cllr Brazier offered to set up a face to face meeting between the Parish Council and KCC. The Committee also alleged that KCC had run the traffic and pedestrian survey in the school holidays, and their own figures were significantly higher. No expression of interest in community speed watch scheme following ad in PC's newsletter. Council has received feedback that the Speed Indicator Device has slowed traffic, currently back with makers for repair.
12 March 2018 - Roads: St Johns Lane
Council still want to put double yellow lines at the Ash Road junction, but KCC have no plans to do this.
Council still want to put double yellow lines at the Ash Road junction, but KCC have no plans to do this.
12 March 2018 - Roads: Castle Hill
No replies to PC's request to local residents to run a lorry watch scheme.
No replies to PC's request to local residents to run a lorry watch scheme.
12 March 2018 - Roads: Wellfield
Double yellow lines to be installed at Ash Road junction in March, was meant to be February but delayed due to bad weather.
Double yellow lines to be installed at Ash Road junction in March, was meant to be February but delayed due to bad weather.
12 March 2018 - Roads: Quakers Close
Complaints of problem parking. Apparently not caused by commuters but the level of car ownership in the road. Council say they can do nothing.
Complaints of problem parking. Apparently not caused by commuters but the level of car ownership in the road. Council say they can do nothing.
12 March 2018 - Parish Council: Data Protection
They agreed to outsource the role of Data Protection Officer to Local Council Public Advisory Service for £300 pa, and to pay them £800 to carry out a data protection audit. They also paid Wrotham Computers £100 to encrypt their data. Council will also need to come up with Document Retention and Privacy Policies
They agreed to outsource the role of Data Protection Officer to Local Council Public Advisory Service for £300 pa, and to pay them £800 to carry out a data protection audit. They also paid Wrotham Computers £100 to encrypt their data. Council will also need to come up with Document Retention and Privacy Policies
12 March 2018 - Parish Council: Emergency Plan
They made no amendments other than asking the clerk to check the contact numbers
They made no amendments other than asking the clerk to check the contact numbers
12 March 2018 - Youth Services:
West Kent Communities had provided them with 2 quotes for 2 member of staff at Woodland Avenue for 3 hours per week (1) 26 summer weeks - £1,699 (2) All year - £3,399. Council went with 26 week quote because in winter months provision has to be held in the Village Hall, and most would be attendees say it too far away. Further quotes to be got to provide family fun days in 2018, they will pay the usual £100 for a portaloo for the Sevenoaks Council one already planned.
West Kent Communities had provided them with 2 quotes for 2 member of staff at Woodland Avenue for 3 hours per week (1) 26 summer weeks - £1,699 (2) All year - £3,399. Council went with 26 week quote because in winter months provision has to be held in the Village Hall, and most would be attendees say it too far away. Further quotes to be got to provide family fun days in 2018, they will pay the usual £100 for a portaloo for the Sevenoaks Council one already planned.
09 April 2018 - Parish Council: Attendance
9 of the present 11 councillors were present. Cllrs Burchell and Beaman have resigned so there are 2 vacancies.
9 of the present 11 councillors were present. Cllrs Burchell and Beaman have resigned so there are 2 vacancies.
09 April 2018 - Roads: Ash Road
Cllr Brazier has been told that KCC consider they have spent enough time with Hartley Council on the proposed zebra crossing at Hoselands Green and will not meet them again. He will write to the leader of the council. NAG Village Association will no longer move the Speed Indicator Device, so council had to sort out insurance for new person moving it.
Cllr Brazier has been told that KCC consider they have spent enough time with Hartley Council on the proposed zebra crossing at Hoselands Green and will not meet them again. He will write to the leader of the council. NAG Village Association will no longer move the Speed Indicator Device, so council had to sort out insurance for new person moving it.
09 April 2018 - Transport: Buses
Cllr Brazier said the proposed cuts of £4m in the bus service have been scrapped. They are talking to the bus companies and encouraging local initiatives
Cllr Brazier said the proposed cuts of £4m in the bus service have been scrapped. They are talking to the bus companies and encouraging local initiatives
09 April 2018 - Events: End of WW1
Cllr Brazier is to use his member's fund to buy parish council a "silent soldier" - a large model of a soldier sold by the British Legion for £250. The parish council plan an event at Manor Field on 11 November. It will include a service, church bell ringing, beacon, fireworks and a BBQ and they have budgeted £10,000 for the cost (council had to approve increase in budget from the original £7,000 budget). The main costs will be a beacon on a 5m pole and the fireworks. Council decided to buy an oak pole rather than a metal one and not to bother to appeal for lawful development certificate because they'd been told verbally it was OK.
Cllr Brazier is to use his member's fund to buy parish council a "silent soldier" - a large model of a soldier sold by the British Legion for £250. The parish council plan an event at Manor Field on 11 November. It will include a service, church bell ringing, beacon, fireworks and a BBQ and they have budgeted £10,000 for the cost (council had to approve increase in budget from the original £7,000 budget). The main costs will be a beacon on a 5m pole and the fireworks. Council decided to buy an oak pole rather than a metal one and not to bother to appeal for lawful development certificate because they'd been told verbally it was OK.
09 April 2018 - Amenities: Cricket
NAG & Hartley CC plan family fun day, council give permission to apply for temporary events notice, they have permission from covenant owner to sell alcohol. Council request details of public liability insurance for bouncy castle. They accept cricket club's offer to buy additional fridge availble for all users.
NAG & Hartley CC plan family fun day, council give permission to apply for temporary events notice, they have permission from covenant owner to sell alcohol. Council request details of public liability insurance for bouncy castle. They accept cricket club's offer to buy additional fridge availble for all users.
