Feet of Fines - Hartley-Kent: The Website for Hartley

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Feet of Fines

Fines were fictitious court cases that were used to record the evidence of a deed.  In a typical sale the buyer would be the plaintiff while the seller would be the defendant or deforciant, although fines were also used for other transactions such as mortgages or family settlements.  The price paid is usually made up as the copy held by the court was a public document.

The "final concord" or agreement was written out three times on one piece of parchment.  It was then cut into three by indentations or wavy lines, the buyer kept one copy, the seller another and the "foot" was filed in the Court of Common Pleas, now in the National Archives.  The parchment was also cut through text, the idea being to guard against forgery.  True copies of the fine would join like a jigsaw and also fit at the points where the text was written.  Until 1733 they ere written in Latin.

The example below is a pair of fines for a conveyance of land at Wilmington near Dartford in 1715.  If you enlarge the photo the text and indentations join.  The foot would have been where the indentations are cut on the left hand side.  This will be found in the National Archives.

Joined pair of fines for Wilmington, near Dartford.

De la Haye and Elnod (unknown location)
Hillary 5 Edward II, 1311

Between Alexander de la Haye, chaplain, and Walter his brother, plaintiffs; and Gilbert Elnod and Matilda his wife, defendants.  Of 1 messuage, 56 acres of land, 1 acre of wood, and 4s 1d rent with the appurtenances in Hertelegh.  To Alexander and Walter and to the heirs of Alexander.  Consideration £100.

Emondesham and Passsemer (unknown location)
St John the Baptist 7 Edward II, 1313

Between John de Emondesham and Rose his wife, plaintiffs; and Simon Passemer and Matilda his wife defendants.  Of 1 messuage and 50 acres of land with the appurtenances in Hertleye.  Simon and Matilda admit it to be the right of Rose, and for themselves and the heirs of Simon grant to John and Rose and the heirs of Rose.  Consideration: a sparrowhawk.

Vynour and Beauchamp (unknown location)
PRO CP25/1 292 (Michaelmas 9 Henry V, 1421)

Between John Vynour, chaplain, and Richard Rokesley, plaintiffs; and John Beauchamp and Joan his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage and 13 acres of land at Hertley.  Consideration 20 marks.

Man and Creyk (unknown location)
PRO CP25/1 293 (Michaelmas 9 Henry V, 1421)

Between Thomas Man of Asshe, plaintiff; and John Creyk and Emma his wife, deforciants; of 1 messuage and 34 acres of land in Hertlee.  Consideration 20 marks.

Cotyer and Hoke (unknown location)
PRO CP 25/1 117/344 (4 Henry VII (1488/9)

Between Thomas Cotyer, plaintiff, and William Hoke and Joan his wife, deforciants, of a third part of 1 messuage, 60 acres of land, 3 acres of wood, and 4 acres of furze with the appurtenances in Hertley.  Consideration 20 marks.

Kneseworth & another and Wylshire (unknown location)
PRO CP25/1 117/350 (20 Henry VII (1504/5)

Between Thomas Kneseworth and Edmund Denny, plaintiffs; and Thomas Wylshire and Alice his wife, of 2 tofts, 70 acres of land, 2 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Asshe next Frennynghham, Fakeham, and Hertle.  Consideration 40 marks.

Byngham & others and Godfrey (unknown location)
PRO CP25/2 19/104 (Michaelmas 3 Henry VIII, 1511)

Between Elias Byngham, John Shelley and Thomas Goldsmyth, plaintiffs, and Henry Godfrey and Isabel his wife, deforciants, of 2 messuages, 2 gardens, 50 acres of land, 20 acres of pasture and 6 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hertley.  Consideration....

Holgill and Byngham (unknown location)
PRO CP25/2 19/111 (Michaelmas 10 Henry VIII, 1518)

Between William Holgill, clerk, Richard Bray, John Elmere, and Henry Redmayn, plaintiffs; and Elias Byngham and Ellen his wife, deforciants; of 3 messuages, 200 acres of land, 100 acres of pasture, and 60 acres of wood in Fawkham, Hartley and Ash.  Consideration: £100.

