Parish Council Notes 2019 - Hartley-Kent: The Website for Hartley

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Parish Council Notes 2019

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Allotments Feb 19 May 19 Jul 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Dec 19
Ash Road Mar 19 May 19 Jun 19 Oct 19
Burial Grounds: Burial Ground Mar 19 May 19 Jul 19
Burial Grounds: Charges Dec 19
Burial Grounds: Closed churchyard Feb 19 Dec 19
Burial Grounds: Fees May 19
Burial Grounds: Grass Cutting Dec 19
Burial Grounds: Hartley Burial Ground Feb 19 Sep 19 Oct 19
Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground Feb 19 Mar 19 May 19 Jul 19 Sep 19 Dec 19
Burial Grounds: Old Garden of Remembrance Feb 19 Mar 19 Sep 19 Dec 19
Chapelwood Road Feb 19
Cherry Trees Feb 19 Dec 19
Church Road Mar 19 Oct 19
Corinthian Development: Jan 19 Feb 19
Cricket Feb 19 May 19 Jul 19 Sep 19 Oct 19
Dog bins May 19
Elections: Oct 19
Everglade Close Oct 19
Fairby Lane Sep 19
Finance: Annual Report May 19
Finance: Bank Accounts Mar 19
Finance: Donations Nov 19
Finance: Internal audit Mar 19
Finance: Payments Feb 19 Mar 19 Apr 19 Jun 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Nov 19 Dec 19
Finance: Policies Mar 19
Finance: Precept Nov 19
Finance: Reserves Mar 19
Food Bank: Jul 19 Oct 19
Football May 19 Jul 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Dec 19
Gorsewood Feb 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Dec 19
Grass Cutting Oct 19
Health: Urgent Care Centre Oct 19
Hoselands Green Oct 19
Internal Audit Jan 19
Manor Field Feb 19 May 19 Jul 19 Dec 19
Manor Field Pavilion Feb 19 May 19 Jul 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Dec 19
Northfield: Jun 19 Nov 19
Old Downs Oct 19
Parish Council: Attendance Jan 19 Jan 19 Feb 19 Mar 19 Apr 19 May 19 May 19 Jul 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Nov 19 Dec 19
Parish Council: Computers Nov 19
Parish Council: Emergency Plan Oct 19
Staff Apr 19
Parish Precept Jan 19
Payments Jan 19
Petty Cash Jan 19
Planning: Dec 19
Planning: District Plan Mar 19 Oct 19
Playgrounds Feb 19 May 19 Jul 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Nov 19
Pond Jul 19
Rectory Meadow Oct 19 Dec 19
Recycling Sep 19
Remembrance Sunday: Oct 19
Roads May 19
Roads: Signage Jun 19
Routine Maintenance Contract May 19
Springcroft Mar 19
Transport: Buses Oct 19
Trees May 19 Jul 19 Sep 19 Dec 19
VE Day Commemorations: Jul 19 Sep 19
Village Gate Jun 19 Nov 19
Village Hall: Mar 19 May 19
Woodland Avenue Feb 19 Jul 19 Dec 19
Youth Services: Mar 19 Jun 19 Oct 19
14 January 2019 - Parish Council: Attendance
10 councillors (Oxtoby, Abraham, Bennett, Cole, Graeme, Malham, Mohr, Ross, Sewell, Tremain), along with Cllr Brazier (KCC), Cllr Kelly (Sevenoaks) and 3 members of the public.  Apologies were received from Cllrs Alford and Ewing
Parish Council Meeting

14 January 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
Following Mrs Vesey's resignation, the council received an application for cooption from Ms Lesley Driscoll at the meeting.
Parish Council Meeting

14 January 2019 - Parish Precept
Council decided to keep precept same at £52.32 for band D property but because of more houses in Hartley this increases income from £132,803 to £133,697.
Parish Council Meeting

14 January 2019 - Internal Audit
Council has put out internal audit for tender, but has so far only received one bid.
Parish Council Meeting

14 January 2019 - Petty Cash
Council told there is no way they can get cash from Post Office without being charged by bank.  So they decided to finance petty cash from cash sales of bin sacks.
Parish Council Meeting