09 April 2018 - Amenities: Pond
A local resident has written with concerns about the poor state of the pond and asked if the council would set up a volunteer group. Council claim they can do nothing as they don't own it, but were looking at an adverse possession claim
A local resident has written with concerns about the poor state of the pond and asked if the council would set up a volunteer group. Council claim they can do nothing as they don't own it, but were looking at an adverse possession claim
09 April 2018 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
Legionella risk assessment has identified concerns. Council to pay Brodex Trident £85 to remedy high risk item (dead end in away changing room leading to stagnant water) and £230 for medium risk items. Council decided not to pay for TVC test or for clerk's training, which was also mentioned. Hire fees to rise by £1 per hour to £10 or £9 for regular hirers. New weekend fee of £12 per hour, or £9 for regular hirers.
Legionella risk assessment has identified concerns. Council to pay Brodex Trident £85 to remedy high risk item (dead end in away changing room leading to stagnant water) and £230 for medium risk items. Council decided not to pay for TVC test or for clerk's training, which was also mentioned. Hire fees to rise by £1 per hour to £10 or £9 for regular hirers. New weekend fee of £12 per hour, or £9 for regular hirers.
09 April 2018 - Amenities: Woodland Avenue
Some repairs required to playground (fence, bolt on roundabout, damage to straps an seat etc), Mr Munday to action
Some repairs required to playground (fence, bolt on roundabout, damage to straps an seat etc), Mr Munday to action
09 April 2018 - Amenities: Allotments
Council decide that chain link fence raised at last amenities meeting doesn't need repairing. They think they have dealt with the concerns raised by the allotment holders in Nov 2017. Following letter from one holder they have requested KCC to cut back trees on highway land by Larksfield entrance. Letters to 2 holders about state of their plots. A resident of New Ash Green has enquired about a plot, as they have no waiting list and one vacancy they changed policy to allow non-residents to take plots in these circumstances.
Council decide that chain link fence raised at last amenities meeting doesn't need repairing. They think they have dealt with the concerns raised by the allotment holders in Nov 2017. Following letter from one holder they have requested KCC to cut back trees on highway land by Larksfield entrance. Letters to 2 holders about state of their plots. A resident of New Ash Green has enquired about a plot, as they have no waiting list and one vacancy they changed policy to allow non-residents to take plots in these circumstances.
09 April 2018 - Amenities: Billings Hill Shaw
Following a survey of an ash tree by Hartley Grange Cottage, they have decided the tree should be felled, and will get quotations.
Following a survey of an ash tree by Hartley Grange Cottage, they have decided the tree should be felled, and will get quotations.
09 April 2018 - Amenities: Gorsewood
Report of increased fly tipping, council to hold site inspection
Report of increased fly tipping, council to hold site inspection
09 April 2018 - Roads: Larkwell Lane
Scouts have complained of overhanging vegetation, matter referred to Sevenoaks District Council as landowners.
Scouts have complained of overhanging vegetation, matter referred to Sevenoaks District Council as landowners.
09 April 2018 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
They have decided to call it Manor Field Burial Ground and to incribe it on a metal plaque. Advice from Sevenoaks is that no planning permission is needed for the internal design. Other actions await receipt of digital map they have commissioned.
They have decided to call it Manor Field Burial Ground and to incribe it on a metal plaque. Advice from Sevenoaks is that no planning permission is needed for the internal design. Other actions await receipt of digital map they have commissioned.
09 April 2018 - Parish Council: Data Protection
They agreed to pay Local Government Public Advisory Service £150 for Data Protection Officer service and £800 for information Data Audit per annum
They agreed to pay Local Government Public Advisory Service £150 for Data Protection Officer service and £800 for information Data Audit per annum
09 April 2018 - Roads: Stack Lane
Resident of Stack Lane concerned that inconsiderate parking is hazardous to school children. PC tells them to raise it with the school. Resident replied to say they had already done that and got nowhere, so PC will now write to School, KCC, Sevenoaks DC and the RC Diocese.
Resident of Stack Lane concerned that inconsiderate parking is hazardous to school children. PC tells them to raise it with the school. Resident replied to say they had already done that and got nowhere, so PC will now write to School, KCC, Sevenoaks DC and the RC Diocese.
09 April 2018 - Parish Council: Staff
Council reviewed annual staff reports. The assistant clerk is now on the maximum spine point 29 which requires an amendment to her contract - extra hours worked can be taken off in lieu (lower paid staff can opt to take it as pay). They agreed to increase the assistant clerk's hours by 8 per month due to volume of work.
Council reviewed annual staff reports. The assistant clerk is now on the maximum spine point 29 which requires an amendment to her contract - extra hours worked can be taken off in lieu (lower paid staff can opt to take it as pay). They agreed to increase the assistant clerk's hours by 8 per month due to volume of work.
09 April 2018 - Northfield:
Invoices of £1,334 were approved including kissing gate (£751), 2 dog bins (£363). Contribution from parish councils for 2018/19 will be £10 each. Gate has been installed at Ash Road but not bollards yet. They awarded contract for Ragwort control to Week Management for £1,169 per application for next 2 years. Dog bins to be installed at Ash Road and Milestone School entrances.
Invoices of £1,334 were approved including kissing gate (£751), 2 dog bins (£363). Contribution from parish councils for 2018/19 will be £10 each. Gate has been installed at Ash Road but not bollards yet. They awarded contract for Ragwort control to Week Management for £1,169 per application for next 2 years. Dog bins to be installed at Ash Road and Milestone School entrances.
