Dartford Rural District Council Minutes 1930-1939
4 Feb 1930 Black Lion Pub, Hartley: Barn
Ash Road - Dartford Brewery Company want £15 plus demolition of a barn for road widening at the Black Lion. The council won't pay the money because the works benefit the pub, but will do the rest.
4 Feb 1930 Housing Completions 1930
Ash Road - in last month a bungalow at Hoselands Hill has been completed for Mr Valentini.
4 Feb 1930 Ash Road, Hartley: Widening
Dartford Brewery Company want £15 plus demolition of a barn for road widening at the Black Lion. The council won't pay the money because the works benefit the pub, but will do the rest.
4 Feb 1930 Hoselands Hill, Hartley: new bungalow
in last month a bungalow at Hoselands Hill has been completed for Mr Valentini.
1 Apr 1930 Merton Avenue, Hartley: Nil Desperandum
Merton Avenue - Inspector Sutch visited land owned by W E Barlow at Hoselands Hill. Mrs Barlow barred access to newly erected shed with a garden fork and "vile language". Told them to return when her husband was there.
6 May 1930 Elections
Election - following local members elected: Hartley - Charles Sidney Bignell (Colyton, Haverstock Drive, Hartley), Fawkham - Rev James Trevor Matchett (Fawkham Rectory), Longfield - Walter Wright (Melbourne, Longfield).
6 May 1930 Ash Road, Hartley: Widening
Ash Road - Style and Winch have surrendered land at the Black Lion for road improvements without payment.
6 May 1930 Housing Completions 1930
Housing - Inspector Sargent reported that a bungalow at Hoselands Hill for Mr Hollands has been completed in the last month (Ashtead, Ash Road).
6 May 1930 Roads: Signage
Roads - Council has received a lengthy circular from the Ministry of Transport on the subject of standardising road signs.
6 May 1930 Station Road, Longfield: Link to Hartley Road
Station Road, Longfield - "Your committee have had under consideration the question of an approach road to the Fawkham Railway Station from the lower part of Ouselands (sic) Hill on the Hartley side of the station, and have been in negotiation with the owner for the necessary land and with the Southern Railway Company in regard for an exit for the road into Station Road. The owner of the land, Sir Gerald Hohler KC, is prepared to sell, what is required for a sum of £225, subject to the council making good fences etc. in connection with the interference of property at the junction of the new road with the existing road. The Southern Railway Company intimate that they are prepared, in consideration of the council taking over and maintaining the station forecourt, and also Station Road, to make a payment of £300 towards the cost of the works..... Your committee recommend that the terms be accepted and the work carried out subject to the approval of the County Council."
6 May 1930 Hartley Road, Longfield: Sight Lines
Hartley Road, Longfield - Mrs Stickland of Old Downs has written to say the fence being erected by Mr Nelson Latter at the junction of Hartley Road and Main Road, is obstructing the view for drivers and pedestrians. Council decides to pass on concerns to the County Council.
6 May 1930 Black Lion Pub, Hartley: Land for road widening
Style and Winch have surrendered land at the Black Lion for road improvements without payment.
6 May 1930 Hoselands Hill, Hartley: Ashtead
Inspector Sargent reported that a bungalow at Hoselands Hill for Mr Hollands has been completed in the last month [Ashtead, Ash Road]
3 Jun 1930 Housing Completions 1930
Housing - Inspector Sargent reports on the completion within the last month of a bungalow at Church Road for Mr Valentini, and a bungalow at Fawkham Bottom Road for Mr Kingham. Inspector Sutch reports the completion of additions to a bungalow at Abbots Wood, Ash for Mr Johnson.
3 Jun 1930 Black Lion Pub, Hartley: Barn
Ash Road - council receive request to remove burnt out barn by Black Lion, the wall of which obstructs sight lines for motorists.
3 Jun 1930 Petroleum Licences
Petrol - new licenses to keep petrol granted to George Edmed of Stone Quarry, Longfield (500 gallons) and Albert E High of Woodbine Cottage, Essex Road, Longfield for a garage in Essex Road (500 gallons).
3 Jun 1930 Council Housing: Longfield
Housing - council decides to buy land at Main Road, Longfield from Colyer-Fergusson Estate for £670. It has a frontage of 400 feet and depth of 150 feet. They plan to build 16 houses there. Council housing constructed in the financial year 1929-30 included: Valley Villas, Longfield (6 parlour at £465 each, 4 non-parlour at £415, 6 non-parlour at £376) 1&2 Clovelly Villas, Longfield (2 parlour at £495 each) and 13-16 Butlers Place Ash (4 non-parlour at £315 each plus £68 overall for sewers).
1 Jul 1930 Hoselands Hill, Hartley: Widening
Ash Road - Miss Andrus to be paid £10 for land given up for Hoselands Hill improvements.
1 Jul 1930 Tea Garden: Hartley
Tea Garden - "Your committee have received an application from Mrs Tiffin for permission to use the orchard which she owned in Hartley, as a tea garden. Your committee offer no objection."
29 Jul 1930 Housing Completions 1930
Housing - Inspector Sargent has tested the drainage of 2 houses in Church Road for Mr Symons, also various properties in Fawkham for others, and found them sound.
29 Jul 1930 Castle Hill, Hartley: Occupation of Shed
Castle Hill - "A shed which had been erected in Old Downs Hill, Hartley (Castle Hill), was found to be occupied by a man named Bean. I saw the occupier who has since pulled the shed down. A similar shed is being erected on another plot and as soon as the occupier can be found he will be dealt with in a similar manner."
29 Jul 1930 Hoselands Hill, Hartley: Widening
Hoselands Hill - "Miss Andrus (the owner), having signed the agreement, the widening on this frontage is now proceeding. Excavations and concrete retaining wall have been completed. The new fencing will be erected when the necessary material is delivered"
29 Jul 1930 Station Road, Longfield: Making Up
Station Road, Longfield - "Plans, sections and surveyor's estimate and apportionment of the cost of making up Station Road, Longfield, have been prepared. I would recommend that tenders be invited for the necessary work."
29 Jul 1930 Whitehill Road, Longfield: Dangerous Corner
Whitehill Road, Longfield - the parish council report that the corner between Whitehill Road and Main Road is dangerous, and they offer land to make improvements. DRDC to investigate.
2 Sep 1930 Roads: Ban of heavy traffic on narrow roads
Heavy motor traffic on narrow roads - council have received notification from Kent County Council that they intend to apply for restrictions on the following roads under section 7(4) of the Roads Act 1920:
Hartley Bottom Road from Berrys Maple, Ash to Longfield Refuse Depot
Scudders Hill, Fawkham
"Stack Lane", Hartley [Actually Grange Lane]
Church Road from All Saints' Church to Ash Road junction in Ash [not named in document but start and end points given]
Castle Hill [not named in document but start and end points given]
Crowhurst Lane, Fawkham.
2 Sep 1930 Station Road, Longfield: Making Up
Station Road, Longfield - council decides unanimously to make up Station Road and that costs of levelling, paving, metalling, channelling and making good be borne by frontagers, in accordance with Part 2 of the Schedule of the Private Street Works Act 1892. Kent County Council have further agreed to build an approach road to Fawkham Station at a cost of £653 including land compensation (this is the part of Station Road from Hartley Road to where it turns sharp right).
2 Sep 1930 Electricity Lines: Ash
Electricity - council agrees that the Central Electricity Board can vary the route of their lines in Ash.
2 Sep 1930 Boundary Review
Review of County Districts - Proposals that Wrotham Urban District council take over the parishes of (West) Kingsdown, Ash and Ridley were withdrawn at or before the conference of 29 May. The review committee rejected proposals from Dartford Urban District to take over Darenth, Wilmington and Sutton at Hone. They did propose abolishing the parish of Stone with West ward going to Dartford, East ward to Swanscombe and the remaining Bean ward to Darenth. The committee also suggested that Wrotham UD be abolished and divided between the Rural Districts of Dartford, Malling and Sevenoaks.
7 Oct 1930 Housing Completions 1930
Housing - Inspector Sargent reported the completion of a bungalow at Gorse Wood. He had also tested the drainage of the following houses and found faults had been corrected - bungalow at Gorse Wood, bungalow at Church Road, bungalow at Fawkham Bottom. He rejected complaints about the sanitary arrangements of Phoenix [now Stocks Mead], Church Road.
7 Oct 1930 Gorsewood Road, Hartley: occupation of shed
Gorse Wood Estate - "I (Insp Sargent) have written to the owner of a shed recently erected on the Gorse Wood Estate, and have received a reply asking that a temporary license be granted him to occupy the same until he has erected a bungalow on the plot".
7 Oct 1930 Castle Hill, Hartley: Occupation of Shed
Old Downs Estate, Fawkham - "I (Insp Sargent) have paid several visits.... Respecting sheds being erected there for habitation and have written to the owners in each case to cease building until plans have been submitted to the council for their approval."
7 Oct 1930 Scudders Farm, Fawkham: Cows Sheds
Farming - new cowsheds at Scudders Farm, Fawkham erected in a most satisfactory manner.
7 Oct 1930 Diptheria: Longfield
Health - Diptheria outbreak at Longfield, Inspector Sargent disinfected school before it was reopened.
7 Oct 1930 Roads: Signage
Roads - London and Home Counties Traffic Committee recommend councils have more conspicuous and consistent display of street signs.