14 January 2019 - Corinthian Development:
Current developments on the new district plan were discussed.  Council wanted to see if Ash parish council would contribute towards their planning consultant in view of large site proposed at New Ash Green.  Hever Tropics etc, Orpins and Oast House Nursery Sites also mentioned.
Parish Council Meeting

14 January 2019 - Payments
Payments of £11,456 were agreed for January including £1,682 for new monohinge gates, £350 to service Manor Field boiler, £416 to empty dog bins, £400 for internal audit.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
9 councillors were present, with Cllr Brazier (KCC), Cllr Kelly (SDC), and 6 members of the public.  At the meeting the only applicant Lesley Driscoll was coopted to the council, she joined the Amenities and General Purposes Committees
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Roads: Cherry Trees
The potholes in the road have been repaired.  Cllr Abraham said he had received notice of a 2 day closure but none of the shops had been told.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Roads: Chapelwood Road
Cllr Oxtoby said it had a lot of potholes, Cllr Brazier said he would investigate
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Roads: Woodland Avenue
A resident said it had been cleared of snow for the first time they could remember.  Cllr Brazier said that was down to a partnership between KCC and local farmers
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Amenities: Cricket
No reply from scrap merchant about sight screens at Manor Field, so Cricket club to be asked to remove them.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
Council reappointed Caches Limited for annual boiler maintenance for same as last year, £470.  They also bought 5 soap dispensers from County Supplies for £80 because current ones are difficult to get soap for, cheaper alternative has more expensive soap.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field
Cllr Malham to prepare specifications for car park either tarmac or grid mats.  They also want to install lights at the gate, and repair one of the existing floodlights which hasn't worked for years.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Amenities: Playgrounds
Annual inspection contained a number of recommendations affecting all playgrounds, which they are acting upon.  Repairs to the pod swing at Woodland Avenue to reduce risk of collapse will cost £1,729 from Playdale.  They are looking at improvements at Longfield Hill and had asked Longfield PC if they would like to contribute but have received no reply.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Amenities: Allotments
Leylandii hedge to be lowered and ash trees reduced by Down to Earth Ltd for £442.  One plot uncultivated but tenant says they want to continue, however still no rent paid, so council give them 40 days to pay.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Amenities: Gorsewood
Two ivy covered hornbeans to be removed at cost of £305 to reduce risk of falling onto neighbouring property, during felling works an ash tree with a crack was also noticed, and so was removed for a further £305.  Two branches of another ash tree in Gorsewood to be removed following concerns raised by resident whose property they overhung.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
They looked at designs and decided they wanted a 3m pergola, however not enough detailed quotes to make a decision
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Burial Grounds: Hartley Burial Ground
They served notice to turf one grave and had heard nothing but apparently the family had told Mr Munday that under no circumstances should it be turfed, so it will be left.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Burial Grounds: Old Garden of Remembrance
Mr Munday to be asked to repoint and jet wash slabs.  They are to seek advice on hedging plants where trees bordering the car park have been removed.  They accepted a donation to replant flower bed.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Burial Grounds: Closed churchyard
Quote of £330 from Mr Munday accepted for works to various trees and shrubs.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Corinthian Development:
No Hartley Expansion had shared their planning consultant's response with the PC, who will add some to their own objection.  New Ash Green has apparently been designated an "historic village" in the Green Belt assessment, because it is a planned development.
Parish Council Meeting

