Parish Magazine 1923 - 1938
The All Saints' Church Parish Magazine ran from 1923 to 1938. It was founded by its first editor John Wells Thatcher, a barrister and churchwarden who lived at the old Gun Station cottage by Manor Field in Church Road (since demolished and replaced by Plum Castle and Cobweb Corner). It is a very important source for the interwar years, as it includes a lot of general news and reports from the various societies. It also featured regular updates from Hartley's Congregational (later United Reformed) Church. Many local businesses were advertisers.
It ends rather abruptly with edition 59 in January 1938. There is no indication that this edition was to be the last and it even featured some new advertisers. However war time shortages and government control of newsprint would have meant that the Parish Magazine would have found it near impossible to continue after 1939 anyway.
Links to the scanned editions are listed below. Each PDF copy contains an index of links to articles. Optical character recognition has been used on the text which should be fully searchable. Some names have been redacted for data protection reasons.