Briars Way - Hartley-Kent: The Website for Hartley

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Briars Way

Info > Places > A-B
Hartley-Kent: Briars WayBriars Way is a D shaped road that runs off Gorse Way, consisting mainly of bungalows (3 pairs of semi-detached and 19 detached), built on the beginning of the slope into the Springcroft valley, as a result some of the southern houses have quite steep drives.

How it got its name is interesting - the parish council were debating what to call it, one councillor asked what was there before?  Gorse and briars he was told, "well we'll have the gorse, and you have the Briars!" was the reply to a councillor from Briars Way.   Before then it had also been called Gorse Way, a deed from 1955 where the road first appears calls the two roads Gorse Way and Old Gorse Way.

Most of the road was built on land that had been the back garden of two houses in Manor Drive: (1) The Firs and (2) "The Glen", Manor Drive (demolished and replaced with Ashkeys and Driftways, Manor Drive).  The exception is Tabor and Conifer, which were built on the holding bought by May Symons in 1923.

A speed limit of 30mph was set in 1973 which has since been further reduced to 20mph.  A 7.5 tonne weight limit was imposed in 1996.

The road is maintained by the same residents' trust that manages Gorse Way.  In 1966 the residents signed a deed to set up a trust to maintain the road.  The Dartford Chronicle told the story in 1978:

Hartley-Kent: Briars Way
"Gorse  Way is a private road in Hartley with a street scene good enough to  adorn the top of chocolate box.  From almost every window in the houses  you can look out and see trees.

Soon  after Bill and Doris Farmer moved into Gorse Way 17 years ago, a  neighbour suggested they should get together to do something about the  road, which was full of large potholes.

Bill  said: 'We decided to test the feelings of our neighbours to see if they  were willing to have the road made up.  We included the few houses in  Briars Way off Gorse Way.  Everyone agreed and we formed the Gorse Way  and Briars Way Road Committee.

When  the committee was formed, terms were drawn up to start a proper road  fund.  Committee members set to work measuring the road, and how much  frontage each house had, found what materials would be needed and costed  the operation.

Bill  said 'The road was properly laid and paid for in 1967.  When you think  of today's charges it was very cheap.  We charged according to the  mortgage householders had and it worked out between £37 to £50.

The  road has been resurfaced twice since that first laying and residents  are proud of their efforts.  Bill is now chairman of the road committee.   He said 'To keep the road in good shape every householder pays £3 a  year for its upkeep.'  "

Facts about the Road
Length of Road0.18 miles / 297m
KCC ReferenceP13789 Private Street (unadopted)
Acreage5.3 acres / 2.1 ha
(measured using Google Maps Area Calculator Tool)
Number of houses27 mostly bungalows and chalet bungalows
Population (2011)61
Density5.1 houses per acre / 12.7 houses per hectare
Gas & Electricity Consumption27,989 KWh (10th out of Hartley's 62 roads)
Information about the houses
Last updated 24.10.2020


This is information collected from various sources about the houses, divided as follows:

(1) Description - this has mostly been drawn from sale adverts and observation from the road.  Names of properties are included if the road is not numbered or the name appears as well as the number in the offical Royal Mail address.  Changes of name and the date, where known, are also included here.

(2) Building History - the date of construction is sometimes approximate as it is based on the property appearing in the electoral register or the subject of a planning permission etc.

(3) Rates and Council Tax - the rates registers for 1956, 1963 and 1972 are held by Sevenoaks Council.  I have included the gross rateable value, that is the amount it was thought the property could be rented out for.  For some reason the 1956 valuation is actually what the rental would have been in 1939.  The rateable value was then subject to certain statutory deductions and this figure is what people paid rates upon.  Council tax was introduced in 1993, the value was (and still is) what it was believed the property would have sold for on 1 April 1991.  However significant building works means it can be increased when the property is next sold and this is shown by "improvement indicator".

(4) Sales and Rents - mostly from property adverts and Land Registry records.  Of course those based on adverts may not be the price it actually sold for.  There are some cases of property valuations for mortgages from Dartford Rural District Council.  House price data 1995 to date produced by Land Registry © Crown copyright 2023. To report an error, go to Change a sales record form.