11 February 2019 - Finance: Payments
Invoices of £12,011 for February were agreed.
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
7 councillors only attended, they appeared to be filling in their nomination forms for the election.  Also present was Cllr Brazier (Kent County Council)
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Roads: Springcroft
A resident of Springcroft thanked the county council for filling in the potholes
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
They approved the layout plan prepared by Pear Technology.  It appears to have 200 plots for burial of ashes.  Ashes will be buried in the same way as in the current ground, they prefer for spoil to be removed from site, but need to check with the funeral directors first.
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Burial Grounds: Burial Ground
Leaning fence by car park to be repaired
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Burial Grounds: Old Garden of Remembrance
Slabs have been washed and repointed.  Heather and bark to be bought for beds.
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Village Hall:
Council have agreed to give £3,000 for redecoration, but have now decided they and not the trust will commission the works.
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Finance: Bank Accounts
Review of internal audit leads to them deciding to require those with pin number to sign declaration not to reveal it.
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Finance: Policies
Various policies were reviewed and approved.  Storage container at Manor Field to be added to insurance policy.
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Finance: Internal audit
David Buckett appointed as internal auditor for next 3 years at £450 per visit plus mileage
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Roads: Ash Road
New puffin crossing at Parkfield will cost £50,000.  KCC will pay £12,500, Cllr Brazier member's grant will add £5,000, so PC left with £32,500 bill.  They decided it was OK to award contract to KCC Highway Services.  £16,000 of the PC's contribution will come from Community Infrastructure Levy money.  It will probably be done in the summer.  Complaints received about speeding traffic on Hoselands Hill.  They are still looking at village gates, they have to be installed by KCC at a cost of £1,200 - £1,500 each.  They see it as a way of reducing speeding as they will have speed limit on them (but see later meetings)
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Roads: Church Road
A member of the public asked for signs to beware of pedestrians on part with no pavement, as traffic had increased
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Finance: Reserves
Reserves policy approved, as well as various transfers of funds.
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Youth Services:
West Kent Housing Association have consulted with young people who tell them that rather than a family fun day they would prefer regular programme would be better.  Council agreed to pay West Ketn Communities £3,525 for 35 weekly youth sessions at Woodland Avenue, two staff for three hours each week.  Also the chairman and clerk can authorise any further expenses up to £4,000 youth budget
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Planning: District Plan
Planning consultant has billed them £1,932 for site visit, initial read of papers and advice.  Council want to object to two new sites at Chapelwood Road.  Billings Group has submitted comments to say why they think draft plan is unsound.
Parish Council Meeting

11 March 2019 - Finance: Payments
Payments of £13,013 for March were approved
Parish Council Meeting

08 April 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
8 councillors ere present, plus Cllr Brazier (KCC) and 2 members of the public
Parish Council Meeting

08 April 2019 - Parish Council: Staff
Clerk had said because assistant clerk only works 3 days a week, she is getting a lot of tasks which stop her doing her job.  Council agreed unanimously to close office from 1pm on Friday and to increase assistant clerk's hours by up to 8 a month to deal with busy times or training, and also to run a new job evaluation which had last been done in 2012
Parish Council Meeting