4 Nov 1930 Southwark Rubbish Tip, Longfield
Longfield Siding Refuse Nuisance - your committee report, as a result of the representations made to the Borough Council of Southwark, the receipt of a letter from the Town Clerk, stating that the Council were desirous of eliminating, as far as possible, any ground for comploaint in regard to their refuse dumps at Longfield, and proposed to carry out improvfements which meant an estimated expenditure on plant and equipment of nearly £1,000. He pointed out that it was proposed to spread and consolidate the refuse in layers, and this method would be carrid out precisely in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health as set out in a Circular letter issued by them in 1922, which stated that refuse could be disposed of without nuisance where the precautions advised by the Ministry were strictly observed. He added that the purchase of machinery was being proceeded with, and the improved methods would be put into operation without delay immediately the proper arrangement were made.
It was reported that the present refuse dump was on fire and that the smoke from it added largely to the nuisance, and it was also pointed out that the present mountainous heap should not be added to.
Your committee recommend that the Borough Council be requested to use their utmost endeavours to put out the ifre in the present heap, and that in carrying out the improved methods of deposit the present heap be not added to, but the refuse deposited on fresh ground.
In regard to the general question of the deposit of London refuse in the Provinces, your committee recommend that he council pass the following resolution, viz - That this council views with alarm and dismay, after the prolonged consideration given to the matter, the adsence of any concrete and constructive proposal to deal with the indiscriminate dumping of London refuse. The council is strongly of opinion that only a comprehensive scheme covering the London Boroughs and neighbouring local authorities will effectively deal with the problem. They therefore call for an immediate re-consideration of the matter with a view to taking the necessary steps."
4 Nov 1930 Middleton Farm, Longfield: Milk registration
Farming - application for registration under the Milk and Dairies Order 1926 from Mr R Maddocks of Middleton Farm, Longfield, dairyman and cowkeeper.
4 Nov 1930 Health Week Prizes
Health Week - essay prizes for mothers attending clinics. 3rd prize (5 shillings) to Mrs L Martin of Speedgate, Fawkham. Consolation prizes of 2s 6d to Mrs A Webster of the Billet, Ash; and Mrs Buffery of Mauberge, Hartley amongst others.
4 Nov 1930 Housing Completions 1930
Housing - Inspector Sargent reports that a bungalow in Church Road for Mr Valentini has been completed in the last month.
4 Nov 1930 Gorsewood Road, Hartley: occupation of shed
Housing - "Your committee recommend that the owner of the shed at Gorse Wood Estate, Hartley, be given 28 days' notice to remove the structure, the council at their last meeting having declined to grant him license for its use for human occupation."
4 Nov 1930 Council Housing: Longfield
Housing - District Valuer has agreed to buy land in Longfield for housing from Sir Thomas Colyer-Ferguson for £650 including tenant right. Will now need sanction of Minister of Health.
2 Dec 1930 Swine Fever
Farming - Inspector Sutch reports: "During the past month I have examined the carcases and offal of 59 pigs and 1 bullock. 4 pig carcases were found to be diseased and these were surrendered and buried. 3 pig carcases I examined on Sunday, the 12th October, when a total of 14 were killed, on Saturday afternoon (the 11th) I examined 10 pigs, these were found to be healthy. This was at Crowhurst Farm, Kingsdown. A boar was brought from Hartley to Ash to be slaughtered and on examination was found to be diseased this carcase was surrendered and buried. A total of 48 stone of pork was buried during the month."
Inspector Sargent also reports on this: "A case of swine fever was reported at Crowhurst Farm, Ash. I visited the premises and found that the instructions of the Ministry were being carried out. I was present at the slaughtering of the pigs, 73 in all, which occupied the best part of the week. All the animals were found sound."
2 Dec 1930 Housing Completions 1930
Housing - drainage tested at a bungalow at Stack Lane and found to be sound.
6 Jan 1931 Grange Lane, Hartley: Repairs
Grange Lane - repairs to Red Cow Hill (Grange Lane) and "Rectory Lane" in Hartley.
6 Jan 1931 Petroleum Licences
Petrol Licences - the following have been granted: Goodwin Bros, Wallace Terrace, Ash (500 gallons at Ash Forage Stores), G Day, North Ash Farm, Ash (100 galls at farm); G Edmed, Stone Wood near Dartford (500 galls at Stone Quarry, Longfield); J Sims, 2 Station Road, Longfield (1,500 galls at the Petrol Pump, Station Road, Longfield); B H Foa, Holywell Park, Ash (500 galls at garage there); Hartley Agricultural Cooperative Society, Ash Road, Hartley (1,000 galls at Agricultural Stores, Ash Road); Smith Bros, Alma, Meopham Station (80 galls at Green Man Garage, Longfield Hill); The Service Garage (Gravesend) Limited, 119/125 Wrotham Road, Gravesend (2,100 galls at Garage, Main Road, Longfield); A E High, Woodbine Cottage, Essex Road, Longfield (500 galls at Garage, Essex Road, Longfield);
3 Feb 1931 Ellerbys Agricultural Contractors
Darenth - C M Ellerby of Hartley given contract to clear 4½ acres of Ladies Wood on Darenth Housing Site for sum of £43 17s 6d. Names of roads to be called Hill Rise and Watchgate.
2 Mar 1931 Ash Road, Hartley: Widening
Ash Road - Congregational Church will give up land for road widening, if council erects a chestnut and wire fence. Council accept offer but say they don't intend to do works yet
2 Mar 1931 Hoselands Hill, Hartley: New house
Housing completion - dwelling house completed in last month at Hoselands Hill for Mrs Boyd.
8 Apr 1931 Ash Road, Hartley: Widening
Ash Road - Women's Institute will give up land for road widening, if council will plant replacement hedge and install steps to pavement. Council agrees.
2 Jun 1931 Post Box: Stack Lane
Stack Lane - Dartford Head Postmaster wants to replace box fixed to telegraph pole in Stack Road with a larger one. Council give Post Office permission to build a brick pier on the verge to accommodate this.
7 Jul 1931 Castle Hill, Hartley: Valley Wood
Castle Hill - Mr F O Comont of Hartley Cottage applies for a loan to be secured on a bungalow at Steep Hill. Surveyor values property, after discounting abnormal circumstances, to be £350. Council approves £280 loan. [Valley Wood, Castle Hill]
6 Oct 1931 Hartley Bottom Farm
Milk - "Your committee has received the following applications for registration under the Milk and Dairies Order viz:... Henry Glover, Hartley Bottom Farm (Cow Keeper and Retail Purveyor of Milk). Your committee recommend that they be registered."
6 Oct 1931 Council Housing: Swanley
Council housing - estimates for 58 houses to be built at Swanley - 3 bedroom 'parlour' house £395, 3 bedroom 'non-parlour' house - £335, 2 bedroom 'non-parlour' house - £305.
3 Nov 1931 Rubbish Collection
Refuse Collection - DRDC inspector attended a conference and reported that their council is one of the few who will collect bins from the back of a property and not make people put them on the roadside. He said a method of dumping used by Bradford which prevents air pockets and spontaneous combustion should be borne in mind when discussing the Longfield Siding tip.
3 Nov 1931 Church Road, Hartley: Pig Farm
Church Road - inspector Sargent had received a complaint that their neighbour was going to start pig keeping on a very large scale, but he could find no evidence of this. (he checked again on 2 February 1932 but still no sign of them starting).
3 Nov 1931 Castle Hill, Hartley: New house
Housing - Inspector Sargent has tested drains at a dwelling house at Steep Hill, Hartley (Castle Hill) and found them sound.
3 Nov 1931 Sun Hill, Fawkham: Caravan
Housing - Inspector Sargent reported "Complaint was received about the dirty condition of a caravan known as 'The Sanctuary', Sun Hill, Fawkham. I visited the premises and found it was occupied by a man named Smith, whose occupation is the training of magpies for the films. The interior was in a very dirty condition and notice has been served on him to cleanse the interior. This has now been carried out."
1 Dec 1931 Petroleum Licences
License to keep petroleum - includes G Day (North Ash Farm - 100 gallons), Smith Bros (Green Man Garage, Longfield - 90 gallons), E H Fox (Holywell Park Garage, Ash - 500 gallons), Southwark Borough Council (Longfield Depot - 350 gallons), Goodwin Bros (Ash Forge Stores - 300 Gallons), J Sims (Petrol Pump, Station Road, Longfield - 1,500 gallons), Hartley Agricultural Cooperative Society (Ash Road, Hartley - 1,000 gallons), Service Garage (Gravesend) Ltd (Garage, Main Road, Longfield - 2,000 gallons).
1 Dec 1931 Fire Hydrants: Hartley
Fire Protection - Hartley do not want to join the council's scheme. Instead they want 2 extra fire hydrants a year until the parish is covered, which should be tested annually. Dartford RDC agree to this, at the expense of Hartley parish.
1 Dec 1931 Stack Lane, Hartley: Beulah
Stack Lane - P L Harris (builder) has applied for a £400 loan payable over 20 years on the security of his house Beulah. Surveyor values house at £545 "after discounting the abnormal circumstances now prevailing" or £470 to allow for road charges. Council agrees to £375 loan.
1 Dec 1931 Parish Boundaries
Parish boundaries - following the addition of part of Stansted to Ash parish, Dartford RDC will recommend that the new Ash parish be warded with Ash and Stansted wards.
5 Jan 1932 Stack Lane, Hartley: Poor State of Road
Stack Lane - Mr F E Blakesley wrote to complain about the state of Stack Road. Council replied that it is a private road, and maintenance is the responsibility of the landowners.
5 Jan 1932 Station Road, Longfield: Leeves Butchers
Slaughter Houses - license given until end of 1932 to William Leeves for rear of his shop at Station Road, Longfield.
2 Mar 1932 Council Housing: Tree Planting
Trees and Shrubs - as the council's policy is to plant trees etc on housing estates, they authorise W Wright to attend sale at Hartley with a budget of £75. He was able to buy £7 19s worth and council authorised him to buy 1,000 young lime trees in addition.