(5) Site history - this contains a selection of records which demonstrate which farm and field the property stands upon.

I have tried to make sure the information is accurate, but no responsibility can be taken for any errors. If you plan to rely on the information, you should check the source data to be sure. If you spot an error, please let me know via the contact form.

Outer Circle

Tabor Briars Way DA3 8AD

Semi-detached chalet bungalow (2 bed)

Building History

1957  First Built

1969  Planning App Granted: Erect garage (69/139)
1970  Planning App Granted: Front porch (70/519)
1970  Planning App Refused: Garage (70/520)
1987  Planning App Granted: Roofspace accommodation (87/2259)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £115

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £337

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £117995 (5 Dec 1996)    

2000  Sale Price: £172500 (20 Oct 2000)    Annual percentage change since 1996: +10%

2011  Sale Price: £295000 (21 Oct 2011)    Annual percentage change since 2000: +5%

2018  Sale Price: £500000 (24 Jan 2018)    Annual percentage change since 2011: +9%

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1923  Part of smallholding bought by May Symons from Small Owners Limited

Conifer Briars Way DA3 8AD

Semi-detached chalet bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1957  First Built

2015  Planning App Granted: Conversion of roof space to include 2 dormers to front elevations and rear facing velux. French doors to rear elevation, replacing existing window and steps down to garden.  (15/3048)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £128

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £349

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2006  Sale Price: £250000 (31 Mar 2006)    

2015  Sale Price: £400000 (12 Jun 2015)  Advertised at £425,000  Annual percentage change since 2006: +5%

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1923  Part of smallholding bought by May Symons from Small Owners Limited

Dovedale Briars Way DA3 8AD

Semi-detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1956  First Built


Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £104

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £280

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

1957  Sale Price: £2150 (21 Jan 1957)    

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1914  Part of The Firs, Manor Drive smallholding, bought by Herman Laflin from Small Owners Limited

Rosevale Briars Way DA3 8AD

Semi-detached chalet bungalow

Former Name(s): Green Door (to 1969)

Building History

1956  First Built

1957  Planning App Granted: Garage (57/10029)
1989  Planning App Granted: Rear extension (89/333)
1997  Planning App N/A: Replacement garage (97/698)
2007  Planning App Granted: Conservatory (07/2068)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £104

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £315

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

1988  Sale Price: £75000 (15 Feb 1988)    

1997  Sale Price: £140000 (27 Jun 1997)  Right to buy sale, price includes discount of £28,500  Annual percentage change since 1988: +7%

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1914  Part of The Firs, Manor Drive smallholding, bought by Herman Laflin from Small Owners Limited

Dermar Briars Way DA3 8AD

Semi-detached chalet bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1957  First Built

2006  Planning App Withdrawn: Rear and side extensions at ground and first floor levels.  (06/205)
2006  Planning App Granted: Rear & side extensions (06/1786)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £108

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £289

1993  Council Tax: D (£68-88K)  

Sales and Rents

2005  Sale Price: £202000 (1 Jul 2005)    

2010  Sale Price: £360000 (25 Oct 2010)    Annual percentage change since 2005: +11%

2013  Sale Price: £350000 (17 Jun 2013)    Annual percentage change since 2010: -1%

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1914  Part of The Firs, Manor Drive smallholding, bought by Herman Laflin from Small Owners Limited

Hazlewood Briars Way DA3 8AD

Semi-detached chalet bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1957  First Built

2011  Planning App Granted: New conservatory (11/57)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £103

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £265

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

1995  Sale Price: £111000 (26 Oct 1995)    

2010  Sale Price: £285000 (11 Mar 2010)    Annual percentage change since 1995: +7%

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1914  Part of The Firs, Manor Drive smallholding, bought by Herman Laflin from Small Owners Limited

Leafy Nook Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached dwelling

Former Name(s): Karwendel (to 1956)

Building History

1961  First Built

1999  Planning App Granted: Demolish garage, 2 storey extension, rooms in roof (99/1206)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £131

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £357

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Bannatyne Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1957  First Built