08 April 2019 - Finance: Payments
Invoices of £12,861 for April were agreed.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Parish Council Attendance
All were present except Cllrs Abraham and Ewing
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
Only candidates Ann Oxtoby and Larry Abraham were re-elected chairman and vice chairman.  There were some changes in committee etc membership, they decided in future to try to get someone to represent them on Rural Age Concern.  The council also approved their standing orders and various other policy documents
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Roads
Kent County Councillor Brazier said the council will spend £8.6m on pothole repairs, in first quarter they have filled in the equivalent of 46 football pitches.  They have also spent £11m on surfacing machinery, as well as replacing 116,000 light bulbs with LED saving 65% energy and replaced 3,500 concrete columns.  Cllr Mrs Bennett raised concerns about flooding on Fawkham Valley Road, he will investigate.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Amenities: Football
Hartley De Sales will be running summer training sessions at Manor Field on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Amenities: Cricket
Council unanimously approved proposal for Hartley and New Ash Green CC to hold a fun day at Manor Field on 26 May subject to safety requirements for bouncy castles.  They also agreed to increase the annual hire for the cricket club by £35 to £1,205.  A scrap merchant is to take away the old sight screens.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Amenities: Trees
For some reason the council excluded the public from this part of the committee meeting.  They refused two requests to deal with overhanging trees at Gorse Wood because a tree risk assessment said there wasn’t a risk.  Broken branch at Youth Shelter removed (£148) and felled field maple which had damaged a fence (£229) and 2 dead cherries at Billings Hill Shaw adjoining the footpath (£381)
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
They rejected a plan to change the referee's changing room into a store room.  They agreed to pay £100 to test the alarm, but wanted more advice as to whether a fire risk assessment (last done in 2006) was necessary.  Hire fees to be unchanged at weekdays £10/hr (regulars £9) and weekend £12 (regulars £9)
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field
They decided to spend up to £500 on repairing the car park floodlight.  They reiterated the ban on flying model planes, a discussion followed about the bye laws, Cllr Cole asked if it covered drones.  Cllr Oxtoby said they are difficult to amend
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Amenities: Playgrounds
The quarterly inspection listed a number of items requiring attention, council to ask Mr Munday to do them.  They agreed unanimously to buy a Playdale Timber Combo 10 ( equipment for Longfield Hill playground at a cost of £2,748 from the £3,500 they received from Network Rail for the works there.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Amenities: Dog bins
Sevenoaks have told them that no new dog bins can be installed because Kent County Council insist it must be mixed with ordinary rubbish.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Amenities: Routine Maintenance Contract
Council unanimously agreed to award contract for 2019/20 to T D Munday for £10,266.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Amenities: Allotments
Following a large £1,108 bill from Castle Water, the supplier told them to get a plumber to look for leaks but there were none.  Council said they contacted Castle again to be told the bill was actually an estimate and it turned out the bill should have been £251.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
They will spray weeds on path to ground and look at laying on water.  They accepted a quote of £1,658 from Baylis Landscape Contractors for 2 brick built pllinths 2 x 6m
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Burial Grounds: Burial Ground
One grave required turfing and they are to speak to the gravediggers about the size of the spoil heap, the understanding was that it should be removed each year.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Burial Grounds: Fees
In anticipation of government funding scheme, the council agreed to waive fees for children aged 12-17, burials of those under 12 are already free.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Finance: Annual Report
The accounts for 2018/19 - once again income exceeded expenditure, this year there was a £14,355 surplus, making the council's balance £271,577.  The council also discussed various financial policy documents
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Roads: Ash Road
The Finance Committee heard the Puffin Crossing ( at Parkfield junction will cost £32,500 for the parish which can be met from the Community Infrastructure Levy money.
Parish Council Meeting

07 May 2019 - Village Hall:
Council informed by Internal Auditor if they wanted to finance works to the Village Hall, they need to commission and pay for the works themselves and gift them to the hall trust, rather than giving it a grant
Parish Council Meeting

10 June 2019 - Roads: Ash Road
Puffin crossing to be installed near Parkfield at a cost of £32,500.  Part of Hoselands Green to be taken to widen the pavement.  County council want to move the bus stop to between Larksfield and Church Road, unacceptable to parish council as too far from Wellfield.  Recent traffic survey suggests increase in traffic in last 2 years.
Parish Council Meeting

10 June 2019 - Youth Services:
Sessions are being held at Woodland Avenue on a Tuesday.  Young people say they would like indoor youth provision but not village hall as too far away, and outdoor gym, council to consider latter.  Local resident raises concern about nitrous oxide cartridges.  Family fun day to be held at Woodland Avenue on 13 August.
Parish Council Meeting

10 June 2019 - Roads: Signage
Council to request KCC to install two new signs (1) At narrowing of Church Road to warn of no pavement (2) No through road at entrance to Old Downs.
Parish Council Meeting

10 June 2019 - Roads: Village Gate
Council looking at putting one in at the northern and southern ends of Ash Road, can't have 30mph sign there too as this is not the start of the limit and repeater signs on gates are not allowed.  This will cost £1,500 per gate.
Parish Council Meeting

10 June 2019 - Northfield:
Invoices of about £1,650 were paid, including dog bin emptying (£166), dormice boxes (£147), hand pull ragwort etc (£640).  Some complaints from residents about the ragwort spraying which the committee put down to people not realising the hay crop is fed to animals.  They decided not to make Northfield a village green because they will lose Defra grants if they did.    Horse riding route has 15 members, dog walkers claim the route is not being adhered to.  Skylarks have been seen on the field.
Parish Council Meeting