Fane and Lewkenour (Chantry Field)
PRO CP25/2 20/118 (Hillary 17 Henry VIII, 1526)

Between Thomas Fane, plaintiff, and Richard Lewkenour, deforciant, of 2 messuages, 1 water mill, 3 gardens, 200 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 30 acres of wood, 40 acres of furze and heath and 20/- of rent with the appurtenances in Lyegh, Tunbrigge, Asshe, Hartley and Sevenok.  Consideration £80.  

Hammond & Agmondesham (Unknown location)
PRO CP25/2 21/130 (Hilary 27 Henry VIII, 1536)

Between Robert Hammond, plaintiff, and John Agmondesham gentleman, and Alice his wife, deforciants; of 2 messuages, 100 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 60 acres of pasture and 20 acres of wood in Fawkham, Hartley and Ash.  Consideration £100.

Godrey and Waterson (unknown location)
PRO CP25/2 22/136 (Hilary 31 Henry VIII, 1540)

Between Henry Godfrey, plaintiff, and William Waterson and Margaret his wife, deforciants; of 1 messuage and 26 acres of land in Hartley.  Consideration £20.

Swan and Balard (probably Hartley Wood and Gorse Wood)
PRO CP25/2 22/139 (Trinity 33 Henry VIII, 1541)

Between Thomas Swan gentleman, plaintiff, and Nicholas Balard gentleman and Mary his wife, deforciants, of 120 acres of land and 11 acres of wood in Hartley.

Sedley and Ballard (Manor of Hartley, Hartley Court)
PRO CP25/2 23/145 (Trinity 36 Henry VIII, 1544)

Between John Sedley gentleman, plaintiff, and Nicholas Ballard and Mary his wife, and John Ballard, deforciants; of manor of Hartley with 180 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture, 90 acres of wood and 5 acres of marsh in Hartley, Staplehurst, Fawkham, Ash, Longfield, Northfleet, Southfleet, Swanscombe and Kingsdown.  Consideration £333.

Swan and Gens (probably Middle Farm and Hartley Wood)
PRO CP25/2 23/146 (Hillary 36 Henry VIII, 1545)

Between William Adye, plaintiff, and Thomas Swan gentleman and Jocasa his wife, Robert Gense and Dorothy Swan, deforciants, concerning 5 messuages, 5 gardens, 5 orchards, 140 acres of land and 14 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Southflete and Hartley.  Consideration

Overy and Tappars (New House Farm - part, roughly equivalent to Northfield)
PRO CP25/2 72/603 (Easter 1&2 Philip and Mary, 1555)

Between John Overay, plaintiff, and Thomas Tappars and Joan his wife, the daughter and heir of William Swyather, deforciants, concerning 50 acres of land with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £25.

Walter and Fane (Chantry Field)
PRO CP25/2 72/609 (Michaelmas 3&4 Philip and Mary, 1557)

Between Thomas Walter, plaintiff, and Thomas Fane, deforciant, of 60 acres of land, 40 acres of pasture, 20 acres of wood, and 30 acres of furze and heath with the appurtenances in Asshe and Harteleye.  Consideration

Walter and White (Hartley Manor Farm)
KAO U947/T1/1(Easter 13 Elizabeth, 1571)

Between Thomas Walter, plaintiff, and Francis White and William White, defendants, of the manor of Fawkeham, and of 250 acres of land, 110 acres of meadow, 50 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood and 100 acres of furze and heath, and 40/- of rent with the appurtenances in Fawkeham, Hartley, Farnyngham, Stone, Darnte, St Margaret Hills, Horton Kyrby and Dartford.  And of the advowson of the Church of Fawkeham.  Consideration £200.

Sedley & others and Lovelace (unknown location)
PRO CP25/2 2471 (Trinity 22 Elizabeth, 1580)

Between William Lewyn esq., William Sedley gentleman, and John Riches gentleman, plaintiffs, and Leonard Lovelace, defendant, of the manors of Hever and Maplescompe with the appurtenances, and of 11 messuages, 2 dovecotes, 11 gardens, 1,000 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture, 200 acres of wood, 200 acres of furze and heath and 20/- of rent and of the rent of 12 hens with the appurtenances in Kyngesdowne, Asshe, Farnyngham, Fawkham, Horton, Hartlye, Maplescompe, Shorham, Eynysfords, Kempsyne and Seale.  Also of the advowson of the Church of Maplescompe. Consideration £800.