14 May 2018 - Parish Council: Councillors
The following councillors were present:, Larry Abraham , Christopher Alford , Sheila Bennett , Penny Cole, Annette Ewing, David Graeme, Matthew Mohr, Anne Oxtoby – (Chairman)Cllr Vincent Sewell , Dorothy Vesey. Mrs Beaman has resigned from the council and no-one has requisitioned an election so the council will coopt. One applicant has been received for the earlier resignation of Cllr Burchell, but no decision will be taken until June. Cllr Oxtoby declared an interest in one of the payments to a relative
The following councillors were present:, Larry Abraham , Christopher Alford , Sheila Bennett , Penny Cole, Annette Ewing, David Graeme, Matthew Mohr, Anne Oxtoby – (Chairman)Cllr Vincent Sewell , Dorothy Vesey. Mrs Beaman has resigned from the council and no-one has requisitioned an election so the council will coopt. One applicant has been received for the earlier resignation of Cllr Burchell, but no decision will be taken until June. Cllr Oxtoby declared an interest in one of the payments to a relative
14 May 2018 - Events: End of WW1
Working party has been set up to organise it. They have reps from the Parish Church, the Scouts and WI, but hope to get reps from the Guides and the RC Church too. They have appointed a Health and Safety officer and applied for an events licence. The WI and Scouts will do refreshmets. They hope the Local Vocals can attend. They agreed to pay Sherwen Engineering £2,076 for the beacon and oak post, Cobham Marquees £1,442 and Frontier Fireworks £1,500.
Working party has been set up to organise it. They have reps from the Parish Church, the Scouts and WI, but hope to get reps from the Guides and the RC Church too. They have appointed a Health and Safety officer and applied for an events licence. The WI and Scouts will do refreshmets. They hope the Local Vocals can attend. They agreed to pay Sherwen Engineering £2,076 for the beacon and oak post, Cobham Marquees £1,442 and Frontier Fireworks £1,500.
14 May 2018 - Parish Council: Committees
Membership of the various committees was decided upon and various policy documents reviewed
Membership of the various committees was decided upon and various policy documents reviewed
11 June 2018 - Parish Council: Attendance
Just 7 councillors were present (Larry Abraham, Sheila Bennett, Penny Cole, Matthew Moh , Anne Oxtoby, Ian Ross, Andrew Tremain), plus 3 members of the public. Cllr Oxtoby declared an interest in the concrete path to the new burial ground as it involved a relation. Council had 2 applicants for the 2 vacancies but only one could attend, so they coopted Ian Ross and deferred the other vacancy to July
Just 7 councillors were present (Larry Abraham, Sheila Bennett, Penny Cole, Matthew Moh , Anne Oxtoby, Ian Ross, Andrew Tremain), plus 3 members of the public. Cllr Oxtoby declared an interest in the concrete path to the new burial ground as it involved a relation. Council had 2 applicants for the 2 vacancies but only one could attend, so they coopted Ian Ross and deferred the other vacancy to July
11 June 2018 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
The new path is completed. Council allowed another £75 to the contractors Sixpence because they'd underestimated how much concrete was needed. They want the lych gate to be dead centre with the path. Stephen Gay will provide the 2 plaques for £240. Quotations to be sought for a 3m high pergola with 3 oak struts.
The new path is completed. Council allowed another £75 to the contractors Sixpence because they'd underestimated how much concrete was needed. They want the lych gate to be dead centre with the path. Stephen Gay will provide the 2 plaques for £240. Quotations to be sought for a 3m high pergola with 3 oak struts.
11 June 2018 - Burial Grounds: Hartley Burial Ground
One grave needs turfing, another needs a wooden cross secured
One grave needs turfing, another needs a wooden cross secured
11 June 2018 - Burial Grounds: Old Garden of Remembrance
They have received 2 quotes but need to enquire what the proposed surface Eezee Grip actually is.
They have received 2 quotes but need to enquire what the proposed surface Eezee Grip actually is.
11 June 2018 - Burial Grounds: Closed churchyard
Mr Munday to be asked to remove self seeded saplings
Mr Munday to be asked to remove self seeded saplings
11 June 2018 - Burial Grounds: Layby
They would like to appoint Down to Earth to reduce 10 cypress trees by layby (£1,325) and to cut down 10 cypress trees by Old Garden of Remembrance (£1,425) but don't have a budget for it. KCC say the trees by the pond are the council's so they will ask Down to Earth for advice. Full council ratified the recommendation
They would like to appoint Down to Earth to reduce 10 cypress trees by layby (£1,325) and to cut down 10 cypress trees by Old Garden of Remembrance (£1,425) but don't have a budget for it. KCC say the trees by the pond are the council's so they will ask Down to Earth for advice. Full council ratified the recommendation
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Cricket
Manor Field Cricket club confirmed they have insurance for the bouncy castle, as this is specifically excluded from the council's policy.
Manor Field Cricket club confirmed they have insurance for the bouncy castle, as this is specifically excluded from the council's policy.
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Manor Field
Council thinks improvement are necessary ahead of the WW1 event in November and the opening of the burial ground. Site meeting with contractors and Stephen Gay to discuss options. Memorial plaque attached to one of the trees has come loose, Scouts are to be asked whether they still want it there.
Council thinks improvement are necessary ahead of the WW1 event in November and the opening of the burial ground. Site meeting with contractors and Stephen Gay to discuss options. Memorial plaque attached to one of the trees has come loose, Scouts are to be asked whether they still want it there.
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Routine Maintenance Contract
They accepted Mr Munday's quote of £9,481 for the coming year.
They accepted Mr Munday's quote of £9,481 for the coming year.
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Rectory Meadow
NW Kent Countryside Partnership say meadow shouldn't be cut until September to allow wild flowers to seed. They would be able to cut along paths though. Quotes to be obtained to cut paths now and whole meadow in September. Botanical survey to be undertaken in June.
NW Kent Countryside Partnership say meadow shouldn't be cut until September to allow wild flowers to seed. They would be able to cut along paths though. Quotes to be obtained to cut paths now and whole meadow in September. Botanical survey to be undertaken in June.
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Woodland Avenue
Playground inspection made a number of recommendations, including damage to fence being finger entrapment risk, repairs to cradle swing and roundabout, movement in a goal post and dipped areas of ground, broken glass around basketball net. Mr Munday to sort out. Metal kissing gate not longer closes properly due to damage.
Playground inspection made a number of recommendations, including damage to fence being finger entrapment risk, repairs to cradle swing and roundabout, movement in a goal post and dipped areas of ground, broken glass around basketball net. Mr Munday to sort out. Metal kissing gate not longer closes properly due to damage.