2001  Planning App Granted: Extension and loft conversion (01/2526)

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £43

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £140

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £382

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

2001  Sale Price: £305000 (20 Sep 2001)    

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Belford Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached chalet bungalow

Building History

1959  First Built

1956  Planning App Granted: Revised details, erection of bungalow at plot 3a (56/477.1)
1989  Planning App Granted: New roof with rooms in; garage extension (89/605)
2002  Planning App Refused: Conservatory at front (02/687)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £92

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £262

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Fair Winds Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached dwelling

Building History

1957  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £135

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £362

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1995  Sale Price: £115000 (25 Sep 1995)    

1997  Sale Price: £134000 (14 May 1997)    Annual percentage change since 1995: +10%

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Rosebank Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1957  First Built

2020  Planning App Granted: Single storey side extension to replace existing garage and garden room. Existing timber pagoda to be removed. (20/1517)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £120

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £312

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1997  Sale Price: £140000 (1 Jun 1997)    

2020  Sale Price: £490000 (3 Feb 2020)  Marketed for £515,000 (22/10/19)  Annual percentage change since 1997: +6%

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Cartref Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached dwelling (3 bed)

Building History

1957  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £135

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £362

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2008  Sale Price: £325000 (7 Mar 2008)    

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Riddlesdown Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached chalet bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1957  First Built

2018  Planning App Granted:  Demolition of existing and reconstruction to form enlarged attached garage. Demolition of existing conservatory. Extension of existing utility/boot room, together with internal alterations and erection of single storey rear extension. Conversion/extension of existing loft bedroom floor to form an additional bedroom and bathrooms, including dormers to front and additional/enlarged dormer to rear. Reconstruction of drive-in to form improved access with enlarged parking area.  (18/982)
2018  Planning App Granted: Details pursuant to condition 3 (Full details of the replacement hedgerow to the front West boundary of the site) of planning permission: 18/00982/HOUSE.  (18/3372)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £165

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £427

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

1996  Sale Price: £116000 (12 Jul 1996)    

2017  Sale Price: £587500 (31 Aug 2017)    Annual percentage change since 1996: +8%

2015  Rental (per month): £1500.  

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Rodings Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached chalet bungalow (4 bed)

Building History

1957  First Built

2001  Planning App Granted: 2 storey side extension and 3 dormers in roof (01/524)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £165

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £412

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2014  Sale Price: £550000 (3 Oct 2014)  Advertised at £560,000  

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Treanbrea Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached chalet bungalow (3 bed)

Former Name(s): Karamojo (to 1963)

Building History

1956  First Built

2016  Planning App Granted: Erection of a two storey side extension, first floor side extension above the existing garage, a single storey rear extension. Addition of two dormer and velux windows to the front and rear elevation. Alterations to fenestration. (16/3583)
2018  Planning App N/A: Single storey side and rear extension with lantern rooflight, first floor side extension, 3No pitched dormers to front elevation and box dormer and velux rooflight to rear elevation. Demolition of side extension and chimneys, Existing garage conversion to habilitable space. Landscaping works (18/3777)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £163

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £427

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

2016  Sale Price: £455000 (20 Oct 2016)    

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Ripponlea Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached dwelling

Former Name(s): Lynowen (to 1972)

1956  First Built

1971  Planning App Granted: Car part at side (71/859)
1979  Planning App Granted: ATTACHED DOUBLE GARAGE AT SIDE OF DWELLING  (79/1896)
1984  Planning App Granted: Extension (84/683)

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £135

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £362

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Woodlands Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached dwelling

Former Name(s): Michaelangelo (to 1963); Fanje (1963-1969); Christmas House (1969-about 1980)

1956  First Built

1975  Fire damage to roof (Dartford Chronicle 7.8.1975)

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £140

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £354

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Glenside Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached dwelling

1956  First Built

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £135

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Springfield Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached chalet bungalow (3 bed)

Building History

1952  First Built

1951  Planning App Granted: erect new house (51/33)
1985  Planning App Granted: Single storey extension to lounge (85/1794)
2007  Planning App Granted: Single storey extension, car port (07/1411)
2008  Planning App Granted: Single storey extension (08/193)