Burrowe and Northash (New House Farm)
PRO CP25/2 2483 (Michaelmas 25&26 Elizabeth I, 1583)

Between Thomas Burrowe, plaintiff, and John Nordyshe otherwise Northedge, and Alice his wife, and Alice Nordyshe otherwise Northedge widow, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 garden, 2 orchards, and 35 acres of land with the appurtenances in Hartley, Longfilde and Asshe,  Consideration

Best and Gens (Middle Farm)
PRO CP25/2 164/2505 (Easter 31 Elizabeth, 1589)

Between Richard Beste senior, plaintiff, and James Gens, deforciant, concerning 2 messuages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 140 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 40 acres of wood and 20 acres of furze and heath with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £400.

Kettell and Walter (Chantry Field)
PRO CP25/2 2508 (Hillary 32 Elizabeth, 1590)

Between John Kettell and Robert Kettell, plaintiffs, and Thomas Walter, defendant, of 6 messuages, 1 dovecote, 6 gardens, 6 orchards, 40 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 120 acres of pasture and 120 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Fawkham, Ash and Hartley.  Consideration £50.

Scudder and Averell (possibly Hartley Bottom Farm)
PRO CP25/2 165/2544 (Easter 41 Elizabeth, 1599)

Between William Scudder, plaintiff, and William Averell and Alice his wife, deforciants, of 4 messuages, 3 barns, 4 gardens, 4 orchards, 60 acres of land, 1 acre of meadow, 2 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Ashe and Hartley.  Consideration....

Bathurst and Lovelace (unknown location)
CP25/2 2518 (?)

Between Lancelot Batherst, plaintiff, and Leonard Lovelace esquire, and Richard Lovelace gentleman, defendants, of 1 messuage, 1 gardens, 1 orchard, 60 acres of land, 3 acres of wood, 50 acres of pasture, 8 acres of wood and 10 acres of furze with the appurtenances in Asshe and Falkeham.  Consideration £240.

Ellis and Umfry (Hartley Hill Cottage)
PRO CP25/2 307 (Michaelmas 2 James I, 1604)

Between Nicholas Ellys, plaintiff, and Thomas Umfry, deforciant, concerning 8 acres of land with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £40.
Catlyn and Carleton (Hottsfield)
PRO CP25/2 308 (5 James I, 1607)

Between Henry Catlyn, plaintiff, and Dudley Carleton esquire and Anne his wife, and Richard Harison esquire and Frances his wife, deforciants, of 20 acres of land and 4 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £41.

Launce and Launce (North Ash Farm)
PRO CP25/2 309 (Easter 10 James I, 1612)

Between James Lawnce, plaintiff, and Thomas Lawnce, deforciant, of 1 messuage, 2 barns, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 60 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture and 14 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Asshe and Hartley.  Consideration £60.
Taylor and Burrowe etc (New House Farm etc)
PRO CP25/2 310 (Hillary 14 James I, 1617)

Between William Taylor, plaintiff, and Anthony Godden and Elizabeth his wife, and Thomas Burrow, deforciants, of 2 messuages, 2 barns, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 60 acres of land and 10 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Ash, Hartley and Longfield.  Consideration £60.

Barham and Overy (Woodins)
PRO CP25/2 210 (Michaelmas 15 James I, 1617)

Between Richard Barham gentleman and Jane his wife, plaintiffs, and Richard Overy junior and Petronella his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 16 acres of land, 8 acres of pasture and 2 acres of wood in Hartley.  Consideration....

Burrow and Howell (Hottsfield)
PRO CP25/2 310 (Trinity 17 James I, 1619)

Between Thomas Burrow, plaintiff, and John Howell esquire and Jane his wife, deforciants, of 17 acres of land and 3 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley. Consideration....