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Longfield Hill Ground
Playground inspection recommended gates be replaced. They decided to add this to the specifications for playground improvements using the £3,500 licence fee for works by Network Rail. For the playground, they favour a trail like at Chantry Avenue.
Playground inspection recommended gates be replaced. They decided to add this to the specifications for playground improvements using the £3,500 licence fee for works by Network Rail. For the playground, they favour a trail like at Chantry Avenue.
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Billings Hill Shaw
Safety report on Ash tree recommended either significant reduction in height or removal. Council went for removal and accepted tender of £590 from Down to Earth.
Safety report on Ash tree recommended either significant reduction in height or removal. Council went for removal and accepted tender of £590 from Down to Earth.
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Allotments
Investigations following a larger than expected water bill of £336 found that one of the taps had not been turned off in winter and was dripping, cost of repairs £105. In future they will ask South Eastern Plumbers to turn the water off in winter. Plot 20 mentioned in previous meetings is still not cultivated so they will serve notice to quit on the tenant. They will also formulate a policy for dealing with similar breaches in the future. They are concerned with wood chippings used on another plot.
Investigations following a larger than expected water bill of £336 found that one of the taps had not been turned off in winter and was dripping, cost of repairs £105. In future they will ask South Eastern Plumbers to turn the water off in winter. Plot 20 mentioned in previous meetings is still not cultivated so they will serve notice to quit on the tenant. They will also formulate a policy for dealing with similar breaches in the future. They are concerned with wood chippings used on another plot.
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Gorsewood
Following reports of flytipping near Caxton Close, they viewed the site but decided it wasn't bad enough to take action yet. West Kent Housing have put up no flytipping notices.
Following reports of flytipping near Caxton Close, they viewed the site but decided it wasn't bad enough to take action yet. West Kent Housing have put up no flytipping notices.
11 June 2018 - Amenities: Notice Boards
Remedial repairs to the rights of way board outside the library have not worked and PROW officer to be informed of urgent problem (apparently a lot were put up at the same time and have similar problems now). Council's own notice board needs repair and quotes to be obtained.
Remedial repairs to the rights of way board outside the library have not worked and PROW officer to be informed of urgent problem (apparently a lot were put up at the same time and have similar problems now). Council's own notice board needs repair and quotes to be obtained.
11 June 2018 - Roads: Ash Road
Regarding the proposed Parkfield crossing, Cllr Brazier said KCC Highways will only meet with him not the parish council. Council has sent letter of complaint to leader of KCC
Regarding the proposed Parkfield crossing, Cllr Brazier said KCC Highways will only meet with him not the parish council. Council has sent letter of complaint to leader of KCC
11 June 2018 - Youth Services:
Youth workers report young people would like improvements to shelter and a skate park. Council didn't want skate park because of oppostion in the past but might be amenable to paying for youth workers to take them to one elsewhere. They accepted quote for 2 family fun days from Playplace for £480 each. The first day was meant to be at Chantry Avenue but they set up at Woodland Avenue by mistake, in circumstances they waived the fee. Council requested a replacement day for Chantry Avenue in August.
Youth workers report young people would like improvements to shelter and a skate park. Council didn't want skate park because of oppostion in the past but might be amenable to paying for youth workers to take them to one elsewhere. They accepted quote for 2 family fun days from Playplace for £480 each. The first day was meant to be at Chantry Avenue but they set up at Woodland Avenue by mistake, in circumstances they waived the fee. Council requested a replacement day for Chantry Avenue in August.
11 June 2018 - Parish Council: Data Protection
Data Protection, document retention and privacy policies agreed. As a result they will be buying confidential waste sacks from Shred First (£60 for 10 then £4 each)
Data Protection, document retention and privacy policies agreed. As a result they will be buying confidential waste sacks from Shred First (£60 for 10 then £4 each)
09 July 2018 - Parish Council: Attendance
9 councillors were present (Sewell, Bennett, Vesey, Oxtoby, Abrahams, Graeme, Ross, Tremain, Malham). At the meeting they coopted the only candidate Mally Malham to the council vacancy. He said he had lived in Hartley 17 years and liked it as a village. Also in attendance were Cllr Gaywood (SDC) and 15 members of the public
9 councillors were present (Sewell, Bennett, Vesey, Oxtoby, Abrahams, Graeme, Ross, Tremain, Malham). At the meeting they coopted the only candidate Mally Malham to the council vacancy. He said he had lived in Hartley 17 years and liked it as a village. Also in attendance were Cllr Gaywood (SDC) and 15 members of the public
09 July 2018 - Planning: New District Plan
Cllr Abrahams said the draft will go to consulation soon. The council wouldn’t discuss with Billings (although they had been asked 3 times) about their proposals to build at Corinthian. Just because a site is listed in the consultation doesn't mean that it will be finally included. He cited grounds of medical services and traffic, it had been rejected 20 years ago too. Cllr Gaywood was against on green belt grounds and said MP was too. He thought the council should spend money on a planning consultant. Cllr Oxtoby said her personal view is against, mentioned 125,000 vehicle movements on Ash Road. Will convene additional meeting in August. Most of the public then left.
Cllr Abrahams said the draft will go to consulation soon. The council wouldn’t discuss with Billings (although they had been asked 3 times) about their proposals to build at Corinthian. Just because a site is listed in the consultation doesn't mean that it will be finally included. He cited grounds of medical services and traffic, it had been rejected 20 years ago too. Cllr Gaywood was against on green belt grounds and said MP was too. He thought the council should spend money on a planning consultant. Cllr Oxtoby said her personal view is against, mentioned 125,000 vehicle movements on Ash Road. Will convene additional meeting in August. Most of the public then left.