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £39

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £105

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £275

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1914  Part of The Firs, Manor Drive smallholding, bought by Herman Laflin from Small Owners Limited

Inner Circle

The Covert Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached dwelling

Former Name(s): Windy Bank (to 1962); Assunta (1962-1972)

Building History

1953  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £47

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £130

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £317

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Dulciana Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached dwelling

Building History

1963  First Built

1961  Planning App Granted: Erect detached bungalow on 45 feet plot adjoining Windybank (now the Covert) (61/400)
1962  Planning App Granted: Erect chalet bungalow and garage adjoining Windybank (62/148)
1973  Planning App Not known: Enlarge garage; as amended by Sep 1973 (2) (73/Meeting Jul 73)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £215

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £557

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Orchard Crest Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached house (4 bed)

Building History

1952  First Built

1951  Planning App Granted: erect bungalow (51/90)
2009  Planning App Granted: (land adjoining) Reconductor existing low voltage overhead lines with aerial bundled conductor (09/1451)
2017  Planning App Granted: Demolition of garage, garden store and conservatory; Erection of 2 storey front extension incorporating new garage, provision of new roof over existing building with first floor accommodation and dormer windows. Erection of single storey extension to the rear (17/2896)
2018  Planning App Granted:  The erection of a detached 2 storey 4 bedroom dwelling with integral garage within in the garden of Orchard Crest.  (18/563)
2018  Planning App Granted:  Details pursuant to condition 2 (full details of materials) of planning permission: 18/00563/FUL.  (18/1378)
2018  Planning App Granted:  Details pursuant to condition 3 (Enhance biodiversity) of planning permission: 18/00563/FUL.  (18/1387)
2018  Planning App Granted:  Details pursuant to condition 4 (Full details of hard and soft landscaping) of planning permission: 18/00563/FUL.  (18/1388)
2018  Planning App Granted:  Details pursuant to condition 5 (Construction transport management plan) of planning permission: 18/00563/FUL.  (18/1389)
2018  Planning App Granted:  Details pursuant to condition 6 (Details of vehicle parking) of planning permission: 18/00563/FUL.  (18/1390)
2018  Planning App Granted:  Details pursuant to condition 7 (Electric vehicle charging point) of planning permission: 18/00563/FUL.  (18/1407)

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £47

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £133

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £419

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  With improvement indicator (2020)

Sales and Rents

1952  Sale Price: £2075 (3 Jun 1952)  Surveyor's valuation for loan by Dartford RDC of £1,700 over 20 years at 4½%  

2017  Sale Price: £550000 (6 Sep 2017)    Annual percentage change since 1952: +9%

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Tiki Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached house (4 bed)

Building History

2019  First Built

Rates and Council Tax

2019  Council Tax: G (£160-320K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Shepherds Field Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached dwelling

Former Name(s): Sunfield (to 1959)

Building History

1957  First Built

1949  Planning App Granted: Erect bungalow (49/302)
1952  Planning App Granted: Addition (52/6667)
1962  Planning App Granted: Erect detached bungalow and garage on land adjoining (62/218)

Rates and Council Tax

1956  Gross Rateable Value: £52

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £160

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £389

1993  Council Tax: F (£120-160K)  

Sales and Rents

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

Fernworthy Briars Way DA3 8AD

Detached bungalow (2 bed)

Building History

1963  First Built

1961  Planning App Granted: Erect dwelling in grounds of Shepherds Field (61/510)
1962  Planning App Granted: Erect detached bungalow and garage adjoining Shepherd's Field (62/218)
1965  Planning App Granted: Outline to erect dwelling adjacent to Shepherds Field (65/438)

Rates and Council Tax

1963  Gross Rateable Value: £118

1972  Gross Rateable Value: £322

1993  Council Tax: E (£88-120K)  

Sales and Rents

2018  Sale Price: £490000 (9 Jul 2018)    

Site History

1392  Part of 50 acre field called "Northfield" part of Hartley Court

1913  Part of The Glen, Manor Drive smallholding bought by George Strawson from Small Owners Limited

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