5 Apr 1932 Hartley Road, Longfield: Footpath
Hartley Road, Longfield - Longfield Parish Council complain of the state the footpath was left after excavation work for electric cables which is dangerous to pedestrians. Surveyor reports that it has now been fixed.
5 Jul 1932 Electricity: Mains Laying at Hartley
Electricity - "Your committee have received notice of the laying of an extra high tension cable on the west side of Hartley Road, Longfield, from the company's substation to a position near Fairby Grange". Council have no objection.
5 Jul 1932 Water Supply, Hartley: Complaint at charges
Water - The council had written to the Minister regarding high water charges in Hartley. His reply was he cannot intervene because the company can charge what they like up to a maximum. However the council can apply for the charges to be varied under a different section of the Company's Order 1920. Hartley Parish Meeting support this approach.
5 Jul 1932 Church Road, Hartley: Pond by Church
Church Road - parish meeting has requested a guard rail or fence for the pond near Hartley Church. Committee recommends Surveyor have a suitable fence erected.
5 Jul 1932 Fire Hydrants: Hartley
Fire protection - Hartley Parish Meeting ask for the fire hydrants to be painted and instructions for use plates added. Committee recommend approval.
26 Jul 1932 Footpaths: From Hartley Church to Hartley Bottom
Footpaths - Captain Bignell (member for Hartley) reported a path that old residents remember from Church Hill to Hartley Bottom has been blocked. Clerk said it wasn't. To be investigated.
26 Jul 1932 Housing Completions 1932
Housing completions - Inspector Sergent reports the following new buildings are complete: bungalow at Steep Hill, Hartley for Mr Metherell, dwelling house at Fairby for Mr Sales [Probably Minchen, Ash Road] and additions to a dwelling house at Hoselands Hill for Commander Morgan [The Birches, Ash Road]. He has also tested the drainage at the following properties and found it sound - bungalow at Steep Hill, Hartley for Mr Metherell, dwelling house at Hoselands Hill for Mr Morgan, and dwelling house at Steep Hill for Mr Exeter.
6 Dec 1932 Copse Side, Hartley
Housing - "Your committee report that in 1921 the council purchased an acre of land at Hartley from Miss E F Forbes for a housing site under the Assisted Housing Scheme, at a cost, including legal expenses, of £93 3s 0d. This site was transferred from the Assisted scheme to the 1923-4 scheme at a capital sum of £60, the balance being written off as a loss under the 1919 Scheme and borne by the Government. Your committee are informed that there is no need for council houses in Hartley and they therefore recommend that the council invite offers for the purchase of the land by tender." [This land eventually became part of Copse Side]
6 Dec 1932 Ash Road, Hartley: Hedge by Black Lion
Ash Road - Surveyor agreed with landowner that a hedge obstructing the road near the Black Lion can be removed, provided the council replace it with a fence.
7 Feb 1933 Hartley Hill: Road Signs
Direction Signs - Dartford RDC agree to request from Hartley Parish Meeting to erect signs at both ends of Hartley Hill and the south end of Church Road.
7 Feb 1933 Fire Hydrants: Hartley
Fire Protection - they have installed, with the consent of Hartley Parish Meeting, a fire hydrant in Hartley Bottom Road while the new main is being laid, to save cost if they had to do it later. Cost will be £8 and then 3s 9d per quarter maintenance charge.
7 Feb 1933 Copse Side, Hartley
Housing - "Your committee have received a letter from the Minister of Health, stating that he was prepared to consent to the sale of the acre of land at Hartley, purchased by the Council in 1921 for a housing site and not now needed, at price not less than that certified by the District Valuer as fulfilling the requirements of section 59(3) of the Housing Act 1925...." Council decides to make a formal application to the minister to sell land for £25.
7 Mar 1933 Snow Plough at Ash
Snow - drifts 3-4 feet deep in Ash on 25 February. Council snow plough out there.
7 Mar 1933 Church Road, Hartley: Improvements
Church Road - "Several trees and sections of hedges have been removed on dangerous blind corners of this narrow road with the owner's permission. Chestnut posts and barbed wire fencing have been erected where the hedges were removed. The road has been made up close to the fencing which has, with the owner's permission, provided passing places for traffic, where I consider this improvement very necessary. The channels of the road have been made up and the road re-shaped where required."
3 May 1933 Council Housing: Hartley
Housing - "Land at Hartley - your committee have received additional offers of £40 and £42 for the acre of land at Hartley purchased for a housing site, which is not now needed. They recommend that the offer of Mr Allan Ansell, Danes Court, Oakshott, Surrey for £42 be accepted, subject to the sanction of the Minister of Health." [Now part of Copse Side]
4 Apr 1933 Housing Completions 1933
Housing completion - Inspector Sargent reports the completion of a dwelling house at Merton Road, Hartley
7 Jun 1933 Longfield Rubbish Tip
Longfield Siding - council inspector tests temperature of new tipping area. The day was 65 degrees, but at 18 inches the temperature was 75 degrees.
7 Jun 1933 Red Cow Farm, Longfield: New Dairy
Red Cow Farm - Inspector Sargent says the new cowshed there has been completed in a satisfactory manner.
4 Jul 1933 Red Cow Farm, Longfield: New Dairy
Red Cow Farm - Inspector Sargent said "I have met the occupier of Red Cow Farm, Hartley Bottom, with regard to the provision of a new dairy at his farm. He is seeing the owner and putting the proposals before him.
1 Aug 1933 Buses: Hartley Concerns
Buses - Hartley Parish meeting concerned to ensure -that the bus service locally will continue when taken over by the London Passenger Transport Board on 1 October.
3 Oct 1933 Housing Completions 1933
Housing completions - in past 2 months the following houses have been completed - house at Ash Road for Mr Bennett (Ethelbert), and house at Hoselands Hill for Mr Ball (Hasleholt), and house at Gorsewood Road for Mr Valentini.
7 Nov 1933 Housing Completions 1933
Housing Completions- Inspector Sargent reports recent completion of bungalow at "Homefield" Hartley for Mr H Smith. He also reported that he had spoken to the owner of Glenholm, Ash Road about the bad condition of their drainage. A new cesspool with a new system of drainage has now been provided.
7 Nov 1933 Petroleum Licences
Petrol - new license granted to Smith Brothers of Alma, Meopham Station to store 500 gallons at "Corner Bit" Garage, Longfield Hill.
7 Nov 1933 Water Supply, Hartley: Complaint at charges
Water - Hartley Parish Meeting write to the council to thank them in getting a 10% reduction in the High Level Water Charge.
5 Dec 1933 Housing Completions 1933
Housing completions- Inspector Sargent reports completion within the last month of 2 Bungalows at Ash Road for Mrs Wilson (will be part of 1-12 Ash Road). He has also tested drains at 2 bungalows in Ash Road for Mrs Wilson and found them sound. He has had a new overflow cesspool dug and new drains laid at Six Acre Cottages, Fawkham.
2 Jan 1934 Black House, Fawkham Green
Housing - report that demolition has commenced of 1-3 Black Houses, Fawkham Green.
2 Jan 1934 Housing Completions 1934
Housing - Inspector Sargent reports that in the last month, two dwellinghouses have been completed at Ash Road for Mrs Wilson (part of 1-12 Ash Road), and a bungalow at Kent Road, Longfield for Mr Adams. He tested the drainage at 2 bungalows at Ash Road and found them sound. Notice served on the owners of 1-4 Essex Road, Longfield to deal with dampness.
2 Jan 1934 Buses at Church Road, Hartley
Buses - Route 451 "A letter dated 29th ultimo, was read from the Traffic Commissioner in regard to an application from the London Passenger Transport Board to operate a 30 seater single deck omnibus between Northumberland Bottom (Tollgate end) and Hartley Hill.... The Surveyor reported that Church Road, Hartley, was a narrow carriageway throughout, with many sharp bends, and that the service would be a danger to pedestrians and other traffic. He pointed out that the operation would be a direct contravention of the Roads Act 1920, as a section of the road was scheduled against this class of vehicle." Similar proposals for a 452 route from Singlewell to Longfield Hill (surveyor says narrow section of road at Red Street approach, Broadditch would be dangerous); and 490 route from Dartford to West Kingsdown (Surveyor had concerns about several points). Council will object to all three routes.
2 Jan 1934 Castle Hill, Fawkham: Signpost
Castle Hill - Surveyor instructed to erect a signpost at the bottom of Steep Hill, directing traffic to (1) Hartley and Old Downs, (2) Longfield, (3) Fawkham Green.
6 Mar 1934 Housing Completions 1934
Housing - Inspector Sargent reports new bungalow completed at Hartley Bottom for Mrs De La Haye.
6 Mar 1934 Copse Side, Hartley
Housing - Council owned land at Hartley: further to the meeting of 6 May 1933, the District Valuer has said the former housing site is worth £75. As this means the council cannot sell it for the £42 offered, they decided to retain the land.
[Site of future Copse Side, Hartley]
6 Mar 1934 Tent Dwellers
Ash - "The report received in regard to a tent being occupied in a wood at Ash has been inquired into and it was found that two brothers had proposed purchasing land at Oak Farm Estate and had made a very crude shelter in the middle of a wood. One of the brothers had died and the other had been removed by the police."
27 Mar 1934 Church Road, Hartley: Deubolt's Kennels
Hartley Hill - Inspector Sutch reported "I have had a new manhole cover, ventilating shaft and flushing cistern provided at Deubolt's Kennels, Hartley Hill, Hartley.
27 Mar 1934 Schools: Ash Primary
Schools - Inspector Sutch reported that he disinfected Ash School after it was closed because of a slight outbreak of scarlet fever.