10 June 2019 - Finance: Payments
June payments were £807
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
Only 8 councillors were present at the meeting
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Food Bank:
County Councillor Brazier reported that a food bank is to open in New Ash Green.  They are getting the unit in the shopping centre for free and both he via the member's scheme and Sevenoaks Council will be contributing towards it.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Amenities: Cricket
Cricket club at Manor Field having difficulty finding someone to remove the sight screens.  They also report showers were cold at 7pm.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Amenities: Football
Hartley De Sales complained about large increase in fees last year and said they might not carry on if they go up again.  Council agree on a £46 increase to £1,900 for the 4 teams and will provide details of their costs.  Will provide new sockets for goal posts and paint them too.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
New LED emergency light to be provided in kitchen hallway and Gents after annual test found them too dim, cost £110.  Local resident with relevant qualifications has offered to do fire risk assessment for free, council agreed with thanks.  Apparently there are no smoke alarms in the pavilion.  Works to cold water tank following 2017 recommendations to prevent legionella to be undertaken by Caches Ltd for £283.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field
Council to get quotes for gravel stabilisation grid for carpark, as the district council will not allow tarmac in green belt.  Both floodlights in car park need replacing.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Amenities: Playgrounds
Minor repairs authorised to Woodland Avenue, Longfield Hill and Chantry Avenue playgrounds following inspections.  Seat on cradle swing at Woodland Avenue will need replacing at cost of £174.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Amenities: Woodland Avenue
Gate damaged by car crashing into it.  Quotations for new gate being obtained.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Amenities: Pond
Council decided not to do anything about the pond, although they were concerned about its state.  Kent County Council said they would only act to maintain drainage from road, not anything aesthetic.  A local group had put a notice to advocate improvements.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Amenities: Allotments
Council allowed request by allotment holder to grow 2 miniature apple trees.  Two notices threatening termination of tenancy to be sent to tenants of uncultivated plots.  Neighbouring landowner complains about council's fence leaning on theirs and tree shading out their garden.  Council to do something about the fence but not the tree as they say it isn't a health and safety problem.  Council also refused request to crown ash tree overhanging another plot as it was not on their land and they don't think it will make a difference.  Fees for allotments to be unchanged for 2020/21.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Amenities: Trees
They are waiting for a report on Ash trees and die back.  They are difficult to deal with as felling may cause them to explode; cost per tree about £1,000.  Branch of tree at the Burial Ground and trees by a property at Porchester Close to be removed.  Other trees near Porchester Close were said to be interfering with television picture, but council say they are not a health and safety hazard so won't take action.  Another resident concerned about tree in Hartley Wood, tree surgeon said it wasn't a risk but recommended pruning hornbeams by the property, council to get quotation.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
Council accept quote from Jade Construction Limited of £4,400 for 2m x 6m pergola.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - Burial Grounds: Burial Ground
Some actions following visual inspection.  They agree to accept reservation of double plot request but only if plot not needed before new burial ground opened.  Old Garden of Remembrance to be planted with new plants and shrubs, following complaint from resident that area did not look well tended.
Parish Council Meeting