Burrow and Overy (New House Farm - part)
PRO CP25/2 311 (Michaelmas 20 James I, 1622)

Between Thomas Burrowe, plaintiff, and Richard Overy and Petronella his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 2 barns, 1 garden, 60 acres of land, 10 acres of pasture and 2 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration

Best and Best (Middle Farm)
PRO CP25/2 312 (Hillary 22 James I, 1625)

Between Thomas Comfort and John Overy, plaintiffs, and Richard Best and Rebecca his wife; John Best and Elizabeth his wife; Edward Best and William Best, deforciants, of 2 messuages, 3 barns, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 120 acres of land, 2 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture, and 30 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley, Asshe next Farningham and Fawkham.  Consideration £160.

Best and Best (Middle Farm - part)
PRO CP25/2 434 (Trinity 1 Charles I, 1625)

Between Edward Best, plaintiff, and John Best and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, of 24 acres of land and 2 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £60.

Churchill and Beresford (probably Goldsmiths and Hartley Wood)
PRO CP25/2 439 (Hillary 10 Charles I, 1635)

Between Edward Churchill, plaintiff, and Thomas Beresford gentleman, and Tristram Beresford and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, of 60 acres of land, 10 acres of pasture, 60 acres of wood and 10 acres of furze and heath in Hartley.  Consideration £60.
Edwards and Skeath (Stocks Farm and Hartley Wood Corner)
PRO CP25/2 443 (Trinity 18 Charles I, 1642)
We know from other sources that this relates to an agreement to settle a dispute between the two parties.

Between John Edwards, plaintiff, and Alexander Skeath and Marian his wife, and Dorothy Tenth widow, deforciants, of 2 messuages, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 garden, 2 orchards, 16 acres of land, 3 acres of meadow, 8 acres of pasture, and 3 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £81.

Wigsell and Overy (Fairby - part)
PRO CP25/2 443 (Easter 19 Charles I, 1643)

Between Robert Wigsell, plaintiff, and John Overy and Richard Sommer and Margaret his wife, deforciants, of 34 acres of land and 6 acres of wood in Hartley.  Consideration £60

Eves & another and Tonge (Woodins)
PRO CP25/2 563 (Michaelmas 1656)

Between Joan Moore widow and George Eves, plaintiffs, and Ezerell Tonge clerk and Jane his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 15 acres of land, 8 acres of pasture and 2 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £50.

Young and Edwards (Hartley Cottage, Forge Cottage)
PRO CP25/2 564 (Hillary 1658/9)

Between Thomas Young, plaintiff, and John Edwards and Denise his wife, Thomas Edwards and Anne his wife, Richard Edwards, deforciants, of 2 messuages, 2 barns, 1 stable, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 18 acres of land, and 3 acres of pasture with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £100.

Boycott and Edwards (Hartley Wood Corner)
PRO CP25/2 669 (Trinity 12 Charles II, 1660)

Between Richard Boycott, plaintiff, and John Edwards and Denise his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 garden, 9 acres of land and 3 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £41.

Peckham and Beresford (Goldsmiths Cottage)
PRO CP25/2 670 (Michaelmas 15 Charles II, 1663)

Between Edmund Peckham gentleman, plaintiff, and Tristram Berisford and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 curtilage, 1 garden, 1 orchard and 34 acres of land with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £60.
Round and Edwards (Stocks Farm)
PRO CP25/2 671 (Michaelmas 19 Charles II, 1667)

Between John Round, plaintiff, and John Edwards and Eleanor his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 garden, 15 acres of land, 1 acre of meadow, 2 acres of pasture and 1 acre of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £41.

Holker and Stacey (Blue House Farm, Brickend)
PRO CP25/2 671(Easter 20 Charles II, 1668)

Between Laurence Holker gentleman, plaintiff, and Henry Stacey gentleman, deforciant, of 5 messuages, 1 brew house, 4 barns, 3 stables, 4 yards, 2 wharfs, 5 gardens, 3 orchards, 50 acres 1 rood of land, 10 acres of pasture and the passage of the River Thames in Hartley, Gravesend and Milton next Gravesend.