27 Mar 1934 Housing Completions 1934
Housing - Inspector Sargent reports the following housing completions - 2 bungalows, Ash Road for Mrs Wilson (part of 1-12), bungalow at Church Road for Mr Sales (?Haley Bank), bungalow at Steep Hill, Fawkham for Mr Metherell.
1 May 1934 Shed Dwellers
Hartley Bottom Road - Inspector Sargent said "I have had a shed demolished at Hartley Bottom which was occupied by a man, wife and child. There was no water supply or WC accommodation".
5 Jun 1934 Buses: Complaint about LPTB Timetable
Buses - "Your committee have received a copy of a resolution passed at a meeting of residents of Longfield, Longfield Hill, New Barn, Hartley Hill, Ash, and Southfleet against the reorganised bus services in that district recently carried out by the London Passenger Transport Board, which were much restricted and did not meet the general convenience of the residents and users of the buses, and were causing a good deal of hardship as owing to full buses due to restricted service users had often to wait long periods for the next bus because of the strict enforcement of the 'no standing' rule. The restriction of the service was therefore seriously affecting the amenities of the district and creating a chaotic situation for the travelling public. " Dartford RDC agreed to support complaint.
5 Jun 1934 St John's Lane, Hartley: Footpath to Stocks Farm
Footpaths - Hartley Parish Meeting report the footpath from St John's Lane to Stocks Farm, although fenced in on both sides is overgrown for three-quarters of its length. Council agree to clear this and charge the cost to Hartley parish.
5 Jun 1934 Church Road, Hartley: Resurfacing
Church Road - "Church Road has been resurfaced after reshaping and a satisfactory surface will result after tarring has been carried out".
31 Jul 1934 Housing Completions 1934
Housing - Inspector Sargent reports on the following housing completion in the last month - bungalow, Woodside, Ash Road, for Mr Goodwin.
6 Nov 1934 Housing Completions 1934
Housing - Inspector Sargent has tested drains at Hartley Country Club, dwellinghouse at Hottsfield Estate for Mr G Day and dwellinghouse at Merton Avenue for Mr Wilson.
4 Dec 1934 Hoselands Hill, Hartley: Footpath
Hoselands Hill Footpath Extension - "The public footpath from Station Road, Longfield has been extended to connect with the Southern Railway's footpath. The owner has given the required frontage necessary for this extension which much improves the visibility for motorists on this section of Hoselands Hill. Pedestrians now have a continuous footpath from the station down Hoselands Hill".
4 Dec 1934 All Saints Church, Hartley: Car Park
Parking Place, Hartley Church - "A parking width close to Hartley Church has been made to enable cars to park without blocking this narrow road. The corners round the green at the bus stop have been widened to permit the bus to turn without cutting over the green on Church Road."
4 Dec 1934 Ash Road, Hartley: Fairby Grange
Ash Road - Surveyor has spoken to Mr Johns for Fairby Home and he has agreed to recommend to his committee the removal of dangerous trees there.
4 Dec 1934 Buses: Non-existent service from Ash
Buses - it was reported one of the route 450 buses between Ash and Dartford, although in the timetable, doesn't actually run.
4 Dec 1934 Electricty: Cables at Castle Hill
Electricity -West Kent Electric Co Ltd plans to erect overhead medium pressure line from Hartley Main Road (Ash Road) westwards for 1,000 yards at Old Downs Road (Castle Hill). Council approve plans but say as a matter of policy they would prefer such cables to go underground.
4 Dec 1934 Hartley and Fawkham Parish Councils to be Created
Parish Councils - Kent County Council has produced draft of order creating parish councils for Hartley and Fawkham. Hartley to have 7 members, Fawkham 5. Due to come into force on 15 April 1935.
1 Jan 1935 Hartley Grange
Hartley Grange - Inspector Sargent reports prospective owner of Hartley Grange and cottage asked him to check drains for any defects. He found none.
1 Jan 1935 Housing Completions 1934
Housing - Inspector Sargent reports the following houses have been recently completed - dwellinghouse at Merton Avenue for Mr Barlow (Viewpoint), dwellinghouse at Hottsfield Estate for Mr G Day (one of Fingehl, The Cottage, Hammonds), 3 dwelllinghouses and shops at Ash Road for Mrs Wilson (1-3 The Parade).
Merton Avenue - Inspector Sargent said Mr Barlow had complained to him that 3 building societies will not lend money on the house he is building. Having visited the premises with the owner and builder Mr Sargent could find no cause for complaint. The house has now been completed.
1 Jan 1935 Hothfield Dairy, Hartley
Milk - Inspector Sargent has tested and passed milk from Parrett's Dairy, Ash Road, and Payne & Evans of Longfield.
5 Feb 1935 Buses: Hartley Court Green Turning
Buses - "Your committee have received a letter from the London Passenger Transport Board in regard to the arrangement in existence for the turning of omnibues at Hartley Court, which provided for vehicles to reverse at the junction with Foxborough Lane (Grange Lane), and expressing appreciation at the reduction of the size of the island site which facilitated working, but suggesting at the instance of the owner of Hartley Court, that the grass verge be set back still further at the north-eastern corner to remove an element of danger when large vehicles are reversed on the public highway, and also a small portion removed from the southern entrance so that vehicles could then circle the island site." Committee approves action of surveyor in doing as suggested.
5 Feb 1935 West Yoke Farm, Ash: Milk
Milk - W Hollands of West Yoke Farm registered as a cowkeeper, wholesale purveyor of milk and dairyman.
5 Feb 1935 Speed Limits
Speed Limit - council agrees to recommend a 30mph speed limit for Ash Road from Hoselands Hill to the Black Lion, also Fawkham Valley Road, and the road from Southfleet to Longfield.
5 Feb 1935 Ash Road, Hartley: Footpath at Fairby Grange
Ash Road - further to meeting of 4 December 1934, Bermondsey Council has offered to surrender a strip of land to Dartford RDC, provided the latter fells the dangerous trees, puts in a footway in line with the present one, erects new fencing similar to current, widen the rear gateway entrance and replace roadside ponds with properly constructed soakaways with sealed covers. Dartford RDC agree to accept offer on these terms.
2 Apr 1935 Ash Road, Hartley: Footpath at Fairby Grange
Ash Road - Surveyor reports work has commenced on soakaways at Fairby Grange, and trees will be felled when West Kent Electric Co have put their cables underground there.
2 Apr 1935 Speed Limits
Speed limits - Committee agree to add Church Road to those roads recommended for a speed limit of 30mph under the Road Traffic Act 1934.
4 Jun 1935 Manor Drive, Hartley: Damage to road
Manor Drive - "Captain Bignell referred to the extraordinary damage which was being caused to this road by heavy motor traffic, and enquired whether notices could be put up prohibiting such traffic on the road to prevent further damage, not only to the road, but to adjoining property owners by the collapse of the bank to their gardens. On it being pointed out that it was a private road and the owners could act themselves, Captain Bignell undertook to deal with the matter locally."
4 Jun 1935 Electricity: Cables from Longfield to Longfield Hill
Electricity - Council gave West Kent Electric Co Ltd permission to extend medium pressure cables in Longfield from Longfield Village to Longfield Hill and along Pescot Avenue.
1 Oct 1935 Roads: Tarring
Roads - local roads which have been tarred since last report include St John's Lane, Red Cow Hill (? Grange Lane), Ridley Road, Ridley Hill, Manor Way, also Eglantine Lane etc elsewhere in district.
1 Oct 1935 Hartley Green: Chestnut Tree
Hartley Green - the parish council have been offered a Scarlet Standard Chestnut Tree to commemorate the Jubilee, provided it is planted on a public space, suggesting Hartley Green. Dartford RDC agree to this, subject to Surveyor's agreement on placing.
7 Jan 1936 St John's Lane, Hartley: Junction with Ash Road
Ash Road - the parish council call for a warning sign at the dangerous St John's Lane / Ash Road / Fairby Lane junction. Dartford RDC agrees.
7 Apr 1936 Hartley Wood: Footpath blocked
Footpaths - "Captain Bignell called attention to the obstruction of the footpath connecting with one from Hartley Wood with another from Gorse Wood , and stated that a padlocked gate had been erected across the path and fruit trees planted. It was resolved that it be left to the clerk to enqire into the matter and report thereon.
5 May 1936 Electricity: Cables from Horton Kirby to Hartley
Electricity - Council gives permission for West Kent Electric Co Ltd to lay medium pressure overhead lines in Horton Kirby and Hartley (plan CZ13 and CY4) but say they would prefer underground cables.
5 May 1936 Hartley Wood: Footpath blocked
Footpaths - Three footpaths in Hartley are obstructed. Owners are Mr Mainprize and Miss Maxton.
3 Jun 1936 Overcrowding Survey
Housing - Survey of overcrowding finds one property affected in Hartley, that of Mr O Hoadley's family. 4 adults and 3 children live in a 3 roomed house in Church Road, equivalent to 5½ persons, when the maximum is 5. Family require 4 roomed house. In Ash there were 4 properties affected - 8 Abbotswood (H Broad), Abbotswood (H Inkpen), 15 Butlers Place (Mr Hever) and West Yoke (W G Arney). Fawkham had one property - Speedgate (F Booker).
7 Jul 1936 Stack Lane, Hartley: Kiosk at junction with Ash Road
Shop - Council gives permission for "much needed" kiosk on site of former pond by junction of Stack Road and Main Road (Ash Road), at request of Hartley Parish Council.
7 Jul 1936 Electricity: Lines at Hartley, Ash and Fawkham
Electricity - West Kent Electric Co Ltd have applied to Minister of Transport to place electric lines above ground in parishes of Ash, Fawkham, Hartley and (West) Kingsdown.