08 July 2019 - VE Day Commemorations:
Initial plans: Service at War Memorial (3pm), Event at Manor Field (4pm).  Quotations to be obtained for marquee hire, fireworks, PA system.  Budget of £7,000 agreed
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
There were 10 councillors present, plus the clerk and 3 members of the public
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Amenities: Cricket
The showers at Manor Field had been cold at 7pm, the council's electrician found a loose wire which has partially solved the problem, but the cricket club says it is still running cold.  Meopham have lost a junior team so won't need Longfield Hill this year but they will continue to maintain it because they hope to have a team in 2020.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Amenities: Football
Council accepted quotation from KCC Landscape Services to mark out 3 pitches and another 9 a side pitch with respect lines, for £631.  The club had complained one set of posts was leaning and asked for new sockets.  Council agreed there is a problem, but think grass cutting would also damage any new sockets and they would be expensive, so they want to meet the club to discuss alternatives.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
The Fire Risk Assessment found no new issues, and they accepted quote from BrodexTrident to do a legionella risk assessment for £350.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Amenities: Playgrounds
Quote from Playdale for a Timber Combo 10 to be installed at Longfield Hill has been accepted, cost £2,748.  They are going to ask Mr Mundy if he can repair the surfacing.  They also hope Mr Mundy can grease the Chantry Avenue roundabout which is stiff to turn, but it may be unaccessible, if so it will cost them £155.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Amenities: Trees
Tree risk assessment reported dangerous tree on land bordering burial ground which is overhanging parish council's land.  They have put the shed out of bounds because of the risk and have written to the landowner.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Amenities: Fairby Lane
Parish council turned down request for dog bin at Fairby Lane because they don't own the land.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Amenities: Allotments
Rubbish has been dumped near the gate apparently this included a three piece suite, allotment owners to be told not to do that.  One of the owners has replaced the leaking taps.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Amenities: Gorsewood
There have been instances of fly tipping near the Caxton Close car park.  Council to keep log of incidences in Hartley because they blame KCC for introducing charges to dispose of certain items at Pepper Hill.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Amenities: Recycling
Council voted 9-0 to reject a suggestion by Sevenoaks Council that the bottle banks be restored to Woodland Avenue (they had been removed in 2011)
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
They discussed some landscaping issues.  They also decided to charge the same as the existing burial ground, confirming to a question from Mr Mayer that the 3 times fee for non-residents would also apply.  Reservations for burials would be allowed but not for specific plots.  They accepted a £430 increase in the cost of the pergola because oak prices had risen folliowing the fire at Notre Dame.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Burial Grounds: Hartley Burial Ground
They accepted a request from a resident who had purchased a plot for £30 in 1994 to swap this for a plot to bury a pot of ashes
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Burial Grounds: Old Garden of Remembrance
They accepted a quote from Bottanical to supply and install plants for flowerbed at cost of £484.  They have received a donation of £300 from a resident towards this.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - VE Day Commemorations:
The Committee discussed a number of suggetions including coconut shy, ice cream van, vintage fire engine, involvement of schools and rugby club, possible Hartley Players play, cine footage, bar, lighting of beacon.
Parish Council Meeting

09 September 2019 - Finance: Payments
Payments of £28,543 were agreed.  Dr Roberts queried why the council is being billed £913 for a parish council election that didn't take place?  They promised to query this with Sevenoaks.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
Just 5 councillors attended this meeting, plus Cllr Brazier (KCC) and one member of the public.  Councillors are to be given council email addresses so they don't get official data mixed up with personal email addresses.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Amenities: Cricket
Manor Field club said numbers had fallen and they may only play on Saturdays next season.  Family fun day was successful but didn't get any new members.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Amenities: Gorsewood
Member of public at meeting reported broken fence panels, fly tipping, broken gate allowing motor bikes to get into wood and anti-social behaviour in the car park was noted.  Mr Munday to be asked to deal with fence panels, gate and a tree shading light in car park.  Council refused further request to prune tree near Porcheser Close.  Reguarding flytipping, West Kent Housing have said they are unable to help other than providing anti-flytipping posters.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Amenities: Football
Problems with the goal post sockets were raised by the football club, and alternatives and grants were discussed.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
Hartley Players had booked the Pavilion from September to November and asked for a discount because they said the profits from their shows are donated to charity, this time the Wellfield Carers Cafe.  Committee said they were already getting the lower regular hirers fee of £9 per hour, and they only waive fees for one off events, so recommend the request be rejected.  Full council ratified the recommendation.  They also decided to change electricity supplier from British Gas to SSE.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Amenities: Playgrounds
Mr Munday to be asked to fix self closing gates at Woodland Avenue and Chantry Avenue, which are closing too quickly and several other items raised in the recent inpsection.  He has also repaired the safety surface at Longfield Hill.  They decided to get a metal bin for Woodland Avenue to replace the current sack bin.  This had been installed some years ago because the old metal bin kept being set alight.  The sacks have prevented this, but they regularly break and scatter litter across the field.  Complaints have been received about dog mess on Woodland Avenue ground and even the playground.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Amenities: Hoselands Green
Council to spend £1,420 with Down to Earth Trees Limited removing ivy from Ash trees there
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Burial Grounds: Hartley Burial Ground
Council to write again to adjoining landowner about overhanging tree, to say matter is urgent
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Amenities: Grass Cutting
Quotations from Landscape Services of £8,648 to cut the amenity land and open spaces 2020-22, and £2,509 to cut Manor Field and Longfield Hill 2020-22.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Amenities: Allotments
Council refused request to cut elder tree near Larksfield entrance, and they decided to find out how much Sevenoaks will charge to remove some rubbish.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Amenities: Rectory Meadow
Only quote from North West Kent Countryside Project of £1,680 for spring and summer cuts of grass.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Food Bank:
Representative from prospective food bank addressed General Purposes Committee.  They said there was a need for one in Hartley.  They had been offered a site in New Ash Green but it was not ideal because of lack of disabled access.  The committee said the parish council's buildings were unsuitable but they supported the idea.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Roads: Ash Road
Following an accident outside their property, a member of the public had requested more action on speeding on Ash Road.  Council said they had sent their Speed Indicator statistics to the County Council, but had been told it was not bad enough for a fixed camera, but mobile cameras would be located here on occasion.  They also mentioned Speed Watch, but it was felt people were nervous of doing this.  Committee agreed to make another request for a fixed camera.  Council also discussed the gates they want to put at either end, they decided they wanted the larger size and had got agreement of neighbours to site of southern gate.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Youth Services:
Report said attendees for youth provision had held up well, but West Kent Housing Association said they would no longer be able to provide it.  They had lost 2 youth workers and were having trouble recruiting new staff.  Council to look at joint provision with Ash and West Kingsdown, as Ash were experiencing similar problems.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Roads: Everglade Close
Request from resident for no parking sign referred to Sevenoaks Council
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Roads: Old Downs
No through road sign shortly to be installed.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Roads: Church Road
KCC have agreed to install signs warning of no footpath and possibility of horses
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Health: Urgent Care Centre
Council have written to say they prefer Gravesend Hospital to be the site over Darent Valley Hospital
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Elections:
They have written to Sevenoaks to say they don't want any changes to location of polling stations
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Remembrance Sunday:
Council agreed on arrangements and thanked the WI for providing refreshments
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Parish Council: Emergency Plan
They are satisfied the emergency plan is up to date
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Transport: Buses
Cllr Graeme reported on a new "Taxi Bus" service which runs from Fairseat to Sevenoaks, using existing bus stops and fares, Cllr Brazier said he was involved in it and it may be extended to Hartley and New Ash Green if there is a demand.  It had 8 seats but company were contracted to put more buses on if full.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Finance: Payments
Payments for October of £13,470 were agreed.
Parish Council Meeting