Scudder & others and Whiffen (Whiffin's Cottage)
PRO CP25/2 672 (Michaelmas 21 Charles II, 1669)

Between William Skudder, plaintiff, and Thomas Wouldham and Elizabeth his wife, James Wouldham and Helen his wife, James Wouldham junior and Elizabeth his wife, and George Whiffin and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 cottage, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 5 acres of land and 4 acres of pasture with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £60.

Walter and Fenner (Hartley Bottom Farm)
PRO CP25/2 674 (Michaelmas 28 Charles II, 1676)

Between Richard Walter, plaintiff, and William Fenner and Elizabeth his wife, defendants.  Of 1 messuage, 2 cottages, 1 barn, 1 stable, 2 orchards, 25 acres of land, 3 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Ashe, Kingsdowne, Hartley and Meopham.  Consideration £100.

Gifford and Miller (Stocks Farm)
PRO CP25/2 *** (Hillary 32 & 33 Charles II, 1681)

Between George Gifford esq, plaintiff, and John Miller and Margaret his wife, deforciants, concerning 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 20 acres of land and 2 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £100.

Round and Eves (Woodins)
PRO CP25/2 *** (Trinity 33 Charles II, 1681)

Between John Round gentleman, plaintiff, and Geoffrey Eves clerk and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, concerning 1 messuage, 2 cottages, 2 barns, 2 stables, 2 gardens, 3 orchards, 24 acres of land and 4 acresof pasture with the appurtenances in Hartley and Southfleete.  Consideration £100.

Young and Best (Middle Farm)
PRO CP25/2 782 (Hillary 1 & 2 James II, 1686)

Between Thomas Young, plaintiff, and Dorothy Best widow, Edward Best and Anne his wife, deforciants, concerning 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 garden, 30 acres of land, 10 acres of pasture and 10 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £100.

Knight and Piggott (Hartley Hill Cottage)
PRO CP25/2 841 (Michaelmas 5 William & Mary, 1693)

Between William Knight and William Skudder, plaintiffs, and Nicholas Pigott and Jane his wife and Oliver Skudder, deforciants, concerning 1 messuage, 1 cottage, 2 barns, 2 gardens, 2 orchards and 10 acres of land with the appurtenances in Hartley and Stansted. Consideration £60.

Copland and Young & another (Middle Farm)
PRO CP25/2 843 (Easter 10 William & Mary, 1698)

Between Thomas Copland, plaintiff, and John Young and Edward Best and Anne his wife, deforciants of 2 messuages, 2 barns, 2 stables, 2 yards, 2 gardens, 1 orchard, 65 acres of land, 10 acres of pasture and 12 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £160.

Middleton and Swan (Unknown location)
PRO CP25/2 843 (Trinity 13 William & Mary, 1701)

Between Henry Middleton, plaintiff, and William Swan, baronet, and Judith his wife, deforciants, of 12 acres of land and 7 acres of wood with the appurtenances in the parishes of Longfield and Hartley.  Consideration £60.

Batt and Whiffen (Whiffin's Cottage and Goodwin's Cottage)
PRO CP25/2 933 (Hillary 4 Anne, 1706)

Between Robert Batt, plaintiff, and John Whiffin and Sarah Whiffin widow, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 cottage, 1 barn, 1 stable, 2 gardens, 2 orchards and 8 acres of land with the appurtenances in the parish of Hartley.  Consideration £60.

Taylor and Eves & others (Woodins)
PRO CP25/2 934 (Michaelmas 5 Anne, 1706)

Between Richard Taylor clerk, plaintiff, and Samuel Hooper, and Martha his wife, Henry Woodin and Sarah his wife, Elizabeth Lampard widow, George Eves, William Eves and Geoffrey Eves, defendants, of 1 messuage, 2 cottages, 2 barns, 2 stables, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, 24 acres of land and 4 acres of pasture with the appurtenances in the parishes of Hartley and Southfleet.  Consideration £100.

Smith & another and Young (Fairby)
PRO CP25/2 1023 (Hillary 4 George I, 1718)

Between Nicholas Smith gentleman and John Arnell (?) gentleman, plaintiffs, and Thomas Young gentleman and John Young, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 2 stables, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 150 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasture, and 40 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley, Fawkham and Ash.  Consideration £160.