7 Jul 1936 Buses: Hook Green to Swanley
Buses - Council decides to support request by London Passenger Transport Board for variation of bus route between Hook Green and Swanley, at the request of Hartley Parish Council.
7 Jul 1936 Church Road, Hartley: The Glebe
Housing - Mr H B Allkins, carrier and general carter, of The Glebe, Church Road, applies for loan of £500 over 20 years on property he has bought. Council agreed to offer loan of 80% of property's value.
7 Jul 1936 St John's Lane, Hartley: widening
St John's Lane - Captain Bignell called attention to state of St John's Lane, he said improvement and widening was imperative. Council surveyor to bring forward plans to do this.
1 Sep 1936 Church Road, Hartley: The Glebe
Housing - Mr H B Allkins, applies for a temporary shed at The Glebe, Church Road, to house his Ford lorry.
1 Sep 1936 Electricity: Lines from Fairby Lane to Ash and at Hodsoll Street
Electricity - West Kent Electric Co Ltd propose to run an 11,000 V cable from the Fairby Lane substation to the west side of a vacant lane adjoining St Christopher's, Ash, a distance of 420 yards. Also new lines from Hodsoll Street to Pettings and another in Ash. Company asked by Council when they plan to bring electricity to Crockenhill.
1 Dec 1936 Petroleum Licences
Petroleum Licenses - The following are licensed to store petroleum in 1937: Hartley Agricultural Cooperative Society (1,000 gallons), H Groom - Garage, Hartley Manor (500 gallons), J Sims - Petrol Pump, 2 Station Road, Longfield (1,500 gallons), G E Edmed - Stone Quarry, Longfield (50 gallons).
2 Feb 1937 St John's Lane, Hartley: widening
St John's Lane - Council decide against widening and improving St John's Lane as too expensive. They plan to provide "passing places" instead. Surveyor to negotiate with landowners.
6 Apr 1937 St John's Lane, Hartley: Passing Places
St John's Lane - Council have approached Mr Campkin for land for 2 passing places at St John's Lane, he will consider plans.
1 Jun 1937 St John's Lane, Hartley: Passing Places
St John's Lane - Mr Campkin has asked for minor changes to the plan for passing places in St John's Lane.
1 Jun 1937 Coronation Tree Planting
Coronation - Hartley Parish Council requests permission to plant trees at Hartley Green, Hartley Court Green and Stocks Hill Green to celebrate the coronation. Council agrees to the first two, but thinks Stocks Hill Green too small.
7 Dec 1937 Church Road, Hartley: Tor Lodge
Agriculture - Owner of Tor Lodge, Church Road has requested to use the land for pig breeding. Council refuse, saying it is in a residential zone.
7 Dec 1937 War Memorial, Hartley
War Memorial - council give permission for a chain to be erected around.
4 Jan 1938 St John's Lane, Hartley: Hartley Grange
St John's Lane - council decides to negotiate for purchase of Hartley Grange. Harrods Ltd, the agents, suggested a price of £2,650 which includes 16 acres of land.
1 Feb 1938 Roads: Early Retirement
Ash Road - Sectionman Lawson off sick many times in last 2 years with ulcerated feet. Council decides to continue half pay and consider early pension, because disability was war related.
1 Feb 1938 Stack Lane, Hartley: Poor State of Road
Stack Road (Stack Lane) - complaints about state of private road, notices to repair to be served on landowners.
1 Feb 1938 Ash Road, Hartley: 30mph Speed Limit
Ash Road - county council had been requested to impose 30mph speed limit between Longfield and the Black Lion. Their reply is that the request has been forwarded to the Minister because Hartley is in the London Traffic Area.
1 Mar 1938 Footpaths: Gun Station to Hartley Manor
Footpaths - Parish Council reports overhanging hedges on footpath by the Gun Station and nearly opposite Cavan in Church Road. Landowners served notice by council to have hedges trimmed.
3 May 1938 Foxborough Wood, Hartley: Cemetery
Burial Ground - council has no objection to Parish Council's proposal to "hire" a site on road to Red Cow Farm by Hartley Court Cottage, with frontage 150 feet and depth 344 feet, providing the council's Medical Officer agrees.
3 May 1938 Ash Road, Hartley: Widening between School and War Memorial
Hartley Road (Ash Road), Hartley - "your committee have received the approval of the Kent County Council to the widening of Hartley Road, Hartley, between the School and the War Memorial, a distance of approximately 280 yards. The scheme provides for the construction of a footpath 10 feet in width between the War Memorial and the School, and 6 feet in width on the school frontage, where a greater width would not be possible without reducing the existing carriageway or curtailing the area of Hartley Green to an unreasonable extent; and also providing for the widening to the 40 feet improvement line on the west side of a section of the road, approximately 40 yards in length, near Hartley Green, in order to provide a carriageway of a minimum width of 20 feet. The estimated cost of the scheme was £1,209, being £363 in respect of land and accommodation works and £846 in respect of road works to which expenditure an appropriate grant would be obtained from the Minister of Transport. Authority was given for the appropriate deeds of dedication and conveyances to be completed in respect of the various pieces of land to be acquired for the improvement. In regard to the strip of land which it was proposed to take from Hartley Green for the improvement adjoining it, your committee have instructed the Clerk to communicate with the parish council with a view to obtaining their views in regard to the reduction of the area of the Green for the purpose."
3 May 1938 Telegraph Lines: Ash
Telegraph lines - approval for overhead lines along North Ash Road and Hartley Bottom Road from a point 400 yards west of Cuckolds Corner to Hartley Hill.
3 May 1938 Hoselands Hill, Hartley: White Lines
Hoselands Hill - council to extend white lines in middle of road beyond the bends.
5 Jun 1938 Hartley Bottom Road: Land for future widening
Hartley Bottom Road - Hartley Water Committee have offered land on east side for widening if the council erect a chestnut spile fence. Council agrees to terms.
5 Jun 1938 Buses: Stops at Hartley.
Buses - location of bus stop signs agreed between London Transport and Council surveyor at Wilmington, Darenth, Hartley, Southfleet, Bean and Crockenhill.
8 Jun 1938 Ash Road, Hartley: Widening between School and War Memorial
Ash Road improvements - Parish Council reply to say while they regret loss of land at Hartley Green, they are in favour of the road improvements. The Parish Council wanted a telegraph pole removed from the green, but the GPO said no as it was costly to do this and the post was not causing an obstruction.
8 Jun 1938 St John's Lane, Hartley: widening
St John's Lane - owner of Hartley Grange prepared to sell strip of land adjoining, 1,390 square yards, for £86 on the following conditions: to be done at council's expense within 12 months, council to provide 5 foot chestnut fence and quick hedge. Council abandon passing place idea and agree to terms.
5 Jul 1938 Foxborough Wood, Hartley: Cemetery
Hartley Burial Ground Council surveyor thinks they should choose a site further away from wells in the vicinity.
5 Jul 1938 Building Inpsections 1938
Seven Bungalows, Church Road, Hartley - "After visiting this site on Monday, the 13th instant, to examine the condition of the work, I am of the opinion that building operations should not be recommenced until all the brickwork is taken down to DPC (Damp Proof Course) level. I met Mr Martin of Gravesend, the builder, on the site on Monday, the 20th instant, and informed him that in addition to the above, all the site concrete must be taken up and relaid, and that the foundations of all external walls must be exposed at 3 feet intervals in order to allow me to ascertain the quality and sizes of same. The clerk reported that the Inspector's report arose out of a meeting which the Chairman and he had with the owner's solicitor on the site."
7 Feb 1939 Church Road, Hartley: Seat by Cherry Trees
Church Road - following report of poor state of road by roadside seat opposite Cherry Orchard, the Surveyor carried out remedial work.
7 Mar 1939 St John's Lane: Widening
St John's Road - County Council has rejected scheme because it is of too low priority. It would have cost £1,388 (Land Purchase £86, Accommodation Works £125, Road Works £1,777). Council ask county council to buy land at least so passing places can be provided. Parish Council ask for hedges to be trimmed at the very least as the road is only 8 feet wide in places, DRDC agree to ask Surveyor to do this.
7 Mar 1939 Telegraph Lines: Hartley
Telegraph lines - Proposal to lay lines underground along west side of Ash Road from Railway Bridge and along west side of Hartley Green, also along east side of Church Road. Also in Longfield.
4 Apr 1939 St John's Lane: Widening
St John's Road - County Council still reject proposals. Dartford RDC write back to say road is narrow and dangerous and work needs to be done to ensure public safety. They think county council should buy the land and install passing places.
2 May 1939 Building Inpsections 1939
Housing Building inspector says drains of detached house under construction at Hartley by Messrs Biddle and Saunders were unsatisfactory, but have since been corrected.
2 May 1939 Church Road, Hartley: Mullion
7 bungalows, Church Road, Hartley Mr R R Wilson of Hextable, is proposing to reconstruct the remaining 6 bungalows of the above scheme, at Church Road, Hartley. I suggest that Mr Wilson be allowed to proceed with the reconstruction subject to the following conditions:
(i) Brickwork on bungalows 2 and 3 shall be taken down to Damp Proof Course level on the front, rear and south elevations, and down to sill height on the north elevation.
(ii) All site concrete to bungalows 2 and 3 to be relaid to bye-law requirements.
(iii) Nos 4,5,6 and 7 are to be demolished and re-erected in new positions shown on plan no 3017."
[Flora, Claremont, Tilehurst, Greensleeves, Mullion, Church Road]
2 May 1939 Diptheria: Hartley
Health 1 case of diphtheria reported at Hartley, 1 case of scarlet fever at Longfield.