09 July 2018 - Finance: Donations
Council donates £100 to North & West Kent Citizen's Advice and £150 to Kent Surrey Sussex Air Ambulance
Council donates £100 to North & West Kent Citizen's Advice and £150 to Kent Surrey Sussex Air Ambulance
09 July 2018 - Parish Council: Data Protection
Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations will cost up to £2,000 including extra keys for cupboards, new shredder, disposal of confidential waste, shutter for storage space at library. They were told they didn't need additional insurance for loss of data because they are already covered.
Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations will cost up to £2,000 including extra keys for cupboards, new shredder, disposal of confidential waste, shutter for storage space at library. They were told they didn't need additional insurance for loss of data because they are already covered.
09 July 2018 - Burial Grounds: Lay by
Council agree unanimously to pay Down to Earth Trees £1,325 to reduce height of 11 Cypress trees there by 50%. Think it will save money in long run. Also to pay same firm £1,475 to remove 10 cypress trees adjoining old garden of remembrance
Council agree unanimously to pay Down to Earth Trees £1,325 to reduce height of 11 Cypress trees there by 50%. Think it will save money in long run. Also to pay same firm £1,475 to remove 10 cypress trees adjoining old garden of remembrance
09 July 2018 - Events: End of WW1
Council voted 7-2 to pay up to £10,000 for armistice event at Manor Field
Council voted 7-2 to pay up to £10,000 for armistice event at Manor Field
09 July 2018 - Parish Council: Standing Orders
They agreed a few changes based on the new model issued by NALC, to reflect changes to legislation such as GDPR.
They agreed a few changes based on the new model issued by NALC, to reflect changes to legislation such as GDPR.
10 September 2018 - Parish Council: Attendance
10 councillors attended the meeting, along with Cllr Brazier (KCC) and Cllr Kelly (SDC). There were 17 members of the public in attendance. There were no declarations of interest
10 councillors attended the meeting, along with Cllr Brazier (KCC) and Cllr Kelly (SDC). There were 17 members of the public in attendance. There were no declarations of interest
10 September 2018 - Sevenoaks Council: Update
Cllr Kelly said they will get no government grant at all next year.
Cllr Kelly said they will get no government grant at all next year.
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Allotments
Dr Roberts asked why allotment rents had gone up more than pitch hire. Cllr Oxtoby thought this was down to rounding.
Dr Roberts asked why allotment rents had gone up more than pitch hire. Cllr Oxtoby thought this was down to rounding.
10 September 2018 - Beechlands Close:
A number of people had attended the meeting to express concerns about the sale of 3 acres of wood at the end of Beechlands Close. At this and the previous amenities committee meeting they had highlighted the fact it was ancient woodland, a rare moth and fungi were mentioned. The possibility of establishing a public right of way or village green status on the land was suggested. Someone claimed travellers were interested in the site but it has a covenant against caravans. The council voted narrowly 6-4 to get further advice on buying the land although they cannot pay more than the District Valuer allows.
A number of people had attended the meeting to express concerns about the sale of 3 acres of wood at the end of Beechlands Close. At this and the previous amenities committee meeting they had highlighted the fact it was ancient woodland, a rare moth and fungi were mentioned. The possibility of establishing a public right of way or village green status on the land was suggested. Someone claimed travellers were interested in the site but it has a covenant against caravans. The council voted narrowly 6-4 to get further advice on buying the land although they cannot pay more than the District Valuer allows.
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Cricket
NAG & Hartley Cricket Club said they had had a good season. They said the outfield had not always been cut (council said it was down to the weather) and the water in the showers was sometimes cold (council to sort out).
NAG & Hartley Cricket Club said they had had a good season. They said the outfield had not always been cut (council said it was down to the weather) and the water in the showers was sometimes cold (council to sort out).
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Football
Hartley de Sales also raised the issue of the grass cutting. Council to look at an additional cut in Feb/March but said it will be expensive. Club to get 10 extra keys to field, as they said the gate had to be left open on Friday training sessions because of lack of key holders. The training sessions were news to the councillors, although they had apparently been going on for years, in future they will need to tell the council formally about this. Annual rent for club to rise by £54 to £1,854. A football academy also wants to use the pitches on Wednesdays, but council needs more information first.
Hartley de Sales also raised the issue of the grass cutting. Council to look at an additional cut in Feb/March but said it will be expensive. Club to get 10 extra keys to field, as they said the gate had to be left open on Friday training sessions because of lack of key holders. The training sessions were news to the councillors, although they had apparently been going on for years, in future they will need to tell the council formally about this. Annual rent for club to rise by £54 to £1,854. A football academy also wants to use the pitches on Wednesdays, but council needs more information first.
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
The emergency light in the disabled toilet failed inspection, replacement £71. Boiler passed inspection, council to act on recommendation to remove rubbish around the LPG tank. Also minor repairs to strip light.
The emergency light in the disabled toilet failed inspection, replacement £71. Boiler passed inspection, council to act on recommendation to remove rubbish around the LPG tank. Also minor repairs to strip light.
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Manor Field
Council to buy 3 tons of roadstone to repair car park but also to consider tarmacing the surface too.
Council to buy 3 tons of roadstone to repair car park but also to consider tarmacing the surface too.
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Rectory Meadow
Grass cut by NW Kent Countryside Project in August at cost of £720. They also accepted quote of £1,680 from NWKCP for cutting in accordance with the management plan in 2019.
Grass cut by NW Kent Countryside Project in August at cost of £720. They also accepted quote of £1,680 from NWKCP for cutting in accordance with the management plan in 2019.
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Longfield Hill
Councillors deferred decision on new play equipment and gate for recreation ground there, to consider further. Defects identified by playground inspector to be remedied.
Councillors deferred decision on new play equipment and gate for recreation ground there, to consider further. Defects identified by playground inspector to be remedied.
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Woodland Avenue
A number of defects identified by playground inspector to be remedied. They also noted dog faeces in play area and dog chew damage to straps on cradle swing. Metal gate that no longer closes properly to repaired by Metalworks for £325.