14 October 2019 - Planning: District Plan
Council agree to pay planning consultant to attend 3 days of the examination of the plan.  They will be representing the No Hartley Expansion group as well as the council
Parish Council Meeting

11 November 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
8 members attended the meeting
Parish Council Meeting

11 November 2019 - Finance: Donations
Council agreed 8-0 with recommendation to give £150 to Citizen's Advice in Swanley and Sevenoaks.  In the last 12 months they had helped 50 residents of Hartley with 135 issues.  They also agreed unanimously to give £75 to West Kent Mediation, Cllr Oxtoby said they do work in Hartley
Parish Council Meeting

11 November 2019 - Finance: Precept
Council agreed 8-0 with recommendation to put up prscent by £4,000 or a 3% increase in council tax.  Mr Mayer asked why the council always quote band D charge when the average band in Hartley is band F, Cllr Oxtoby said that was down to Sevenoaks.
Parish Council Meeting

11 November 2019 - Parish Council: Computers
They agreed 7-0 with 1 apparent absention to buy 2 new PCs and 1 laptop for the parish office.   Cllr Driscoll suggested buying 2 laptops instead.
Parish Council Meeting

11 November 2019 - Amenities: Playgrounds
Council agreed to pay the additional premium of £6.45 for the new equipment at Longfield Hill
Parish Council Meeting

11 November 2019 - Roads: Village Gate
Following agreement at May meeting, the cost of the gates will be £2,700 which all councillors attending supported.  Cllr Abraham wondered if it could be paid from the Community infrastructure money.  Cllr Bennett said they are due to get £10,000 from this source.
Parish Council Meeting