2 May 1939 Church Road, Hartley: Ship Cottage
Church Road, Hartley "An obstruction on this road, caused by the owner of frontage erecting concrete posts, has been removed. Mr Jackson, the owner, informed me his boundary was being continually cut away by passing lorries, and the posts were erected to prevent this. A concrete kerb has now been placed on the correct highway boundary and the bank sloped back as agreed by Mr Jackson" (Ship Cottage, Church Road)
2 May 1939 Air Raid Precautions
Air Raid Precautions "One of the road repair gangs has been employed on ARP service since last report. This gang have enlarged the cleansing station at Longfield, and constructed a roadway for the decontamination of vehicles. Three soakaways have been constructed to dispose of washing water used in decontamination."
Fire Brigade Description of local fire brigade. 5 stations at Swanley, Horton Kirby, Eynsford, Stone and Wilmington. Hartley (3 miles) and Longfield (2½ miles) served by Horton Kirby, Ash (3½ miles); Ridley (4½ miles) and Fawkham (3 miles) served by Eynsford (local parishes some of the furthest from a fire station in the district). Each station has a 250-300 gallon motor pump, extension ladder, salvus breathing apparatus and 2,000 feet of hose etc. They have 60 firemen and 158 auxiliary firemen.
They expect delivery of 6 trailer motor pumps, council agree with proposal to locate them at Hartley, Kingsdown, Southfleet, Darenth, Hawley and Horton Kirby. 13 of the auxiliary firemen to be deployed at Hartley.
Water supply: they think that if mains become unusable they could pump water up to 2 miles either side of the Darent. Mid Kent water supply is from reservoir 760 feet above sea level at Kingsdown, the highest point in Kent which can run by gravity without pumping pressure [this appears to refer to Exedown Reservoir in Wrotham]
Air Raid Precautions As per Home Office instructions they are setting up a report and control centre at Avenue House, Darenth (Holmesdale Road). They have bought 24 chairs for the lecture room, 6 chairs for the ladies room, a coal scuttle and a carpet. They are having electrical works done so they can install a cooker. The instructor, Mr B E Harris to be based upstairs, where he and his wife will also live rent free, acting as caretakers in return. The Home Office has approved the council taking out a loan of £1,400 to pay for all the works.
Air Raid Precautions ARP Wardens' training: The Instructor is being trained on anti-gas procedures. Syllabus for wardens includes instruction by the police, fire brigade, medical officer of health and other professionals in the utilities.
Warden Posts: 80 plates ordered so the public know where they are.
Cleansing Station: 42 lockers at 18/6 purchased.
Fire appliances: "Your committee are informed that a portable pump is required for use for the cleansing of ponds and sumps in the district, in order to obtain full use of their capacity for the storage of water which might be required for fire fighting purposes in the event of emergency. Quotations have been obtained, and your committee recommend that the quotation of Messrs Millars Machinery Co be accepted at a total cost of £5917s 0d.
Stirrup hand pumps for wardens' posts: Kent County Council offer pumps with a dual purpose nozzle at 13/- each, one per 1,000 population. This means DRDC order 33. 10% to be part of the initial allocation.
All Metal Stretchers: County Air Raid Precautions officer has sent 58 to the council.
Air Raid Sirens: 5 auto wailers ordered at £7 12s 6d each.
2 May 1939 Fire Brigade: Provision and Water Supply
Fire Brigade Description of local fire brigade. 5 stations at Swanley, Horton Kirby, Eynsford, Stone and Wilmington. Hartley (3 miles) and Longfield (2½ miles) served by Horton Kirby, Ash (3½ miles); Ridley (4½ miles) and Fawkham (3 miles) served by Eynsford (local parishes some of the furthest from a fire station in the district). Each station has a 250-300 gallon motor pump, extension ladder, salvus breathing apparatus and 2,000 feet of hose etc. They have 60 firemen and 158 auxiliary firemen.
They expect delivery of 6 trailer motor pumps, council agree with proposal to locate them at Hartley, Kingsdown, Southfleet, Darenth, Hawley and Horton Kirby. 13 of the auxiliary firemen to be deployed at Hartley.
Water supply: they think that if mains become unusable they could pump water up to 2 miles either side of the Darent. Mid Kent water supply is from reservoir 760 feet above sea level at Kingsdown, the highest point in Kent which can run by gravity without pumping pressure [this appears to refer to Exedown Reservoir in Wrotham]
6 Jun 1939 Gorsewood Road, Hartley: Acorns
Beauval (Acorns), Gorsewood Road Inspector Iddison reports a Public Health Act 1936 notice has been served on this property.
6 Jun 1939 Electricity: Power Lines at Longfield
Electricity West Kent Electric Company Ltd to erect electricity lines at Longfield to loop the existing mains by Main Road for 220 yards.
6 Jun 1939 Foxborough Wood, Hartley: Cemetery
Proposed cemetery site at Hartley "Your committee have received a letter from the Hartley Water Committee in regard to the proposed site for a cemetery in Foxbury Wood, enquiring whether the council had given their consent thereto. Your committee recommend that the Hartley water Committee be informed that the council did not propose to offer any objection to the site of the proposed cemetery."
6 Jun 1939 Fairby Lane, Hartley: 1 (Gra-burn)
Housing Building inspector reports completion of addition to Gra-Burn, Fairby Lane for T Graham (ref 2967). Drains of house for Mr Longhurst at Gorsewood Road unsatisfactory but now corrected.
6 Jun 1939 Air Raid Precautions
Air Raid Precautions Longfield: "The road and soakaways for decontamination of vehicles has been completed at the Longfield Cleansing Station.
Provisions of Air Raid Shelters: "Your Committee have given consideration to the Circular received from the Home Office with regard to the provision of Air Raid Shelters. It is necessary to arrange a survey of the district to ascertain the number of shelters required. Persons whose income does not exceed £250 per year, which can be increased by £50 for each child of School age in excess of 2, are entitled to a free shelter issue,
The responsibility of siting falls upon the Local Authority, and where the Occupier is willing the erection of the shelter can be proceeded with, if the occupier is unwilling for erection in peace time the shelter must be stored within the vicinity.
Your Committee recommend: (1) That application be made to the Home Office for the provision of shelters, (2) That the Air Raid Wardens be asked to undertake the survey. (3) That the Air Raid Wardens be asked to supervise the erection of the shelters. (4) That a questionnaire be prepared for completion by householders applying for free shelters. (5) That efforts be made to obtain 2 shelters to be erected at Avenue House, South Darenth, as specimens for training purposes and for the information of the public."
Training: Instructor Mr B E Harris to attend course on dealing with incendiary bombs; Medical Officer of Health to get an additional instructor on first aid.
6 Jun 1939 St John's Lane, Hartley: Passing Places
St John's Road, Hartley "Your committee report that as the result of further correspondence with the Kent County Council, authority had now been obtained for the improvement of this road and the provision of two passing places for vehicles on the south east side of the road, at a total estimated cost of £147."
6 Jun 1939 Railways: New Bridge at Longfield Station
Longfield Station, New Footpath "Your committee have received an intimation from the Southern Railway that the new footbridge which had been erected was now available for the use of the public. The Company asked for the council's formal approval in order that arrangements might be made to abolish the existing level crossing at an early date. Your committee recommend that the County council be asked to approve of the diversion of the existing path in accordance with the normal statutory requirements."
6 Jun 1939 Fire Brigade: General
Fire Brigade 4 call outs in the last month (3 Stone, 1 Swanley). New engine has arrived at Horton Kirby Station.
Auxiliary Fire Pumps: "Your committee are informed that the delivery of the first two auxiliary fire pumps to be supplied to this district is practically complete. Your committee have arranged for the first auxiliary fire pump to be sent to Hartley, and the second to Kingsdown, and the third when received, to be sent to Southfleet. They have arranged that the auxiliary fire pumps should be tested on Wednesday, the 24th instant, at the same time tha thte test of the new engine was taking place.
Your committee are informed that it is necessary to provide vehicles to convey the fire pumps about the District. They have received information that two secondhand Buick cars were available for purchase, and they have authorised the chairman and Mr W W Brown to inspect them, with the surveyor, and if considered suitable arrange for their purchase, and for the surveyor to arrange for their conversion to enable the trailers to be attached, and the necessary equipment and men to be carried in them."
Interoperability arrangement: Council agree to enter into such an arrangement with the Dartford Brigade.
4 Jul 1939 Mortgage Loans
Mortgages under the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts Mr E G Wall of 61 Normanhurst Avenue, Welling (builder and decorator) applies for loan of £250 to be paid over 10 years on Flora, Church Road. Council values property at £500 and agrees to loan. Council also discharges mortgage of Resthaven, Hartley, Longfield (Main Road, Longfield, then in Hartley parish), chargor Mr C Millner.
4 Jul 1939 Scarlet Fever: Longfield
Health 2 cases of Scarlet fever and 1 case of diphtheria at Hartley. 2 cases of scarlet fever at Longfield.
4 Jul 1939 Building Inpsections 1939
Housing Building inspector reports faults on building works which have been corrected at site concrete of bungalow for Mr Austin at Manor Drive Hartley (Lilison), site concrete of bungalow for Mr Lawrence at Ash Road, Hartley, drains of bungalow for Mr Hockley at Church Road, Hartley; and lintels and bay window beams for 2 bungalows for Mr R R B Wilson at Church Road, Hartley.
Plan 2043, 7 bungalows at Church Road, Hartley: Building inspector reports "Reconstruction work on bungalows no. 2 & 3 is now proceeding. All poor quality brickwork has been taken down, and apart from some trouble over the size of the lintels and bay window beams, which Mr Wilson, the owner, has since agreed to replace, the work is being carried out satisfactorily." Mr Wilson has also had to remove unsatisfactory brickwork at a pair of bungalows at Kent Road, Longfield "which have been left in a partly erected condition for some time" but now building works have recommenced.