A number of defects identified by playground inspector to be remedied. They also noted dog faeces in play area and dog chew damage to straps on cradle swing. Metal gate that no longer closes properly to repaired by Metalworks for £325.
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Pond
The council discussed this at length. After a recorded vote it accepted the committee's recommendation to drop any adverse possession claim to the pond. Some councillors claimed it was not a pond but a drainage ditch, KCC will do repairs to the road drainage but nothing aesthetic. While the council acknowledged it looks unsightly at present, they do not want to spend money on it.
The council discussed this at length. After a recorded vote it accepted the committee's recommendation to drop any adverse possession claim to the pond. Some councillors claimed it was not a pond but a drainage ditch, KCC will do repairs to the road drainage but nothing aesthetic. While the council acknowledged it looks unsightly at present, they do not want to spend money on it.
10 September 2018 - Amenities: Notice Boards
Council to repair their own noticeboard at the library, and have asked KCC to replace or remove the damaged rights of way board.
Council to repair their own noticeboard at the library, and have asked KCC to replace or remove the damaged rights of way board.
10 September 2018 - Corinthian Development:
Planning committee accepted quote of up to £4,000 from a planning consultant to prepare an objection to the proposal. Council to complain to Sevenoaks Council about the process.
Planning committee accepted quote of up to £4,000 from a planning consultant to prepare an objection to the proposal. Council to complain to Sevenoaks Council about the process.
10 September 2018 - Events: WW1 Commemoration
The sub-committee authorised a number of payments - erection of beacon £1,790; wood for burner £200; overnight security £500; plaque for beacon £70; Medical Cover £180
The sub-committee authorised a number of payments - erection of beacon £1,790; wood for burner £200; overnight security £500; plaque for beacon £70; Medical Cover £180
10 September 2018 - Ash Road:
Council told they could have a pelican crossing at Hoselands Green instead of a zebra crossing, which was rejected because there is too much traffic. The total cost will be £75,000, HPC have already offered £25K, Community Infrastructure Levy will add £4K and Kent Highways would pay £5-25K, but this leaves the council still at least £25K short.
Council told they could have a pelican crossing at Hoselands Green instead of a zebra crossing, which was rejected because there is too much traffic. The total cost will be £75,000, HPC have already offered £25K, Community Infrastructure Levy will add £4K and Kent Highways would pay £5-25K, but this leaves the council still at least £25K short.
08 October 2018 - Parish Council: Attendance
7 councillors only attended (Cllrs Cole, Bennett, Oxtoby, Abraham, Alford, Graeme, Mohr). There were no declarations of interest
7 councillors only attended (Cllrs Cole, Bennett, Oxtoby, Abraham, Alford, Graeme, Mohr). There were no declarations of interest
08 October 2018 - Roads: Castle Hill
Cllr Brazier said he had received a letter requesting traffic calming on Castle Hill
Cllr Brazier said he had received a letter requesting traffic calming on Castle Hill
08 October 2018 - Hartley Wood:
Dr Roberts asked whether they had thought of extending the village green on the whole of Hartley Wood. Cllr Alford asked about buying the land, Cllr Abraham said owners had turned down offer of £10,000, Cllr Alford pressed for public right of way instead.
Dr Roberts asked whether they had thought of extending the village green on the whole of Hartley Wood. Cllr Alford asked about buying the land, Cllr Abraham said owners had turned down offer of £10,000, Cllr Alford pressed for public right of way instead.
08 October 2018 - Burial Grounds: Fees
They agreed 7 votes to 0 to increase all fees by £5 (except free ones) and freeze at £35 the fee to All Saints' Church for occasional use of the car park
They agreed 7 votes to 0 to increase all fees by £5 (except free ones) and freeze at £35 the fee to All Saints' Church for occasional use of the car park
08 October 2018 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
They decided on a lavender bed border to area for interrment of ashes, two raised plinths 1.35m long and a 3m pergola. They are seeking advice about what to do with spoil.
They decided on a lavender bed border to area for interrment of ashes, two raised plinths 1.35m long and a 3m pergola. They are seeking advice about what to do with spoil.
08 October 2018 - Burial Grounds: Old Garden of Remembrance
Since trees have been removed they realise fence needs reinstating. Gate by tap needs fixing as it is difficult to close. They are not so sure paths need repaving, so will ask Mr Munday to repoint it for now. Quotations to be sought for an evergreen hedge where trees were.
Since trees have been removed they realise fence needs reinstating. Gate by tap needs fixing as it is difficult to close. They are not so sure paths need repaving, so will ask Mr Munday to repoint it for now. Quotations to be sought for an evergreen hedge where trees were.
08 October 2018 - Roads: Ash Road
Correspondence from KCC says they can't have a zebra crossing but a signal one costing about £75,000 is possible. KCC will pay £25,000 so council will have to find the rest. They plan to add a speed indicator sign pole to Hoselands Green. A resident had written to complain of speeding coaches in Ash Road, told by PC there was little they could do.
Correspondence from KCC says they can't have a zebra crossing but a signal one costing about £75,000 is possible. KCC will pay £25,000 so council will have to find the rest. They plan to add a speed indicator sign pole to Hoselands Green. A resident had written to complain of speeding coaches in Ash Road, told by PC there was little they could do.
08 October 2018 - Parish Council: Data Protection
They are awaiting compliancy visit and decided to buy encryption software for $29
They are awaiting compliancy visit and decided to buy encryption software for $29
08 October 2018 - Events: Remembrance Sunday
Usual arrangements made, told by fire brigade they must have plan to allow emergency vehicle access.
Usual arrangements made, told by fire brigade they must have plan to allow emergency vehicle access.
08 October 2018 - Northfield: Payments
Invoices of £1,059 were agreed including service of bollard (£195), grass cutting (£250), dog bin emptying (£189)
Invoices of £1,059 were agreed including service of bollard (£195), grass cutting (£250), dog bin emptying (£189)
08 October 2018 - Northfield: Maintenance
Quotation of £995 from Guardtop accepted to carry out hedge maintenance. Meopham U3A Bee Watch Group will send reports they have been conducting over the last 2 years. Horse riding route has 17 members.