Austen and Peckham (Goldsmiths Cottage)
PRO CP25/2 1025 (Hillary 9 George I, 1723)

Between Francis Austen gentleman, plaintiff, and Edmund Peckham gentleman, and Reginald Peckham esquire, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 20 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 10 acres of pasture and 6 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Hartley and Northfleet.  Consideration £60.

Trollope and Eggerton (Hartley Manor Farm)
PRO CP25/2 1026 (Trinity 11 George I, 1725)

Between Thomas Trollope gentleman, plaintiff, and Ralph Eggerton esquire, and Elizabeth his wife and Charles Eggerton gentleman, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 120 acres of land, 40 acres of pasture, 6 acres of wood and common pasture for all animals with the appurtenances in the parish of Hartley.  Consideration £120.

Lethieullier and Eggerton (Hartley Manor Farm)
PRO CP25/2 1026 (Trinity 12 George I, 1726)

Between William Lethieullier esq, plaintiff, and Ralph Eggerton gentleman and Elizabeth his wife, and Charles Eggerton gentleman, of 1 messuage, 2 barns, 2 stables, 2gardens, 2 orchards, 120 acres of land, 40 acres of pasture, 6 acres of wood and common pasture for all beasts with the appurtenances in Hartly.  Consideration £160.

Glover and Best (Black Lion)
PRO CP25/2 1142 (Easter 4 George II, 1731)

Between Richard Glover, plaintiff, and Edmund Best and Martha his wife, and John Best, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 garden, 1 orchard and 6 acres of land with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £60.

Hayward and Walter (Hartley Bottom Farm)
PRO CP25/2 1142 (Easter 4 George II, 1731)

Between Christopher Hayward, plaintiff, and Thomas Walter and Anne his wife, deforciants, of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 garden, 1 orchard and 6 acres of land with the appurtenances in Hartley.  Consideration £60.

Moyse and Selby (probably New House Farm)
PRO CP25/2 1145 (Michaelmas 16 George II, 1742)

Between Francis Moyse gentleman, plaintiff, and William Selby esquire, and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, of 6 messuages, 7 barns, 6 stables, 6 gardens, 6 orchards, 350 acres of land, 80 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, and 50 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Ash next Ridley, Kingsdown, Hartley, Northfleet, Meopham, Longfield, Horton Kirby, Deptford, Ightham, Shipbourne and Seal.  And the annual rent of £5 issuing out of the capital messuage called "Warrens" and the lands thereto belonging in Ash next Ridley, Ridley and Meopham.  Consideration £520.

Smith and Smith (Middle Farm)
PRO CP25/2 1332 (Hillary 2 George III, 1761)

Between Charles Smith, plaintiff, and William Smith and Catherine his wife, deforciants, of 14 messuages, 2 malthouses, 18 barns, 18 stables, 1 toft, 18 gardens, 20 orchards, 700 acres of land, 60 acres of meadow, 150 acres of pasture and 150 acres of wood with the appurtenances in Mepham, Luddesdowne, Cobham, Ash-next-Ridley, Ridley, Hartley and Cliffe.  Consideration £1,000.

Hayes and Wells (Longfield Old Rectory)
PRO CP25/2 1333 (Michaelmas? 4 George III, 1763/4)

Between Christopher Hayes, plaintiff, and James Wells and Eleanor his wife, deforciants of a third part of 11 messuages, 11 cottages, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 12 acres of land, 14 acres of pasture, and 7 acres of wood with the appurtenances in the parishes of Strood, Dartford, Longfield, and Hartley.  Consideration £260.

Frankton and Glover (unknown location)
PRO CP25/2 1334 (Hillary 8 George III, 1768)

Between John Franckon, plaintiff, and William Basden, and Francis Glover and Mary his  wife, deforciants, of 4 messuages, 4 barns, 4 stables, 4 gardens, 4 orchards, 6 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, and 8 acres of marsh with the appurtenances in Northfleet and Hartley.  Consideration £100.

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