4 Jul 1939 Valley Road, Fawkham: Tarring and Gritting
Roads Surface tarring and gritting has been carried out in Fawkham at Fawkham Bottom Road, Castle Hill, Steep Hill and Kingdown to Fawkham Road.
4 Jul 1939 St John's Lane, Hartley: Passing Places
St John's Lane, Hartley "Your committee have received a further letter form the Clerk to Kent County Council stating that the views of the District Council in regard to the desirability of improving St John's Lane, Hartley, has received consideration by the members, and that it had been decided that they were unable to see their way to approve the carrying out of any improvement othr than the provision of the two passing points and only land for these places would be acquired. They also received a letter from the owner of the land pointing out that hew was becoming impatient with the delay in settling the matter and threatening not to keep his offer open indefinitely. Your committee have instructed the Clerk to again press for the acquisition of the frontage land while it was available, and not only the pieces required for the passing places, the suggested improvement being desirable both from the point of view of traffic facilities and development of the locality." Approved by council.
4 Jul 1939 Church Road, Hartley: land for widening at Stocks Hill
Land at Church Road, Hartley "Your committee have received from the solicitor of Mr R R B Wilson, the offer of land, shewn by accompanying plan, for widening this road, free of expense, provided the council took over and made up the widening portion and erected a fence on the new boundary line. Your committee recommend that the land be accepted by means of a deed of dedication or conveyanace as might be considered most appropriate." Approved by council.
1 Aug 1939 Station Road, Longfield: Packer's Shop
Packers Shop, Longfield Inspector Iddison reports 2Most of the items included in the informal notices served in respect of the flats at Packers Shop, Station Road, Longfield, have been complied with. The walls have been treated with a patent damp proof solution and the agent has promised that a slate damp proof course will be inserted before the winter and a separate water closet provided for the first floor tenant within 12 months. I recommend that this offer be accepted.
1 Aug 1939 Electricity: Power Lines at Hartley
Electricity Transmission lines Committee recommends acceptance of West Kent Electricity Co's applications for new line from existing line at Church Road through St John's Road for 335 yards; and to loop the existing mains in Fawkham Road, Fawkham.
1 Aug 1939 Longfield Depot: Dumping on land
Refuse dump on council's land at Longfield Public Health Committee complain about indiscriminate dumping there. They recommend that the surveyor "have suitable gates erected at the entrance and the land fenced". Approved by council.
1 Aug 1939 Housing Completions 1939
Housing completion Detached bungalow in Church Road, Hartley for F Hockley (2953/39).
1 Aug 1939 Building Inpsections 1939
Bungalows at Church Road, Hartley Builders The Beehive Building Co Ltd. Building Inspector reported "On Tuesday, the12th July, I carried out an inspection on two of the bungalows on the above estate and found that three partly built chimney flues were not properly pargetted."
1 Aug 1939 Ash Road, Hartley: Tarring and Gritting
Roads Surveyor reports Ash Road in Hartley has been surface tarred and gritted since his last report. He also mentions that part of "Longfield Corner Site" is being cultivated by P Letchford, a retired road employee. Council formalises this to protect their interests with a tenancy at will on a peppercorn rent.
1 Aug 1939 Health Clinics: Stats
Health Clinics Attendance at Mother and Baby clinics was Ash (June 5th - 27, June 19th - 21; Longfield (June 12th - 23, June 26th - 27; Longfield ante-natal clinic - 2); diphtheria immunisation (Ash - 2, Longfield - 2). Kettle and stove to be bought for sterilising at the Longfield clinic.
1 Aug 1939 Fire Brigade
Fire Brigade 3 call outs in last month, including field and hedge fire at Main Road, Longfield on 10th June. Farmers asked to place stacks away from buildings and near water as any fires are now a charge on the rates not insurance companies. Council sign interavailability agreement for fire services with Northfleet UDC.
1 Aug 1939 Air Raid Precautions
Air Raid Precautions Council are setting up 20 rescue and demolition squads, each with 5 volunteers. They are also setting up 4 decontamination squads of 7 men each, two of which to be located at Longfield. Council to be allocated 8 trailer pumps to add to the 5 fire engines they already have, these will be located near head wardens' posts with WVS telephonists. Head wardens posts without trailer pumps will have volunteer firemen stationed there. HQ of ARP is Avenue House, South Darenth.
1 Aug 1939 Council Housing: Best Kept Garden Competition
Best kept council house gardens Local winners were Longfield (1st G V Lynds, Clovelly Villas; 2nd L W Bishop, 14 Valley Villas; 3rd J Harbour, 10 Pondowne Villas); Ash & Kingsdown (1st F T Robinson, 9 Butlers Place; 2nd G Pickett, 18 Butlers Place). Mr F T Robinson was runner up for the whole district.
1 Aug 1939 Kentish Times Newspaper
Council meetings Complaint received from the Kentish Times that the council had not informed them of a meeting about the resignation of the ARP officer, which was of wide public interest. Council said omission was not intentional.
5 Sep 1939 Air Raid Precautions: Preparedness
Air Raid Precautions Council received telegram on 23rd August. Since then the telephones have been manned, billeting officers met on 25th to complete arrangements for the reception of evacuees, timber bought to board up windows of Avenue House, Riseley, Wardens Posts, First Aid Posts and Fire Stations. "That the delivery of respirators was complete with the exception of one of two small instances. That 5 respirators for babies, for demonstration purposes, had been received and arrangements made for demonstrations in their use throughout the district. That all posts could now be manned." Test mobilisation being arranged for Friday 1st September.
Mr F Spencer Tucker offered to withdraw his resignation on account of the present emergency. Council take no action.
5 Sep 1939 Air Raid Precautions
Air Raid Precautions "Regionalisation: Your [Air Raid Precautions] committee have given consideration ot the reports received in respect of the exercises held on the 8/9th July, and having regard to the experience gained thereby recommend that the area be divided into regions.
It is proposed that, as far as possible, each region shall act as a self-contained unit with the Head Warden arranging for the appropriate service required in his area on reporsts received from his wardens, keeping headquarters notified of incidents occurring in his region, and to ask for reinforcements where the region is unable to cope with the emergency.
The Air Raid Precautions department have prepared a scheme consisting of 9 regions for the consideration of the council in order that any amendments considered desirable might be made, the regions are as follows.....
Region 4 Hartley (Including Ash, Fawkham and Longfield)
Fire Equipment: Station
First Aid Point or Post: Ash Village Hall, Longfield Village Hall
Rescue Parties (6 men each): 2
Stretcher parties: Longfield Hill."
Exercises to be held in each region.
Shelters and Trenches: "Your committee desire to remind the council that it is the duty of the Local Authority to arrange for the siting of the shelters supplied to householders under the Government scheme. Over 1,000 names have already been submitted to the Home Office and another 1,000 names at the date of this report were ready for despatch."
Personnel - "the number of volunteers who have received training at Avenue House is 350, and arrangements have been made for training to recommence early in September."
Food supply - "Your committee have received a report that the necessity for storing a fortnight's supply of food in the event of an emergency is not fully realised by the inhabitants of the district, and this point has been stressed at meetings with the wardens in order that the matter may be brought to the attention of the public. Your committee are making enquiries as to the provision and supply of food in the council's district, particularly having regard to the evacuees to be received in the event of an emergency." (Council depot for stores is at Darenth).
Evacuation: "Your committee have given consideration to the question of the evacuees to be received into the district, and a further examination of the data has revealed that there is accommodation for 6,664 people, instead of 8,108 as previously stated. The chief reason for the alteration is the demand for military billeting and to old age, sickness and similar factors, rendering occupant unable to receive evacuees. Your committee are of the opinion that if children are to be evacuated from the Borough of Dartford they should be transferred to the council's area in preference to inhabitants from the London area, as it would be more convenient to have them sent to villages adjacent to Dartford in preference to a district further away." They don't think evacuees should be sent to Stone parish, which the ministry have agreed to verbally.
5 Sep 1939 Evacuation to Dartford Rural District
Evacuation: "Your committee have given consideration to the question of the evacuees to be received into the district, and a further examination of the data has revealed that there is accommodation for 6,664 people, instead of 8,108 as previously stated. The chief reason for the alteration is the demand for military billeting and to old age, sickness and similar factors, rendering occupant unable to receive evacuees. Your committee are of the opinion that if children are to be evacuated from the Borough of Dartford they should be transferred to the council's area in preference to inhabitants from the London area, as it would be more convenient to have them sent to villages adjacent to Dartford in preference to a district further away." They don't think evacuees should be sent to Stone parish, which the ministry have agreed to verbally.
Billeting appeals The council plan 4 tribunals for appeals against billeting. One will be at the "Hartley Club" to cover the parishes of Fawkham, Kingsdown, Ash, Hartley, Ridley and Longfield.
5 Sep 1939 Food Control Committee
Food control Dartford Rural District Food Control Committee set up. Members include Rev & Mrs Matchett of Fawkham, F Goodwin of Ash, W Wright of ? Longfield.
3 Oct 1939 Housing Completions 1939
Housing Completion Detached bungalow, Gorsewood Road, Hartley for E Rickwood, ref 2061 (Kilndown, Gorsewood Road).
4 Oct 1939 Building Inpsections 1939
Plan 2043 Bungalows, Church Road, Hartley "The chimney flues on the two bungalows on this site have now been pargetted. Altogether eight flues have been internally plastered and are now satisfactory."
5 Oct 1939 Fire Brigade
Fire Brigade Council to buy enough foam to last 12 hours and install necessary equipment on engines.