Quotation of £995 from Guardtop accepted to carry out hedge maintenance. Meopham U3A Bee Watch Group will send reports they have been conducting over the last 2 years. Horse riding route has 17 members.
08 October 2018 - Northfield: Legal
Suggestion to extend lease to 999 years and register land as a village green to protect from development to be sent to Village Association
Suggestion to extend lease to 999 years and register land as a village green to protect from development to be sent to Village Association
12 November 2018 - Parish Council Attendance
All councillors were present with the exception of Cllrs Malham and Cole. Also present were Mrs Boden (clerk), Cllr Brazier (KCC), Cllr Kelly (SDC) and 7 members of the public
All councillors were present with the exception of Cllrs Malham and Cole. Also present were Mrs Boden (clerk), Cllr Brazier (KCC), Cllr Kelly (SDC) and 7 members of the public
12 November 2018 - Village Hall
The committee recommended giving the Village Hall Trust (the council!) £3,000 for internal works. Cllr Vesey was disappointed that the £12,000 on external works was not included. Council hope to use Community Infrastructure Levy money (that is the money received from developers of new houses in Hartley), Sevenoaks have told them they can but it must be spent on the project and overseen by the Parish Council. Failure to do this could result in recovery proceedings. Council decided to seek more advice before proceeding.
The committee recommended giving the Village Hall Trust (the council!) £3,000 for internal works. Cllr Vesey was disappointed that the £12,000 on external works was not included. Council hope to use Community Infrastructure Levy money (that is the money received from developers of new houses in Hartley), Sevenoaks have told them they can but it must be spent on the project and overseen by the Parish Council. Failure to do this could result in recovery proceedings. Council decided to seek more advice before proceeding.
12 November 2018 - Parish Precept
Council considered budget for 2019/20. They expect the cost of routine maintenance of open spaces to rise if the current contractor doesn't quote again, but think it can be paid out of reserves next year.
Council considered budget for 2019/20. They expect the cost of routine maintenance of open spaces to rise if the current contractor doesn't quote again, but think it can be paid out of reserves next year.
12 November 2018 - Manor Field Car Park
Finance Committee thought resurfacing of the car park would be a good idea, especially when the burial ground is open, but it will cost a lot of money. Decision deferred.
Finance Committee thought resurfacing of the car park would be a good idea, especially when the burial ground is open, but it will cost a lot of money. Decision deferred.
12 November 2018 - Developer Contributions
Council to receive £10,930 in Community Infrastructure Levy contributions from developers this year.
Council to receive £10,930 in Community Infrastructure Levy contributions from developers this year.
12 November 2018 - Banking facilities
The closure of Barclays Bank in Longfield in December will cause problems in getting petty cash. Council to investigate whether they can get it from the Post Office.
The closure of Barclays Bank in Longfield in December will cause problems in getting petty cash. Council to investigate whether they can get it from the Post Office.
12 November 2018 - Proposed 755 houses at New Ash Green
Council to object to Sevenoaks, they also refused to meet Billings Group about the Corinthian Proposals at this stage.
Council to object to Sevenoaks, they also refused to meet Billings Group about the Corinthian Proposals at this stage.
12 November 2018 - Payments
Payments of £14,631 for November were approved. This included £2,800 for tree felling and pruning (at Church car park ?), £435 for football pitch marking, £716 for cleaning and chlorination at the Manor Field Pavilion.
Payments of £14,631 for November were approved. This included £2,800 for tree felling and pruning (at Church car park ?), £435 for football pitch marking, £716 for cleaning and chlorination at the Manor Field Pavilion.
10 December 2018 - Community Wardens:
Cllr Brazier (KCC) said the numbers have already been reduced from 100 to 65, and there is talk of reducing the number of community wardens further.
Cllr Brazier (KCC) said the numbers have already been reduced from 100 to 65, and there is talk of reducing the number of community wardens further.
10 December 2018 - Transport: Buses
Cllr Brazier said there is talk of increasing the cost of the young person's bus pass from £300 to £350. A resident wrote to complain Arriva are underrecording bus usage because their equipment is regularly out of action, and they were concerned it would be used to reduce bus services further. Council to write to Arriva and KCC.
Cllr Brazier said there is talk of increasing the cost of the young person's bus pass from £300 to £350. A resident wrote to complain Arriva are underrecording bus usage because their equipment is regularly out of action, and they were concerned it would be used to reduce bus services further. Council to write to Arriva and KCC.
10 December 2018 - Rubbish collection:
Cllr Brazier said KCC are discussing charging to use recycling centres.
Cllr Brazier said KCC are discussing charging to use recycling centres.
10 December 2018 - Amenities: Football
Football club had asked for a one off grass cut in February/March. This will cost £60. Clerk authorised to commission this if necessary. Club informed them their summer training time is Fridays 4-8pm. Local football academy authorised to run 3 hour sessions at Manor Field, although Hartley De Sales FC has misgivings, fee to be £5 per hour to include 1 hour's use of pavilion.
Football club had asked for a one off grass cut in February/March. This will cost £60. Clerk authorised to commission this if necessary. Club informed them their summer training time is Fridays 4-8pm. Local football academy authorised to run 3 hour sessions at Manor Field, although Hartley De Sales FC has misgivings, fee to be £5 per hour to include 1 hour's use of pavilion.
10 December 2018 - Amenities: Cricket
Manor Field club said it would be technically difficult to remove sight screen, council to see if scrap merchant interested.
Manor Field club said it would be technically difficult to remove sight screen, council to see if scrap merchant interested.
10 December 2018 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
Cleaning contractor Sebias Cleaning Services Ltd has ceased trading, new contract awarded to DartClean at £2,181 per annum.
Cleaning contractor Sebias Cleaning Services Ltd has ceased trading, new contract awarded to DartClean at £2,181 per annum.