11 November 2019 - Northfield:
They agreed to accepted quote from Mr Westwood of £510 to cut grass for 5m field boundary, 3m footpaths and horse riding path for 2020/21, and quote from Mr Munday of £1,200 to cut strip of land by Milestone Academy and play area.  They accepted Glover's quote of nil to cut the hay in 2020/21.  Still complaints about ragwort treatment, council to give detailed explanation - it is a legal requirement, dangerous to animals that eat hay with ragwort in it.  The weedkiller dries within half an hour and is safe for animals within 2 weeks, dogs unlikely to eat the grass.  Skylarks more likely to be disturbed by dogs that people let run free.  Payments of £3,400 were authorised, including £1,170 for ragwort removal, £595 for tree survey, insurance £330, dog bin emptying £343, grass cutting play area £318.  For next year's budget they still only need a £10 contribution from each parish council.
Parish Council Meeting

11 November 2019 - Finance: Payments
Payments of £13,097 were authorised, including £3,443 on the submission for the new District Plan and £1,658 for 2 new plinths
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Parish Council: Councillors
10 councillors were present with apologies from Cllrs Abraham and Ewing
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Amenities: Allotments
Further to the last meeting they have repaired their fence and met with the resident who says their fence had been damaged by the leaning of the parish council fence, they authorised the repairs up to a limit of £100 but also enquired whether their insurers would pay for it.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Amenities: Football
Hartley De Sales said the lines need to be marked every week as they are sometimes too faint.  Council did not want to do it more than the current 2 weekly.  They will write to the football club to ask them not to play If pitches are too waterlogged.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field Pavilion
Some actions authorised following legionella inspection.  They have agreed specifications for internal decoration, and will go out to tender now.  They have been told the VE Day Commemoration will need an external industrial mains socket to avoid tripping the electrics in the pavilion.  They will go out to tender for this.   They have renewed the boiler service contract with Caches at the same price of £470 pa.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Amenities: Manor Field
No quotes received for car park resurfacing because they need plans and specifications, it now seems that costs will have to come out of the council's general reserve and so they refer the matter to the Finance Committee with a recommendation that they appoint an architect for £750 to prepare details.  They agreed to pay £195 to cut hedge on northern boundary.  Works approved for 2020 re fertiliser and moss/weed control (£1,024)
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Amenities: Trees
Landowner's tree surgeon has not cut dangerous tree overhanging burial ground, and council are beginning to get complaints about the cordoned off area.  They have chased matters.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Amenities: Gorsewood
Quote accepted from Sevenoaks Council of £190 to remove flytipping there.  In the future they will consider hiring a skip to get volunteers to clear it up.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Amenities: Rectory Meadow
There are plans to cut the meadow 7 times this year and they agreed that NW Kent Countryside Project can nominate the site for the "Save our Magnificent Meadows" project.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Roads: Cherry Trees
Council passed on complaints about the state of the paving to the agents, only to be told they no longer act for the landlords.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Amenities: Woodland Avenue
Replacement gate to cost £300
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Burial Grounds: Charges
Council agreed with committee recommendation to increase all fees by £5.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Burial Grounds: New Burial Ground
New plinths not dressed, council not sure what they had ordered, but were prepared to pay up to £500 to sort this out.  They accepted a gift of a memorial bench, subject to them approving the design and siting.  No quotes received yet to extend water supply from pavilion to standpipe there.  They discussed whether they should allow people to buy plots, they thought they would lose on this if the plot were not used for years, so they were in favour of a reservation fee of £100 for 20 years, this would be applied to the current cost of the plot but they needed to check the legal points first.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Burial Grounds: Old Garden of Remembrance
Planting had been finished and area looks better in the committee's view, they will ask Botanical Design if they would like now to quote for maintenance contract.  Mr Mundy to be asked to reduce height of holly tree there
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Burial Grounds: Closed churchyard
They are going to speak to the Church about moss on the path, unclear whose responsibility that is.  Resident had said the railings on the path leading to the burial ground were loose and dangerous.  So they were removed, and Mr Mundy to be asked to replace them.
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Burial Grounds: Grass Cutting
They accepted quote from Mr Mundy of £4,994 fpr grass cutting of all burial grounds for year 2020/21
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Planning:
Council to apply with Fawkham PC to designate Billings land near Downs Valley as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Parish Council Meeting

09 December 2019 - Finance: Payments
Payments of £17,690 for December were approved
Parish Council Meeting

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