6 Oct 1939 Horton Kirby Aerodrome
Emergency Committee Horton Kirby civilian aerodrome has to close, council to negotiate purchase of equipment there including asbestos suit and fire unit.
7 Oct 1939 Air Raid Precautions: Gas
Rattles: "In consequence of the inability to obtain a supply of rattles from the Home Office for use by the Air Raid Wardens, your committee have arranged for 120 rattles to be made locally at a cost of 1/7d each." 7 rattles donated by Mr F T Clarke of Wyndcott, Birchwood Avenue, Swanley. Council thanks him.
Babies Anti-Gas Protective Helmets: "Your committee have submitted a requisition for 1,150 babies anti-gas protective helmets and they have received an intimation that the deliveries were about to begin but that no distribution was to be made until directions to do so were given by the department.
7 Nov 1939 Pettings Court, Ash: Water Supply
Pettings Court, Ash Owner asked Mid Kent Water to be connected to the mains to provide fire protection to estate. Mid Kent said it would cost £260 if crossed private land adding that it is not council policy to contribute over private land, or £390 if it followed the highway. Occupier asked the council for a contribution. Council said the property already had a supply of water for domestic purposes available, so they turned down request.
7 Nov 1939 Butler's Place, Ash: Bollards
Butler's Place, Ash "Your committee have had under consideration the question of restricting the use of the path running in front of these council cottages between the roads in the vicinity so as to prevent traffic of a dangerous nature to pedestrians. They recommend that posts be erected at both ends of the path but in such a way as not to prevent the passage of perambulators". Council approve recommendation.
7 Nov 1939 Housing Completions 1939
Housing completion Detached bungalow at Manor Drive for H G Austin (ref 2976 probably Lilison). Building inspector said "I have given instructions that the following sets of drains be taken up and relaid as they were not satisfactory when first tested: Plan 2403 drains of bungalow, Church Road."
7 Nov 1939 Air Raid Precautions
Air Raid Precautions Council have started receiving household shelters from the Home Office. Because of the demands on the steel industry, they have substituted 50% of the order with smaller (4 person) shelter. Member of staff to accompany distribution to see appropriate size ones allotted, however they have written back to say that in view of the large number of evacuees, they need a bigger proportion of the larger shelters.
Gas Masks: following delivery of child and baby respirators, distribution is practically complete. 7 volunteers have passed Local Anti-Gas instructors exam and will train ARP staff.
Temporary mortuaries: following instructions from the ministry of Health, council are negotiating with Darenth Park Hospital for farm buildings at Cotton Lane, Stone, in case of heavy civilian casualties.
War damage to buildings: following request from Ministry of Health, council have made arrangements with local buildings for speedy repairs if they arise.
ARP uniforms: council to get measurements of staff to send order to Home Office.
Back up vehicles: 20 vehicles and 6 motorbikes available in case telephone communications break down.
Ambulances: Due to difficulties in getting ambulances, Ministry of Health authorises purchase of cars to be converted, so long as cost does not exceed £50 each. Council to acquire 4 cars for this purpose.
Report and Control Centre: since outbreak of war it was being manned 24 hours a day initially (and since 1st October by day) by staff of the Dartford Girls Grammar under headmistress Miss E M Fryer, but as they now have teaching duties (from 28th November), council employs paid staff, women by day and men by night. Chairman of the council singles out School for particular praise
7 Nov 1939 Fire Brigade
Fire Brigade They attended 4 fires in the last month, including September 26th at D & K Woodward, Longfield Hill (Horton Kirby engine) and October 3rd at Military Camp, Green Street Green (Horton Kirby engine). Foam equipment for the district's engines to cost £35 each and foam costs 17/6d per gallon in 10 gallon lots. Council to buy 150 nickel plated identity disks with neck chain and engraved names for their firemen.
7 Nov 1939 Air Raid Shelters
Emergency Committee Council to construct 7 public shelters at Swanley (2), Stone, Eynsford, Sutton at Hone, Longfield and Southfleet. Longfield shelter to be a trench for 25 people located "near Fawkham Station on RDC land at corner of road leading from bus halt on B260 to station. 1 ramped and 1 emergency exit. Trench to be so laid out as to facilitate its expansion to accommodate 50 persons if required later."
7 Nov 1939 Schools, Hartley: Canteen
Proposed canteen, Hartley School "A letter, dated the 6th instant was read from Mr E J Cuff, Church Road, Hartley, stating that it was proposed to provide mid-day meals for schoolchildren at Hartley, and for this purpose a canteen. He pointed out, that if money was found for the building, the Kent Educational Committee would assist with the provision of equipment, and that voluntary helpers would be forthcoming. He stated that it was estimated that the building would cost about £70. It was resolved on the resolution of Rev Stanley Morgan, seconded by Mrs Davis, that the council grant financial aid in making provision for children under the Evacuation scheme."
5 Dec 1939 Public Health Act Works
Housing Inspector Iddison has served notice under the Public Health Act 1936 on the owner of 2 Ash Road, Hartley. Owner of fruit picker's huts at Speedgate, Fawkham told to improve sanitary arrangements. He has also investigated allegations of overcrowding at Beaconsfield Terrace, Fawkham. He found it slightly overcrowded due to presence of evacuees but decided to take no action. At Cladds Corner Ridley, steps have been taken to deal with rats there. Building inspector said drains of bungalow under construction in Church Road for R R B Wilson were unsatisfactory but has now been corrected.
5 Dec 1939 Council Housing: Keeping of Poultry
Poultry keeping by council tenants Following guidance from Ministry of Health to increase food supplies, they have revised tenancy rules to allow them to keep up to 12 adult chickens at the end of their gardens. Council also agree to trim hedges of council houses where all male members have been called up.
5 Dec 1939 Air Raid Precautions
Air Raid Precautions Council planning committee approve applications from Kent Education Committee for air raid shelter at Longfield School and 8 schools elsewhere in the district.
Public Roadside Shelters: the highways gangs have built the shelters previously agreed upon. The total cost to the council was £597 1s 8d.
5 Dec 1939 Pond Clearance
Roads "The excessive rainfall has required extra work in clearing out ponds and ditches to dispose of the large amount of surface water. A road gang has been constantly employed assisting section men in keeping roads clear of surface water."
5 Dec 1939 Roads: Shelved Schemes
Shelved Road Schemes: Kent County Council have shelved the 4 road improvement schemes due to the war, council think improvement of bend by Southfleet school should stil go ahead in the interests of the safety of schoolchildren.
5 Dec 1939 Railways: New Bridge at Longfield Station
Longfield Station "Your committee have received an initimation from the County Council that the new footbridge and footpaths constructed by the Southern Railway adjacent to Fawkham Station had been completed to the County Council's satisfaction".
5 Dec 1939 Church Road, Hartley: land for widening at Stocks Hill
Church Road, Hartley "Your committee have received an intimation from the County Council that the offer of land by Mr R R Burnsten Wilson for improving a length of this road had been approved, on the understanding that the expenditure in respect of the fencing would not exceed £30, and all the necessary steps being taken to have the land givne up, dedicated, or conveyed to the County Council for the purpose. Your committee recommend that formal dedication of the land be obtained by means of the usual agreement."
5 Dec 1939 Health Clinics: Stats
Health Attendance at baby clinics was Ash (9 Oct - 9, 23 Oct - 12), Longfield (2 Oct - 25, 16 Oct - 30, 30 Oct - 38). A further 8 attended the Longfield ante-natal clinic. Diptheria immunisation of children was Ash (5 local, 26 evacuees), and Longfield (18 local, 56 evacuees).
5 Dec 1939 Fire Brigade
Fire Brigade Only one attendance in the last month, to a fire at Stone by the Stone brigade. They have asked 10 companies for quotations for oilskins for volunteer firemen but none could supply them. Council agree to uniforms to volunteers but only if there is grants for them as the cost would be £200.
5 Dec 1939 Air Raid Precautions
Air Raid Precautions Dartford RDC to become part of Medway Group Control area.
Ambulances: they have applied to Kent County Council for permission to buy 6 vehicles to convert into ambulances and for another 5 vehicles for first aid purposes. They have also bought a lorry for £15 to be converted into an ambulance at a cost of £5. Armbands for first aid personnel bought.
Horton Kirby Flying Club: they have agreed a price of £42 for the equipment offered in minutes of 3 October.
ARP Posts: oil lamps at 3/10d each bought in case electricity fails. Telephones to be installed in all 19 sector posts and they allow 2/- per week for cleaning, lighting and heating sub-posts.
Gas Contaminated Food: Mr SF Hollands of Public Health Dept to be trained on what to do if food becomes contaminated by gas.
Private Air Raid Shelters: 6,275 domestic shelters have been applied for and 4,000 delivered with more arriving every week.
Report and control centre: Electric Clock bought to correctly record time of messages.
5 Dec 1939 Evacuation to Dartford Rural District
Evacuees Kent House Longfield: "Mr Wright raised the question of the payment being made to the person in charge of these premises being used as a home for sick evacuees and stated that it appeared to be inadequate having regard to the services which she was rendering. The Medical officer of Health explained the position and the circumstances under which the lady offered her services, which in the first instance were voluntary, the payment being arranged subsequently. After discussion it was resolved that the matter be left in the hands of the clerk and Medical Officer of Health to consider whether a modification of the terms of arrangement could be made.
5 Dec 1939 Schools, Longfield: Allotments
Council's land, Longfield: "Mr Wright reported that the schoolmaster at Longfield was desirous of using a part of the land belonging to the council as garden allotments for the older scholars at the school. It was resolved that arrangements be made for a portion of the land to be used for the purpose mentioned, and that the Clerk be authorised to make the necessary arrangements."