10 December 2018 - Amenities: Manor Field
This year they have done following works: March & Sept (Fertiliser, sulphate of iron), June (fertiliser, herbicide), plan same for 2019, accepted quote for this of £1,024 from Weed Management Ltd. Cllr Malham offered to prepare specifications for resurfacing of the car park. A hirer had suggested additional lights front and back of the pavilion and at the gate, they rejected pavilion suggestion but will look at lighting the gate. Larger dog bin to be installed, as apparently current one is overflowing.
This year they have done following works: March & Sept (Fertiliser, sulphate of iron), June (fertiliser, herbicide), plan same for 2019, accepted quote for this of £1,024 from Weed Management Ltd. Cllr Malham offered to prepare specifications for resurfacing of the car park. A hirer had suggested additional lights front and back of the pavilion and at the gate, they rejected pavilion suggestion but will look at lighting the gate. Larger dog bin to be installed, as apparently current one is overflowing.
10 December 2018 - Amenities: Longfield Hill
The quotations they had received for new play equipment weren't quite what they wanted, so Cllr Graeme will come back to next meeting with further ideas. Replacement gates was a medium/high risk in the inspection, so can't wait for a decision on the playground. They accepted quote of £2,616 from Joseph Ash Medway.
The quotations they had received for new play equipment weren't quite what they wanted, so Cllr Graeme will come back to next meeting with further ideas. Replacement gates was a medium/high risk in the inspection, so can't wait for a decision on the playground. They accepted quote of £2,616 from Joseph Ash Medway.
10 December 2018 - Amenities: Pond
They are to speak to the Pond Warden to discuss ways it might be improved.
They are to speak to the Pond Warden to discuss ways it might be improved.
10 December 2018 - Amenities: Allotments
They allowed an allotment holder to grow a fig tree, so long as no higher than 2m. KCC say the overhanging tree at Larksfield is a boundary one and not their responsibility. Rather than argue the toss, the committee agree it must be pruned and are getting quotes.
They allowed an allotment holder to grow a fig tree, so long as no higher than 2m. KCC say the overhanging tree at Larksfield is a boundary one and not their responsibility. Rather than argue the toss, the committee agree it must be pruned and are getting quotes.
10 December 2018 - Parish Council: Noticeboards
Noticeboard outside library needs replacing. Rights of Way board has been removed due to split in one of the posts.
Noticeboard outside library needs replacing. Rights of Way board has been removed due to split in one of the posts.
10 December 2018 - Amenities: Trees
Two residents complain trees are shading out their property at (1) Woodland Avenue (2) Gorsewood, council say it is not their policy to lop in those circumstances, but will allow it to be reduced if the residents pay for it themselves.
Two residents complain trees are shading out their property at (1) Woodland Avenue (2) Gorsewood, council say it is not their policy to lop in those circumstances, but will allow it to be reduced if the residents pay for it themselves.
10 December 2018 - Events: WW1 Commemoration
Total expenditure was £10,058 but they thought it had gone well. £50 donation to WI for their help.
Total expenditure was £10,058 but they thought it had gone well. £50 donation to WI for their help.
10 December 2018 - Roads: Ash Road
Council discussed crossing at Parkfield. KCC say levels of traffic mean it can't be a zebra crossing, but cost is likely to be less than first thought. KCC also said the location would have to be moved to be closer to Larksfield. Council accepted this. They received a quote from KCC of £1,100 to install a pole for the Speed Indicator Device at Hoselands Green, but deferred taking action to await developments with the pedestrian crossing. Following theft of metal sign, council to look into buying "village gates"
Council discussed crossing at Parkfield. KCC say levels of traffic mean it can't be a zebra crossing, but cost is likely to be less than first thought. KCC also said the location would have to be moved to be closer to Larksfield. Council accepted this. They received a quote from KCC of £1,100 to install a pole for the Speed Indicator Device at Hoselands Green, but deferred taking action to await developments with the pedestrian crossing. Following theft of metal sign, council to look into buying "village gates"
10 December 2018 - Youth Services:
Latest report on weekly youth sessions at Woodland Avenue find numbers vary from 2 to 20+, with average age of 14. They discussed future youth provision and decided the weekly sessions should be limited to March - October and to go back to West Kent Housing on that basis. One of the bids for Family Fun Days in 2019 requires elucidation.
Latest report on weekly youth sessions at Woodland Avenue find numbers vary from 2 to 20+, with average age of 14. They discussed future youth provision and decided the weekly sessions should be limited to March - October and to go back to West Kent Housing on that basis. One of the bids for Family Fun Days in 2019 requires elucidation.
10 December 2018 - Parish Council: Data Protection
They have received a letter from their insurers regarding a security breach in 3 of their email accounts. As a result of this councillors will have their own address to prevent them using personal email accounts for council business.
They have received a letter from their insurers regarding a security breach in 3 of their email accounts. As a result of this councillors will have their own address to prevent them using personal email accounts for council business.
10 December 2018 - Libraries:
KCC propose putting Hartley Library in a group of those opening 23 hours a week, a reduction of 5 hours. Council felt they didn't have information on usage to properly reply and didn't like arbitrary grouping of libraries,
KCC propose putting Hartley Library in a group of those opening 23 hours a week, a reduction of 5 hours. Council felt they didn't have information on usage to properly reply and didn't like arbitrary grouping of libraries,
10 December 2018 - Corinthian Development:
Council informed that Sevenoaks had removed the sites from the consultation, but two additional sites had come forward in New Ash Green. Both Hartley and Ash PCs are against them too. They also discussed what they wanted their planning consultant to do, provided cost doesn't exceed their earmarked reserve.
Council informed that Sevenoaks had removed the sites from the consultation, but two additional sites had come forward in New Ash Green. Both Hartley and Ash PCs are against them too. They also discussed what they wanted their planning consultant to do, provided cost doesn't exceed their earmarked reserve.